The Market (Open RP)
Alex panted quickly as he followed Sabrina's instructions not to push as she began easing the head out. The pain was excruciating, but for the first time the excitement that his baby was almost out hit him, and Alex knew he could practically care less about the pain knowing he could soon hold his baby in his arms.

Trying to sit up further Alex tried to look over his big belly to see his baby's head for the first time--he could just barely see the crown of the head eclipsed by the arc of his belly.
"You're doing great. Now give me an easy push." she instructed. And as he did, with a slight scream, the rest of the head smoothly emerged. Quickly she checked for cord around the baby's neck and was relieved to find that there was none.

"Ok, on the next contraction, I want you to give me a good push for the shoulders. It won't be much longer. Just a few more pushes and you'll be done." She could see Alex craning his neck for a better look at the infant currently forcing its way through his body and smiled.

"Do you want to feel the baby's head?" she asked as she offered a hand.
Alex reached down between his legs, feeling the slippery wet surface of his baby's head, full of hair. "Yeah, I do!" he said still breathing fast from the pain.

He then grabbed his knees and began to push again, trying to deliver the shoulders.
As he pushed again, Sabrina frowned. He had been pushing hard for the past few contractions, but the baby hadn't moved down anymore. It was time to try something else. Grabbing one of the towels, she laid it out flat and helped Alex up so that he was kneeling on the table.

"What's wrong? Is the baby okay?" he asked, panting as his head rested against hers for support. His free hand rubbed his large mass of a belly.

"This baby seems to be on the bigger side. I think it might be stuck and we need to get this baby born soon." She replied, trying to stay calm. "So we're changing your position to see if gravity might help get this baby out."

"Okay." he nodded. As the next contraction started building, she could feel his fingers digging into her shoulders. "Here comes another one..." he groaned as he shifted his legs further apart.

"Alright. Take a deep breath and push as hard as you can."
Alex bore down as hard as he could, trying to get the baby to budge just an inch further out of him. The pain, although intense before, had quickly escalated to a mind numbing bone cracking pain he didn't even know was possible as he tried to deliver his baby. The sheer size of how big the child was that had been growing inside his belly for 9 months was finally hitting him as he found himself trying desperately do deliver it into this world.
As he pushed again, the hardest he had up til now, a horrid scream erupted from his throat due to the pain. But much to Sabrina's relief, their combined efforts seemed to work, feeling the shift of the baby's shoulder as it started to emerge.

"Here she comes Alex." she smiled as he gasped for breath between contractions. "Just a little more for the shoulders and you'll have your baby."
Alex pushed again, feeling his baby actually beginning to slide out of him. "Here she comes!"
As Alex pushed the hardest he had so far, shoulders finally came free followed by the rest of the newborn's body as it slid into her hands. At the feeling of the outside air, it let out a loud cry as it took its first breath.

"It's a girl!" she said excitedly as she handed the newborn to her father.
"She's beautiful" Alex said, holding his baby girl in his arms. "Thank you so much for your help"
"My pleasure." she said with a smile. Her head turned at the sounds of sirens coming closer. "That'll be the ambulance." she said as she covered the newborn in a blanket.
Is this still open
Name Roy
Age 21
Belly content two weeks overdue with big twins
Went to the store to get ice cream and jam
Roy waddle into the store he's 42 weeks with ten and half pound twins his shirt didn't fit him that much his stomach started to growl "hush kids daddy getting the food now he rubs his belly he feel one of the kids on his bladder he waddle to the bathroom when his water broke "no no no this can't be happening now is there anyone here knows how to deliver babies my water just broke I need help I'm all alone

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