Check-Up (Closed)

Taylor slept peacefully thanks to the drugs. As that happened, his belly continued to grow for hours in as it looked to be nine months for him. In actuality, he was at tje four month marker. He eventually awoke in a bed under the usual blankets the hospital provided. With already blurred vision, the male looked around the dark room while trying to get out the bed. Try was the keyword as he did not remember it being so difficult. The drugs had him weak and to top it off, there was a new form of weight on him. He pulled the blanket off revealing the large mound of a belly as he wore nothing else other than his black underwear. He began to search for the light to the room as best as he could, still determined to get away from his captors.

"I see you are now awake." *She suddenly turned on the light so that she can look at him face to face with her own eyes. She walked towards him and she moved her hand onto his belly with a smile* "Seems like they are growing quite nicely." *She then looked down at him* "You are the perfect specimen for a project like this."

Taylor heard the voice of the same woman, but could not see her yet again. The light came on and he instantly covered his eyes. His felt a rather cold hand on his otherwise warm belly as something or some things for rather, greeted the hand with a kick. Taylor was a loss for words as he stared down at the large belly, the site of his lower body nowhere in sight because of how huge he had gotten. "What did you do to me!?" He panicked as he wobbled away from her. The thought of her saying he was pregnant initially sunk in. "No..." his own hand rested on the hairy orb as he looked back at the woman. "Perfect specimen?" It sounded like they were waiting on him to show up.

"You just got impregnated. That is all." *She assured him once she decided to run some test onto him to make sure that he and the babies were okay. She placed a belt around his bare belly to let the heart beats show up from the machine. She then looked at him* "Just calm down. I won't hurt you." *She smiled at him and she looked at the belly again so that she now pressed a button on the machine and the heart beats were showing up* "Hmmm...sound like they are healthy." *She then smiled at him* "You're just someone who can help us to prove that a man can give birth to 10 babies anally."

Taylor was shocked at what was truly going on to his body. He could not be pregnant. The woman however did not waste time in trying to size him up for whatever it was she was doing. "Ten!?" He quickly took the belt off from his body. It was bad enough she had people hold him down, drug him -twice now that he had to reflect back on it- and then she mentioned they were coming out his rear. He was a little thankful they were not coming out the other way, but it was still clear that he had to get away from her. "Where's my clothes?"

*She rolled her eyes thinking that she needed to calm him down again. She decided to take another needle and she stuck it inside him to prevent him from going anywhere* "Must you really be this difficult." *She said as she held him down. Thankfully she had needles filled up anytime that she needed them if he were to escape. She might needed to put him on lock down until the birth will come*

Taylor got an answer with yet another sharp prick. He pushed the woman off of him yet again. "Would you stop fucking doing that?" He cursed yet again as he was starting to get tired. "I hate you..." he said before having to lean on the bed. He meant every word of it no matter how hard it was for him to get it our of his mouth. He was certain his family as well as others were beginning to panic when he did not show up after being hours in the hospital.

"Oh will you relax." *She rolled her eyes but she smiled seeing that he was getting tired and he was in progress of laying down onto the bed. She sat down onto the bed beside him and she stared to run her hand up and down onto his forehead* "Don't worry. We will let you go as soon as the babies arrive. You just need to be here in the meantime while you're still growing."

"I'll be fine far away from you..." he rested his head on the pillow, moving her hand off his head. Just because she drugged him did not mean the level of resentment lowered. "Just...go away..." he eventually trailed off to sleep as the drug kicked in yet again. An arm rested on the large belly as there was no slight care left on his face.

*She watched him fall asleep and she decided to put restraints on him just incase he would wake up soon. She looked at him again and she turned away to shut the light off and walked herself out of the room with the door locked*

Taylor woke up minutes later, feeling the need to rub his head. That became a problem as he felt restrained and not by the enormous belly either. The woman had his hands fastened to the bed, prompting him to panic, but not in a state as to alert anyone. He carefully focused on a weak point of the restraint before applying his strength to it. He sighed softly as he slipped out the hold after tearing them off. He got out the bed slowly with a strong urge to use the bathroom.

*Dr.Morgan still kept an eye at Taylor and she watched him use the restroom. She blushed alittle and she decided to turn away for a moment as she figured that he would need to pull his member out in order to release his urine for this. She sighed softly and rubbed her eyes with her hand tiredly* "I just hope he would have those babies soon..."

The task was rather difficult for him given that it looked like he swallowed a beach ball probably full of lead or something. What he did know was that the belly was still expanding. He would not have noticed the camera either had he not been forced to sit. He grabbed the first blunt object he could find before smashing several of the devices. That took more energy out of him than he realized. After using the bathroom and inspecting for more surveillance tools, he rested on the bed. For a male that was about to have ten kids in the next three hours or so, he was uncertain on what he should do. Suing the hospital for a procedure against his will was the first thing on his list, but what was he going to do with ten children when he was still in school with a lot of life problems? He rather forget the entire ordeal or try to escape again. He just needed his clothes.

*She sighed at the cameras that were now destroyed. Why in the hell was this guy being so difficult? She then got up from her chair and walked herself all the way to Taylor's room. And she got a key to unlock herself and she walked inside to see him naked. She ignored that and she shuts the door when locking it again* "If you're going to break everything in here,I will be forced to calm you down again."

Taylor ignored the woman as he laid on the bed. He had nothing to say to her and wanted to be alone entirely. He even remembered telling her to go away. "No matter how much you drug me. It won't change the fact that I hate, that I think you are a female dog...the list keeps going" his back was turned to her on the bed. "You've practically ruined my life and everything else. Never once got my consent on this..." If she was done wasting time, all he had to do was just give birth to the kids eventually. He groaned lowly as his belly was getting bigger but definitely on the verge of completing as it was beginning to run out of room, the kids kicking around.

"I really did have no choice. If I were to ask,you wouldn't agree to it." *She said to him not caring about his insults once she then sat down onto the chair beside him and she crossed her arms just by looking at him* "The kids are kicking. And you need something to eat."

Taylor chuckled.

"No choice...Of course I would have said no" what person in a generally sane healthy sane mine would let some random female walk in and prick them with a syringe that made them swell with life in an instant? He turned his back to her while resting under the covers. "Yea...I noticed.." he rolled his eyes really not wanting to hear the girl talk anymore. "I'm not hungry..."

*She sighed* "I didn't want to do this to you...I would have said no...but my life depended on it." *She said to him with her eyes onto him and she crossed her arms* "You would want the babies to live...right?"

Taylor sighed a little. "You make it seem like someone aimed a gun at your head and said "Do it now" or something" he was certain he was not the only "healthy" person that came in for a physical. His stomach growled lowly, indicating the dinner he had hours back was being burned through already. "I guess..." he said lowly. He did not want kids anytime soon, but who was he to take ten apparent innocent lives.

*Smiles alittle with a shrug* "I guess I can be a coward at that." *She said as she looked to his stomach and laughed lightly* "Looks like they want some food."

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