Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn looked away and blushed when Archie pulled his shirt up, hoping that maybe he would be able to fix this. "You... Like it?" he asked softly, shivering at the feeling of Archie's fingers tracing over the stretch marks.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"I like it. Yea, it looks different, but rhis is the mark of our son. Hm let's see if we could make it look even better." He said standing up to get the lotion they used back when Logan was still within Malorn, and spread a generous amount on it, getting everypart of Malorn's belly soft and moist.

Malorn was like putty in Archie's hands when he rubbed lotion all over the belly, the Russian relaxing significantly, sighing contently and cuddling up with his love. "I love you," he murmured, allowing his eyes to close.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yep, and I love you too, dont you forget about that. Just sleep, you need this rest." Archie's heart melted at how Malorn was showing his weak side to him afterall, trusting him in taking care of all problems. He continued his rubbing carefully, his palms gentle and smoothing as he made sure Malorn's stretchmarks were getting soaked in lotions.

Malorn hummed in agreement at Archie's command telling him to sleep, drifting off with the gentle hands against his belly. He woke a few hours later at the sound of Logan's cries, noticing Archie was asleep, sneaking out of the room and heading to the nursery. He picked up Logan, surprised at how easilt he calmed after taking a bottle and having his diaper changed.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie mumbled incoherently in his sleep, his arms searching blindly on the suddenly vacated bed, in search of his favourite teddy. He pouted his lips when he failed to find his target, shifting and tossing around, looking like an enlarged veesion of Logan squirming and tossing around when Malorn returned into the bedroom.

Malorn couldn't help but laugh at the sight of his lover tossing and turning in bed, shushing him and crawling back into bed next to him. "I am here, my darling, do not worry," he whispered, kissing his cheek.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie soon settled with Malorn in his arms, and he slept with his head on his shoulder, his lips unconsciously pouting not unlike Logan, pressing them against Malorn's flesh. He mumbled somethign incoherent before calming down entirely, falling deep asleep again.

Malorn couldn't help but smile, snuggling up with his love and falling asleep for the night. As the months passed, Logan grew into a beautiful, mischievous child, but lovable nonetheless.

✨don't look at my sin✨

(How do you want to continue? I am thinking the first day of Malorn resuming duty, though if you wanna skip ahead to when Logan's already a few years old it would be fine as well. Or, do you want to continue?)

(I was thinking that maybe Logan's a few years older and they have another kid. Not sure tho, this is kinda losing steam)

✨don't look at my sin✨

(Hmm yep we could do it for another kid.... say he didnt discover it intil he was almost into his 2nd trimester. I dunno, fainting in office from skipping lunchwhich gave him low blood sugar level. Or, if you dont feel like it, then we could also end it here.)

((i really like that idea))

A few years had passed since Archie and Malorn had their son. A hectic few years, with their weddings and various holidays with Archie's family. Logan grew into a calm boy, shy and quite introverted, not unlike his carrier. Archie had brought up the prospect of another child a few times, but Malorn had been somewhat hesitant, not wanting Logan to feel replaced or jealous. However, one of their love-making sessions while Logan was away with his grandparents had resulted in conception, though no one really noticed. Malorn had been sick a few times, though it was nothing he couldn't handle. A headache here, a stomach bug there. He was still getting used to diseases in the United States, and he was raising a five-year-old. Even Archie had fallen ill a few times due to Logan. It wasn't until late in Malorn's first trimester that something happened, the Russian skipping lunch and deciding to work through it instead. He'd done it plenty of times before, he was sure that it couldn't do much harm. However, he began to feel dizzy, and during a presentation of all things! He tried to fight through it, but before he knew it, the ground seemed to be coming closer... Malorn was surprised to wake in a hospital, feeling uneasy on top of his dizziness and confusion. He wasn't a fan of doctors or of hospitals, not trusting them in Russia, and barely trusting them in the States. The blond fumbled around in bed for a few moments, attempting to find a button that called a nurse into a room. He knew they existed... He looked up when a nurse came in, ceasing his fidgeting. "How did I get here? Where is my husband?" he asked. Malorn's English had gotten better over the years, though his accent was still strong and prominent.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie, not knowing if that was good or bad luck, hadnt been present on the meeting. He wasnt one of the involved members of the project he was handling and therefore, wasnt sitting in. Thereby, he had almost been the last one in the office to be notified of the inciedent, just happening to have gone to a client's office on the other side of town. He rushed to the hospital as soon as he got the news, but was trapped by the rush hour traffic. He almost ran into the hospital to get to Malorn, not even having the time to meet with the doctor.

He opeend the door and rushed into the room, panting and his usually pristine shirt (thansk to help from Malorn) was all creased and flying around in his sprint to the room. "Malorn!" He wasnt updated and was only told his husband fainted, and logically his mind started generating more and more horrible things. To see Malorn clearly conscious now was quite a relief. "Oh gosh love you scared me big times! How are you feeling? Where's the doctor?" He said clutxhing his hand while looking around, his chest still heaving.

Malorn jumped slightly when Archie burst into the room, accepting his husband into his arms, kissing him softly. "Darling, darling, it's alright. I'm fine," he murmured. "Not sure where the doctor is. I'm sure they'll be here soon," he reassured, squeezing Archie's hand. "Where is Logan? Did you tell someone to pick him up from school?" he asked softly, worried about their son more than himself. He'd just started kindergarten, and was worried about how Logan was adjusting.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yea yea the babysitter went. I called her. You sure you are alright?" He shoot a threatening look at the nurse as he speak, and was about to lose it and release all his frustration on the innocent.person, when the doctor finally came through. "Dr! Is my husband alright?" Archie asked immediately, without even leaving tbe side of Malorn.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," Malorn attempted to soothe once again, not wanting his husband to yell at the nurse, knowing it wasn't their fault. "Please, my love, calm down," he uttered into Archie's ear when he shouted at the doctor, squeezing his hand once again.

The doctor remained calm and collected, nodding as he looked over Malorn's chart. "Yes, he's alright. His blood sugar was simply too low, and it caused the fainting. The pregnancy may have been a contributing factor, with blood flow more focused on the baby."


✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie was equally as shocked. "Baby you say? Pregnancy? This couldnt be, my husband's not.... " he hesitated at thid point and met eyes with Malorn, seeing his shock as well. He scrunched his face together seeing how he put the pieces together. "Gosh Malorn.... it ... that does explain a lot of things. We are having a baby!" He said, laughig hysterically until that merged together into a wholehearted laugh. He had been looking forward to this, and wven though it had come as a bit of shock at first, he was finding quite thrilled. He squeezed Malorn's thigh and was already peeping at Malorn's belly. He had noticed his pants going a bit tight, but he had never made the association.

Malorn couldn't help but laugh softly as well, wondering how he couldn't have noticed things. He was just as sick as he had been when he was pregnant with Logan, maybe even more so. Malorn relished in the squeeze to his thigh, a hand instinctively going to his belly, though it was too early to be felt to a great extend, any remnants hidden by the hospital gown currently.

The doctor seemed a little startled that the couple in front of him didn't know, but he was glad that they were accepting. "I'll have the ultrasound specialist come in and have a look. By our estimations, you're almost in your second trimester," he told, the couple grinning at each other.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Gosh how could we miss that! We arent even first time parents.... we would have to tell Logna soon that he will be a big brother soon. And the doctor said you are almost in your second trimester!" Archie said, turning to Malorn after the doctor disappeared out of the room. He kissed Malorn's forehead gently. "Thank you Malorn.... it would be difficult for you the next few months. Thanks for doing this again." He said then looked down at Malorn's belly. "We would have to pull those old garments from last time.... gosh i almost teased you with your belly this morning!" He said remmebering how he saw Malorn struggled with his slacks, sucking in his belly to get the button to meet.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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