O The Kingdom of Austaraxia (Open for everyone)

Clark looks back at the king and back at the human "here" he said holding a bag in front of him "this has some meat I bagged you can have it but stay safe out there"

Life of a wolf

he nods and looks around a little, the wolf able to see he seems more pale than should be normal and he looks a little unstable "Th...Thank you" he says softly "N..Now...i...i think i need a little Slee.." he doesnt even finish before crumpling to the floor passing out

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"Hey" Clark said sitting down to see to him "my king I'll look after this one you should return to the castle and see to your husband" Clark said bringing the human to his house

Life of a wolf

Gwyn stayed unconscious for some time, finally jolting awake late in the afternoon. in a strange bed, warm, comfortable and suddenly remembering what had happened earlier that day he looked around confused "H...Hu wh...wha? where am i!?"

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Name: Lucan Wolferd
Age: 20
Species: anthro Fox
Role: Citizen
Alignment: Good
Pregnant: Yes
How far along: 6 months
How many babies: 3
Appearance: Red and white fur, 5"8" tall, has a good build except for a big belly, wears normal white clothes.
Personality: Kind Hearted, but sometimes worries about Clark.
Extra: Is Clark's mate, and been together for 2 years.

Lucan entered the room "Oh your awake I'm Lucan how are you feeling?" He said

Life of a wolf

he jumped a bit nearly falling out of bed "I...Im o...ok" he says softly "Wh...where am i? th...this isnt my cave"

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"You'er at my house" Clark said entering the room

Life of a wolf

"I...i remember you" hw says seeing the wolf enter "y...you shot me" he says then feels the sting of the wound on his back "d...did you bring me back here t...to finish me off?" He asks with a whimper "w...want me in my other form? Get something to hang from your wall?" He asks almost sadly

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"No, I saw your fear I spare you" Clark said

Life of a wolf

He nodded "y...you could have left me there" he finally says "it wouldnt be the first time i was left abandoned in the woods... i would have found my way to my cave..."

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"I brought you here because it's the right thing to do you were in no shape to make it on you'er own" Clark said "we hope that you understand" Lucan said

Life of a wolf

He murphed softly and gave a light nod. He perked up a little when he heard drunken shouted boasting from outside. One of the hunters from the massive group he had spotted that morning was boasting about how they had 'scared off' the monster in the caves and looted everything left behind "guess i don't have much of a home to go back to by the sounds of it" he says softly before curling up pulling his knees to his chest.

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"I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything about it" Clark said "you could stay with us for a while if you need too" Lucan said with a smile

Life of a wolf

Thomas and Samuel were on the carriage that were taking then to Clark's house. Thomas was feeling guilty, since the dragon was shot because they were hunting around his space, and so he had arranged him some meals and decided to take them personally to the dragon. When the horses stopped, Thomas got out of the carriage and helped Samuel to get down, supporting him as he got down so the babies wouldn't hurt Samuel. Then, he politely knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it

Lucan went downstairs and opened the door "kings Thomas and Samuel, come in come in" he said with a smile

Life of a wolf

Curious as to what was going on but still feeling... out of place, gwyn sat and waited to see who it was

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"Dont feel spaced out" Clark said

Life of a wolf

The boy jumped a little and gave a slight whimper "i...i...i just dont know what to do anymore" he says slowly "the villagers are actively huntingme in my dragon form even though ive never done anything to them, my cave has been destroyed so i have no home to go back to... i cant fly due to my injuries... i have nothing to my name and im now in a strangers bed and house... my life sucks..."

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"Relax it's fine" Clark said

Life of a wolf

"I fail to see how" he grumbles softly

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