C A Brave Butler (w/Bhdire8)

Orvin moaned as he tried pushing, bearing down as he curled forward some, forcing down on that pressure that was leaving him inch by inch before finally it was out. He cried when his body lightened and he panted, tilting his head back and moaning softly, his eyes drifting closed before opening again to the sharp cries of his baby. His head tilted up and he grimaced lightly before sinking back down again, he was bloody and dirty, though he tried not to focus on that, they had another child. "Wh... What is it?"he asked.

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"It's... another girl." Augustus blinked seeing the baby finally slipping out. It's not as big as her sister in fact, catching everybody off guard. Her wails were strong though, a relieving sign for both of them. He chuckled when the idea sank in. "We got another daughter.... you are really in love of girls, aren't you? All daughters... talk about the chances!" He said, smiling bright through the dim carriage. he patted himself for something that could cut the chord, and eventually frisked out a dagger he had in his coat. He cut the chord and lifted the baby up. Orvin was still half laying down in an awkward position. He moved tuggd him up to lay against him then placed the baby on his chest, holding her up for him to see.

His feet were still planted against the floor and he snorted before sinking back down in the dusty old carriage, he was smiling as well, softly and closing his eyes for a moment. Four daughters... God they were going to be a handful, he wondered how his wife would feel about that and his daughters once they were old enough to understand. He was teared up when he felt the weight against his chest, wet even through his night shirt and he looked down at her with a bright, sad smile. Groaning when he was helped up, pushed into a sitting position and he rested his head against the other man's chest. Now he didn't even know how to explain it, he was exhausted and yet even more than that, all he wanted to do was sleep. He couldn't really feel his legs either,"Am I... Bleeding?"

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Orvin felt cold agaisnst him and it was alarming. The lord was not a doctor but he had gone to the battlefield before. He knew it's not a good sign to have an injured man feeling so cold. He was reminded of the unfinished business rhat was the placenta in Orvibn and nodded. "I couldnt.... yea. You are i think.... your tear bursted again.it would be good, we are getting back and we would have help coming our way." He said,reaching down to check if the placnta was delivered yet.... and felt nothing. "Do you want to feed her…?" He tried suggesting, finding Orvin weak and pale under tbe lightning.

The butler nodded slightly and his eyes drifted close for a moment as he held the little girl as securely as he could with his hands feeling limp. He turned his head and nodded again,"Yeah. Could you...open my shirt?"he asked and supported her head as he tried sitting up more with a small groan, sitting there for a moment and stroking her back,"Think you have enough names for twins?"he asked with a weak grin, his head sank against his shoulder and he shifted the little girl again carefully. Not wanting her to fall, but he was feeling sick.

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"Oh I have enough names for a dozen little girls, so don't you worry." Hearing Orvin's weak voice had Augustus lowering his voice as well. He was getting more nervous by the minute but he guessed he should at least get the placenta out before attempting to head back. He opened his shirt and supported the baby to his nipple. ORvin's hold was alarmingly weak and he dared not guess if that large pool of darkness between his legs were blood or not..

He pressed around his puffy belly to encourage for the placenta to peel away, and while the child suckled on him. "Orvin don't you sleep on me ok? After we had this done we would get you to some doctors, and then they would heal you. Remember you own 2 little girls? You have to stay strong for all of them... the girls need you ok?" He said seeing his drooping eyelids.

Orvin grinned weakly at that as he laid against his chest, watching the girl while she opened her mouth and latched onto his breast. His nose rested against her forehead as she did and he drifted off for a moment in silence then groaned softly as he felt a subtle contraction. "That better be the rest."he said,"I don't think I could handle another"he shifted and closed his eyes as he sat there, opening them slightly when he heard the other man.

"Just a moment."he said lowly and his eyes drifted closed again,"I'm okay... Just gonna rest."he murmured and his grasp on the girl slacked for a moment before tightening again.

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There was a constant stream of blood coming from Orvin and as the residue contraction did their job, the blood oozed out a little faster. "Nope i don't think there's room for another now... your belly's all puffy. Too bad, you would need to exercise a lot to get back in your previous shape. Who would know you got twins...." the Lord chuckled drily in the heavy rain, continuing in his effort of massaging the placenta out.

Augustus almost wanted to shake Orvin when he felt the grip on the infant slacked, but luckily Orvin tightened his hold on his own. Perhpas the situation weren't as bad as his mind had come to wander. "you could rest when we are back to safety and comfort... and warmth. Here you better watch out for the girl..... I couldn't possibly handle her on my own." He felt something starting to move out and the puddle between the butler's legs seemed to have increased in size.

Orvin smiled some at that,"I was big enough for three though, wasn't I?"he half joked, mind a bit gone as he forced himself to stay awake, though was quickly failing,"Who says I want to get back into shape?"his head sank back for a moment and he forced himself to sit it up, grunting lightly as the placenta came out of him slow and steadily. The second and last one for the birth of the twins.

"Yes. You'd be lost without me, sir."he smiled and his eyes drooped, his hold going slack once again, though that time he didn't catch himself. The baby almost slipped from his chest as the placenta was birthed finally.

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Augutus was feeling Orvin's deadweight on him now... he barely had time to catch the baby when he realised Orvin had passed out. He had been focused on tending to the placenta and he panicked seeing Orvin lost conscious. "Orvin, Orvin! Comd on , stay with me.…" he shook his butler but therr was just a hum from him. The Lord was findung thr situation desperate. His ledt hand was holding his infant daughter, and.his right arm his fainted butler. How could he mount the horse to get help?

The rain was still pouring. Augutus somehow managed to tie Orvin in front of him and their child wrapped on Orvin's chest. Augutus was using his.left hand to hold both the man and the baby, and his right hand controlling thr horse. He desperately hoped that he didnt get lost in this darkness. Soon, the faint light in front proved him right and he urged the horse forward as fast as he would dare.

It was a struggle, getting Orvin up onto the horse and keeping their second daughter from getting too wet, they rode and the galloping stirred her from her rest. Whining now as she was pressed against Orvin's chest in the tight swaddle, his hands moved. Though his eyes didn't open, he had no idea how to hold her, comfort her in his half conscious state,"Marie..."he called for his wife, almost thinking he was still at home and one of their girls were having a bad nightmare or needed to be fed.

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"You would soon be with Marie.... Orvin, come on, before Marie could be here, could you please takr care of the baby? Orvin, please, just, hold her tight." Augutus yelled in the wind, his arm was going numb from the cold, and he was just holding onto the child with sheer will. He urged the horse to go a little faster. "Help iscoming. Orvin, keep our daughter up on your chest please..."

Augutus didnt know how he made it but when he finally arrived the shabby village ahead, he was shivering heavily and could barely get off the horse. He couldnt feel himself and all he could do waa hold onto Orvin while the villagers came to get him and the baby, and he lost consciousness himself. Everything blacjed out and he collapsed from the horse.

The butler wrapped his arms around his chest where the newborn was and he almost sank forward himself, sinking into the Lords chest as they galloped along. His ass throbbed with pain and he thought he may puke from how painful it was to just ride along with the other man holding onto him.

He fell into the villagers arms and was dragged off into the nearest tavern, he looked back faintly at the Lord who fell off of the strained horse. The man was helped up as well and dragged along behind him, his head dropped and the strangers took as much care of them as they could with the supplies they had. Laying them down in the tavern owners home, they recognized the Lord but not his butler, placing them in separate rooms.

Orvin was laid down with the girl on his chest and a doctor was called to take care of him, stitching him up and getting him well taken care of.

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Augutus had never been this cold in his life. He shivered and muttered incoherent words in his fever induced coma. He was just a wall away from Orvin and struggling himself he was palr like the sheets and his lips cracked from the high heat. The doctor did what he could butAugutus was very ill. He had devloped pneumonia and all that they could do was to rub alcohol on him while he shivered.

The villagers sent a messenger to the mansion alerting them of the Lord's situation, but since no one knew Orvin's identity, he wasnt mentioned and the Lady did not object to sending men to get to the Lord. Several loyal servants volunteered, and their usual physician was riding along as well. It was another day unyil any men from his house arrived the village, but even the doctor thry brought could not do anything, and his condition was too critcial for any move.

Orvin was also examined for the men had recognised him, and thankfully he and the newborn were declared weak, but healthy overall.all they needed was time to heal and recover.

They days passed and Orvin slowly woke from his long sleep, he was laid beside the newborn girl and when his eyes opened she seemed to be staring directly at him. His heart felt like it had burst in his chest and he smiled softly, not registering anything else. As his hand came up to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand, smoothing her fair head of hair and leaning in. Their noses touching, before he looked up and around the room, not exactly sure where they were,"We'll get you back to your sister soon. Just as soon as I figure out where your papa is."he pushed himself up slowly, his legs were warm and he pushed down the blanket that covered him, grimacing as his ass stretched and burned. Groaning softly and moving to the edge of the bed, pushing himself up to his feet, leaning against the nightstand. "Hello?"he called, looking back at the swaddled girl slightly,"Anyone?"

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A big lady come barging in with a greasy smile. She fussed over Orvin and pressed him back on bed. Though she tried to appear to be caring and gentle, she demonstarted her lack of consideration by pressing Orvin directly back on bed. "Oh Mister! You shan't get up! You are our prestigeous guest and it's so much pleasure on our side to welcome you ..." she started on the rehearsed speech she had prepared since she realised this man was related to the Lord, even though she wasnt sure what's their affair, she guessed it must be quite intimate witnessing how they arrived the village.

The Lord was still suffering from a high fever and even the doctors were getting worried of his situation. He twitched on bed and his servants went yellingfor thr doctor to come check on him, viewing that as the first sign of him of waking up.

He was startled by the woman, grimacing as he was pushed back down against the bed, looking up at her and huffing as he laid there,"I'm alright. I'd like to know where I am." His eyes were brought down to his chest and puffy stomach, moving his legs again, he knew he was stitched up from the between his legs. "Where's the Lord?" He asked her and tried sitting up again.

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"You're at New Dartfield Village. The lord's next door, i heard someonr's been callin for the doctor?" The big lady strolled to the door and took a glimpse outside, more for satisfying her own curiosity than to really answer Orvin's question. She turned around and was surprised to find Orvin already standing up, and buzzed back to hsi sdie, her thick hand slapped on his shoulder attempting to push him back down on the bed. It would have Orvin landing directly on his stitchrd up wound had she succeeded.

Therr was noise outside and one doctor was yelling out. "Summon the priest.... I am afraid the lord..."

Orvin hissed and his brows knit together as he looked up at her, frowning now and looking to the door,"I can walk." He pushed her hand off of him and moved to stand up again, sitting up in bed and gathering his daughter up into his arms before pushing himself to his feet. "I need to see Lord Augustus." He said and heard the yelling, were they saying he was dying? That couldn't be possible, he was just healthy, but he didn't even know when was the last time he saw him,"He needs to see his baby girl."

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The Lord was twitching in agony. He was clearly unconscious, but he was soaking wet in his own sweat. It wasn't a pleasant sight, Augustus was even paler than teh bedsheet. A lot of men were pressing down on him, pressing him down on the bed to allow for the doctor to wipe alcohol on him. One was prepared to let more blood from him, and his bare arms was twitching against the dcotor. THere had already been several attempts to let blood, and therefore his arm was marred with scars.

The fat lady was also eager to see the Lord for herself, for this could very well be his dying bed, and therefore didn't stop ORvin from getting away, instead, she used him as her ticket to enter that room that had been out of her reach before.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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