C Slaves to Magic (Closed)

How long would it last indeed. Trystan had no intention of lying about how he felt about the situation, but he could not say he cared all the same, really. He was a bit nonchalant in that approach.

"Theories and a guinea pig." That sounded about right with what most usually sought a non magical slave for. He casually raised an eyebrow. "Interesting and given the lack of a better choice, following you instead might be wise."

He stopped dead in his tracks however when the door swung open and in came some mages struggling to bring in a rather fighting Cursed figure. Minos insisted to take the green haired male as well however, preferring to get right to the point in marking the male as his the same way he had done Trystan. What could the brown haired male do though? He wasn't exactly in a rebellious opportunity if he sought it. Instead, he just waited and watched. Clearly, the male they caught was a rebel.

Under the hood, Minos looked at the rebel, looking him in the eyes as the man shot him an intense glare. Another handful, this one more outspoken. He could live with that. "He could come from the depths of the ocean for all I care. I'm saying I'm taking him right now, I'm paying, and I give no fucks if he's killed someone or kissed the emperor's ass." The strange flame was snuffed inside Minos's fist, turning into a rounded crystal the size of his palm, brimming with magical energy. "Here." The crystal floated straight into the closest mage's pocket, enveloped in soft blue light. The same light that had appeared when Trystan's collar was marked and now etched itself also into the new slave's collar. It also forced the other two mages apart and formed a bubble around Minos's new acquisition, lifting him off the ground just like the crystal before, and just as effortlessly. "Gentlemen." The blessed bid his farewell to the mages with a small bow of his head and with that, and no further warning, Minos, Trystan and the rebel found themselves in an entirely different place.

First of all, there was light everywhere, as they found themselves outside and the sun shone brilliantly in the sky. Second, they stood on a round granite platform that served as their landing pad, surrounded by clouds on all sides except for a short bridge that extended into, third, a large granite mansion etched with the same blue magic energy, also nestled within the clouds. "Welcome to your new home. Mind your step." Minos announced, pointing to the clouds. "Those aren't solid."

(I don't know if you let my character out of the bubble so for now he is in there yet)

The rebel found himself shocked and slightly scared when the bubble trapped him. This magic was so different from the magic the soldiershe fought, and killed. That was entirely new and he didn't know if he could get out of his new situation. He looked at his mark, frowning. He didn't like how easy it was for the mage to mark him. Dissapointment filled him, how weak he was to be marked that easily. All his training wasn't enough. Then, he looked at the bubble, and began to push it, in order to break it. The surface was slippery and elastic, and every try to get up there was a complete failure. He gave up in order to have the little dignity he could have in that moment. I didn't mattered how much they tried to keep him in the end, he would find a way to get out.

And maybe... He looked at the other slave, could he help him? He didn't knew, but for what he heard that young man could be a ally for his cause.

((He's still trapped, yeah))

He was used to being shifted to another place, more so from his ordeal with his actual family. He would often have to be moved to different areas like a dirty little secret. Clearly, the secret was on the verge of getting out and dear ol' grandfather proposed getting rid of him. Well, there Trystan was again, being shifted to who knows where. This time, he was in the clouds.

He had never been that high up and the thought of being so high definitely made his bare feet twinge with the notion that one false move, he could take a plunge down below and fall somewhere with a horrible splat. Who truly cared for a Cursed after all, right.

"That's definitely reassuring," he said with a slight green to his face. He looked at the other male that was acquired. He was still in a bubble, clearly to prevent him from escaping. Nothing said final than whisking two individuals who didn't have the means to get down up away into the sky.

"You seem to hold some sort of status, I take it," he asked in regards to seeing the large mansion. They may have had magic, but Trystan knew the social statuses, from the low to high class, with the Cursed lower than Low. He knew his way around a mansion though. It wasn't the first, but rather the second. He lived a luxurious life before, down in the cellar.

"Well, I doubt I hold any strong merit asides from manual labor and a few subjects. Whatever you need in that angle, I'd be happy to serve asides the guinea pig notion."

He glanced at the bubbled up male. Really, he felt sorry for him, but they were practically helpless in this situation. Why not try to get along as much as possible? Trystan's personal vendetta was not with Minos after all. It was his grandfather.

"Are you positive he will be alright," he asked the Mage. "I hope I'm not overstepping a boundary, but a rebel. Isn't that at least a cause for alarm on some form?"

Minos was watching the second slave he acquired, not replying immediately to Trystan as he gaged the other man up. At least he had the good sense to know when to quit. That spelled some promise for compromise. "Whether he'll be alright or not is entirely his choice." he muttered to Trystan, bringing the other Cursed closer, letting his feet touch the cold floor through the bubble. Clapping his hands, Minos gave them a theatrical bow, his voice carrying a whimsical tone. "So, from the top! My name is Minos and, in case there was any doubt in your heads, I am a Blessed. I have no qualms claiming that I'm not your run of the mill Blessed either, because not only am I older than most, I've become one with my blessing for so long I don't even remember what I used to look like."

To further cement the notion, Minos removed his cloak, revealing features that shouldn't be possible for the shape he appeared to have had. His skin was pitch black, and the same blue glowing lines etched onto the granite ran through it, creating strange, tattoo-like geometrical designs on his cheeks and neck. One'd think he had some elven blood mixed in with his long ears and fine features, but where his brows would stand a second pair of eyes was trained on his new subjects, all four completely crimson, no pupil, no white, nothing, giving the unsettling feeling of not knowing where exactly Minos's was looking at. His hair was collected in a long central braid, the same blue as the markings, with the sides of his head completely bald and bearing the strange blue sigils. The most jarring change of all were a pair of curled, ridged transparent horns jutting out of his forehead, like a ram's, framing his face, filled with what looked like an ever shifting night sky. Minos' had long embraced his element, his magic, and his humanity had been the price. A price that those with enough power rarely paid, and the handful who risked it seldom survived, most with their mind in shambles.

"Regarding my expectations of you, there's very little I require from you both. Comply with my research and you'll be treated fair and square. Now, this will be the only warning you'll receive." Although he was still smiling, the flatness of his voice left little room for doubt that he meant business. "Don't get cute with me. Don't test my patience. If you act like animals, you'll be treated just like that: animals. I'm not one for the bloodier side of things, but I will exact punishment if you cross the line. Understood?"

The sudden change of the bubble's movement stirred the green haired youth. He only tried, with success this time, to stand up when the bubble was enough close to the floor. At least he would not slip again, he hoped.

He didn't say anything during his new "master's" presentation. He didn't care about the man's name, or how he wasn't like other Blessed. If only, it just meaned he'd need to be wary of him, but he was trained for that. Most of Cursed have tun away from their masters long time before him, and he was no less than them. Still, when the mage revealed his appearance, a deep frown of concern installed itself in the rebel's face, that mage was something he never dared to imagine. Just watching the other gave him shivers down his spine, something he had to hide from the others, he couldn't show any weakness, and, not for the first time, he wondered if magic was more a course than a blessing.

Still, the mage wouldn't give him time to find a solution. The threat was clear, more than any of the orders his superiors gave to him, that was for sure. Former slaves had told him some of the horrors they had to pass for their owners, and how did they escape. And the first thing he needed was patience: patience to learn every place of the house he would be, patience to memmorize every habit of its inhabitants, patience to find a find a blind spot, amd patiente to trace a plan to escape. So, for the moment, he could play the role of a mindless servant as he nooded silently.

For now, it was the only thing he could do.

(Sorry for the slight delay.)

He seemingly cared not for the question. Minos perhaps had something Trystan was not aware of. While he thought that it was wise to warn cause in spite of his slight nonchalance, at least telling someone something may happen in the event it did was more worthwhile than not telling them and wondering why their face was caught in surprise upon the revelation. Speaking of revelations, Trystan was right to think that this "master" had some trick up his sleeve. He finally revealed his face and it was intimidating to say the least, more intimidating than the old man he could call his grandfather.

"Comply with your research and don't act like an animal. Got it." Perfect, he wanted to say with sarcasm. Finding a way out was more ideal at this point, but he would have to comply. It was the bizarre appearance that had his skin more on edge than anything else. "And what exactly would your research entail if you don't mind me asking?"

((No problem))

Minos knew plenty well the effect his appearance had on people, but for his purpose with them a little shock and awe was good. Especially with forest boy, might make him think twice before trying something stupid. "Not at all. In fact, now that we're far away from my oh so charming brethren I can reveal what you're here for." The Blessed's mockery filled grin actually died down, subdued into a small, mystery riddled smile. "I've come to the conclusion over the years that the only difference between the Cursed and the rest is that you were born without the means to connect your inner potential to the mana around you. Like your soul is locked inside, so to speak. What we're going to do is restore that link."

With a flick of a finger, the bubble surrounding the imprisoned Cursed fizzled out, letting him finally free. "This will actually be rather beneficial for you and your cause as well. Because, at the end of the day, your and Trystan's name will go down in history as the first Cursed to cast magic." And just like that, Minos dropped the bomb.

The young man was starting to feel tired of his conpanion's formalities with their captor. For him, that bastard didn't deserve the right to be spoken to, hust for thinking himself above else. Avobe them. Above him. Just because he lost all his humanity in favor of the magic, which turned him into a monster. He narrowed his eyes, what was that man going to do with them? He had heard stories about what some owners do to their slaves, but nothing sounded like what that man was saying, but of course any slave reported to have a master like him. When the bubble dissapeared, he took a deep breath, a bit dizzy for the preassure difference.

When the wizar revealed his intentions, he was so shocked and repulsed that he couldn't control his tongue: "And what if we don't want to have magic?" he regretted speaking up and closed his mouth inmediately. He just spilled his stoic facade in front of the magician, which of course it was just as close-minded arpund magic as the others. And he actually had the nerve to tell him it was good for his cause! They didn't want magic, they wanted to be FREE!

Still, after exposing himself, the embarrasment paralyzed him on his place, unable to ask for forgiveness or to continue his protests

His slightly thick eyebrow raised with intrigue. A Cursed with magic? Forget looking at the bizarre appearance. This had intrigued him a bit further. Of course however, the other unnamed male insisted otherwise.

"Speak for yourself," he said rather bluntly with a scoff. "Some of us were casted out from their family because they couldn't muster this...magic..."

He was seemingly on board for the idea, at least presently. This could be his way back home among other things and he honestly couldn't see why the rebel would complain. They would have a chance at a better life than what they were given. Yes. Trystan was out for either revenge or some form of acceptance. He did in a way, care for the others, but if he could muster magic, the matter resolved itself in rescuing them. He saw a bigger perspective, his perspective to say the least. Rebel or not, the other could probably benefit from it as well.

"I imagine you must have come around a series of blocks in your research to make such an effort possible?"

The Blessed couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the little exchange, endlessly amused at the extremism of one and the acceptance of the other, eyeing the slave's embarrassment. "You fanatic zealot types really are equally near-sighted regardless the side of the fence you choose to make a stand on... If you want to waste your potential and dismiss a weapon in your fight for freedom, be my guest."

Minos turned to Trystan, gesturing towards the mansion. "A lot of blocks. Most were man made. If we're going to talk magical theory and the assholery that gets in the way of putting thought to practice though, I'd rather do it over a drink. Plus, there's a couple of people around I should introduce you to." he said, starting his way across the bridge.

Oh, of looks could kill. That Trystan should thank whatever superior force he believed in for the rebel not having the capacity to kill him with his eyes, because then only his ashes would remain in the mortal world. What he said hurt the rebel more than the green haired thought it would, reopening a wound he thought it was closed long time ago. He couldn't care less about what their captor thought of his people, he accepted himself for who he was, and maybe if he could see the rebel's hands stained with the blood of all he killed for his freedom, he would know that he didn't need magic to fight.

Still, he decided to spare some words for his companion, before returning to his stoic facade "Don't think nagic will solve all of your problems. All of us will end up the same, with magic or not" he muttered before following the wizard. He was against his 'master' opinion, but there his own opinion has less value than the stones at his feet. He felt pity for Trystan, he wasn't the first slave he saw thinking magic would solve all their misfortunes they had. He also saw mages working together for their freedom, and all of them ended up dead. The magicians were so blind by their magic that they didn't see how alike they were of the ones who didn't have their power. That was something he learned in the battlefield, when he was too young to even understand why the reason for fighting.

Trystan didn't think otherwise. Of course he was no fool to think that by having such abilities, it would answer all of his problems. What he was seeking though was a quest that would right the wrong done to him. As much as he could hate his grandfather for suggesting to his parents that they sell him, the idea only came to mind because someone threatened their status.

Drinks, of the alcoholic nature at least, usually eluded him. He was young st the time and that was saying much given he was the oldest sibling. He as twenty now, but still that concept eluded him. There was a first time for everything, he supposed. His brown eyes glanced a bit at the green haired male though, who had this daunting gaze fixed upon as if he was ready to leap. He could try it, but he wouldn't guarantee the other might endure. He knew his way around some fists and swords if he needed. Some high class individuals preferred that after all. He kept walking instead, following behind Minos, dismissing the words the other male said. The man looked a tad too bizarre to try and upset presently.

"Others," he inquired. "Are they guests or do they live here as well?"

The mansion looked spacious enough for the latter, but he had nothing else to inquire about other than the obvious living upon clouds matter. Even then, couldn't that just be summed up to being done by magic? Most of his answers would lie within the mansion itself and not outside, of course, so he had no reason to stall or try to be defiant. The best route to pursue, for him at least, was to follow.

can i join as a carrier

If Minos heard the last remark of the green haired Cursed, it didn't earn any reaction on his part, as he simply kept leading the way and replying to Trystan. "Well, currently there's two other people living with me. I have a couple of frequent guests, but none of them are around at this time. There aren't many willing to pester me, which is perfect if you're the antisocial sort." Like he was, though that was left unsaid.

As they approached the gate, it became noticeable that the gate was an image rather than a proper door, projected into a glossy surface. Blue runes were carved along the arch, maintaining the spell. Without batting an eye, Minos crossed through the illusion, his form making it ripple as he disappeared into it. On the other side awaited the main hall of the mansion, the same magic streaked granite everywhere, giving it a somber luminescence. Above, a chandelier made of multiple small light blue flames did nothing to lighten the grim mood. At the center, a single figure awaited patiently, dressed in maid clothes keeping the blue and black theme. A small slim woman, standing at the height of Minos' waist, pale hands clasped against the folds of her skirt, with platinum blonde hair up in a bun and piercing blue eyes surveyed the trio with a raised brow. "I see you were successful 'this' time, milord." The woman greeted, a tinge of sarcasm lining her words.

"Indeed! Two extra mouths to feed, isn't it grand?" Minos chuckled, getting a sigh out of the maid. "Gentlemen, this is Aida, the chief of staff." he presented as Aida gave the two men a small tip of her head in greeting. "In fact, Aida is the only living staff. So if you want to occupy yourself in any way, shape or form, she can put you to work."

The man before them was full of surprises, everyone of them getting the rebel's neck hair on edge. Everything on this place seemed made exclusively with Minos' magic, like he didn't anything else to live
Like he wasn't human at all...

He never heard about people like the Blessed, and he began to doubt of his probabilities to run away. Still, he knew what he had to do in that case, but the idea sounded so desespetate in his head that got him embarrased for his own weakness. Without hesitation, he crossed the door, feeling uneasy.

Certainly the interior was even more dready than the exterior. And again, he could breath magic everywhere. Enough to fill him lungs like gunpowder and smoke, making difficult to breath. Still, he didn't show anyrhing of it, more concentrated in looking for a possible exit and listening to the conversation. Maybe, he could use helping the maid as a facade for finding a way out of the place. Still, he needed to know what they were about to do with him, so instead of doing anything, he just gave the woman a little now with his head as a salute form, alongside a shy smile. Maybe he was rather fond of women, bringing old memories to him, or maybe he just felt empathy for her being at that monster seevice. Whatever it was, it got lost with the gentle action, which went just as quickly as it came.

He followed along until they came to the gate. It was surprising in some ways to see the illusion of the gate before them fall away as they entered through it, but it was also familiar, something he was used to at this point. He ventured forward until he was at the end point, inside the mansion. There, they were greeted by another face, a female to be exact. He felt it was only natural to return the gesture despite how sarcastic her words had come off as. They were in the same situation as she was, from what he could assume minus that only the Cursed were males, so most likely they were the slaves and she had a much more powerful status on their lowly forms. He remained silent in this case, not much to truly say and nodded to the idea of being able to do work in the mansion.

(I can take a crack at this)

I'm clark
Being a mage is fun but unlike other mages I care for my subjects.
I live with minos and am on equal level with him, i sometimes help him with his experiments only when he requests my assists.

Life of a wolf

((I'm sorry PregWolf, I should have come around to closing the thread earlier, but work got to me. I'm not looking for anyone else for this rp at the moment, but if you'd like PM me and we can work something out ^^!))

The maid took note of the green youth's smile, giving him her own for a brief moment. Small and quick, before Minos commanded center stage again. "Aida, be a dear and show them around, will you? Rooms, baths, the orchard, whatever suits your fancy. But at least show them their rooms."

The maid nodded, though not without rolling her eyes. "I will do my best, milord."

Minos turned back to the two cursed, giving them a fanged grin. As if his appearance wasn't disturbing enough already. "There you have it, gentlemen. One final word for the day. You're free to explore, but I recommend you stay inside for now. Night comes really fast in the clouds, and it's really cold outside. If you have any interest in hearing more about your future roles, I'll be on my study washing down the taste of the surface with some good old liquor. If not, see you tomorrow." He had already turned his back on them and started to walk away when he paused once more. "Oh, and if you somehow find Yaotzin try not to provoke him too much." And so, without giving a chance for them to question him, Minos walked away, melting into the darkness.

Aida's entire frame seemed to relax once Minos was gone, getting another sigh out of her. All he did was give her work, really. At least they were good looking, she realized as she took a good look at them. "Before we start, what are your names? Someone forgot to introduce you two..."

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