Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

Henry was so silly sometimes when he didn't even notice how Sam was so sensitive with his blushed face. "I...I'm fine. not hurts." Sam said, breathing heavily, especially when Henry moved his hands to his lower belly. "J...just make it fast," Sam said, blushing so bad. He couldn't even handle with Henry' touch on his sensitive part now. His belly was big, and Sam couldn't even see Henry when he moved lower, but he could feel his hands. It weren't move that low to his private part, but it was close enough to drive him crazy with that.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

It was Sam's breathy tone, with the gasps and pants between his words, that tipped Henry off as what was causing him to react that way. He couldn't believe how dumb he was and he smiled. "You are...... hmmm. I understand. Yes i would make it quick." he smiled and then saw Sam's member was slightly hardened. Even though Sam couldn't see it, it was making a small tent on his pants. Henry chuckled and couldn't believe how sensitive his wife was, but in a way it was also comforting, since it could only mean his wife was indeed fine. "Hmm in that case, I think i could get to the part that we listen to the babies' heartbeats." He took out the tool and moved the probe all over Sam's belly, like the one he would use during births to monitor the ocndiiton of the babies.

Sam was so excited when Henry put the tool out, and Henry could see that. It was something that Sam always asked Henry to check it since it was easy, but could reveal the condition of the babies. He still let a soft moan when Henry out the tool on his belly. It wasn't that sensitive now, but he was so excited about it. Sam could see the smile on his husband, and it was a good sign. "Is that good? I always hope them to be healthy, Henry. That's why I've tried so much for them." He whispered softly, thinking back how Sam needed to change his daily life when he got pregnant, and how the morning sick caused bad time for him.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yes they are healthy... " Henry turned a knob and soon the heartbeat was trasmittied out loud for Sam to hear as well. It was rapid, way faster than normal adults, showing the babies were developing fast. "This is baby A, located slightly higher." He said already feeling for the other baby. "When you have heard enough, we would move to Baby B...... right here." A very similar heartbeat could be heard then. "That's some very heatlhy heartbeat. They had to beat fast and strong to support their big bodies." He smiled at Sam. "Yes indeed, you have to change so much for our babies... and thank you for that... "he said sincerely to his wife, giving him a soft kiss on his heart.

Sam couldn't even stop smiling when Henry let him hear the sound of the babies, and where they both were located. He didn't know much about medical things, but the healthy babies were enough for him. He shook his head and rubbed Henry's hair softly when he placed a kiss on his heart. Sam could feel that clearly since his breasts didn't grow that much. "Pregnancy is hard, Henry. I can't do it without you either." He said and pulled his husband for another deep and passionate kiss from his wife. It was just lunch time now, so he could cook simple launch for his husband, and they could continue their trip at the cafe for some drink. Sam really loved his Henry always covered his belly with his both hands, but didn't tease him that much, so he could enjoy that for a long time without hard breathing or too much pleasure.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Now that Hnery had concrete evidence on the how well his wife and his children were doing, he helped Sam got up again to get their lunch prepared. He was careful in helping him stand, then helped him waddle to the kitchen. He once again took his weight on him, holding a hand under his belly, and together they moved with Sam now dressed. He put the apron on Sam and stood there with him while he prepared. They had simple sandwich and then Henry insisted on another belly rubbing session as Sam had ate a little more than he felt most comfortable. With the babies growing so fast, they were already pressing against Sam's stomach so it was easy for his wife to feel bloated.

Sam's face blushed red again when Henry said about the belly rubbing again. It was true that his belly was too full after the meal since the babies made him eat too much than he could. It was better to do on the couch instead of the bed since he didn't need to walk that far as Sam rejected being carried from his husband this time as it could make him fat by asking for help in everything from his husband. He walked slowly to the couch with some help from Henry supporting his belly as his husband really insisted on doing that. "You're helping me too much sometimes, huh?" Sam joked when they got to the couch. He sat slowly and let his husband lifted his shirt slowly. It was a precious time for both of them as Henry could enjoy the belly, and Sam also felt good with that.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I said I am going to spoil you, didnt I? Besides, let me just stick around for a little closer for awhile? You know my heart's still pumping quite fast." Henry smirked and pulled Sam's hand to press on his own chest to feel thr heartbeat. "After that scare, i think at least for these few days I am going to be close to you, and I am quite certainlh going to be overbearing." He chuckled and sat down beside Sam, then picked another lotion of a taste that's tropical, suiting the seaside that they were going to visit afterwards. He rubbed gently, with the underside having most attention because that's where the stretchmarks were more serious. "Lean backward and spread your legs so I.could get to thr lower parts? I promise i wouldnt do anything than rubbing."

Sam smiled at his husband when he said that he would be closer to him in this single days. He leaned back for a bit and spread his legs wider since it gave more space to Henry who was kneeling before him. Sam wasn't so sensitive anymore with this belly rubbing since they did this almost every day, but that was in the case that Henry didn't go further. "Hmm, this lotion smell good," Sam said, leaning his head back to rest when he had time for it. He enjoyed how Henry was rubbing his belly so much, especially when his husband focused on his stretch marks, and tracked down of it. They both could feel how the babies were kicking and sometimes gave Sam a strong kick.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry smiled at the kicks, and also how Sam was looking so lovely at this position. He patted his belly from time to time and it was very cute. "Glad you like it, i.thought it would be suiting to go with the beach." He said and continued rubbing for awhile until he was satisfied Sam's belly was soft and smooth. He helped Sam dress back in his clothes from the morning and set off to get back out while the sun was still up. He chuckled when he saw Sam yanwing and asked. "You wouldnt want to nap right? I thought we could just enjoy a lazy afternoon, but not as lazy as that. I thought it would be better if we are both conscious for 5hat." He smiled and helped Sam up, holding him steady first as he usually did.

Sam's face blushed red as Henry said that. It was true that belly rubbing was so satisfying, and Sam was sleepy after that, but he didn't want to sleep at this time. "Hmm, We should walk on the beach now, and we could go to the cafe after that. Doesn't my husband wanna try the local coffee?" Sam said smiling while they were walking out of the room. Although the beach wasn't far from their hotel, Sam couldn't walk there by himself. They decided to get the smaller car since it was easier to go to the beach, and took the shorter time. Sam gave his husband a soft kiss when he got to the car from another side after helping his wife. "Hm, this will be good at the beach although we haven't had the swimming suit yet," Sam said smiling as he thought the other day that they would spend all day at the beach.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"You would be too pretty in your swimsuits." Henry smiled and clutchrd Sam's hand. He had brought a speedo for Sam, but in case that didnt fit because of how his hips was widening, he had also a pair of loose beachshorts for him. He rubbed his belly and siled at Sam thinking about which one would suit him better as they drove off.

The beach was fantastic. The weather was very warm as it was afternoon withthe sun shining high up, but that also made the sand appear amazingly white. Henry took Sam's hand and walked leisurely on the pathway overlooking the sand. "Hm there are indeed some pregnant people as well.... though none of them have a belly as round and gorgeous as yours." Henry whispered the latter part while patting Sam's belly.

Sam also patted Henry's abdomen as he said that, and they both laughed out loud. "Henry! You're teasing me so hard, huh? You know that it isn't true since my belly is not that good. You can see the stretch marks, right?" Sam, said, smiling and walking on the beach. The beach was so amazing with the weather that wasn't too hot. As Henry said, Sam could see other pregnant men that came with his husband. Some of them had a little bump, and some had larger belly than Sam. He could see one couple was playing in the water, and one of them was a big pregnant man wearing a speedo. He clutched Henry's hand tightly while they were walking and Henry seemed to get closer that other times since there was bad thing happened in the morning.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"It could not be any more perfect in my eyes." Henry smiled and cupped Sam's belly from below gently. As they walked, he also saw some other pregnant men, and perhaps his eyes did lingered at the one playing in the water. He almost stared at him, even turning around to watch him one last time, and his face become thoughtful as he walked, suddenly falling silent. He even walked a little further from Sam, even though he still held his hand. It was true the one inthe water had a belly even largwr than Sam, and under the sun, his belly looked indeed perfect. Snowy white and round, and that man was also quite handsome.

(Hey didn't we talked that Sam will be teased by other people this time? tbh this scene is quite disappointed for me since I have written that the pregnant man in the water comes with his lover, but it's fine lol)

Sam could see how his husband was looking at the other man, and he was so disappointed. He didn't even walk with his husband now, and instantly released is hand. Sam didn't know what happened with his husband but he was speechless now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I thought sam would be teased by Jayden to be fat only? Did we discuss about some teasing that I had forgotten about?)

Henry was drawn out from his thoughtfulness when Sam released his hand, and he looked up to see Sam's angry face. "Hey.... sorry. I was a little distracted.... that man.…" henry didnt know how to put it. He cleared his throat and started again. "That man is my patient and, he, he just didnt show up for his appointment. We tried calling him and his husband but no one would answer.... I dont know, but I am quite sure that man who came with him wasnt his husband." He said with hesitation. He was in no place to judge people, but that was indeed a shock.

(Yeah we have talked about it in the day when they both wear swimsuits. I'm thinking about it that why I'm disappointed with this sciene. Sorry of I'm so bad sometimes and try to not make people as the bad people, but this topic is not the point for us lol since I'm just personally sensitive about cheating stuff lol)

Sam smiled at his husband, but he didn't know if that was the true or now. Sam didn't wanna judge other people with just words although it was from his husband. "He looks happy, Henry. That guy may be his new lover, but I'm sure that he is happy now, but ...I" Sam didn't know what to say after that. It was normal if his husband would look at other men since Sam was getting fat with his pregnancy, and he could be bored with the man who lived with his for years.

(Ahh I'm so bad sometimes, I'm not surprised if this rp will be boring for you now lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh i am sorry i didnt discuss this with you first... i jist thought it would be interesting to have Henry suddenly distracted... i should say something about it. My apologies. And no, I am not bored. I enjoy them always doing.lovely things together. That's how we got this far!)

Henry smiled at how his sweet wife always only thought the best of others. "Who knows? Maybe that's how he got his true love, like how I met you, just that I am lucky enough to have met you when you arent married. Or, perhaps that could be his relative. I dunno,aybe his brother. He could just be playing with his brother as well. Anyway...." henry stopped when he saw his wife suddenly became sadder. "Sam? What's wrong? Are you not feeling well? Is it your back? I should have suggested we sitting down for awhile. You ok? Can you walk to that bench?" He pointed to a nearby empty bench, but beforr Sam could answer, he changed his mind. "Anyway, it would be faster this way." He then lifted Sam up and quickly walked there, his face as anxious as Sam just told him his water broke.

(Haha it's fine, and I'm really better with you last reply now :) I don't mean I'm a perfect man and we can't make anyone as the bad person, but we should do it at the right time, as you did in the cathedral scene. :))
Sam didn't say anything much as Henry carried him to the bench. His body didn't hurt, but he wasn't sure with his heart. How Henry looked at that man was scared Sam so much. He couldn't even imagine the day without his husband. He hugged Henry softly, resting his face on his chest as he smelt the scent of his husband. It was same for years, but Sam still loved it. "Henry, what should I do if you leave me?" He asked with his sad voice. Sam didn't say anything much, but his feeling could be shown by his action. "Please, don't leave me, Henry. I...I can't handle that." Sam said, trying to make things better.
(Hmm, I know Henry will be mad when Sam says this like his last labor but just be soft with him this time. Sam was so scared ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Hmm i am not sure if I understand whta you mean by "this is like his last labor" but anyway you would show me in the next bit, no?)

Henry chuckled, thinking Sam was being silly. "What do you mean by me leaving you? That would never happen... see this?" He raised their hands that had their wedding ring on. "This is meant to be somethiny.... they say the ring was like a band on your heart. My heart is forever tied on tou." He kissed his wife's cheek. "Dont be scared... I would be forever with you. Dont you see how addicted I am to you?" He asked motioning to his hands that hadnt let go of Sam at all. Now that they had sat down with Sam sitting on Henry's lap, his hands were rested rrassuringly on his back and his belly.

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