C A Brave Butler (w/Bhdire8)

The butler of the Lord walked with some trouble as he made his way a few steps down the hall to the other room, there was so much commotion he didn't understand what was happening. As he pushed his way into the bedroom past the doctors and priest who all stood around clueless. He felt sick as he saw the man writhing on the bed in a puddle of his own sweat.

"Oh god." He murmured, moving toward the bed and sinking down onto it with the newborn carefully in his arms, he freed one hand and ran his fingers through the man's hair,"Come on... You can't die. You've got your wish, you have your children now... Don't leave them." Orvin placed a hand on his arm and looked down at him helplessly.

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The Lord seemed to hear some of thr words, and his arm twitches at the weight appearing beside him, and he turned his head towards Orvin even though his eyes remained tightlt shut. He was muttering.incoherent words, but it was quite obvious it was Orvin's words that had initiated such reaction, especially when he mentioned "children". His cracked lips opened and closed, but no one could distinguish what he was trying to say. He again tesned up and suffered from another bout of twitching, the whole bed trembled when the men present again pressed him.dwon.

Orvin was somewhat shocked by the response and he watched Augustus as he laid there in his bout of sickness, he sighed and moved carefully to lay down beside him on the bed despite his spasming. He made sure the baby was out of the way of harm and kept a tight grip on his arm,"You've got to name them. You've got to be a father, because I sure as hell can't." He looked at him and pressed his lips tight together, rubbing his arm with his thumb and watching as the men of the room came back to hold him down. "What can we do? Has medicine not worked?"

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At fhe mention of "father", rhe lord twitched and jerked, before his tremble slowly subsided. The doctors all lowered their heads hearing Orvin's words, but no one uttered a sound. They had run out of all methods, but the fever never died down.

Everyone semeed to have stopped tryibg to make the lord better and just waited for the inevitable, when the baby mewled and started gurgling. Her small hand waved in the air and touched Augutus' face, and the phantom twitchinf miraculiusly died down.

Orvin pressed his lips together and pushed the Lord's hair back away from his face, it was a sight to see, him so...pale...almost deathly so,"You better not die. You better not." He pressed his face to the side of his head for a moment, the baby laid between them and the Lord seemed to stop shaking for a few moments in that intimacy. His body was hot and though he stayed there laying with him, he looked down to the baby girl when she stirred and his hand moved to stroke her head next. Watching as the baby's hand touched him and he seemed all at once to relax, he almost thought he died as he sat up in shock.

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Indeed Augutus let out a staggered sigh, not unlike a last breath - the whole room was dead silent, the anticipation in the air was thick, people were scared, not knowing what's going to happen. All eyes were on the pale form on the bed, and finally, after a full second, the Lord inhaled lightly. His chest rose and this time, his breathing calmed. It's a miracle but it looked like Augutus indeed responded to the call of Orvin and their daughter, who just laid there, oblivious to what just happened.

The butler sighed at that, he shut his eyes and laid his head against the other's shoulder as he held the baby between them. Reaching over and taking his arm to embrace him and the baby, not caring that there were others in the room, he was gentle and laid there for as long as he could with him. "Now come on, get better, I want her to be able to meet her sister."

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The warmth of another human being seemed to have calmed Augustus further. The Lord's head tilted to Orvin even, in his unconscious half coma, he seemed to want to get closer to his trusted butler as well. Whne they were awake, there never seemed to have such harmony between them, but now they rested together.

The whole room was startled by the impulsive act of Orvin. They knew the identity of the Lord, and therefore knew about the Lady. Tbe obvious close relationship between the 2 men and how Orvin referred to the baby as their daughter had sparked gossips already.

The two- no three, laid there quietly together for the longest time, the baby had sank into her own sleep and he looked down at her as he held her against his chest. He didn't think he would feel anything at all for the child in her arms, nor her sister who resided in the Lord's castle miles away. His fingers stroked her fine hair and cheek gently, kissing her nose softly as she slept with her mouth hanging open, he looked to Augustus and saw so much of him in her, his lips pressed together. He barely realized once again that so many people were still in the room with them, watching them and whispering.

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The doctors discussed aming themselves, and had reached a consensual decision of.just leavint the two together. There was clearly some mysteirous links between the 3, and they wouldnt risk having Augutus' condition to deteriorate further by forcing Orvin to leave with the child. They would just wait and see.

The lord remained in a coma for 3 more days.during which Orvin and rhe baby stayed more or less close to him. Augutus had been thinning visibly. Solid food wasnt possible and all they had been able to force through his mouth was some soup.

Those three days were long and waiting for Augustus to wake up seemed to be endless, he breast fed the baby and did his best not to worry about the other girl. He wondered what she was being fed and how she was being treated, he also wondered about his wife and his other daughters. A sigh escaping him at the worry that built on his shoulders, he laid his head against the Lord's and was careful with the baby he had begun to call Grace. He even thought of a second name for the first twin, Hannah. Hannah and Grace.

He thought that Augustus would like those names.

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It's during.one of the meals of Grace that Augutus finally woke up from his longest sleep ever. He opened his eyes, his vision still blurred, when he saw the figure beside him, holding a baby close to his chest. He blink a few more times, squinting against the bright sunlight from the outside, and tried to move himself - he succeeded with his fingertip but that's all.

When his eyes cleared, he saw it then - a tiny girl suckling eagerly from a woman - or was it? He looked up, trying to make clear fo what's going on, and saw Orvin.

Memories started rushing back, and Augutus was finding his vision blurring again - this time from tears. His second daughter had been fine - everyone's fine.

Orvin had thought that it was just Augustus moving in his sleep again, though when he felt him move slightly, he knew that was wrong as he looked at him while cupping the girl's head. A blush coming to his cheeks slightly, not exactly used to anyone seeing him this way, feeding the newborn, their eyes met briefly,"Good morning." He said and looked down as he glanced for a towel to cover himself with, when he looked back to the other he was crying and he laughed,"You gave us all a scare." he said finally,"We thought you were going to die. I thought they would be orphans."

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"I.... I thought I would'nt wake up again as well..." Augustus' voice cracked, and it was followed with a string of cough. He had to stop very soon, panting heavily. His body was so weak he didn't have the strenght to cough properly. His attention was somewehre though, he looked at the little head, hidden under the towel, and he looked back up at Orvin with pleading eyes. He couldn't wait to see his own child properly, but he dared not lift the towel himself - nor did he have the strenght.

Orvin watched him, smiling softly and sighing as he placed his hand on the other man's head, stroking his hair and nodding as he moved back again. Guessing it was alright, he could sway the embarrassment he felt as he pushed the towel away from the baby girl's face. Her eyes were open and she blinked at the light and milk dripped down her chin as her hand pressed against his chest. "Named her Grace." He said after a moment, stroking her curly head of dark hair,"I was thinking her sister would be named Hannah."

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"Grace....." Augutus smiled as tears filled his eyes again, whivh he eagerly wiped away so he could see his girl clearly. "I,... yea. Hannah would be a great name for her elder sister. You are such beauty..." the Lord's heart metled at the sight of the little baby,who had started developing chubby cheeks after all these days he stroked her amazingly soft cheeks, and wiped away the drop of milk running down her face while she suckled clumsily. Augutus looked up at Orvin and smiled. "Thank you.... thank you so much for bringing forth this little angel, this pair of amgels..." he corrected himself immediately. He was proud to be the father of two.

The baby soon felt full and spit out Orvin's nipple. It felt a little awkward now that Augustus came face to face with the bare chest of Orvin, but the baby yawning had his full attention. "Is she sleepy? Can i... can i.hold her?" He asked eagerly, not really thinking about his own condition.

They both stared down at the baby who didn't have a care in the world, her small hand tucked against his beast and her body as she laid against him. He gave her other hand his pinky to hold and stared at her with the same awe as Augustus, as if he was a new father again. He looked up to the Lord and shook his head as he was thanked,"I didn't do it for you." He replied, it was for his own family that he did this, that he took care of himself instead of rotting away.

He looked down at her again and couldn't imagine her not being here because of what he wanted to do before the other man even knew about the existence of the children. He adjusted the child when she seemed done with nursing, leaning more against the headboard and stroking her hair, looking to the other when he seemed to grow excited.

"Will you be okay to hold her?" He asked in reply, looking at the other cautiously.

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"yea... but I have witnessed the process. It's an amazing thing you have endured through for this angel... " Augustus gestured at Orvin, and nodded, but not with the usual confidence he would have. "i...er, I guess I can hold her. but you might needa give me a hand. I cannot quite lift my arms up steady...." he said as a blush spread on his face. He attempted to move but any movement brought a soreness through his entire body, and he was pretty sure he had never been as weak. Even moving his pinky took such an effort. He was determined, however, to hold her, even if just for a little while. He's a father, and this precious little girl is his daughter - he wanted to really feel her.

Looking at Orvin, the lord asked again humbly. "please? can you help me?" His lower body felt so heavy, he wasn't sure he could sit up by himself in the first place.

Orvin hummed lightly at that, watching the little girl with a sort of deep comfort, she was a sort of angle, wasn't she? He looked at the other man who had a hand in creating her and her sister and pressed his lips into a thin line for a moment, it was hard to think of him helping create such a being, but he did and they were his. The butler remembered their deal and he nodded simply as he moved to place the babe gently against his Lord's broad chest, bringing his hands up to support her head and neck as well as her body, a chubby little girl she was. He helped even without being begged, sitting up Augustus gently against the headboard and pillows as he held her,"Good enough?" He asked.

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"no no wait! Don't let go...." The lord exclaimed in paanic. The heavy feeling at his legs still lingered, and he wasn't sure he could hold himself up even when propped up by pillows. "can you.. hold me." he said, embarrassed. he had never felt as weak before. There was a panic rising in his chest, but he tried to swallow it. he had attmepted to move his toes but failed.... woudl this mean something's seriously wrong with him? He shook off the worrying thoughts, focusing his attention on his little girl.

He almost slid off the pillows when Orvin's hands weren't there., but luckily his butler came to support him on his side, and now he was leaning against Orvin, his arms barely working on holding the infant. He maanged to raise his arms, albeit trembling so much, and fondled with her tiny arm. "so small.... so delicate. You are gonna be the soft spot in me forever, little one." he muttered to his little girl and kissed her cheeks.

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