Blossoming love (closed with Dots)
(I also don't know that lol. Maybe the scene when Henry talk about Sam with his father? I was thinking the scene when both Henry and Sam praise his mate with father and mother lol.)

"Yeah, our little one are giving a gift for us. Thank you, loves." Sam said softly as he was also rubbing his belly. "I also need to thank you all, here. I'm not surprised why this restaurant is really good. Good food, good atmosphere and also good service. We're having the twins and I also hope for the good trip here. This place is also in part of that." He thanked the waiters for the cake before they left them to had the private time. Sam leaned forward for looking at the cake and he didn't realize how his belly was bouncing at the table. The cake was cute, especially a tiny pair of shoes that was decorated on it. He smiled at his husband and asked if they could blow this candles together. Sam also gave Henry a soft kiss on his cheek after that when Henry wasn't careful enough. He rubbed his belly softly when the babies started kicking to respond their parents.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(LOL ya i guess. We could have grandma asking sam if henry's taking good enough care of him, and grandpa asking Henry if indeed sam's 'the one'.)

While thry were both enjoying the cake, the babies started kicking stronger. Henry was busy cutting the cake when the babies started moving much. Because Sam was leaning forward, he was squeezing his belly a little and apparently the babies werent too happy with it. They started protesting, especially when they found their daddy's hand was no.longer around, and kept kicking harder to tell mommy how uncomfortable it waa. They just kicked at all directions and one of it was right on his bladder, the other on his ribs. Henry could only hear a whimper and he quickly turned to Sam and asked anxiously. "What is it babe?" He quickly put down the utensils and held his belly.
(Yup that sounds fun. We can do this or next pregnancy.)

Sam didn't realize how the babies were kicking as he was so excited with the cake, but that hard kick on his ribs was painful. He instantly leaned back to his chair to give his babies more space. He rubbed his belly gently and smiled at his husband when he asked for that. "Your babies are kicking me so herd. I think they are looking for someone here." Sam said, trying to calm the babies. His face was pink by that but it was lucky that Henry's hand was helpful, daddy and the babies seemed to be calmed down when the daddy got back. "BabDaddy can't stay with you all the time, so also listen to your mommy," Sam said and smiled.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Maybe we discover about th3 next pregnancy when the parents are here? Maybe sam hide his symptoms so he wouldnt distract Henry from preparing for the visit. And Henry just walkrd into Sam throwing up in the toilet when he just disappeared quietly from the crowd.)

"I am sorry babies... I have promised to stay close to mommy and you two all the time right? I am bavk now..... stop kicking mommy so hard." Henry rubbed the belly, holding from both sides of the belly so both babies would feel their daddy. He was kneeling in front of Sam now, because he had turned Sam's chair away from the table so he could talk directly to the babies. He looked up and smiled, then kissed on his babies. "You should listen to your mommy as well, otherwise he couldnt taste that lovely cake, and so you two wouldnt taste this delicious dessert!" He said before getting up and sitting down next to Sam, making sure their babies always felt his presence.
(That's also fine for me, but I was thinking when Henry, Sam and some of their babies get back to Henry's old house. I'm thinking the scene in Henry's old room when Sam found some his husband's old stuff or pics that they could have the cute scene together, but it's also fine if you wanna do your idea.)

Sam smiled when Henry kneeled down before him and talked to the babies through his belly. He also touched Henry's face gently with how his husband was so sweet, and lovely. "Yeah, babies. Your daddy still needed to work after this trip, so listen to mommy just half of your daddy is enough." Sam said, smiling. It seemed to work since the babies kicked a lot lighter even when Henry used his both hands for cutting the cake again. Sam couldn't even wait for that as the pregnancy made him have lots of craving on the many types of dessert. He could remember when he just ordered the tiramisu as the appetizer when they got to their favorite Italian restaurant. The fork was already in his hand when Henry handed the place with a piece of cake to him. "Let's try this, babies, and let's see if you both and mommy will love that." He said, rubbing hs belly with his another hand.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(You mean sam would have a cute scene in Henry's and tell him about the pregnancy at the same time? Yea that could happen ..or if it's just a cute scene then it could happen at the same time as my idea....?)

"Oh yea, just listen to mommy half as much as daddy.... so daddy would still got the chance and priviledge to calm you when mommy couldnt handle you two." Henry smiled. "You know your.mommy sometimes would insist on something too much... that's your sign to rebel more in mommy's tummy so daddh could step in." Henry whispered and teased Sam. He smiled at how excited Sam was of the cake. He ate so fast he looke dlike a hamster - prefnant hamster - where his cheeks were full of food. Henry had to hand over some.water for him and rubbed.his back in between.bites as he also ate his share.
(Wow I have already thought about it and it's so cute if Sam tells about his next pregnancy in Henry's old room. Maybe He doesn't want to bother his husband when he is preparing the stuff to back to his old house? Morning sickness would follow it very soon if you want that hehe)

Sam ate so fast and it looked so bad for other people, but cute for his husband. He realized it after Henry wiped the cream out from his cheek and taste it in a lovely way. His face blushed red when he just finished his 4th pieces and realized how much he had eaten. "I....I think I eat this too much." He said, blushing. Sam didn't even brave to look at his husband with this cute face, and the babies seemed to need more as they were still kicking his belly. Henry could see how Sam ate too much than usual in this pregnancy. This might be the times that he gained more weight than other pregnancies. He tried to rubbed his belly, but they both wanted more cake.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Hmm i sort of want to play with how Sam tried to hide the obvious signs. The dizziness and the morning sickness before he tell Henry. Yep we could have Sam telling Henry about it in his.old room)

Henry's smiling at Sam, amazed by how much he had eaten. It was true that even though at first the pregnancy had brought vigorous reaction from Sam, he had put on much weight.this time. He rubbed his waist and nodded at him. "Go one take the rest of the cake, you are feeding 3 mouths so it is very fine for you to have more cake." He said rubbing.on yhe belly and noticed how the babies also craved for more. He kissed Sam's cheeks that were so red from being embrassed and fed him another spoonful. He was quite sure Sam.would need a thorough bellyrub later, he had definitely ate a lot from how his.belly got even more bloated.
(We can make that scene maybe the scene when Henry is preparing the stuff for visiting his parents?)

Sam's face blushed so bad when Henry said that he could eat the rest of the cake. He didn't wait till he started another piece of it. The taste was good, and the babies seemed to love that. He leaned back with bigger belly when he finished, and Sam couldn't even stay comfy with the food in his stomach now. He would ask his husband for the belly rub when they got back since it would help to digest all the food. "Should we back now? I think we need to rest now." Sam said, holding Henry's arms softly. Henry could see how uncomfortable Sam was under his suit, especially with his bigger belly. He might need to get back to their room and take it off. Sam also would skip his weird pickle for other days since he was full now and his belly almost didn't have enough space for both twins and this much food.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Yes that would explain why Henry's a little distracted)

It showed when Henry helped Sam up after checking the bill that he had overeated. He sighed when he got up and his knees went shaky with the added weight, and Henry had to hold his waist tight to steady him. "You.ok babe?" He asked with a little concern. The shirt that had fitted before was now a tight steetch around his belly, the fabric between 2 buttons was pulled wide. Henry helped Sam.out of the restaurant, walking even slower now as Sam needed to breath out loud to get air from how tight the suit had become.on him.
It was embarrassed for Sam having this trouble at the famous restaurant. It was still lucky that his black suit made it hard for other people to see his belly getting bigger. He walked slowly out from the restaurant and tried to make it steady. "I'm fine, Henry. Just need to get back to the hotel now." Sam said with his husband. His sound was struggling with his tight his suit was and how he couldn't get enough air for this. He didn't know why he was craving that much food, but the babies seemed to please now since they didn't kick so hard that could give Sam worst time if that happened. He held his husband tightly as he helped him get in the car that his seat looked smaller with his belly.
(Yup, we can also talk about it later since we still have long long way to go lol)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(HAHA true. Still a long way. So sam this time is a little fatter? Hmm maybe jayden or their neighbor would comment on it and cause insecurity on Sam's side)

The limousine coming to.pick them had decent legroom, but when henry lowered Sam into it, it still fight too closw for Sam to fit his belly. Henry helped him sit down slowly but the trousers was even tighter around Sam as he sat, and even Henry could see how he had a little more trouble breathing. He got in at the other side and urged the driver to go quick, while he loosened Sam's shirt, the first few buttons especially, so he could breath properly. "You are feeling ok?" He felt around his forehead as he saw Sam getting a little paler. "How about we loosen the pants?" He asked. That would be embarrassing but at least it would mean Sam would get more comfortable. They could hide it under thr jacket.
(lol yeah we can do that maybe Jayden since he is so innocent haha.)
Sam was having more troubles than he thought since he had hard breathing. He nodded when his husband asked that, and tried to breathe in and out slowly. It should be better do that when they got the room, so loosen his shirt was enough now. He also asked his husband to moved his pants down for a bit since the pants wouldn't be too tight for him. It took just a little time to get back to the hotel, so he didn't ask his husband for that, but Henry could still see how his belly moved up and down slowly while he was breathing. He smiled when Henry put the jacket on him since his belly was showing now, and his husband would never let other people see that in this situtaion.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Ok then Jayden.would do that, probably sam would have teary eyes when he heard because he is sensitive from the hormones)

Henry sat close to sam and yanked his trousers down, but it was difficult because the belly would drop down when he pulled it down. He pulled the shirt out to make it easier for Sam. When the car stopped, he got out of the car after the valet opened the door and moved forward to Sam's side. He waved off the boy coming yhe door and got to his wife himself. "Sam? I am moving you. Hold that jacket on." He.instructed with a small smile and lifted Sam.up in bridal style, kissing his forehead gently as he moved to their room. The staff looked at them curiously, but Henry did much attention to them, just smiling friendlily to the lady who.pressed the.lift for them, not at all shy at shpwing his care to.his pregnant wife.
(Yeah, but let's so cute scene between Sam and Victoria first. Is that fine?)

It took almost 10 mins to get back to the room at 30th floor, and It was so lucky that there was no other people but just a lady in the elevator. Sam was so guilty with how Henry needed to carry him with that weight. He looked at him and held his jacket tightly while Henry was also smiling at him. The staff at 30th floor was so good when he instantly followed them and opened the door for them since Henry didn't need to handle that hard. Sam could see Henry give some tips for that guy after Henry out him on the big and cozy couch. "I'm sorry, Henry. I shouldn't cause this much trouble for you." Sam said when Henry closed the door and got back to him. He put the jacket away and revealed his big belly under his suit. Sam couldn't help but also ask if Henry could help him take it off.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Sure. Victoria is the angel for them both)

Henry smiled gently at Sam. "It's no trouble at all for you and our babies." He said rubbing his belly and asked Sam to lay down so he could get his trousers off. "Hold your belly up a little?" He asked when he got to the button. It was so cute seeing Sam holding his belly with both hands, flushed as he took a deep breath and held it so the belly could be smaller for Henry to have enough space in getting the trousers off. He tried to be quick and ripped the trousers down, and he could see the belly visibly dropped. He then gently lifted Sam up so he sat down.leaning against him finally able to breath properly. Henry placed both his hands on sam, gently rubbing it as he sat behind Sam.
Sam's face blushed red while Henry was taking his trousers off as his lover part was so sensitive and Sam couldn't even hold his belly steady. He was glad that Henry did it fast and gently by not touching too much on him since he couldn't handle so much tease when his belly was full. Sam leaned on his husband gently when they got the position. He had already put all his weight on his husband as Sam knew that Henry always loved him doing that. Henry's hands were warm and soft when he put both of it on his belly and started moving around. Henry could see how stretch marks became more clearly since the belly was instantly got bigger. Sam let a soft moan when Henry moved his hand around his belly and closed his eyes to enjoy this wonderful time. "Thank, honey" Sam whispered softly.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Hwnry smiled at how trusting Sam was now in giving his full weight to him. He rubbed his belly gently, promoting stomach movement and also in relieving his bloatedness. "You look like you can barely move... so cute." Henry muttered and kissed Sam affectionately on his cheek. "I am would be a little stuffed through this night... better not encourage you on that cake. I would be sure to remember, next time if we have any desserts around, I woild ask them to give us half a pound. That would be sufficient for you. Or our babies are gping to grow huge, on top of you being huge." He chuckled and rubbed, gradually moving down to the bellybutton and lower belly, where the bahies had quieted down, maybe they were also too full to move.
Sam was struggling a bit inside Henry's embrace with the pleasure by Henry's hands. He smiled when his husband said that. "Yeah, Henry or at least, you should warn me if I eat too much. This is not good for me or even the babies." He whispered softly. Sam knew that getting too fat during pregnancy was dangerous, so he should be careful next time. He let a soft moan when Henry moved his hands down where the babies were there. That part was wider that another part of his belly, so the babies might be there. "I think they're full or they have already felt asleep." Sam joked, smiling softly. His babies normally gave his the kicks at this time, but there was no of it now. He could also notice that Henry hadn't used any oil or lotion for that, so he might asked for it soon.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
This rub was mainly for relieving the uncomfortable feeling of Sam's stomach, so Henry didnt use any oil. "You know it's hard to say no to you when you are clearly craving aomething so much... next time i.would remmeber i am a doctor on top of being your husband." Hw smiled and kissed Sam, then gently warmed up his wife's stomach further. "If you feel like sleeping, go ahead.... " he muttered softly. Henry would suggwst Sam sleeping upright for tonight, or it would be easy for him to get heartburn. Henry, however, didnt plam to tell Sam about it. He would hols his wife upright for the night. It would be best for Sam, but he didnt need to.know that or he would becone guilty, which was the last thing Henry wanted him to be.

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