Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn let Archie go, wishing that he would stay so he could find some sort of comfort in his husband. He tried to sleep, restless with anxiety of his daughter coming early.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie almost tiptoed his way back down, still feeling guilty for causing such discomfort on his husband. He knew Malorn had been stressed, the problematic pregnancy bringing him lots of pressure. He held his breath as he went back into the living room, trying to see if his husband was still mad at him as he was convinced he would be.

Malorn caught Archie's hand as he snuck back into the living room, snuggling close to his husband, too tired to be angry. "She still needs a middle name," he spoke, closing his eyes as he nuzzled into Archie's side.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie let out a sigh of relief feeling his hsuband pressing against him. he squeezed Malorn's shoulder and led him to their bedroom, also helping to hold the belly up slightly, lifting it gently. "How about Chrstine?"

Malorn shuffled along to their bedroom, leaning heavily against his husband, exhausted. He sat on the edge of the bed once they reached it, carefully adjusting himself to lay down. "Anastasia Christine... I like that."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Anastasia.... be good and stay inside of your daddy for longer ok? You need more time to grow. There''s no hurry coming out to meet us, we would always be here and ready to love you." Archei stroked Malorn's belly as he helped him move over, quickly kissing their daughter befotr getting ready for the night himself.

"Listen to your papa, Принцесса. We want to meet you, but not yet," Malorn whispered, rubbing his belly for a moment before curling up on his side (the only comfortable position for him anymore), cuddling up with Archie when he returned to bed and dozing off.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Even though attacked with sporadic Braxtons that was quite intense, their daughter seemed to have taken her fathers' advice and more or less stayed where she should be, though Malorn suffered from heartburn and hip pains as she continued to put on weight, and in the end Archie just was no.longer feeling comfortable leaving Malorn at home.alonr.with only Logan as company.

"I do not need a babysitter, darling," Malorn argued softly when Archie brought up the idea. "Just take early family leave, I'll sure that they will let you."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You seriously dont want my company?" Archie had asked, hiding the slight hurt he felt, being outright rejected. "Everything put aside... you wouldnt have to struggle to prrpare lunch for Logan on your own. And what if there's something unexpected happening? Malorn... let me just be here to accompany you. Please?"

"Is not that I do not want your company, I do not want you to be stuck here with me," Malorn murmured, taking Archie's hand and lacing their fingers together. "I do not do much but lay around all of the time and sleep. Especially when Logan isn't home."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Lay around is nice, i could lay arounf with you." Archie continued to persuade Malorn. "I am not stuck.... you make it sound like you are trouble, which you are not. In fact, you are quite the opposite to me." He clutched Malorn's hand and squeezed.

Malorn nodded as Archie spoke, terrified of being a burden to his husband, the need for independence still strong. Even after so many years together, Malorn still relied on himself more than anything. "Okay, you can stay if you really want to."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie sighed at the reluctant acceptance. He released Malorn and patted his shoulder before leaving. Perhaps he had been too pushy, he didnt really need to stay here. He had a lot to think about.

Malorn wanted to take Archie's hand again, but hesitated, reading the annoyance in his husband's eyes. Finally, Malorn was almost due, his belly large and low. The doctor even predicted that their little girl would be bigger than Logan was when he was born. The Russian ignored initial contractions, believing them to be just Braxtons.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie in the end continued working. This incident had made Archie a little more reserved. There was an invisible wall between them somehow, as Archie fell into self-doubt and reflection. He returned home, crashing down on the couch and loosening his tie as he now usually did, needing a few minutes to recollect himself before facing Malorn.

Malorn knew that the awkwardness between him was his fault, trying to fix it but he didn't know how to. He hoped that the arrival of their daughter could fix it, or that Malorn could figure out a way to express how he felt. Malorn gently nudged Archie when he came home, putting his husband's hand on his belly. "Have been having contractions today. I think."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"What?" Archie sat up quick and asked. "Gosh Malorn you should have....." he bit back the accusation knowing this shouldnt be th3 time. "Come here... how long? And how far apart? Sorry Malorn...." he apologized even though he didnt know what he was doing that for. He rubbed the belly and hugged Malorn tight.

"I know I should have said something. Wanted to make sure they were real before saying anything," Malorn chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "Only last about half a minute. About twenty minutes apart," he answered, cuddling close to his husband.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie didnt jnow whether he should be annoyed or laugh at the extend of his husband's stubborness. "You think we should call the doula? Mayeb we should wait.... is Logan still up? Do you want him to be here?" Arxhie asked hugging Malorn tight. Even though this time they were more.experienced, it seemed like they were less prepared.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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