Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

Sam finally stopped crying when he heard that. They took more 45 mins for leading home. It was really lucky that no one home now since their oldest children went to the camp while James and Harry were at the nursery. The pain wasn't too bad when they got home, and Sam could still walk, but his husband didn't seem to like that since Henry helped him out of the car and lifted him up, leading to the bedroom. "H....Henry, I know that it's too late for saying this, but I'm sorry. I won't happen if I believe you." He said with his sadness. He also asked his husband for taking his tight clothes off. He could feel that it was the labor. It wasn't too close, but his son would come soon. Sam just hoped his husband's forgiving as he wanted lots of encouragement for this. He couldn't handle that if his husband was still upset during his labor.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry sighed and kissed Sam gently while he was in his arms. "If you want me to forgive you, then kiss me. And bring your arms around my neck, i want to feel you." He said with a teasing smile. "It's ok. I know how headstrong you are, especially when it's related matters involving our family. We would be in this together. As annoyed as I was, i still love you so much, sometimes I am surprised myself for being so addicted in you." He said putting Sam gently on the bed. His legs dangled at the side of the bed and Henry kissed them both before peeling the shirt off his wife. The garment had left marks on his perfect belly, and Henry kissed on those lines, like he's worshipping thrm.

Sam was moaning softly when Henry kissed his belly for many times. "I love you too, Henry. I'm addicted to you as much as you are." The contractions were so bad now, but it caused such a strong pain sometimes. "He's coming, Henry. He is coming" Sam said, touching Henry's face gently as he covered on to Sam's body and rubbed his belly gently. Sam also asked his husband to take of his loose pants. He knew that it was too early for being naked, but it was more comfortable for Sam. His belly was dropping and the baby was moving down. He could feel how big his son was.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry pulled off his pants, moving it down Sam's ripe belly and bubbly butt, caressing his soft skin while he did so. He rubbed circles on Sam's hips, using his palms to warm the area up so he could suffer a little less from the baby sitting low in his pelvis. Sam sitting with his legs spread wide on the bed was reminding Henry of the times when their babies were conceived. "You are so strong Sam, this is going to be ok. Our baby's gonna be here soon, our big boy."

Sam was breathing heavily during the stronger contractions and shorter time between it. "I....I can feel him. He is coming" He said, moaning in pain as the baby was moving down, pressing against his pelvis. It wasn't helpful when Henry started rubbing his hands over Sam's hips, but it was better than did nothing. Sam grabbed his husband tightly when the strong contraction hit him. "Arhhhh, C....can you check? I know my water hasn't broken yet, but please" He said, trying to handle the pain. He rocked his hips back and forth, trying to make more space for the baby.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry nodded and gently spread Sam's legs, planting his feet on the bed. "IF you feel pain, tell me." With that, he eased a finger into Sam's anus, which was a little swollen from increased bloodflow. "Relax babe... this is nothing to be worried about." Henry said gently, nibbling on his neck. "You are experienced in this, besides, this time it's only one baby." He smiled, caressing the bottom of the belly before pressing in further, drawing a slightly uncomfrotable whimper from his wife. "shall i use some lube?"

"Y...yeah, only one, but he is huge." He said, moaning in pain as Henry put his fingers further. It was quite pain since Sam's olh was so sensitive with anything. "Ahhh, It's fine for this time just please quickly" Sam said, bending forward and holind his husband tightly. Henry's hand on his belly was helpful since its warmth could stretch his muscle. He let a loud moan as the strong contraction hit him and the baby pressed down harder. "P...please do it quickly" He said, close ng his eyes tightiy, trying to ease his pain.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry held Sam's waist and comforted him in his pain. He managed to just reach his cervix when the contraction hit, which had him clenching his muscle on his finger so much he couldn't really move. He tried his best to move around, and kissed Sam lightly on his cheeks to console his wife. "This will be quick, yes I promise sam... keep your breathing steady..." He comforted and felt around. Considering Sam had been walking around for the whole day, he was in fact progressing slower than he thought. The baby was pressing hard against his cervix, but he was only 4 cm dilated.

"You are almost halfway, yes, doing good Sam." Henry said it, making his voice cheerful. HE wouldn't wnat to add to Sam's further anxiety.

"It's so bad, aghh" Sam said, moaning in pain as the baby was pressing against his cervix. It took more almost an hour for more 3 cm and he was 7 cm now. "Arhhh,"Sam whimpered, holding his husband tightly. He pressing his head on Henry shoulder as his husbans was in frint of him, rubbing his belly with his both hands and trying to slow down the contractions. The pregress was slow but the the contractins were getting stronger and stronger. He gasped so bad whne the strongest one hit him resulting almost breathless Sam.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Breath babe... just breath...." Henry said rubbing his back to encourage sam coping with teh contractions. the contractions were strong but they were dilating Sam's cervix well. Of course Henry hoped for as quick progress as possilbe, for Sam could hardly handle anymore walking from the whole day tour they had already gone through. He also rubbed his belly and caress it, though it would be all up to Sam to deal with the pain now.

Sam tried to breathe through the contractions hit him over and over. It took more almost hour with lots of whimpers from Sam. Sam was 7 cm now and he could even handle with the pain. The progress was slow, but the contraction was stronger and stronger. "Argh, It hurts" Sam whimpered moaning in pain. He still moved his hips back and forth, trying to make everything faster. "C....can you bring me some water?" He asked his husband who was trying to take care him everything. Sam was already tired now., so he needed more energy for his labor.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(nice new profile pic. Remind me of the setting of the new rp that we are going to start... )

Henry kissed Sam before leaving the bed to get some water. He took with him a birth ball as well when he came back. He put the ball down before scooping Sam up from the bed and fed him some water. He felt around his belly while Sam drank, determining and nodded to himself when he found the baby was dropping decently, head down as he had determined in the previous ultrasound. He rubbed his back, especially the lower part, to ease some of the tensions.

(It's from the anime hehe. I may start that rp later. Is that fine? Love to play in this one now haha. We talked about the shoulders are stuck and make Sam need to push harder and harder, resulting in his bleeding, right? Do we need to end it at the hospital or Hanry can handle that at home?)

Sam couldn't even drink that much water. The pain was getting worse. He breathed through the contractions, trying to handle it as much as he could. He let a loud and painful moan when the strong contraction hit him again. "Arhhh, I.....I need to push soon, Can you check me again?" Sam said, moaning in pain. He arched his back a bit, trying to ease the pressure, but it wasn't helpful since the baby was in the position. His body was getting red and sweaty since everything was going so slow, but making its progress.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I like this as well! and if you are ok, i think we could handle 2 at the same time ;) Henry would be able to handle the delivrey at home, but he would have called an ambulance when teh baby's stuck and Sam started bleeding. They would then wake up in the hospital afterwards... does it sound ok to you?)

"You are feeling the urge to push arleady?" Henry frowned and quickly slipped a finger into Sam while he arched up his back. He was quick this time, and his frown deepened when he found the dilation to be still around only 8. "breath through this Sam. Are you feeling even more pain than before? Tell me how this feel, is it any different from your previous experience?" He asked, afraid there could be some other complicatons leadign to his slow progress.

"I...I don't know, ahhrhh, It hurts. it isn't same with my last labor." Sam said, trying to breathe through the contraction. The urge to push was so strong and Sam didn't know if he could handle that for a long time. The baby was big and he was pressing against Sam's cervix so bad. He gasped with another strong contraction, making face head fall on Henry's shoulders. He held Henry's hand tightly, trying to not push, but it was hard for Sam. " me when I can push, Henry. It's so bad."

(Maybe the bleeding start during his pushing the shoulders out and get worse after the baby come out? We can make ambulance arrieve when their son come out and Sam has passed out. Idk if I can handle 2 rps, we'll see after this.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yea if you prefer we could finush this birth first before starting the other one. And yes that idea is good.)

"You are not ready yet, Sam. Focus on me, breath deep, relax as much as you can. I will try if i could encourage the dilation.... it would hurt but it should make your cervix dialte a little faster." Henry's finger still deep on Sam started rubbing circles on the ring of muscle, slowly encoueaging the dilation or.his cervix through externally massaging it. He could feel something hard pressing down on his fingertip and knew that could be the baby. He held Sam with his other hand, patting his head as he nibbled his facr.

(I think I still want to play this one after the labor, haha. I'll be busy soon since I have already started my research. Maybe we can delay our new rp. Sorry about it)

"Arhhh" Sam was moaning in pain as Henry out his fingers deeply. He leaned forward, pressing his head against Henry's chest. "I....I can't. It hurts, arhh" Sam whimpered, trying to handle his pain. It took more an hour for the slow progress. They both could hear something pop out, following with lots of fluids from Sam's hold. "arghh" He moaned in pain. It was good that his water had finally broken up. Sam just needed to wait till he could push.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh good luck with that! Doesnt matter, we could see how fast we progress with this labor, delaying the new one is also fine :))

Henry had, from time to time, press deep into Sam and rubbed on his cervix berween contractions, but soon they were coming so close together he dkdnt have the time for that, so he resolved to hugging sam tight, rubbing hus hips and thighs, putting him to bounce on the birth ball for awhile before putting Sam back on bed as he started whimpering and lost his balance on the ball. Henry stayed close to Sam when his water broke. It wasnt a huge splash, just some water coming out like they spilled a glass of water, and Henry actually smiled with this marked progress. "This is great SAM... I guess it's time we check you again. Spread your legs for me, love?"

(Yeah this labor may be hard but not too long)

"Arhhh" Sam moaned in pain as he tried to spread his legs widely. He out his hands against the bed, trying to keep his balance as Henry started checking him again. He could feel Henry's fingers inside his ass. The water had splashed more as his husband made a wider way for that. He threw his head back as the contraction hit him again. Sam could wait till the checking till he would ask to move to the headboard. He moaned kouder as the baby pressed down harder on his cervix.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Sam, howverr, was not as dilated as Henry thought. He had only progressed to 9cm, and it looked like hr would still have to wait a little. He was feeling the contraction building up again as Sam clenched tight on his finger, his whole body tensed up and the baby's head slammed down onto his fingertip again. Henry kept his finger still and murmured at the sife of Sam to remind him to breath through this particularly strong contraction. It took a full minute for it to die down, and Henry moved Sam into a more sitting position, putting himself behind his wife so he could act as a cushipn for him. It took, however, another excruciating 45 minutes for Sam to make any real progress as his pained moan turned into an urgent plea to push. Henry noddrd his consent for he felt pushing could be the best thing, whether or.not Sam overcame that final cm. This had dragged on long and he hoped the push would overcome all obstacles.

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