C The Heirless King and The Wizard (NSFW) (Closed with FweepFwopFwoop)

In the Kingdom of Brivaria, virility and fertility are prized above all else. It is the pride and duty of the men of Brivaria to provide their wives with a large family. This ensures the prosperity of the kingdom. Brivaria is ever expanding, pushing its borders outward with every generation as the citizens found new villages and build new houses to accommodate their large families.

No family line is said to be more virile than the royal House of Albany. The house of Albany has ruled over Brivaria for three hundred years and has historically been the most populous house in the kingdom. Recently, a tragedy befell the House of Albany. In what was considered by many to be a coup attempt, every member of the house; the King, The Queen, their children, and all of the king's siblings, were killed simultaneously in what was a perfectly orchestrated attack by unknown conspirators. The only surviving member was Prince Armand VII, oldest son of King Armand VI, who was outside of the kingdom at the time on secret business. Presumed dead, the kingdom rejoiced upon his return and he was crowned king at 19. There are those with questions though. Some wonder where Armand was at the time of the massacre and if he was involved. Some wonder if the assassin who was meant to kill him is still lurking in the underbelly of the kingdom. And the true perpetrators of the massacre were never discovered.

In the 14 years since Armand VII was crowned, Brivaria prospered economically. Civilly and diplomatically minded, Armand focused his attention on matters that would improve the lives of his citizens at the expense of military action and border expansion. Relations with neighboring kingdoms have never been better, although there is always tension between the sturdy, hardworking people of Brivaria and the mysterious people of the forest. It is believed by many that the people of the forest use magic. Magic is forbidden in the kingdom of Brivaria, and most citizens have never seen it in person. Many no longer believe in it.

The people of Brivaria were want for nothing, except maybe a queen. Armand VII, in what is widely seen as a confusing act of defiance, has never married and has no heir. It is odd for any man of 34 to remain single, let alone the king! Armand receives offers of marriage frequently. He is often introduced to tightly-corseted foreign princesses and noblemans daughters with heaving bosoms. But the king politely declines and excuses himself, leaving the women disappointed. His rugged good looks are undeniable. The king maintains a strong body by hunting frequently and training with his soldiers, and anyone who has seen him in person suspect that the king is the most virile man in the kingdom, as is intended.

Outsiders may consider the attire worn by Brivarian nobility to be lewd or obscene. Brivarian noblewomen typically wear tight dresses that display their womanly figures. The necklines typically plunge very deep. The Brivarian noblemen are known to wear tight leggings that display their impressive manhood. It is not uncommon for a royal ball or party to become sexually charged, with pairs of nobles disappearing for an hour only to come back looking slightly disheveled.

Today finds King Armand VII sitting in the throne room of Lila Schloss, the ancestral home of the royal House of Albany and capital of the Brivarian Kingdom, taking questions and requests from his subjects. There is an empty throne next to him, serving as a constant reminder of his lack of family. His advisers stand behind him; his military adviser Lord Sebastian Viliers, his diplomatic adviser (and secret spymaster) Lady Hilde Rasse, and his civic adviser Lord Benjamin Strattford.

Emmett was a young wizard who traveled the lands, unable to go back where he'd come from. His home, a small village of wizards located in dense woods, had once been razed to the ground on suspicion of witchcraft and wizardry, and Emmett had only barely managed to escape it, in the process being separated from friends and family and being left completely alone. Years and years of being homeless and improper nutrition had left him with a thin frame, ribs poking through his skin, clothes which could only be described as patches and stitches just waiting for their chance to fall apart once and for all, shoes made of leather worn thin. One of the only things of any marginal use he had with him an enchanted, bottomless rucksack full of herbs, tomes, beakers, and so on. Instructions for spells and potions, and the ingredients to put them together. Not that it did him much good. His magic could only help him when no one was around to see him use it, or when he could fool others into believing his potions were simply mundane medicines from far-off lands. Not magical at all, no sir. Around his neck hung an aqua stone on a fine silver chain, which looked out of place on a raggedy, poor man such as Emmett. Were he a desperate man, he could no doubt sell it for an absurdly high price, but this simply wasn't an option for him. Not when he needed it to cast so many of his spells. 

Emmett managed to maintain his hygiene well enough, though. His skill allowed him to concoct elixirs to keep his skin clean and his hair silky. Even if his clothes were beyond hope, his hair, a deep black that cascaded only just past his shoulders, would be kept clean and shiny. The stubble which graced his face was kept in check, though only barely so, thanks to a distinct lack of proper shaving tools.

And it was good that he managed to remain relatively clean. For Emmett had a unique opportunity before him.

He had heard that King Armand didn't have any heirs of his own, despite that being the norm in Brivaria, and despite supposedly being one of the most virile men in the land. In Emmett's mind, that meant that clearly, the king was the sort of man who would prefer the company of another man. Which naturally meant that the king wouldn't be able to have any genetic children of his own. 
Emmett, however, had been blessed with both sets of genitalia, and both sets of reproductive organs. He could impregnate and be impregnated. Tales among wizards and superstitious forest-dwellers alike say that this made him wonderfully fertile. And since he was a man who could be impregnated, he was perfect for King Armand. A man who loved men would now have a man who could bear his heirs. He could have his cake and eat it too.

Digging through his rucksack, Emmett thought to himself "All I have to do is get his majesty to listen to me. Have him take a chance on me as a surrogate. Then, I just need him to leave me alone long enough to work my magic, and boom. I can finally stop living off of meager fruits and whatnot. Have a real bath and a real bed to sleep on, and not have to worry about being mauled by bears and mountain lions and wolves in my sleep." Not that Emmett should even particularly need his magic in this case. Between the king's supposed virility and Emmett's own fertility, pregnancy was mostly assured. But mostly wasn't good enough; not with so much on the line. He would use his magic to assure pregnancy, but the real trick was convincing the king. He didn't look like much, Emmett knew, but at 26 he was almost the perfect child-bearing age. Heaving his rucksack back onto his shoulders, Emmett made his way into Albany, toward the castle, and requested an audience with King Armand.

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Armands boredom was clear by the look on his face. After several hours of fielding questions about stolen farm equipment and claims of magical beings in the forest, he had had enough. In front of him was a beautiful woman in an enticing red dress. She was alone, offering herself as a wife to the king. This was not an uncommon offer for the king to receive during his interactions with the public, but this one was unusual in that she was alone. Usually a maiden came to see him with her entire house present in a show of support. "I'm sorry miss. Your beauty is truly devastating but I will have to decline your offer of marriage."

"Are you mad? This is the most exquisite creature to ever step foot before you!" interjected Lord Sebastian Villiers.

Armand was turning to address his impetuous adviser when he noticed someone in the line. All he saw was hair, pin straight and black as night. He thought how odd it was to let long hair flow freely without binding it in some way. He wondered what this persons request was.

Lady Lucia Bordello looked to Sebastian. She had anticipated that the king would turn her down, as he did all women, and knew what her chances were. Still, it was worth a shot, and taking that shot happened to reveal another option to her. She may not have caught the fish she was fishing for, but the one that was biting was damn fine too. "Forgive me, your majesty, I'll take my leave now." She stepped aside, over to Sebastian, and extended her hand to him. "Lucia Bordello. Charmed, I'm sure."

With Lucia gone, it was now Emmett's turn to speak. He stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Your majesty," He began with a bow, "I'm here today to offer you a proposal unlike any you've yet been offered. It's come to my attention that you lack heirs, a fact which must be something of a point of worry for your kingdom. I realize that you've turned down every proposal given to you, so I'm here to offer you a new one; a different one. You see, I'm one of nature's rare anomalies. I was born with both sets of reproductive organs. So yes, while I am a man and I do have male genitals, I have female genitals too. And as a matter of recorded fact, those like me are very fertile. Since you've turned down all women, perhaps a man may serve you better. So, I present you with an offer, your majesty: Allow me to bear your heirs. Impregnate me, and I'll give you strong, healthy heirs."

"And please, make no mistake. Unlike her ladyship who spoke before me, this is not a proposal of marriage." Emmett continued, earning himself a dirty look from Lady Bordello. "As you can likely guess from my appearance, I'm no nobility, and neither do I claim to be so. You may and frankly should choose someone else to rule beside you as you see fit; someone other than me. I know I have no business being royalty, but I can still be your surrogate. I can give you fine children, your majesty, and ensure your family's continued reign until you find someone else." Emmett concluded. He hoped that he had convinced the king to give him a chance, and would take a chance on him soon. For Emmett had used his magic to make his body begin ovulation, and if there was a time for the king to impregnate him, the best time was now.

Murmurs began filling the room, as all eyes fell on Emmett, but he forced himself to ignore them and remain focused on the king. After several moments, all eyes went from Emmett to King Armand as the court waited to hear his response.  

I'm just here for a laugh

Armand looked over Emmett, running his eyes up and down the thin man's frame. Emmett saw an eyebrow raise slightly. "Guards lock this man up. I will not have such ridiculous blasphemy in my court!" Two guards stepped to either side of Emmett and easily lifted him. They carried him screaming from the court to a dungeon beneath Lila Schloss. The crowd laughed and went back to their conversations.

Emmett sat in the cold cell. He heard someone approaching. It was one of the men who stood behind the king, the nicer looking one, and he was carrying something. "You certainly made an impression on the court young man. You especially mad an impression on the king. Don't be fooled by the hasty imprisonment. The king cannot take any chances. He is in a difficult position and cannot have people thinking that he is entertaining your proposal. I am Benjamin Strattford, adviser to the king. This is for you." Benjamin unlocked the cell and placed on a table a plate overflowing with fine meats and cheeses and ripe fruit.

"The king thought you looked a bit... malnourished."

"Hmph. Well, if he wasn't interested, he could have just said so. He told the woman before me as much, but apparently I'm the one who needs to be locked up. You just admitted that his majesty had locked me up hastily and over nothing. Interesting that he should care now." Emmett scowled. As much as he didn't want to accept the food being offered by someone who had thrown him in prison over nothing, the plate before him offered more food than the poor wizard had eaten in years. A part of him hated himself for it, but Emmett ultimately decided that pride wasn't as important as survival. Swallowing his pride would be worth it if he could swallow some food too. 

Besides, after being thrown in jail over nothing, Emmett had made up his mind to leave Brivaria and never return. He wouldn't be seeing any of these people again anyway.

"If there are no charges against me, then you may as well just turn me loose after I'm done eating. The king has no interest in me, I've done nothing but made a fool of myself, and there's no real reason for you to keep me here. If his majesty is really the sort of man who imprisons others for nothing at all, then I regret making my offer in the first place. Such a person has no business siring and raising children. I'll simply leave this country, and I'll make sure never to return. I'm sure that'll make everyone happy."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Who said the king was not interested? Eat heartily and wait here patiently. You are only in this cell because the king wants to know where you are." Benjamin locked the cell behind him and went back upstairs.

Hours passed. Emmett felt full and satisfied having eaten every morsel of food from the plate. He heard footsteps.

It was Armand. Emmett got a good look at him for the first time. He had short sandy-blond hair and a well trimmed light brown beard. His eyes were so green they looked like they were glowing, even in the dim light of the dungeon. He was dressed considerable less formal than before. He wore a linen robe dyed black with purple trim that hung open revealing his large muscular chest and well defined torso. He wore tan pants that clung tightly to his thick thighs and were tucked into brown boots. His endowment was barely contained by a pouch in the front of the pants tied with strained laces.

He was alone. He walked right up to the bars. "Hello Emmett. I'm glad to see that you've eaten. I apologize for locking you in here but you put me in a tough spot. You were certainly the talk of my court for the rest of the day. I also apologize for keeping you waiting so long. I had to wait until nightfall so that no one knows I'm here. This is an interesting bag you have here." Emmett hadn't even realized that he didn't have his bag when they took him down here. "Is it magic? I can't feel the bottom when I reach inside."

"If it is, no one told me. It was given to me by a family member a long time ago." Emmett said, only half lying. "Forgive me if I'm rude, but if you didn't want to seem interested in front of your court, you could have said no, but have one of your servants ask me to stay around. That would have made for far less courtly gossip, I imagine."

Emmett stood up and dusted himself off. "Let's cut to the chase, your majesty. Clearly you came down here for a reason."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I did come down for a reason; I want to know more about you and your offer. Unfortunately I think heirs and succession work differently than you think they do. In order for an heir to be legitimate I have to be married to the... ummm... mother of the child. I want to know more about you. Where did you come from? My spymaster was not able to ascertain any information on you.

"As for locking you up, I have enemies. There are those who are uncomfortable with a bachelor king. I can never be too careful."

Emmett raised an eyebrow. "Here I thought that a king must simply acknowledge an heir for them to be considered legitimate. But, as I said, I'm no nobility. I can't say I understand the inner-workings of courtly politics. As for where I come from, the answer to that could really only be 'nowhere'. My home town was destroyed over a decade ago. I've just been wandering and living off the land ever since. I have no home. But your majesty, I think I was rather clear on my offer, though. I hit every point that I needed to. I told you everything relevant to my ability to carry for you. What more is there for me to tell you, your highness?"

Emmett's eyes fell to King Armand's crotch, soaking in the king's generous masculinity. Suddenly, perhaps because of the hormones in his body or because he might have gone overboard with making himself as fertile as possible, Emmett was painfully aware of the fact that he wasn't pregnant. Suddenly he just felt empty, and the king's manhood looked wonderfully filling. The perfect thing to solve that feeling. Emmett looked back up to Armand. "I promise you, I can carry your children." Emmett put a hand over his stomach, a part of his mind swearing that his womb was screaming at him to put it to work. "As a matter of fact, I'm ovulating right now."

I'm just here for a laugh

Armand raised an eyebrow at the younger man touching his stomach. "Haha, admiring Brivarian fashion? I have a number of questions about what you've told me and I don't entirely trust you, but considering that you've told me that you have female genetalia, there is only one thing that I need to know. Let's see if you can awaken my cock." Armand gently tugged at the laces containing his manhood. His pants immediately sprang open, his cock leaping out. It was completely flaccid but still hung very low with a thick shaft and a bulbous head at the tip. Armand stepped forward, pressing his hips against the bars of the cell, his masculinity invading Emmett's space.

"Make me hard," Armand Said.

This certainly hadn't been something Emmett had expected, but then, he hadn't been expecting an impromptu prison sentence either. Not to mention that Brivaria was a rather sexual kingdom. So perhaps this may as well have been happening anyway. Emmett removed his own clothes, completely exposing himself and hoping that his scrawny frame wouldn't be a deterrent. He kneeled before the bars and took the offered organ into his hands, beginning to stroke it. If all it took was to give Armand an erection, then it shouldn't be too hard, right? 

"There's only so much that I can do from behind bars, but I'm certain this won't be a problem." Emmett stated. After a few strokes, he inserted the king's long and girthy cock into his mouth, sucking it with fervor.

I'm just here for a laugh

Armand was impressed by Emmetts zeal. He half expected the boy to shy away from his cock; most did. It had been a while since someone had tried to stimulate the king, and even longer since someone had been successful. Armand, of course, knew what the problem was but he was curious if Emmett was capable.

"Mmmmmm" Armand moaned. He suspected that this was not Emmetts first time.

Then he felt it. He felt his cock start to thicken. He was actually becoming aroused.

"Mmmm don't stop now boy."

Emmett looked up at Armand, reading his face. He could feel the king's "scepter" hardening in his mouth, and so he doubled his efforts and shifted his focus back onto the shaft currently sliding in and out of his mouth. Emmett removed Armand's penis from his mouth so he could lick up and down its sides, then licked his way down to the king's balls, which he also began teasing with his mouth before turning his attention back to the penis proper. He slid it into his mouth again and began probing the slit with his tongue as his hands took up the task of pleasuring the king's balls, practically massaging them. As the erection grew stiffer and stiffer, Emmett gave more and more effort.

I'm just here for a laugh

Emmetts mouth felt incredible, and he was able to swallow a surprising amount of Armands cock. Armand had not anticipated finishing; he only wanted to see if he could achieve an erection with Emmett present, but it had been so long since he had actual sexual contact with another. He felt his heavy balls churning. This poor guy didn't know what he was in for.

Armand felt his cock become very hard, the head swelling a bit. He ran his fingers through Emmetts hair.

When Armand came, Emmett nearly choked on the amount of cum that came blasting out, but he managed to keep up with the volume being fed to him, if only barely. It was tricky to manage to swallow so much cum while still being able to breathe, but Emmett managed, somehow. And if he were to be honest, Armand's cum tasted wonderful. Not quite the sort of desert Emmett would have asked for, but delicious in its own right. 

As Emmett kept swallowing and swallowing, he felt his belly begin to swell outward and press against the worn-out fabric of his shirt.

I'm just here for a laugh

Armand felt pressure building in his balls and cried out as the pressure released. Armand held Emmetts head while his cock pumped volley after volley of royal seed into him. His orgasm seemed to last forever. At one point he looked down to see that the boys stomach had swelled, filled to capacity with cum. After the final wave of pleasure had subsided, Armand released Emmets head, embarrassed that he had gripped him so tightly. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hold you there. You din't have to swallow it all. Although I must say, the thickness suits you."

Armand unlocked and entered the cell. He helped Emmett to his feet. He had never been this close to the boy before and he noticed that he smelled sweet, like vanilla or wildflowers. Emmett was unsteady on his feet, no doubt thrown off by his slightly shifted center of gravity. His shirt had torn from being stretched so. "We will have to get you some new clothes, and a better place to stay for the time being." Armand eased Emmett into a chair in the cell.

"I've been needing new clothes for years now. I don't even know how long I've had these for." Emmett took a look at his shirt's latest tear. "I can fix this, no problem." He stated. "A real bed to sleep on though, that's something that excites me." Emmett looked down to the floor, and gave a chuckle, though it was clear there was no joy or mirth behind it. "I bet the idea of being excited by something as mundane as a bed is unfathomable to you, isn't it?"

Emmett placed a hand over his mouth and stifled a belch. "Excuse me. Between the food and your semen, I haven't had a meal like this in years. Tasty as it was, though, I'd say it's rather a shame the royal sperm wound up in my stomach, not my womb." Emmett looked up to Armand, deep into his eyes. "Pushing all of that aside, you said that all you needed was for me to get you hard. To that end, I think we can both agree that I surpassed your expectations, and went above and beyond. So what will your majesty do with me now?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I promise the things that I get excited for would be unfathomable to you too. I get excited at just the smallest bit of privacy." Armand looked kindly into Emmetts eyes kindly. "And as for what's next, well you and I have to get to know each other a bit better. I can't say that I'm sure of where we are going to go, but I'm pretty confident that you are not a spy or assassin. I will send for someone to set you up in a bedroom, and we will have new clothes made for you. Tomorrow we will have breakfast together and then I will have you see my personal physician. He will confirm for me if what you say is true. As for me, I will see you tomorrow morning. You really are something special aren't you?"

Armand left without making any effort to stuff his softening manhood back into his pants or locking the cell behind him.

About 20 minutes later, another man came to the cell. "Hello. My name is Shepard, and I am to take you to a guest bedroom."

Emmett nodded and followed behind Shepard, the whole time thinking to himself. The king didn't appear to be in any rush to impregnate him, even though he was currently ovulating. Emmett could use his magic to make the ovulation process last longer, but only by an additional week. If his majesty missed that window, then they would have to wait until Emmett's body simply began ovulating again, or until he could find a long enough window of privacy to use his magic to start the process again. And considering how many prying eyes a castle was bound to have, it might wind up being the waiting. 

Upon arriving in his quarters, Emmett felt his heart soar at the sight of the room's sheer opulence. The bed looked soft and positively divine, yet as much as Emmett wanted to dive beneath the blankets and sleep, he was first attracted to the fact that he had his own bathing suite, replete with soaps, oils, salts, candles, anything that one could ever want. Emmett ran himself a bath, and immediately, he felt years of stress melt away from his body. For the first time in years, he could bask in the feeling of proper hygiene. No more scraping by with whatever his magic and his concoctions could do for him, now he could be properly clean. When Emmett began to feel himself nodding off, no doubt the result of his generous meal, he finished in the bathroom and climbed into his bed. It was every bit as comfortable as it looked, and he fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning, Emmett was barely able to pry himself from bed, but forced himself to leave that small slice of paradise to meet with the king, taking the time to sew up his torn shirt first. He couldn't wait for the time when he could throw out these rags all together. After that, he was escorted to the dining room, and took a seat at the table, waiting patiently for Armand.

I'm just here for a laugh

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