The Elf and the Woman (Closed With DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes)

Elfric was tall, pale-skinned, and blonde, with deep green eyes that reflected the nature of his homeland. He held the memories of that place close as he traveled around now, building his renown as a healer and a doctor, making use of dragonflies to seek out those that needed his help. Today the white and gold-robed elf had followed one of his dragonflies into a human village in search of a woman with a desire so great that Elfric couldn't help but follow it all the way here. He made his way through the village, making note of its prosperity- there were lots of children about, which meant that this place was a haven for humans, and clearly it was thriving. The elf ran a hand through his light locks, smiling- human children were such a carefree joy to behold.

It took Elfric quite a while to reach the very edge of the town, where his dragonfly had led him. This, he thought, must be the home of his query. He took his white staff and tapped on the door, taking a dignified pose that showed his height and poise- both things that elves were blessed with even upon birth, seemingly, and indeed, should he be invited inside, he might have to duck down to actually enter the house.

Paega had spent most of her life in the safe haven that was her village, she was called the Morning Flower by her fellow villagers and she held herself sure and strong, her smiles and aid openly presented to those in need. She had been a sellsword when she was ten and eight but as she grew older she settled into a simple life as a simple apothecary owner.

As the years passed for her, she felt a fondness for every child she'd aided through varying illnesses, she ignored the lingering feeling of loneliness in her when she would watch families walk past. Instead she would plaster on a smile and if she was very generous to a family or an expecting mother, no one made a comment.

All that they knew was that the woman that held the sky in her eyes and the colour of the earth in her hair, was kind and they've no reason to complain.

It wasn't til one day in a supposedly eventful morning, when she was still in between the waking World and the land of dreams that she heard someone knock. Curious, she donned on a plain gown of hers and went down the stairs to open the door.

Her heart stilled at the sight of the fair haired being in front of her.

"What?" Was all she managed to gasp out as she took in the sight in front of her.

Elfric leaned back some at the brusque reaction with which he was met, his eyes moving from her head to her feet in a swift stroke. He had expected a "hello" or a "welcome" or someone very well kept with a pure beauty about her. Though well practiced in his crafts, Elfric often had trouble remembering some of the key quirks of humans- one of them being that they did not seek to rise before the sun as elves naturally did.

"I..." he blinked, his previously prepared introduction having gone out the window as his guard went up. "I was merely interested in some of your potions," he said, trying to recover. His dragonfly landed on the tip of his staff. Being an elf and having grown up in a matriarchal society, he didn't even as if her husband was in...though his eyes did look past her into the shop, giving him an air of being truly curious about her wares, though he was indeed expecting to see she had someone with her, given the feelings he got from her captured desires.

Hearing about the elf's desires, she nodded and opened her door wider, "This way, Master Elf." She spoke, her voice losing its sleep roughened state, the sleepy mist in her eyes disappeared and was replaced by the sky's clarity, she walked off to her table where had left some herbs to dry and some other bundles she was preparing was laid out.

"What potions hold your interest, Master Elf?" She asked, her voice gentle as she moved her fingers to untie the thin cord she used to tie the herb bundles together, letting out snatches of a song being hummed by her.

"And for what purpose? I've had to often deal with many reasons people seek my potions, tonics, salves and even poisons. Rest assured, I do not seek an assassin in my house." She spoke swiftly, her voice held a kind detachment but there was also the silent threat she wished to throw in. She knew she spoke swiftly but she best let out her words soon as possible to make sure the fair man in front of her knew what to say.

Elfric entered the shop, taking care not to avoid the trappings of an abode designed for humans. As he looked around at everything but her, his pointed ears caught all of her words, and only when she mentioned an assassin did he turn to look at her. The way he'd moved through her shop like not only were all the items inside made of glass, but that they intentionally blocked his every move even though they were nowhere near, had already gone to work contradicting her accusation.

"Oh no no, I seek not to be an assassin myself, quite the opposite in fact," he said, picking up a bottle with a swirling yellow liquid in it. "I am a medicine man, by trade and by choice. I make it a point to visit any apothecary I come across, in search of new ways to cure the ailments of those in need." He replaced the bottle back on its shelf where he found it.

"Even those that can't be seen."

Hearing his explanation, she nodded. "Then all is well and good, as for your tradition with visiting apothecaries then I applaud you for seeking out human apothecaries instead of your own kind." She smiled, it was small but it was a smile nonetheless. "I have heard that the elves make the best of everything." She stated simply as she set aside the herbs she planned on drying and separated them from the ones she intends to turn into salves and tonics and pastes.

Hearing his words, she paused in her movements and looked at him with silent curiosity, "You are a healer of the heart and mind?" She asked, her voice soft.

The elf man smiled upon hearing her titling of him. "Oh, when spoken like that, you paint me a romantic," he said, putting a hand to his chest. "I suppose it is more accurate to say that I find those maladies more interesting than your common wounds." He moved around once more, examining her wares, even setting his staff down against a cleared part of the wall.

"I've largely fascinated myself with human wellness. They are so creative when it comes to finding ways to do each other harm, so there is never a drought of things to discover. Yet, our Grandmother* has ways to counter each and every bodily wound you can manage to inflict, if one merely applies the proper wit." He said. "I wish to prove the same true about those unseen ailments as I seek out such things as challenges."

*"Grandmother" refers not to a mother's mother, but to this world's equivalent of Mother Nature, and is a reference to the oldest parts of elven ancestry that they believed shaped and designed the world.

Paega felt her cheeks darkening upon heari the elf's words, she shook her head. "I only speak what I understand, Master Elf." She mumbled as she hurriedly faced back to her work, moving to mix the herbs with varying mixes and contents.

She stilled at the Elf's words and shot him a blank look, her storm of emotions raged silently within her mind, "I'm afraid it is not within my people alone that harm can be found, for be it elf, man, fae or dwarf, we all have those that can harm one another more than we should like." The more she heard of the elf's words, she nodded along and offered a smile to him, "I pray this...challenge...of yours proves successful then."

(I love the world building you threw in here! It's wonderful and interesting!)

He looked back up at her with amusement at her comments, "Oh certainly, but men are the best at such things...though dwarves would give you some competition, as brutish as they are. At any rate, I admit to speaking in generalities. This village of yours seems to be devoid of malcontent! It's quite impressive to me. I'm not sure I've seen a human settlement so full of children- and happy ones at that!" He added, indeed daring to patch the wounds made by his earlier generalizations. He watched her reaction closely, still prodding to find what it was in her that produced the energy that his dragonfly had captured.

Ignoring the words the elf had spoken, she looked down at her work and forced herself to focus. "This village was created by He Who Walks In the Fields to offer us succour from the times of darkness and desolation." She explained as she looked outside, "Such havens had been made rare but bountiful in supplying to the children of its land." She murmured as she began mashing the herbs together in a small bowl before she took the remaining herbs and tossed them into a cauldron.

"The children here had been raised without the taints of the rest of the world." She explained softly, "The parents are lucky when they have children, and the children find enjoyment in the simplest things." She smiled, "They just...they bring life and sunlight into this world." She almost whispered, pausing in her work as she thought of all the children she'd met and tended to.

*He Who Walks In the Fields is the one who the humans consider as their maker, or the lord of the lands. Then there was the war time for the humans which is the times of darkness and desolation. In case I end up confusing you.

Elfric quickly became focused as the woman's tone shifted, thinking he may have finally touched on that desire. "Naivety is so often an overlooked virtue," he said with a small nod. "Humans are fortunate to have childhood take up so much of their lives." The elf man let silence hang over the air for a moment, allowing for the opportunity of her train of thought continuing. He didn't want to jump in and ask about children of her own, after all, even though he was getting quite an idea of what she might be missing.

She nodded, it was true. Though her time as a sellsword taught her that naïveté was also something that could cost one so dearly. But she never spoke that out loud. "Childhood can be relative, Master Elf." She spoke, her voice gentle, "Some children are children only in body but had to grow older in mind to support themselves." She swallowed thickly before looking at the elf.

"I would not know of any experience of seeing a child grow and experience their childhood completely," Her voice was soft, "children I've seen, taken care of and whatnot." She smiled ruefully and shook her head. "I apologise for babbling, Master Elf."

The elf soon grew a tiny smile on his face at her description of childhood, "Ohoho, like me! Sometimes I truly forget that I am the one responsible for my own well being!" He said, almost a bit too excitedly, like he'd spoken before he'd thought about what he was saying. He actually giggled until Paega resumed speaking, noticing her own more serious tone.

"No," he nodded once she was finished. "I understand. Children are treasures- really great treasures. How interesting it is seeing them grow, wondering what they've inherited from those that came before...and what the world today will make of them. It's an experience I look forward to myself someday," he said, pausing and looking the woman over...remembering that despite her appearance retaining a manner of youth, she could have very well been through more of her life than he had been of his.

Paega found herself smiling at the elf's words and she shook her head, "Don't we all though?" She asked with a soft laugh. She found the elf interesting with how he would smile and the giggle that would leave his lips. He spoke with such light that she was surprised that he would find her home when the light of day must be beckoning him.

She nodded to his words, "Indeed, it is very beautiful to see a child growing up. To see who they will become, to see who they will take after." She murmured, she shook her head, "Though not everyone has such a privilege." She shrugged and laughed mirthlessly, "And I suppose I am content enough with seeing children run through the streets as they play their games." She doubts she can properly have a child or raise one. So she must be content with her lot in life now.

She had a home. And she had peace.

She should not ask for more.

Elfric leaned toward Paega, now vested more than merely interested. "Are you?" He asked, trying not to grin at her transparency. He stood up straight again, to try and make an intentionally feeble attempt at hiding his...elation. It might soon become apparent that he's doing this, and she might realize that she's doing the same.

Eyeing the elf with suspicion, she narrowed her eyes before shaking her head, a wry smile playing on her lips. "I should be, I've been granted more than I can ever dream of." She knew it was not the ideal life to be unmarried and without children in a town such as this but truly, what more can she ask for? "I should be content with what I have and I am."

Elfric grinned even wider, massaging the back of a chair as he leaned towards her. "Ah, but you can dream of it, can't you?" He said, coming out from behind the chair to walk towards her and look her over, a twinkle in his eyes. "So likely it is that you're envious of the mothers in town. You have all of this- beyond what a normal woman would dare to achieve- and yet it has not befallen you the simplest of things that most get without forethought." He turned away, pretending something behind him had caught his eye.

"Denying you want something only makes you want it more," he called back to her. "Humans are so attracted to forbidden fruit, even it it's merely fruit you forbid yourself from." He turned to look at her once more. "Let me help you."

"Are you attempting to goad me into something, Master Elf?" She bit out, her gaze no longer holding its serenity but a fire that threatened to burst at the possible threat. "You make it sound as if my desires are rather a source of a joke, speak plainly instead of stepping round your desire." She spoke lowly, her voice chipped and icy, "I doubt you are here for the interest you had claim earlier if you keep speaking the way you do." She knew that her instincts as a sellsword warred against the serene façade she had projected to do many people but for once in so long a time, she let her sellsword' instincts win.

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