A small town surprise? Closed with bhdire8
Logan began to stitch the cut, "sorry." He muttered knowing it probably hurt but at least the cut wasn't to big. "Are you sure your ok? Did you get hit in the head right? Are you dizzy or anything? Logan had become good at treating wounds, how had he learned? Well, he had a history of being slightly accident prone adn at one time he had strongly considered becoming a doctor. However, he failed out of his classes at the local college and later returned to be a carpenter. Few people besides Ben even knew he had done it.
"No, not feeling dizzy or anything... though I think i might need some pampering. Maybe a kiss would do and make the pain go away." Ben took Logan's hand and kissed it. "you have nothing to be sorry about... I am sorry fro you needing to get through all that... If i.. if we..." Ben wanted to say if they hadn't fallen in love, then none of this would happen - but he changed his mind. he would never regret this, being together and falling in love iwth Logan was the best thing that happend in his life.
Logan chuckled lightly and gave him a kiss wrapping his arms around Ben and leaning into him. "Mine." He knew where Ben had been going with that sentence and he was glad he hadn't finished it. Besides, it wasn't Ben's fault, and it wasn't his own. This whole town should have learned to be more accsepting.
Ben smiled at the declaration. He nodded. "Yours." He cupped his hand on Logan's belly and added. "Ours." Their smile to each other was so warm and exciting.

The news soon spread and some of their closer friends come knocking on the door, no doubt checking out on them. The gang comprised of their childhood buddies. Ben looked a little alert - despite their friendship, he wasnt sure how accepting theh would be. He got out a jumper from his wardrobe. "Here put this on... better hide little jr there first. I would get thr door." He said getting anxious again.
Logan nodded and threw it on, even though it was hot. He would then join Ben by the door watching as their 'friends came in.' Logan was just as wary after what had happened with his father he didn't know who would be supportive, and who might actually try to kill them. They hadn't left town yet but they were getting things together and would soon. Everything was lined up it was just a matter of time.
"Hey...." ben started, not too friendly but still reasonably warm to greet his long time fri3nds. "I heard you and Logan had always been together... is it true?" Sally, one of their friends asked urgently. She and her elder beother had been friends for a long time, and Ben was aware for a time Sally was slightly more friendly and close around him - and rheir group had always seemed to push them together, creating chancws for them to be alone, and Ben teied his hardest to avoid, odten dragging Logan with him, which eventually ended what they had been conspriing.
Logan came up behind Ben smiling lightly. After his father reacted the way he had Ben was afraid everyone would respond in such a manner but still, he tried to remain relaxed. In fact he masked whatever fear he had well. "It's true." He said placing a hand on Ben's shoulder and smiling at his friends. " If you're ok with that you're welcome to stay if you came to lecture you can do it from the outside of that door." He nodded towards the door they had just come in. Logan wasn't going to take any more shit, this was who he was and he wasn't going to be ashamed of it.
"But... but man arent supposed to be together with MAN." It had been too much for the young lady to take in, and she had tears welling.up in her eyes. She clutched Ben's arm and continued. "Ben ... you can not.like me, but you couldnt just have it with a guy! That's not natural.. it's not.how babies could be made! I.thpught you like children... you always said you wanted lots of kids! Logan.couldnr give you that.. but I CAN!" Sally cried, tear streaked her face as she tried to throw herself into Ben.

Ben was shcoked, but he knew Sally would always be his.little sister. He yanked his aem out of Sally's clutch and looked up, seeking.help from.her brother, hoping for him to say something. "Sally it isnt going this way... I love Logan, rthat's something that wouldnt change...."
Logan watched the scene quietly, he almost said something, but he knew that probably wasn't the best course of action. They were freaking out that he was gay, they would most certainly freak out if he let them know he was pregnant.

"Sally, there are probably a million other guys that want to be with you, you just can't have this one, this one is mine. It's not wrong, it's perfectly fine." Logan placed a hand on the girl's shoulder "This town is full of other people who would date you."
Sally yanked off Logan's hand in her fury, shoving him off her side, her brother helping in it, picking up his collar and angrily yelled. "What are you! You faggo...." he didnt get the word out quite cmpletely, but he was very close to. "Dare not touch my sister!" He said instead and raised up his hand wanting to punch Logan.

Ben rushed forward to hold that hand, and pulled Logan back and shielded him. "Dont you dare hurt him!" He said out loud and looked at the group of his friends. "If you cannot accept our relationship, then leave. We are not going to be scolded just for falling in love with each other." He pointed at the door angrily.
Had he not been worried about the child he might of taken a swing at the boy himself. Anger flooded his body as he stared back at his 'friends'
"Get out." Logan's voice was final, no room for argument it wasn't a question. It was a demand. "You didn't come here with anything nice to say, Get the fuck out." He stared Between ally and her brother his glare so harsh it might have even scared Ben. OF course, some of the harsh reaction could have been blamed on hormones. But also, Logan was simply done hidding, If people weren't going to support them, they Logan didn't need them and they could find the door.
The siblings left angrily, or more like Sally waa dragged away by his brother. The others, several lefr after some hesitation, but there were still a few staying. The few who stayed looked at each other, and each one of them pciking from their pocket an envelop.

"We are just here to congratulate you two.... i swear I ddint know how they were going to act." One of the boys said. Stepping forward, he put the envelop on the table nearby. "I.... I dont know what your plans are, but either way i would suggest you two should leave here. It is no.longer safe staying. This is... i dont know, just consider it as a gifr congratulaing you two. I admire your bravery." He said sincerely, while the others followed, putting more envelops on the first one. They nodded and one by one, came pat and shook their hand, before departing.

When they were all gone, Ben took one of the envelops to open it - there were a few banknotes. Creased and old, clearly treasrure savings from their friends. Teaes welled up in Ben's eyes as he truend to Logan.
Logan watched his friends, some of them were still being supportive? Not all of them had turned them away? The thought of that made him smile lightly but although he had a guess of what was in the letters, he didn't know what was in him and he soon came to Ben's side joining him. "What is it?" Logan asked peering over his shoulder. The anger was starting to fade and he was becoming calm again. "Are you alright? he saw the tears and couldn't help but pull ben closer to him. "Don't cry, you'll make me cry."
"logan... our friends... " He couldn't finish his sentence, only handing over the envelops to Logan. "So there is indeed hope... at least now we know who are our true friends." he said letting out a staggered sigh, and smiled as he proceeded to open the other envelops.

All the letters accumulated up to a decent fortune, not much, but at least they could now have an allowance fro some more days before they could hunt down for a proper place to live else where, with some simpel words of encouragement that the pair woudl surely remember dearly.

WIth their financial pressure further settled, Ben took Logan's hand. "We would have to leave soon i guess.... apparently teh whole town would know of our relationship soon." He said, looking around for one last time.
Logan nodded in agreement. "Where should we go?" It was just the two of them, Logan didn't mind that but he didn't know what to think. Where could they escape? Where would it be safe? Sure the money was handled but they still didn't have a place to go. They could rent an apartment. Honestly, Logan didn't care, anywhere would be better and safer than here.

(Sorry, I know it's a shorter response. >.> )
"Should we head to the city? I guess we could blend in well... but our skills might be less sought after. I heard they were using machines to.replace a lot of things. We could also go the other way and head to the wild. My great grandfather owned a cabin somewhere need in the forest. If just forthe baby's sake.... perhaps we should try the city. That way school is possible, and we can even build a proper life together instead of escaping." Ben said thoughtfully. Either way, it would be a gamble, but the risk is necessary if tehy want to pursue a life together.

(Ah it's ok;))
"To the city, it is then, maybe we can find one where there have been others like us?" Logan liked the idea of being able to talk to another couple who might have already been threw this although he knew it was still a new thing and the chances were slim. "We can get stuff together, will leave first thing in the morning. How does that sound?" Logan smiled, the promise of adventure making him more hopeful then ever as he pulled Ben close to him and gave the boy a kiss.
"Sounds brilliant... just like you." The farm boy chuckled melting into hislover's kiss, holding his belly already, giving their child some attention.

It's some packing to be done, and half way through it, Ben persuaded Logan to go to sleep first. His pregnant lover needed the rest, and he could see him barely keeping his eyes opened. The baby's growimg fast and taking up a lot of energy from Logan. It would be in thr early morning that he woke Logan for their departure.
Logan awoke his gaze drifting up to ben. He gave the man a small smile and sat up rubbing sleep from his eye. The boy was tired but he got up anyway grabbing the few things he had packed last night tossing on his jacket and heading to the truck. IT would be a long drive to the city, but hopefully it would end up being worth it in the end.
What they didnt expect was that the drive induced car sickness from Logan. At first it was fine, Logan had quickly fallen back asleep with him still being tired, but then halfwah through it, he had woken up and soon, they stopped for some redreshment at a gas station - and when they got on with their journey, Logan got paler and paler. The long drive had triggered the return of morning sickness.

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