Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

Sam smiled with how Henry was focussing on his painting. His husband looked so cute wth this. Sam also put his both hands back since i would't bother his husband. "Hmm, I was hink i konw what you wanna draw now. I will be one of the biggest sunflower i habe ever seen." He said, smiling as Henry looked up at him. Sam's belly was round and perfect to draw the sunflower, and his a bi pop out bellybutton was cute with it "
(Yeah although it isn't not really my type hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry smiled and looked up. "How do you know? If the kids ask for it, we could paint it again for them. Then you would be an eve bigger sunflower." He suggested. If the kids indeed ask for that, Sam would be even bigger by then. Maybe his bellybutton would pop out even more as well. "This time is just trial.... practice makes perfect, right?" He blinked and gave Sam a cheesy smile before getting to the brown paints. It took quite some time, Henry constnatly thought things could be even better, so when he also felt a bit tired from sitting on the ground, he looked up with a little worry. "Sam, maybe we should rest awhile? It could also let the petal dry a bit first before I add the leaves." He glanced at Sam's midsectino worriedly, remembering how his wife's back had been sore even before this.

Sam loved how his husband was caring him so much, and in fact his back wasn't that hurt anymore since he also supported it with his both arms, against the bench, but taking a break would also be good for his husband. Sam smiled as he moved for a big, giving more space on his side. "Yeah, let's take a break. Come here, honey. Let me rest on my favorite pillow." Sam said, smiling as he invited Henry to sit there since he could rest his head on Henry's shoulder although Sam just wanted to stay close to Henry. He rubbed his belly on his side where wasn't painted, and he could feel how the babies were kicking. "Hmm, This may be your first one, but you do it really goodHenry. I look at it. The flower is moving now" Sam said as the pointed where the babies were kicking and made the flower looked like ot was moving by the flow of summer wind.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry chuckled but sat down. "I thought you would want to stand up and move around, but yea this would also work. I know i am quite comfortable as a cushion. I am mutli-function." He smiled and moved up to sit beside Sam. He wrapped a hand around his shoulder, then down to his hips. He buried his nose into Sam's hair that had been dried since they had stayed outdoor. "You think you could make this flower blossom even more?" He asked but he couldn't stroke his belly like Sam did, not with his hands still filled with paint. "Next time i should draw 2 flowers.... with a bee between them that's your bellybutton. Each one symbolize one baby inside." He said thoughtfully.

Sam smiled as Henry said that while he was rubbing his hips. "Hmm, that's a good idea, and why don't you put your handprints on my belly? I've seen in on the internet, and someone said that it likes a symbol that shows that daddy is protecting their baby." Sam said, smiling gently. He knew that Henry always protected their babies, and that would be a good idea. Sma loved how Henry always brought new things for him as his wife was very bad at it. He leaned his side on Henry', listening to his breath, and also smelling his scent. The weather was so good, hot, but windy. Sam could even smell the scent of the sea from there. "Again, This is wonderful, Henry. Thanks for bringing me here," He whispered softly, but it was pure with his love to his husband.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Handprints could be reserved for later... or else it would look a bit like I am picking the flower away right? When we do the palm prints, maybe for another time, your handpinrst should also be on your belly. you are protecting them while they grow, aren't you?" Henry smiled and kissed Sam' scheeks. His wife was lovely like this when he declared his love, that would make all the trouble of planning and coming up with new things vanish. He loved making his wife smile and content like this - perhaps just slightly behind making his wife blush and squirm. "Anything for you my love... anything...." They enjoyed the lazy morning a little more, henry even took the bottle of pickles for Sam. "You could continue to eat while i finish this..... Just be careful don't eat too much. Or my lovely sunflower would get distroted." He smriked. Had Sam not have anything to eat, he was quite sure his stomach would start to growl again very soon.

It's a fun afternoon, and Henry was quite happy that he had Sam laughing. Whenever he laughed, his belly would quiver and it always made Henry happy. Henry had booked a famous restaurant with Sam. It was on the rooftop of the hotel so it would be most convenient for Sam. They could come back down directly after it.

Theycleaned the painting on Sam's belly and Hnery got Sam dressed. He took his hand and helpd him up. It's lovely weather and the rooftop restaurant was great with its view and also the sea breeeze.

There were not many people on the rooftop since Henry had got the private zone for them. Sam couldn't wait for the food that he heard about this restaurant. It was one of the best restaurants in the town. He could see how Henry wasn't really pleased that he couldn't sit next to his wife as he usually did, but Sa would keep the tradition of this place, and he also wanted to see his husband's face clearly. Sam's black suit couldn't even hide his big belly, and Henry could even see the babies were moving inside. Sam smiled widely with how his husband couldn't even stop looking at hs belly. Henry would usually put his hand on and calmed the babies down, but he couldn't this time. "It's fine, daddy! Although the babies seem to listen to you more than me, mommy can handle it for sometimes" He smiled, rubbing his belly gently.
(Hehe, I'm back xD It's such a long time. Forgive me if I do something bad!)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes indeed it has been a long time! Hmmm you should also forgive me for anything you find not fitting... it's been a while and i coukd need some adjusting to get Henry bacj on track)

Henry always glanced at sam, afriad rhe babies couls be kicking too hard or if his wife wasnt feeling too comfortable. Th3 chair was fine, but it wasnt surrounded by cushions and Henry wasnt there to hold Sam. "You sure you could handle it , right?" As usual, Henry was being too worried with Sam's wellbeing. To any other, it could go borderlinely annoying.

When the appetizer was served, Henry was finally distracted. Tbe food was indeed good as they were said to be. They were surprised by how nice the seafood tasted, the shrimps were fresh and sweet, juicy as well from the great cooking of rhe chef. Henry enjoyed his food and stole a glance from Sam - and was very happy to find his wife was enjoying this just like himself.

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