Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

(lol sorry. As I can notice that Henry will be mad when Sam tell him to have another girl or last labor when he said that eh would die from it)

Sam didn't say anything for awhile but looked at his wedding ring on their fingers. It meant so much to him, and also another thing they gave to each other such as the locket that Henry kept it beside their bed. "I..I'm sorry, Henry, but that eyes when you look at him scared me so much. Only me, Henry. Please look only me with that eyes." Sam said, resting his side on his husband when he was sitting on Henry's lap and his side was laying on his husband. He couldn't exactly describe, but it was different when Henry looked at him. It was his pregnancy again that made him worry this much, so just words from his husband were helpful.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(oh That! Henry wouldn't be too harsh as soon as he saw tears from his beloved wife... ;))

"Oh i am looking at him while, hmm, picutring that was you as at first. before i noitced his face." Henry managed to be slightly embarrassed, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks now. He cleared his throat and explained further. "His speedo.... I was just wondering if it would still fit you. You know..." He rubbed against Sam's hips and whispered. "You have gained a bit of weight, and that speedo was supposed to be for you when you are not this pregnant..." He muttered against Sam's head, his breath blowing against him. "Don't you know that you are the only one who would ever make me so addicted?" He smiled and wrapped his arms around Sam, kissing him gently on his cheeks.

(hehe, yeah)

Sam was holding his husband tightly when he said that. His face blushed pink with how Henry wanted that speedo to be fit, but he wasn't sure about it. "As you said, Henry. I have gained more weight that we thought, so it may be not fit." Sam whispered softly, still holding his husband closer. Henry could know how Sam was so addicted to his husband. Sam was enjoying how his husband was kissing and saying his sweet words since he felt not so good now. Finally, they stayed that for almost 30 mins, and Sam was a bit sleepy since he yawned and leaned all his weight on his husband. "I think we should find some cafe, here. Drinking some tea may be helpful." Sam said, giving Henry a warm smile. The tea didn't help about how sleepy, but also how sad he felt now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yea I guess so. I feel like your stomach's about to grumble again as well." Henry teased and rubbed at Sam's stomach that was above his baby bump. He helped Sam up, holding his hips as he stood up on his feet, and then let him stretch his back a litte. Henry was buying time for himself in asking Sam to stretch, since his legs fell asleep from Sam sitting on them, but he didn't want his wife to notice since it would amke him guilty. Finally when he was sure he could stand properly himself, he stood up and took Sam to the coffee shop.

They found a sofa seat in the cafe, which the waitress happily arrnaged for them seeing Sam's condition. Henry took his hand and sat closely next to him as they settled. "Hmm so what tea do you want? And you could decide the menu. I guess they probably don't serve pickles, but there's a wide range of dessert available here." Henry smiled as they looked at the menu.

They walked slowly as Sam's belly was big, and his legs couldn't handle fast walking after he just sat for a long time. The coffee shop wasn't far the beach and it looked so good with vintage style. He leaned more on the sofa as it could support his back and his belly perfectly. His face blushed red as Henry mentioned about the pickles while he was handing the menu for Sam. "Hm, let's see what the babies want now, So can you both tell mommy now?" Sam said, rubbing his belly gentle. He had already picked the rose tea for himself, but Sam couldn't choose the dessert now. He took a bit time while rubbing his belly till he had an idea about it. "Hmm, Maybe mango cake with vanilla ice cream? Mango is sour, so it can replace my pickle, and you know that vanilla flavor is my most favorite of all time" Sam said, smiling at his husband. The ice cream was one of his most favorite desserts, so Henry shouldn't be surprised when Sam ordered it with other desserts although they weren't good combination sometimes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I would get a chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream as well." Henry said as he gave the orders to the waitress, added with some pointing on the menu for her to understand. He ordered that just in case the ice cream wasn't enough for Sam and he could share some more with him. And of course, he ordered another coffee for himself. The china that served them with the desserts were pretty as well, with florals on them and colorful decorations that boost their appetites. Henry smiled when Sam soon finished his share of ice cream and pouted. He scooped half of his scoop to sam's plate. "That's all you are going to get, or you wouldn't have the stomach for dinner tonight." He kissed his cheek while he said that, his hand landing lightly on his belly.

Sam just realized that it was 3 p.m. now, so eh wouldn't have enough space for dinner if he ate too much. He also gave Henry a soft kiss for thanks his husband. "Thanks for reminding me, Henry. You are the best husband in the world." He teased his husband a bit, and also placed his hand on his belly then rubbed it gently. "Hmm, our little seem to please with this dessert," Sam whispered as the babies didn't give him a hard kick or trouble for their little mommy. He yawned a bit as the tea wasn't helpful since he had eaten more dessert. Sam leaned his face on Henry's shoulders when he tried to rest for a bit. He didn't mean to sleep, but staying silent, and moving as less as possible were good for Sam. "Hm, Henry, you're also the best pillow in the world." Sam smiled, leaning a bit more on his husband. His muscle wasn't that tender, but Sam loved it.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry let Sam lay on him more comfortably by placing his arm across his back, gently touching him on his hip on the other side. "yes and this pillow is tailor made for you alone." He kissed his forehead and patted his belly absentmindedly, luring the babies to also calm down and let their mommy rest. "Let's stay here to rest your legs a little... then when you feel refreshed enough and ready to bring those babies around to more places, we would go out again." He said glancing outside. The windows were large and he could see the sun was big outside, which could be burdening to Sam as he was carrying extra load on him.

Sam smiled as his husband patted his belly gently, and the babies responded that with soft kick. "Hmm, so let me rest on my private pillow for awhile." He said, smiling softly. Sam didn't' saw anything much after that, and he only enjoyed the style of this cafe. He loved the vintage style of this place, and he also had a plan to decorate his new kitchen in new house in this style. It was almost 10 minutes since he realized something. "Oh, How about we get the dessert here for our favorite staff?" He said, smiling at his husband that Henry could see his cuteness. Sam was always nice with many people, and it was the best part of him. He smiled when Henry called for the waitress and ordered something for their staff. He chose the best thing in this cafe for him, so it was the gift from a cute couple.
(lol, I love adding some details abut this. I hope you don't mind it.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(yea sure)

"Hmm yes good idea. A token of thanks. Then we would go back to the hotel soon. You are always tooo soft hearted in my point of view... if you happen to bump into someone bad.... guess I would have to be your guard and lookout for you, always." Henry kissed his wife who appeared so cute now. Soemtimes he couldn't imagine how Sam would be had he not met him that first night, or maybe if his boyfirend didn't kick him out but kept him around and abuse him. He looked at Sam with gentle eyes and was once again very grateful for how their fate had turned out to be. The orders soon arrived and Henry helped Sam up again. "Luckily we didn't order anything with ice cream." Henry teased Sam as he waddled out of the cafe. It was impossible for the ice cream to not be all melted with the speed of Sam's walking.

Sam smiled as he could know that Henry was thinking something. "You'll be my guard, huh? Wow, so I'm your prince now?" He said, smiling. "I won't let you go anywhere, Henry. I'll be with you always." He whispered, following with a soft kiss. Sam insisted on holding that dessert since Henry's hands were busy in supporting his wife. "Yeah, no ice cream or I should learn to walk faster?" Sam joked slightly. They walked just a bit time then they took the taxi back to the hotel since it was impossible for Sam to walk that far. Sam leaned on Henry's shoulders again in the car since it didn't have much space for his belly, but they finally arrived to the hotel.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"You have always been my prince..." Henry muttered while grabbing Sam's waist to steady him. "Careful your highness.." he smiled when Sam swayed a little as he got up from the sofa seat. The walk was leisurely and Henry was glad he could hold his wife like that. It had always been his favourite posture to have his wife's belly resting securely on his palm. To get off the small taxi, however, proved to be alittle more trouble as Hnery carefully put Sam's legs down on the ground before helping him lift himself up. From Henry's angle, he could see the driver's slightly annoyed face but he was glad that he didn't yell at them, probably knwoing they wouldn't understand what he was saying. They managed to get back into the hotel , this time finally with Sam on his own feet, and even more successfully managed to bump into that staff again. "Come on Sam, go ahead." HEnry urged sam to go greet with the nice guy, almost like whne he was encouraging Victoria to order from the fast food.

(Hey that staff is a man hehe)

They walked slowly from the lobby to their room. Sam was glad when he saw that staff again since He didn't know when would he leave the work. Sam walked slowly to the desk on the 30th floor of the hotel and handed hi a box of dessert. "We both got this for you, Sir. It may be not pricey, but we both wanna thank you for doing many things for us." Sam said, smiling as the staff got the cake from him. He knew that Henry had given some tips to that staff, but Sam still wanted to give it. Sam smiled when Henry moved to his and wrapped his arms around his wife. "Is that good for practicing, huh?" He joked as Henry encouraged Sam to do this.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I dont need practising... i always do that. I am already an expert." Henry said proudly. His little girl had become less shy from how he trained her, and always give her the chance to express herself and try things on her own. He smiled and nodded at the staff who looked quite surprised, and also happy, for receiving such a gift. "I would make sure I mention to the mamager that you had done a great job in making.our stay enjoyable as well." He added to the great guy. "Now babe, what do you want to do now?"

Sam smiled at the staff before they walked to their room. He walked slowly to the couch with some help from his husband and sat slowly on it. Sam took a bit time, thinking about what he wanted to do, but finally staying cozy seemed to be the best thing. He smiled at his husband who walked back from the fridge when Sam asked for cold water that could make him feel better. "Why don't we just spend the time together, Henry?" Sam said, caressing Henry's abdomen as he stood before him.
(idk why I wanna do sexy scene now lol It can be sex or just sexy moment hehe. and also let's not do it too long as the real sex if you wanna do it since we will do that again later)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Hmm ok let's see what we could make together)

To touch his abdomen, Sam had to sit straight up, and therefore his legs were spread wide for his belly. Henry smiled and looked at his wife with bright eyes. "Hmm you say we just stay togrther? Sure.... what kind of stay together think should it be?" He asked in his deep voice, his hand caressing Sam''s cheek. As he was looking down at Sam, this angle made his belly appear quite big. He wondered sometimes if the twins could be bigger than James and Harry. When Sam drank his water, he had some spilled from his.lips and Henry wiped away the water that escaped him, brushinh against his throat lightly.

"What kind of stay together? You should decide, Henry." Sam whispered softly as he looked up at his husband. Henry was tall and handsome with this angle. Sam's face blushed pink when Henry wiped the water away and looked at him with that sexy eyes. He couldn't even tell how much he loved that. "We have time before dinner, Henry. Do what you wanna do. I'm always yours." He said, smiling. He also needed to spread his legs wider to get closer to his husband, and it was sexy. Sam moved his hands to Henry's back when he got lower and kissed his softly.

(Do I need to beware your dirty mind? hehe ,and yeah let's see if we can do something.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yep you need to beware of my dirty mind ;))

Henry smiled into the kiss. At first his hands rest innocently on Sam''s arms, then it slowly slid down his body, down his thick waist, to the front to cup his belly, then towards his back to rub on his hips. Henry knew his wife too well, he knew all his sensitive spots. Just a few touches and Sam was already moaning. "You are always so sensitive... is it becuase of the hormones, or is it because of.... me?" Henry asked, chuckling. Sam's belly was large enough to hide all that was underneath, but Henry was quite sure there had been some kind of arousal from Sam, since his face was already so flushed.

(hehe You know what I like, and what is my limit ;))

Sam's face blushed so bad after he let a soft moan. Henry knew him too well since he started with his belly and moved down to the more sensitive spot. He smiled, leaning his face on Henry's chest as he said that. "It's exactly because of my hormones, but no one can drive me crazy like this, but my lovely husband," Sam whispered softly. It was true that his cock was jerking slightly even from just touching from his husband. He also wanted to tease his beloved Henry since Sam moved his hand down to his crotch while another hand was rubbing Henry's back in a sexy way. "So, does my husband want more dessert after lunch? The dessert name Sam." He whispered to Henry's ears with a soft but cute tone.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Hmm if my dessert is willing.... I would devour him." Henry replied huskily. At a sudden show of strnegth, he moved Sam's legs up to plant them on either side of his hips, almost like when he was getting an examination by him, and pushed his bottom high up so his delicious opening and his hardened cock could be seen and relessed from under his belly. "I see my dessert is quite ready." Henry smiled and then bent down to lick on his crotch, causing Sam to jerk from the pleasure and moan very loud.

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