Blossoming love (closed with Dots)
It was so embarrassed for Sam with his clothes were off by Henry. He took a bit time to wash his mouth, and also tried to hold back his mood. "I haven't eaten anything wrong, Henry. In fact, I didn't eat anything after launch yesterday until you gave me a soup." Sam said, holding his husband tightly as Henry helped him to stand. Sam also asked his husband if he could carry him to the bed in the guest room since their bad was full of puke now. "It's strange, Henry. I don't know why, but I couldn't even control my mood after last week, and this sickness happens just 5 days ago"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry grabbed the robe they always had ready in the bathroom for them to get dressed after a bath, and wrapped it around Sam. He nodded as he listened to Sam's words and once again blamed himself for not caring.enouhh to.notice Sam hadnt had anything.since lunch from the day before. He frowned as he heard he had been developing this for almost a week, and when he covered the robe on Sam, he heard a hiss. It was when he brushed through his breast that he heard such a sound. That was what gave him an idea. He tried to keep the smile off his face but he couldnt help it when he lifted Sam up to the guest room, and he kept on glancing at his belly.
Sam didn't realize anything from his husband but his smile while he was taking him to the another bedroom. It was surprised at himself as his body was sensitive by touching from his husband, but Sam didn't realize anything. Sam hugged his husband tightly and Henry could hear Sam's heavy breath. He was better when Henry placed him on the bed and Sam could rest for now. "Can you bring me some tea? I don't kow if I can still have that pancake." He asked for his husband when the scent of tea might help in his sickness.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry put Sam down even gentler than he had before. Hs kissed his wife and nodded. "I know exactly what tea you want, just stay here ok?" He said before leaving the room to prepare the teabags, a mixing of 2 flavors that worked amazingly last time ffor Sam when he had morning sickness last time. He got it and couldnt help but smile brightly when he got the water boiling.

"Babe.... " henry carefully took the tea into the room and held him gently, his hand already slipping down to his belly that was still flat as he handed the tea to Sam.
Sam smled at his husband when he brought the tea for him. It was really helpful with the scent of two different teas, but combined perfectly. "It's a long time since I drink this last time." Sam whispered. He normally drink only one of them, but this was the best with his morning sickness last time. He handed it to Henry when Sam already finished it. He was so tired after this long day, but Henry was helping him all the time. "I don't know what happen to me, Henry, but I have to be better soon." He whispered as the face of their children this morning reminded how they loved Sam's food, so he couldn't do that if this sick wasn't better soon.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"I guess that wouldnt go away too quickly... i am guessing maybe a month. If you are lucky, then maybe within 3 weeks." Henry said, he had an arm around Sam's shoulder after putting away the cup. He leanrd back and rest a hand on Sam's lower belly. "I have an idea what's happening to you.... and i am a little surprised we both missed th3 reason. It's a good thing your book is published so we have all our attention on this 'problem' of yours that would need even more months to get over with. And afterwards it would add another few months demanding a lot of our attention as well." Henry said it like a riddle, and the smile was so big and bright on his face it was sort of hinting already what he was thinking.
It was so surprised for Sam with that words from his husband. He didn't know if it was true, but Sam could guess that. "You mean, we're having more children?" Sam asked his husband as he was his doctor and could give the correct answer. Sam was so surprised with that since he hadn't noticed anything from this. He could see how Henry touching his belly for long time, but it liked a dream for Sam. They didn't expect for this although they had had sex for time to time, this might come from their first time. "We need to check it, Henry." He said, as it was the best way for the clear answer.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"Oh it could wait, at least until you are better." Henry said gently kisisng Sam. "I want you to know though." He saif tilting Sam's face towards him. "Even if it wasnt and it coulf be something from your stress, I wouldnt want you to feel obligated or anything. Yes I want more.children, but I dont want this to be any form of pressure of you." He said smiling at Sam and kissed him deeply on his mouth, holding his face fondly as he did so.
Sam smiled at his husband as he heard that and kissed Henry back softly. "I know that, Henry. You always say that, and I know what we want. You can't imagine how I feel when you came to my event today. It means so much for me, Henry, and you also mean so much to me." Sam whispered softly, touching Henry face softly. It was only 5 p.m. at the time, but Sam needed to rest after his long day. Sam asked Henry to take care their children and also told him how to tell their children fi they asked about their mother. "I may wake p again tomorrow, and I'll cook the breakfast for you if I can, Henry. Don't you miss my food?" Sam joked since he didn't cook for his husband for days when he was busy.
(Wanna skip after this? I know it sounds so far from here, but we can make the trip scene after this. Maybe Sam with 5 half pregnancy?)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Ok let's do that! Wow we are progressing fast ;))

As Henry diagnosed, Sam was indeed pregnant, 3 months along making it surely to be the first time after having Charon. It would be very nice for thrm if Sam didnt suffer from that much.morning sickness. Henry almost ordered for another bedrest, as Sam, being such loving parent, insisted on cooking breakfast for his family. The smell of food made him gag, but he endured by wearing a mask, which always annoyed Henry but he eventually accepted it because it's Sam's way to show his love to the family. In response, Henry fed Sam very well after he overcome the morning sickness, making sure he was eating very nutritious meals for the babies. They knew it's twins again but didnt know the gender. Henry wanted to get a period of time with his wife, alone, so he arranged for something, and he decided to break the news to his wife this night after he got back from work.
(Yeah lol, but we can make it slow at the stip scene hehe)

Sam was 5 and half months pregnancy now with his twins now. His belly was big as he had with the last twins. He wasn't suffering that much morning sickness since he was more than 5 months now, but sometimes Sam had weird cravings such as pickle with honey and other things. Sam was so happy that Henry would bring hiw what he wanted if that didn't affect his health although It was hard to find sometimes.
Sam was on the kitchen, cooking far the dinner as he did almost every day. He cooked some Japanese curry that was still his favorite for him and his husband and the pasta with white sauce for all their children. He supported his back with his hand when everything finished and another was rubbing his belly. His back was killing him after his long day with cleaning the house and also cooking for the dinner. Henry always rejected when Sam asked to do the chore, but something he still did that.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry sighed when he saw Sam pounding on his back again. He got close to him, making sure his footstep was heard, when he clurched his waist and started rubbing his back. "You are again pushing yourself too far , arent you?" He said and felt already how Sam leaned into his touch, almost letting the moan slip out of his lips when Henry got to the sore spots. "I told you to take it easy, didnt I? You are carrying big babies.... " he muttered into his ear, almost nibbling on his earlobe as he said that. Henry sneaked his free hand down to Sam's belly and caressed it at the side. "Our babies are developing very well..... i bet they would think your cookbook is really helping if they see how well you are keeping the babies while staying fit on the oyher parts." He teased helping Sam support his swollen midsection.
Sam leaned his back to Henry when he got closer and touched his back gently. Henry was the best for him since he knew and touched at the correct spot where it was hurt as the first time. Sam smiled when the babies started kicking to respond their daddy. This was something that Sam didn't understand why all his children obeyed and responded his husband so well. "Hmm, I'm not that good shape, Henry. You see that I', getting fat every single day, but yeah all that for them to be healthy." Sam said, smiling at his husband instantly knew that his wife had done for today. Sam wasn't a person that was hard to predict, especially with his husband. "Hmm, You know me so well, Henry. I just don't know what to do during the day. It is not that hard work, right?" Sam lied although he was the worst lying. He had already cleaned all the clothes from his family today, and it was very hard work.
(This will be one reason why Henry brings Sam to the trip for so long hehe Just let him rest!!)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"You are getting fat at all the right places." Henry smiled and groped his bottom, sinking his hand on the perfect bubbly butt of Sam's. He laughed at how Sam squealed at that sudden attack and then bend down to kiss his belly. "Hello babies, happy to see dadddy home arent you little ones? And yes I know, i know you two are trying to tell me mommy had been laying, isnt it? Oh he definitely have everything done in the house, everywhere spotless and all laundry done, cleaned and folded. And still he wouldbt admit. Oh babies, your mommy's really stubborn. Let's pull him away from all these? Drag him away from all possibilities of doing chores?" Henry said the last bit in a whisper, covering his mouth with his hand like he was sharing a secret with the twins only.
Sam frowned as Henry pretended to share the secret only with the twins. He didn't ask his husband directly, but Sam rubbed his belly softly after Henry finished and said. "Hey, little ones. Does daddy tell something to you? Can you both just tell mommy with that secret? Your mommy is really sad when daddy doesn't share that with him." Sam said, pretending to be sad. He smiled widely as Henry knew everything about him. Sam continued rubbing his belly at the cute way as he tried to tease his husband with that. He knew how Henry loved it, and his husband was getting closer now. "So, Do you want to tell me something now?"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry rolled his eyes and swept Sam off his legs suddenly, picking him up and walkrd him to the chair beside. "You knew how that always make me say yes to you, that way of you rubbing your belly.... I am really too easy, you always to manipulate me. Naughty boy...." he sat down and put Sam on his lap, forcing him to lean forward so his lovely bottom.would be pushed out like a duck from his lap, and he slap on his butt for a few times like he was punishing him, but not really hard. It was more for the sound than the pain. "That's for seducing me that way..... hmmm if you really want to know the little secret, then you have to give me somthing in return.... such as...." he said, showing Sam his face asking for a kiss.
Sam let a soft moan when Henry slapped his butt as it was sensitive with his husband. He turned around, facing his husband for a kiss when Henry asked for that. "Hm, no need to ask for that, Henry. You know that I love kissing my husband. Sam kissed his husband deeply, grabbing Henry with his both hands when his husband was rubbing his belly gently. How Henry's tongue playing within his mouth was really good for Sam. He forced it to be hotter and deeper kiss. He already panted when they released each other, and Sam leaned forward for Henry chest for rest. "So, Can you tell me about that now? You know that this ting day makes me can't offer anything more than kiss."
(Wow do you have any idea for the trip? I forgot that we have to talk about it lol)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(I believe we have talked about sunshine and beach....and also shopping in the local market HAHA oh why dont we go to the ultimate place for that ;) what better than thailand for all those factors ;))

Henry chuckled. "Even if you offered, I wouldnt abuse you with your back hurting like that.... " he said resuming his rub on his back while Sam panted on his chest, regaining his breath. "Hmm.I am thinking we should continue with our tradition. A babymoon.... you know, since this time your belly's grwoing so fast, i thought we should push it earlier." He suggested smiling at Sam. "And i am thinking with a nice sunshine so i could admire your body all the time...." he smirked, rubbing his belly with a little more tease.
(Hmm, Thailand is good, I was thinking about Mediterranean maybe Spain but it's all up to you lol)
Sam smiled widely when Henry mentioned about the babymoon. It was true that they always had that with every pregnancy, and this would be the best for this time since they also needed to move to the new house after that. Sam patted Henry belly when he said that he wanted to admire his body. He knew that Henry always loved seeing his belly without anything covered it. "You're so naughty, Henry. What can I do someone falls in love with your shape, and flirt with you? I don't have that perfect body, honey. You fat little wife can't fight with them."Sam teased his husband, pretending to not know how his husband loved that shape of Sam. He also loved the sea when Sam could enjoy Henry's perfect body aswell.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Oh mediterranean would be nice as well.... let it be Spain then!)

"Dare you doubt your husband's loyalty.... besides, if there's indeed with me, all you have to do is show them your perfect belly and kiss me hard on my lips. I guess anyone with eyes to look.would notice how then i absolutely mesmerIed by you, like a bewirched man who cant keep his hands off you." Henry said lovigly, gazing at Sam's lovely face. "Perhaps I am the one needing to worry.... when you are in fact the one who got a great shape.... what if someone want to steal you away from me!" He nuzzled againdt Sam's cheek, caressing his perfect body. "Hmm I am sure there would be a lot of handsome young guys in the beach.... perhaps shorter than me since spaniards tend to be shorter, but perhaps more tanned anr younger than me, you know, I am the father of 5, and soon to be 7." Henry smiled.

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