C Beloved teacher (w/lovebite)

Jacques found the diapers and started changing the toddler who seemed to ahve taken an interest in playing with his own toes while he was naked. He smiled at the gurgling boy and not so swiftly changed him. He made sure he wiped Duncan down. He sighed and kissed Duncan, who just looked at him with curiously. "I love you...." He stroked his chubby face, just gazing at his son who he didn't really have a chance to be with.

They continued with this arrangemnet, Jacques would visit during the weekends and was grateful that Duncan had eventually got used to him. Probably treating him like a huge toy who specialised in raising him high up in the air. It hurt everytime when he had to leave, and sometimes Duncan would look at him curiously when he had to leave, but never showing any real emotion in his big toy having to leave... and Jacques would sigh in defeat everytime. He still had a long way to go.

Frank left the washroom and headed into the back where the bedrooms where, poking his head into their son's room to see if Jacques was done changing Duncan yet. He saw him leaning down and kissing his head, pressing his lips together and leaning against the door frame silently. His hand going to his middle, though it had been almost three years since they had Duncan his stomach was still paunchy. Almost like a small beer belly, he dropped the hand after a moment and he cleared his throat,"And I'm sure he...loves you too."he murmured, coming over when the boy's diaper was on and picking him up with a grin, nuzzling him gently, making him giggle and grasp at his face and beard.

The weeks after that went by fast, soon enough it was Duncan's third birthday, the day of the party was filled with stress on Franks side. He had to make sure the magician was on his way and that Duncan's best friend would be there and there was enough snacks and the cake wouldn't get ruined. His head was throbbing by the time he woke up in the morning after spending all friday night planning and calling and texting and wrapping his son's presents.

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Jacques shrugged. His gaze also slipped down to Frank's middle. Duncan had been a surprise, and sometimes he also imagined what it should be like if they had planned and been looking forward to having a baby together, and what would happen had Jacques been able to take care of Drank during his pregnancy. Alas, it's all too late now.

The birthday of Duncan's was a big day jacques had been looking forward to. He clutched the present in his hand as he pressed the doorbell again. The house was decorated halfway, the banner was up and balloons were everywhere - probably Frank had been staying up late for that. He knew Frank and probably he had been very nervous about this. He was never one to pay much attention to these fancy stuff. He waited and wondered why it took so long for Frank to get the door. He was pretty sure he wohld be awake already, doing some last minute preparation, and Jaxques had arrived early planning to help with it.

Frank grimaced slightly at the sunlight coming in, it was early and still somewhat dim though he had much to do that day, he moved to his feet. Careful of the three year old clinging to his body and prying away as he shuffled out of his room and toward the front door. Leaning his head into his hand and sighing as he looked through the small window of the door, twisting the lock and door handle to tug it open. "Hey-"he murmured and rubbed his face again, obviously still half sleep,"You're early."

He murmured and dragged his feet on the way to the kitchen, needing coffee and fast, he was completely out of it as he leaned against the counter. Pressing a few buttons on the coffee maker and taking a cup to fill up the water container,"Do you want any?"

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"Oh, i didnt expect you to be still on bed." Jacques said apologetically. He followed Frank in and nodeed. "Yes please... your coffee beans are alwsys great." He said naturally. Pausing at the doorframe, he added. "You, you look, not very well. Are tou not feeling well?" He said sitting himself down at the desk, looking at Frank with slight worry. "And where's Duncan?" He aksed looking around. "I have brought a present for our birthday boy." He said raising his ahnd up showing Frank his present. He was secretly wishing he could be the first to wish Duncan happy birthday today.

"It's fine... I was just up all night... We both were."he murmured, scratching the back of his head, he had been beginning to let his hair grow out again. Moving to start the coffee and pulling out two mugs, sighing and leaning against the counter for a moment, shutting his eyes. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine."he said,"Just really damn tired."he shook his head, looking to the doorway of the kitchen,"Still sleeping."he yawned then, stretching his arms above his head then looking to the gift,"What is it?"he asked him and glanced to the coffee maker.

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Frank's hair was reminding Jacques of the time when they were still together, though they looked messy and unruly on Frank now, it made his whole figure soften. Jacques' gaze lingered at the little belly Frank had, the bottom of it showing under his shirt, and turned away awkwardly when he heard Frank's question. "It's a surprise.. you just ask Duncan when he unwrapped it. I hope he likes it." He said. It's just a toy car set, but he wanted to keep it a secret first, hoping to see Duncan's excited face when he opened it.

He scratched his pot belly then and tilted his head back for a moment, exhaling and tugging his shirt down as it rode up,"Hm... I'm sure he'll like whatever you get him. He's a nice kid."he said with a soft smile, as if he hadn't had a hand in raising the little boy, glancing to the half filled coffee kettle, then looking to the door. "I'll go wake him up, make your coffee how you like it."he left the kitchen then, just a little bit more awake than before as he did so, heading into his bedroom to find the little boy still sleeping in the warmth he left.

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Jacques didn't catch on the implication of Frank's words, simply nodded as he went to fetch his cup of coffee. Like always, he added a lot of sugar and cream, drinking it the "vanilla" style as often teased by Frank before. That had been ages ago and suddenly Jacques felt old. He waited for Duncan and Frank, sipping his coffee, then just started helping out with the last of the decorations. He wanted to make this day perfect for Duncan as well.

He tightened up the banner that had drooped down a little over the night, and tidied up some of the mess left from what appeared to be their dinner last night. He was still tidying when there were fusses behind showing Duncan had woken up.

Frank gathered the half sleep little boy in his arms and held him as he came back out into the hall where he could see Jacques standing in the living room. Looking slightly out of place, he smiled lightly and kissed Duncan's head of messy hair,"Look who's here, baby."he bounced him and the little boy looked at the other man who he had come to known as Jaq and the boy smiled softly,"Jaq!"he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

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"Hello buddy, look at you, birthday boy!" Jacques smiled at Duncan,wiping his hands try as he come to kiss his chubby cheeks. "You are still sleepy buddy? Would getting a present make you wake up a little more?" He said takign the present he got for his son. He wanted to take the baby, but looked hesitantly at Frank. He wasnt sure if the boy would be willing as well.

"Hi, Jaq."he grinned at the kisses to his face and laid his head against Frank's shoulder again while looking at the other man, shaking his head,"I not sleepy!"he said and only yawned again, his eyes widening at the mention of a present, Frank put him down as he started to squirm. Running up to Jacques and bouncing happily. The three year old was grinning again,"What is it?! What is it?!"

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How energetic the boy appeared to be warmed Jacques' heart and he lifted Duncan up high. He put him on the counter sitting him right where the present was. "Here! wanna open it?" His heart pumped a little faster, pressing his chin on the fluffy hair of the little boy. The kid's excited squeal was worht everything. He could give whatever he had for the child, even the moon.

Duncan laid his head on teh gift and tried to shake it, then when Jacques mentioned he could open it, he immediately started tearing the wrappings apart with his clumsy little fingers. In the end Jacques had to offer his help. The wrappings were soon gone and Duncan just stared at the box, not moving. "....Duncan? You don't like it?" Jacques asked, worry rich in his voice.

Frank watched as his ex lifted the child up and he put his hands on his hips, watching them and smiling softly, moving to make himself a cup of coffee. He lifted it to his lips and took a low sip of it, leaning against the table and watching them,"Open it for him."he said when the little boy was simply staring at the box, he took another gulp and placed the mug down to go over and find a pair of scissors and open up the package more.

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Jacques' heart sank when the boy seemed just froze looking at the prints on the box, not at all shwoing any excitement that he was expecting from him. He nodded uneasily and took the scissors, then opened the box to take the whole car set out. There was an ambulance, a fire truck, a bus and a sportscar. Jacques bit his lips and was about to offer he could get another gift for Duncan when the boy moved and stood up, he turned around and hugged Jacques as tight as his little arms could work and screamed at the top of his voice. "CARS!! THANK YOu!!" he squealed and jumped around holding the cars.

Frank knew that mostly any toy with wheels and bright colors would get that response from their son, though that didn't change the fact that it was a special gift. One from his other father, a man who barely had a chance to be a father to his son. He watched as Jacques was hugged by Duncan and smiled all the while, laying his hand against the other man's back and smiling. As he knelt down and stroked his son's hair,"Are you ready for your party? Your friends will be coming over soon." He mentioned and moved to check the front window, the bouncy house should be getting there soon.

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Jacques froze upon feeling Frank's hand on him. He was no longer experiencing the thrill though, like he onxe would feel when his exteacher would touch him.durng lessons, subtling exchanging.notes with him. He didnt know if that meant Frank no.longer mean as much to him, or was it inly because his first priority had become his son now. Nonetheless, he let out a relieved sigh when Frank moved away to talk to Duncan and looj out.

Grapsing this precious moment to improve his image in his son's regard,.he pciked the small boy up and bumped him. "You like that? Aww babe I am so glad. You are going to have a splendid birthday party! Your dadddy had arranged so many things... you are one lucky little boy." Just then, the doorbell rang and the delivery guy of the bouncy house arrived, needing Someone's attention and instruction for them to build the thing.

Frank took up that task, pulling on his robe and slipping his feet into his slippers as he led the men to the back to show them where to set up the bouncy house. There was a grill and a table that he had covered in plastic, ready for the food he would be placing on it, he placed his hands in his pockets and sighed as he stood around. Though he was happy, it would be a nice party for his son, he would love it, he knew he would.

The man moved up to the back door and opened it up as he stepped inside again,"Duncan? Come, look!" He called the little boy, knowing he would want to be the first to try out his bouncy house.

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Duncan had been quickly warminf up to Jacques, at least, when Frank had to leave for the instructions, the little boy didnt really feel unease being left alone with Jaxques. The young student didnt let this opportunity go, he bend down wnd played with Duncan on his newly acquired set of toys, impressing the toddler with the various sounds of engines as he moved the cars around.

It's Dunxan's excited chuckle that had greeted Frank's call. The toddler stood up hearing his father's call, albeit wobbly, and much to Jacque's surprise, he strerched his arms out, asking for Jacques to pick him up. The young man couldnt believe how his heart swell at the ibnocent look of his son, and quickly picked him up to carry him to the backyard.

He glanced back to them both, surprised to see Duncan in his arms, though he smiled still and gestured to the large blue bouncy house covered in superheroes,"Do you like it?" He asked his son and stepped beside Jacques as he looked at the boy curiously, knowing that he was still in his pajamas though it was his birthday so he could let that slide for now. No guests had arrived either way. "I think you can go play in it for a little bit, but after you'll have to get dressed for your party." He stroked his hair again and nudged his cheek.

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