A joke gone bad (w/ dots)

(Oh ok)

When they arrived at the mall, it's only naturla for them to linger around the shops selling baby things. Henry and Johan had grwon fast, and their baby clothings had mostly been gifted to other parents, mostly colleagues of James' company, and some others to charity. There were a few left, but that would not be enough. "Horu, look at this! This is so cute." James pointed at a pair of tiny socks with ears on it. "We have to buy some jew things for these little ones. Lucky the stroller was still there." He smiled. When the twins had becone too big.to fit into the stroller, James had insisted on keeping it at their garage even thouh it was big. Of course, James already thought they needed it for their new baby when it was time, but he never imagined it would be two babies again. It would make their stroller for twins very useful again.

(Haha ya hope so. Thanks!)

Horu couldn't stop smiling when James pointed at that sock. "Hmm, yeah, that can be good on Johan, but I don't know if Henry would wear that." He said, smiling. Henry had clearly shown his dominant side even he was just 3 years now. Sometimes, he rejected wearing something cute, but he had lost to his little brother. Henry would do everything Joahan asked for even wearing the cute clothes which were matched with his little brother. He giggled when James picked the smaller socks which were the baby sock. His husband was so excited about it. "Hmm, James, We should wait for these two little ones, at least, when we know their gender," He said and oat slightly on his belly. He could remember about the stroller that James had mentioned about. His husband insisted to buy the best and most expensive one for the last time, and it would be good use again this time.

(Haha, yeah, have you known anything about it? maybe about your work? like is it make you have less time than previous one?)
(anyway, I really love love how to mention about the stroller, I mean Horu's husband is a salaryman although James has a quite high position, it is how it should be :) and they should keep that money for the babymoon hehe ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ahh still no idea yet, but probably would be much busier , which is so sad ;()

Ijames nodded remmebrring how his elder son was like, and how hewould pout grumpily whne his little brother just looked at him with his innocent eyes - and immediayely Henry would agree to whatever Johan aksed for. Henry was really a very good big brother, even at such a young age. "I wonder if he would still be so good to his newest siblings... oh well, I am quite sure he would. We should buy something that would dress them 4 in the sameclothes!" James excitedly said, already making palns. "Aww Horu, you know whatever gender they are, we could have some things prepared already."he smiled but knew they should wait. It's too eaely, and James rememebred well from.the books he read, during the early months the babies are fragile. There is a chance for anything to happen, even with the babies and Horu being strong and healthy.

(Haha yea, i.think they would be on a tight budget, especially with James' plan to cjange to a larger house)

"Yeah, you're right, so should we get some clothes for our children and go for the dessert? hmm, you know, I love it and my morning sickness makes me want it even more." He said, smiling at his husband. Horu already rubbed his belly for time to time since he knew about his pregnancy. It was just something he loved to do and his husband as well. They got some shirt for Henry, and Johan from before leaving the baby zoon. Although James wanted to dress his children in the same clothes sometimes, Horu always reminded him how the children should have their own desition even on wearing clothes. They had walked to the zone for the ingredient for the dinner and grabbed some stuff. Horu didn't forget to get his and Henry's favorite sausage, and that could draw a smile from James with how sometimes their children were so familiar with their parents.

(Bless you hehe ;) Hmm you mention that do you want them to lose one of the babies? ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Nope i dont think we should. We have played that with Sam and Henry already. How about this time it's just one twin having difficulty growing big, so Horu had to take it easy and eat specifically designed meals to make sure he had enough nutrients for thee two babies?)

In terms of taste, Henry was closer to Horu while Johan was like his father. James always thought it was because of their intiials being the same. They were soon returning home. On their way, James asked. "Was rhe morning sckness serious? I am so sorry Horu, I should have notices something... yea now I remember you looked so pale in the mornings. You used to have breakfats with me as well, but these few weeks you just watched me eat... i am sorry babe.... i wasnt there to share the expereinxe with you when it was didficult..." james started blaming himself. He was guilty in so many ways towards his wife, he was hating himself for not beibg the perfect husbabd

(Hmm, I don't think we should do that, but maybe Horu needs to take more medicine? I still want him to have what he wants, and it's the fun of morning sickness, and even during their babymoon :))

"Don't say that James, you're always with me, honey." He said, holding James' arm tightly after they had paid for all stuff. They walked to Horu's favorite ice cream shop and bought a bucket of vanilla ice cream. Horu loved it so much, and he even wanted it more during his pregnancy. They walked slowly to the car and this time James had led the way to Horu seat for his wife since he saw how tired Horu already was. It was a long day for him. They had gone for the checkup and ended up at this store in the afternoon. Horus smiled at his husband when James placed a soft kiss on his forehead before closing the door and let his wife have some rest before they got home. They still had the time before James needed to pick their children, so they could rest at home, or at least James could let Horu rest when he got to pick Henry and Johan at the school.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ooops i am so sorry for forgetting about the ice cream part... ya ok, just medicine then. Maybe to supplement his iron and other minerals and vitamins etc)

James smiled at Horu when he saw him falling asleep already in their car. It wanst a long way, so it showed how tired Horu was. James tried to drive slower so hisbwife coild rest well. He was so deeply asleep he didnr wake up even when James stopped the car. James looked at Horu's sleeping face as he carried him.up the stairs and felt so much love for his wife and their future children already.

James started preparing some of the dinner, mostly just washing and chopping, while watchinf the time. When it was time to pick up the children, he went to take a look at Horu, finding him still asleep, he quietly wnet away to get the kids first. His wife coukd take all the rest he wanted now at this special time.

(yeah, how about you first day at work? good?)

Horu had woken up hours later inside their bedroom. He got enough sleep and he didn't feel that he needed more sleep now. He walked outside and found that James had gone to pick their children up. Horu smiled widely when he could see all the ingredient had been prepared by his husband. James was always so sweet although he already had that hard work. He walked to the kitchen, start coking. It would be rice and some dishes today, and he didn't forget to fry the sausage for Henry. It wasn't long till he could hear the car from the outside. His husband and children had come back now. Heru could clearly hear Henry's sound calling his mom even from the outside when sleep Johan was inside his daddy's arms after he had fallen asleep on the way back home.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Meh still alright. I guess thw real deal would be next week when I am expected to adjust and start performing...)

James just put Johan on the couch. He didnt plan on letting his younger son nap for too.long. it's soon time for dinner and his little Johan could sleep here for half an hour at most, so there's no point.placing him on his bed. He returned to the kirchen just in time to stop Hsnry from leaping up on his mommy. "Hey Henry.... be careful. Mommy's very delicate now. He's not feeling too well..." he smkled at his elder son, who nodded like the good boy he was even though he looked between his parents with a confused look. James lifted Hnery up and bumped.him. he would tell the twins about their younger siblings to arrive half a year later, when tehy were enjoying.dinner.

James carried Henry to Horu and whispered to him. "I think Johan had once again proved he had taken your gene... look who he looks like now, falling asleep in the car, didnt even wake up when I carried him?" James teased pointing at their younger child.

(Hehe, best of luck then. hope to hear a good news hehe :))

Henry was a bit confused with how his parents were talking about, and Horu could notice that. "Hmm, and, Henry had fully taken your gene, James, right?" He said, looking at their older child and placed a kiss on his cheek. James pouted when he also asked for that, but Horu did only smile at him. The dinner was done already, so they still had time before waking up Johan. "Hmm, mommy needs some time for finishing our dinner now, should you stay there?" Horu pointed at the chair in the kitchen. He knew that both Henry and James wouldn't leave the kitchen, and they would even prefer to stay with him. There were some snacks on the table so James could eat with Henry while Horu was preparing for the dinner.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Me too)

James was so good with the kidsbhe quickly made Henry's mind distractwd, and the 3 year old forgot about asking more of the issue that their parents had just mentioned. He also forgot ask why he couldnt jump on mommy anymore, he was too concenteated playing with his daddy. Dinner was quickly done and James decided ir should be time to wake Johan up. He picled Henry up and asked the elder brother to wake his smaller brother up. Johan looked like an angel, so cute even when he rubbed his eyes sleepily and yawned. "Sleepy head.... come here. Dinner is ready." James lifted Johan up as well and pressed a kiss on his smooth and round cheek.

Horu had prepared everything for his husband, and also his children. "Time for the dinner loves, come." He called his family while James was walking inside with Henry and Johan in his arms. They sat on the chairs that they usually did. Henry sat on Horu's side when Johan sat on James' side. Both of their children didn't need kid eating chairs anymore, but the taller one for them to be able to pick what they wanted. Horu had got the rice and some dishes for both Henry and Johan before starting his plate as well. He looked at his husband and asked him to be the one telling about his pregnancy through his sight.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James nodded telling his wife he understoodn. He stroked Johan's soft hair and said to him gently. "Johan, you have been taljing about you didnt want to be the smallest child right?" He started. Turning to Henry, he smiled at him as well. "And henry you also said you wanted more friends who could play with you at home right?" He said, guiding the children to the direction. "Well... we have news for you two. You know mommy and daddy had both been home today right? It's because we have some big news to tell you that would fulfill both of your wishes." He said stopping, looking at his children and steerched a hand over the table to hold Horu's hand in his palm. "Mommy and daddy would be giving you two smaller siblings. After 6 months, mommy would bringing 2 more babies to this home! Isnt it exciting?"

Both Henry and Johan started yelling as their father said that like they didn't know how to react to this big news. Horu smiled and wrapped his arm around Henry who was looking up at him already. "Yeah, you both will have two little siblings after these months. Is that sound good, hmm?" He asked, smiling at both children. Henry instantly nodded with that new from his mommy when Johan slowly looked at his mommy and nodded slowly. "So, you will be a big brother soon, Henry, and you too Johan, brother, Johan." He said, smiling at both children and James. the dinner was so wonderful with Henry asking about his upcoming siblings when Johan just sat but ask sometimes.

(hmm, Im thinking about the gender now, I think they should be both boys again? I'm thinking if they should be one dom one sub, or both dom lol I have an image three strong and protective boys protecting their one and only cute brother)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Hmm yea I think that would be nice)

James showed Johan his share of attention. He always remembered giving his lovely sweet son the attention he knew Johan also crabved for. He hugged him tight and smiled seeing.Horu trying answer the billion of crazy questions raised by his elder son. It was so wonderful seeing Horu blushing when he was asked "the question"- henry asked where do babies come from. He was amazed at how Horu blushed so deep, but still try to be calm and seirous for his son, explaining things eithout really getting into sex education - a 3 year old shouldnt undersyand it yet anyway.

Horu hadn't told about the deep details about where the babies come from but just let Henry know that they came from the love of both daddy and mommy, and he even told Henry that James would have a better answer but when he had grown for more. They had continued the dinner till they finished it and Horu had brought the ice cream from the fridge. Henry was yelling already when Johan only smiled but Horu knew his little son and he wanted it as well. "Hmm, This is wonderful, right? Johan?" He said, smiling as he fed Johan with a spoon of ice cream. Horu also didn't forget to put the attention on his lovely son. He could see Henry watching how fed his little brother but didn't even say anything. Henry was a good big brother, and he knew that he shouldn't yell at his brother or mommy for the ice cream but wait for his turn.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James reached over to ruffle Henry's hair, praising himf ro being such a good big brother. He leaned over to kiss his sson's forehead and smiled. "Keep this up buddy,.you would have to be a big brother to 3 of your younger siblings very soon!" He said.encouragimgly, liking how his son nodded seirously. He.knew he had to train Henry up, they needed Henry as their helper when later there would be 4 little kids at home. Perhaps he would at least help.with handing over the diapers.

They finished the cie cream between the 4 of them. Of course Horu probably had the most, and by night, when the kids were all asleep, James saw Horu rubbing his stomach and knew his wife must be feeling too full after eating all that ice cream. "Aww babe, needing bellyrubs already?" James smirked climbing up on bed.

(Hehe, I'm a bit surprised that you can reply during your work time :))

Horu smiled as his husband said that, and shook his head. "Hmm, I don't think I want now, but yeah, I will need it soon." He said when James moved closer and placed a deep kiss on his lips. The kiss was hot and long, Horu was even trembling with how he had been teased by his husband. "You're so naughty, James." He whispered softly as James laid beside him and placed Horu on his wide chest. He could even hear James' heartbeat now. "Thanks for taking care of our children, honey. I'm sure that I will need lots of your help when this gets bigger." he patted slightly on his belly and James did that as well. Horu would be a lot weaker during his pregnancy, but at least, he could still cook the meal for his family.

(Hmm, I thought about sex scene instantly when I read this but I let you decide. Maybe we can still when his belly is bigger and do it at that time, right?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha i just got a bit of freee time so I have to make good use of it, isnt it? ;))

It was always fun to see his wife reduced to such a trembling mess, especially when it was because of a passionate kiss from James. James smiled at Horu, loojing at him laying on his chest, just stroking his back lazily. "You are very welcome baby... you are the one taking care of all of us. Noe that you are carrying 2 members of the family in you I.think I must share some of the respobsibilities.... though I have to apologize in advance first, I think for the coming months I am going to be very busy.... " james said looking at Horu with puppy eyes. He knew his wife would undestand, but he was still sorry for perhaps being absent even when Horu was physically not too well. He had to make money - not only for the new house, but also for a little surprise he had for his wife befoee the babies would be born.

(I think we should wait? You knoe i like pregnant sex more...;))

Two months had passed since Horu's first checkup. He had gone for many times during these months when Horu needed to take more nutrient medicine for the babies, but finally, nothing should be worried now. Their children had gone on the trip again this time, and it was good for Horu when he needed to prepare the birthday dinner for his husband. He spent a half day for cooking James' favorite dishes and had ordered the cake from their favorite shop. James called him today and told with his quite upset voice that he would come back late today. Horu could understand that, and he knew that his husband needed to handle with many things at work now which most problems came from his subordinates. Ho rubbed his billy, looking at the clock and realized that James was almost there. He couldn't prepare so many things as James did last since his pregnancy was hard already. The room hadn't been decorated with birthday stuff or the candles hadn't been prepared but Horu could do his best to his husband. This dinner wouldn't be romantic as last time, but Horu wanted it to be such a sweet time fir James.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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