C Slaves to Magic (Closed)

In a world where magic is might, society stood divided by blood. The blessed ones, to whom manipulating the energies of the world around them was second nature. The scholars, who had talent yet needed time and effort to reach a third of the power the laziest of the blessed boasted. Even the normal folk could perform some minor spells. On the bottom of the scale, those with no magic at all, the cursed, even rarer than the blessed and, strangely, all male. 

Looked at as blights in an otherwise 'perfect' society, the cursed, even rarer than the blessed, were collected in boarding houses that were slave markets in all but their name, waiting for wealthy patrons to buy them and give them a purpose in life. The blessed in particular tended to grab as many cursed as they could and show them off as their private collection.

A tall figure, cloaked in silver, walked calmly around the rune limited enclosures of the cursed, hand stretched out with a small white flame on his palm. Each time he approached a cursed one, the fire changed colors and enlarged slightly. Each time, a low groan would follow suit as he turned to the next one, muttering always the same. 'Not enough...'

((Feel free to join.))

I'll rp

((Awesome. If anyone else wants to feel free to join as well))

I would like to join sounds interesting

((Come right in!))

(I don't know how to start though (

((No biggie, depending on the role you want to play your character will either be window shopping, if it's a seeder/blessed, or penned in waiting for someone to come around and take them, with varying degrees of acceptance, if it's a carrier/cursed :) ))

(Well i mostly do carrier so I might be the carrier (

((Whichever floats your boat, I can play more than one character if need be))

(I can play more then one as well (

(Sounds interesting. I'll give it a go. Let me know if this makes sense.)

Great. More individuals that toted around magic came through the place again. Of course if he had that ability, maybe he wouldn't be in such a state of slavery, but that was something he could brood about later. If he was considered and picked, then chances were he was being whisked off by someone with a better status than where he presently stood. That couldn't be bad, right? One thing was for certain, the reasonably tall male was certainly tired of being seen as a collection for others to gawk at.

"Just smile and try to look pretty," he joked amongst himself mentally. "Or hey, sport the charming smile. Whatever works..."

He was told those were some of his best qualities, from the parents who dumped him here in the first place -they could snap their fingers and make the magic happen while he was the oddball they didn't want in their midst ever again- to a few others who would glance by him, but ultimately went with a few other Cursed individuals instead. What were his other best qualities? Well, there was the slight rosy complexion to his skin, the stubble that could grow to a beard if he chose to do so -he kept it either shaved or just maintained like now-, his olive toned eyes and even more important, to him at least, brains. Some never went for the intelligence however, so it was usually the others that won out. Still, it wasn't like he was filthy and in rags. It was just the collar on his ankle, sealed by magic, that assured him he really wasn't free.

He stood and waited for the figure clad in silver fabric to walk by and say the same thing he was mumbling for the past several seconds, whatever "not enough" meant.

((Yup, fits right in))

To those intrigued by the cloak, the definition of enough was readily apparent as the flame enlarged from regular candle fire size to a firey white grapefuit. "Well then..." It was definitly a male voice, with a low tone, but clearly amused. The cowl shifted as he looked around, inspecting the four Cursed that surrounded him presently. A middle aged, stocky blonde, a spindly, blue haired youth, another youth, brooding, hazel eyed and surveilling his strange little trek through the pens and red head that barely looked a day over 10. 50/50 chance of landing someone he could use.

 "So. Which one?"

As if a living, breathing being, the flame tightened into an arrow shape and replied in kind, pointing to the taller young man. The cloaked mage stood a head above the slave, and up close he seemed someone built for a life of physical work rather than priviledge. "You look really bored. What's your name?"


He was minding his business as much as possible. That was until an arrow made of said material that eluded his capabilities seemingly pointed him out. He moved the small amount of brown hair covering his eyes a bit as the figure approached him, asking for his name.

"Just Trystan," he responded. He used to have a last name, but with parents and a younger set of siblings not wanting to associate with him, it was lost in translation. "And bored is probably about right. Standing here and waiting, it eventually weighs on the soul."

He wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind. He was merely saying what most were usually afraid to say around their owner. If that's what brought the other towards him asides from whatever that magical construct found worthy with his being, why not talk more fluidly? He tried his best not to stare too much at the cloaked figure. Only when fully spoken to, he was told.

The cheekyness didn't seem to trouble the mage, even getting a chuckle out of him. "Well, consider your wait to be over then, Trystan. Your days of standing there looking pretty are finished, for better and for worse." The man extended his hand towards the barrier carved out by the magical runes, fusing the white arrow into it. It was a proof of identity of sorts and a payment all in one, a piece of mana to feed the magical batteries that kept the place up and running. In return, the surface of Trystan's Cursed anklet shone briefly with a blue light, subsiding into the form of runes engraved into it, as a transfer of ownership.

"Perfect." He nodded, approving of the event. It'd been a good while since he'd last bought a Cursed for himself. It used to be a rather cruder affair, the master's seal, involving burning irons sizzling with magic to mark the slave. This was much less damaging. "My name is Minos, and I'm obviously your new master." The barrier surrounding Trystan's space evaporated into nothingness so the slave could come out. "I'm working on an experiment and I need you to succeed at it.

(Can I join or it's already closed?)

((Go ahead!))

Oh, was it truly his day? The male was just told that all his years of waiting had finally come to an end. It should be relief really. Would he rub it in the face of others like most had done before? Tell them he was off to some better place? Maybe he would scream with tears full of regret for not having magic and being landed in such a situation like others have done as well. No. He just felt completely indifferent about the matter.

"Very well, Master Minos," he minded his manners when addressing him. "What is it you would have me do that I must succeed at?"

He didn't ask what the consequences would be were he to fail. It was better to hear of the odd job firstly, he thought. There were reasons why Trystan did not last long with "masters." He just saw them as individuals who felt they were important because they could wave their fingers and make magic happen. Honestly, from how he was raised, he didn't see much of a difference asides from that, but there were many that did and so he usually kept quiet unless it was something he refused to bite his tongue on. It was that specific reason why many usually sent him back, making him a Cursed Curse, he liked to think. That was the past and this was the present though. What indeed did this Minos have in mind for him.

The doors of the boarding houses opened up, and three people entered making a scene. Two of them tried to control the last, who fought and moved like a snake slipping out of the men's arms. His hopes for running away from his destiny were destroyed when one of the others hit him in the head, leaving him at the edge of dream world.

"We're so sorry for our behaviour" said one of the mages. "But this one is special. A rebel, I must say. I must say that he was pretty quiet when we captured him" It wasn't unkwon that some cursed men decided to go against the society, fighting agains mages for freedom and dignity. Of course, many blessed thought they were just crazy, or simply foolish, and they needed a master who taught them where his place was. But they didn't stop, it didn't matter how much they were punished, and for a rebel killed by the blessed, three slaves escaped from their houses to join the cause.

"This one is actually pretty, for being a rebel" commented the other mage. If anyone was enough curious to take a look, he'd saw a young man, neither short nor tall, with a strong but thin complexion and shoulder length green hair. His clothes were were practical, made with the forest colours. He had a soft face, and his half opened eyes were deep violet. He was still, if not for some squirming to test his captors' strength.

"Don't worry milord, we'll get him in an enclousure in no time"

"Oh, look at you, so obediently eager. I wonder how long that'll last..." Minos shrugged, not really buying Trystan's calm demeanour. Always best to expect the worst out of people, after all, especially from the quiet ones. "I study magic as a hobby, and over the years I've designed a couple of theories I want to test. And every experiment needs a guinea pig." No need to go into detail of who that might be. "Who knows, you might even thank me one day. But we can discuss it with less ears around us. Coming?"

As Minos extended his gloved hand towards his new subject, the commotion burst by the door, drawing his attention. A new Cursed! Just like he'd done before, the strange flame ignited in his other hand, and the same curious effect occurred as the green haired youth was carried past them. Twice in the same day! Luck was on his side, apparently. "No need to pen the willful fellow in, I'll take him as well."

The confussion of the three people was painted in their faces. The rebel was so shocked that he didn't use the opportunity for run away. But soon after the mages recovered from the confussion, and quickly began to warn the other.

"Milord, with all respect, I must assure you that this subject is too dangerous to take. He is from the East forests, and it seems that he was raised there. The rebels surely raised him to believe that stupid ideals. We need to teach him where is his place before he can get a master" one of the mages said before stopping another squirm from the Cursed. The young man just looked at his future owner. The mage received a glare full of hate and disgust. Still, in the youth's mind, the idea of having a master could be more advantegeous for him. It would be easier to scape from a stuck up mage's house than from the slave market. Even though the strange flame pointing at him gave him a bad feeling. He'd need to be cautious, and prepare himself for it whatever it'd come.

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