New horizons. ( closed with SpockRules.)
Aki smiled wider, his white teeth showing. He was worried about how big his mate would become. He kept his hand on the small but slowly growing bump which was their unborn pups. He spoke, trying his very hardest not to cause his lover to become nervous. "Of course we can, do you want a water birth or a natural birth? The water birth might be easier on you. My mother did that when she had my brothers. And we usually have two pups but more is extremely rare." He said softly, not wanting to move his hand from the spot where the pups were. They would be in for a surprise .. a very big surprise.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack thought for a few minutes about what kind of birth he wanted. He had heard water births were usually better, but he wasn't sure which he wanted. Deciding this was his first time, he finally decided, "I want a water birth but I also want you to sit in front of me in the water." Jack smiled putting his hand on top of his loves. When he heard that they usually had two pups, Jack was relieved glad to know he would only have to give birth twice knowing many people would tire easily. "I can't wait until they are here, our two little pups."
Aki could not stop smiling, not even worry could bring him down from his emotional high. He leaned his head in, placing a warm and loving kiss upon his pregnant lover's lips. He was so happy and proud, his lover was carrying his pups but soon life would throw them a curve ball as there were two more pups. He sighed with delight, not thinking of anyone he would rather be with than Jack. He was now his whole entire life and his main focus and now he had a family of his very own that he would be loving to and a lover that he would always be faithful to day and night. He was eager to help his lover when the pains would come during the pregnancy or if he would be emotional and would want to talk, be held or a shoulder to cry on.

"Our precious, little pups, I am so proud of you for carrying our soon to be family. And I will be in the water with you every single step of the way. I promise." He replied, feeling eager to hold one of the pups in his strong but gentle hands.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack smiled kissing his love as well before he decided they should get up and eat since his pups needed lots of food to keep growing. Getting up slowly, Jack let Aki know he was going to make some food for them and their pups. Going into the kitchen, Jack began fixing food until it was done and they could sit down to eat. As their meal was over, Jack decided he wanted to take a nice warm shower knowing probably by the next day he wouldn't be able to stand. Getting in, Jack began to wash off while his love washed the dishes. Once he was clean, Jack got out drying his hair and going past the mirror. Stopping, Jack looked down at his bump noticing it looked bigger. Unsure if that was right or not, Jack turned sideways to examine his stomach realizing for a fact his stomach had grown at least a month or twos worth making him look four or five months pregnant.

Coming into the kitchen, Jack kept his shirt off wanting to show his love, "Love, either our pregnancy won't last two days or these pups are growing large very fast."
Aki smiled once more, falling asleep happily. He slumbered for a while before waking back up. He walked to the second bathroom area of the house, taking a well needed shower of his own. He hummed softly, scrubbing his skin until it was truly clean. He got out of the shower area, looking at himself in the mirror while he casually brushed his teeth. He put on men's cologne, eager to eat now that he was now finally awake and alert. He left the bathroom after turning off the light to conserve power. He walked to the kitchen area of the cabin like home, sitting down at the table. He patiently waited for his food to be cooked. He hummed softly to himself, soon stopping when he heard his lover speaking. He looked at his lover's stomach, noticing that it was much larger than it was before and that made him a little bit more worried. He was eager to see the soon to be born unborn pups.

"The pups sometimes grow fast in my clan." He explained to his beloved. "They are from a strong bloodline of werewolves."
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack nodded understanding knowing the pups always depended on the father and bloodline. Jack wasn't worried about how fast they were growing though since he was excited to see them come. He only had a couple days to wait and even that felt long, too long for him. Sitting down, Jack kissed his beloved before waiting for the food to be done. He was starting to get more hungry knowing the pups needed as much food as he did.

"I wish they were here my love, I want to see them." Jack smiled rubbing his hand over his stomach.

(What if the pregnancy only last one day instead of two? Like Jack wakes up that night to the contractions. Also should the first two pups be impatient, like force themselves out ? and then the second two be patient? What you think?)
Aki smirked happily, proud of being Jack's lover. He gently rubbed where the pups were in his lover's stomach. He was eager to see the pups just as much as his beloved, not ever wanting him to be alone since he could have the pups anywhere at any time with how fast the pregnancy would be. That was what had worried him the very most. It was dangerous. He stayed sitting at the table, blushing as he felt and heard his own stomach growling loudly. Hunger was such a huge battle to overcome for him since he was always hungry for anything he could get his hands on.

"I agree, sweetie. I want to see them too as well." He said softly, eager to feel the pups in his arms. They thought that it was only just two pups that would be born but soon they would be dead wrong. "Do not worry, we will get to see them soon."

(Okay. I would like that :))
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
"Yes I can't wait." Jack smiled rubbing his stomach as well knowing that in another day he would be pushing them out. It worried him a little that the pups would force their way out of him, but Jack prayed they would be patient like their father. Hearing his lover's stomach growl, Jack smiled getting some food for them both. That evening, Jack decided to take a shower while Aki went to bed early. When he got out of the shower, Jack was a little shocked that his stomach had grown once more. This time making him look full term but he knew he still had a day to go. Not wanting to worry Aki, Jack got in bed by his sleeping love going to sleep him self. In a few hours though, Jack was awakened by a strong pain in his stomach. Figuring it was just the pups moving, Jack got up deciding to walk it off.

Going into the kitchen, Jack continued to walk around for about an hour but found instead of the pains leaving, they got worse much worse. As a strong pain hit him, Jack dropped to one knee feeling the pups jerking inside of him. Crying out, Jack held onto the table as he felt a pup pushing inside him. Suddenly with a pop, Jack gasped feeling water gush from his anus, "Aki!!!!" Jack screamed for his love knowing it was time for their pups and unlike their father they weren't patient. He could feel the two pups pushing against each other trying to figure which would come first.
Aki smiled, eating the meal that was prepared for him. He looked at his lover's stomach, feeling proud of their pups once again. He was excited that soon the unborn offspring would be born. He sighed happily, gently continuing to rub his lover's round, swollen stomach where the pups were growing at. They were in for a surprise when the pups would be born, an extra two additions. He spent half of the day with Jack and the rest of it in the shower. He was eager to see the pups and notice just how cute they would be. He knew that they would be on the large side in size but they would still be small as well. He then walked to the main bed room and then laid down, falling asleep. He yawned, curling up in bed for a while. He dreamtvof playing with the pups as he chased them around.

He got up quickly, rushing from the room and toward Jack. He grew worried, trying to comfort his beloved Jack. "It is alright Jack, I am here. Just breathe deeply." He coached him softly. When he noticed the wet spot in his lover's crotch area he got to work, picking him up and carrying him to the bathroom area of the house. He left the bathroom area quickly, gathering up a few towels and a few other itemsitems for the birthing. He returned to his lover's side as fast as he could, being careful and gentle. He looked at his lover, filling the tub up halfway up to the top with warm, clean water. He was focused on only his beloved Jack and their pups.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack tried to do as his love instructed but the pups were moving so hard inside him, it was painful. He knew they were being in patient, but Jack just prayed they would wait until the tub was ready. Jack sat there watching the tub fill up with water hoping it would help him relax more. Once it was filled, Jack allowed his lover to get him undressed before putting him into the tub. Jack felt the water relaxing him but he gasped soon feeling the first pup making its way down through the birth canal. Not wanting to lay back, Jack got on his knees laying against the edge of the tub moving his hips hoping it would help. With one hand, Jack held onto Aki squeezing when he felt the pup digging inside him.

"Love it hurts....ohhhh!!!" Jack cried out feeling the pup fighting its way out of him and knew it was a large one.
Aki helped his beloved Jack, making sure that he was doing alright as the large white tub slowly filled up with warm water. He reached out, gently holding him in his strong but gentle arms. He was eager to see the two pups, soon getting up as the tub was halfway filled up to the top. He hugged his lover close, feeling eager as well to see his lover comfortable. He looked down into his eyes, feeling happy, calm. He was also pleased that his lover would be comfortable. He put a hand on Jack's swollen stomach, feeling the young moving within his fertile womb.

"I know love but you are doing fine. Just keep breathing deeply." He said softly to his lover, not wanting to startle him.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack continued to breathe deeply and slowly so he wouldn't pass out. The pups were eager to get out of his womb and Jack couldn't wait to see them. The first pup was already making its way down the birth canal and getting closer to his opening. Trying not to scream, Jack squeezed onto Aki's hand hard as he felt the pup making its way to his opening. Soon he felt his hole being stretched causing him to gasp. He could feel two tiny clawed hands grabbing onto the edge of his anus starting to stretch him open.

"Oh god it's forcing it's way aahhh!!!" Jack couldn't help but yell at being forced open wider than he thought. This pup was surely eager to get out and the second one wasn't far behind.
Aki coached his lover, gently holding one of his hands. He made sure that his lover did not pass out from any stress. He kept back a wince as his hand was being squeezed tightly like a snake capturing its prey and wrapping around it. He put all of his focus only on his beloved Jack and their restless, unborn but soon to be born pups. He was gentle, guiding the pup from its father slowly and steadily. Softly, he rubbed his lover's stomach to calm him, knowing that childbirth was one of the most rewarding and complicated things a man could go through. Some went through it alone. He would never want his beloved to be alone through this. 

Never. He was eager to hear the pups whines and whimpers. A smile formed on his face, knowing that soon they would be born. He felt the pups moving roughly beneath his hand, causing his worry of his lover to form.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack groaned as he felt the pup inside him moving roughly against it's fathers hand. The other pup was already pulling itself out and Jack had to grab onto the side of the tub to keep steady from the pain. Childbirth was never easy, but Jack knew a werewolf birth was worse than the others. He could feel the pup coming out as he felt the head emerging between it's two clawed hands. Slowly but painfully the wolf pup pulled itself out of Jack. Turning slightly, Jack was able to grab the pup pulling it up out of the water. It's fur was just like it's father and Jack knew it was hungry. Slowly Jack put it up against his breast letting it feed until he looked to see what it was. A boy, they had a son and hopefully the next one would be a girl.

"A son we have a son, oh god!!" Jack was caught off guard as the second pup began forcing it's way through the canal, much easier than the first due to him already being stretched, "Second one's on it's way love. Oh please help...hurts!!" Jack held the pup trying not to fall at feeling the second one coming.
Aki felt proud of his beloved Jack, loving him more with each passing second. He was also a bit worried about him. He reached out and held onto his laboring husband, keeping him steady as he had wanted to. He smiled happily, the first pup gently being born into the world from it's father's depths. He gently picked the pup from beneath the water it was submerged in, gently using the suction tool to clean out its airway and mouth. After that he began softly but firmly patting it's small backside until it whined adorably, trying to figure out where it was after being born but its eyes were closed. He smiled once again, feeling joy. He also helped guide the pup up to Jack's chest, encouraging it to feed till full. It yawned cutely, falling asleep in its father's arms.

"Keep breathing deeply, my love. Don't worry I will help you through this." He gently helped his lover, using care when pulling the emerging pup out.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack nodded trying to hold onto their sleeping pup while also pushing to get its sibling out of him. He felt his lovers hand at his opening slowly but gently pulling the pup free from him. Taking a few deep breathes, Jack began pushing harder until he gasped when the pup emerged from him. Jack relieved that both pups were born, turned to lay against the side of the tub watching as Aki cleaned out its mouth like he did the first one. Soon the pup began squirming once more until it was laid against his chest allowing him to feed until it too fell asleep. Looking down, Jack smiled, "It's another boy. Oh love they are so beautiful."

Jack stayed like that for a moment while Aki began draining the tub knowing that Jack needed to rest properly in the bed. Jack handed the pups over to their father before he slowly got out of the tub drying off and getting into bed. Aki laid the two pups between them as Jack soon fell asleep. A few hours later, Jack was awoken by another pain causing him to sit up, "Ahhh...ohhh." He moaned grabbing onto his stomach feeling a pressure, "Aki love something's wrong...please wake up...."
"Yes my sweet, our pups truly are beautiful. They are strong and healthy as well." Aki said softly, loving the pups with each passing second.

Aki was so very proud of Jack, encouraging him with many sweet words as he pushed the second pup into the world second by second. He placed gentle kisses upon his cheeks and the top of his head. He was eager to hold the two pups in his arms. Gently he began wiping the pups clean until their fur was fully dry. He felt a strong urge to lick the pups clean because of wolf like instinct but he did not want to disgust his beloved. He hummed softly to the pups, getting them to stop whining, smiling as he saw both of them yawn and fall into a deep sleep. They both looked identical down to the very last detail and had dark black fur with Jack's eyecolor. They had many features that both father's had and were adorable to gaze at even for a single second.

Truly. He stayed up with the two pups.

Soon he fell asleep beside the soundly slumbering pups, sleeping for a short while before he was called upon by a distressed Jack. "What is wrong Jack?" He asked with a growing concern, helping his lover sit down on the bed. He gently put a hand on his lover's stomach, feeling around. When he felt two different kicks at the same time all color drained from his face as he found out why his lover was in pain. "Love .. I think that there are two pups left."
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
"No...there was only supposed to be two." Jack shook his head unable to believe it until he felt the two pups kick beneath his skin.

He realized there was two pups and he had to birth them very soon from the feel of the pains. Needing to get up and move around, Jack got his love Aki help him up. Together with his help Jack walked around the room holding onto his love when he felt the pains getting worse. He could feel a pup inside the birth canal realizing this one wasn't impatient like it's siblings. It was slowly moving down in his canal making Jack glad that it wasn't hurting as bad. Once he couldn't stand any longer, Jack got back into the bed wanting to birth these two on the bed instead of in the water. Slowly Jack felt the urge to push as he grabbed his legs baring down hard. He could feel the pup at his opening starting to come but knew from the feel of it, it might take a little bit.

"Nnnnghhh!!!" Jack bared down harder wondering why this pup wasn't coming fast as the others.

(What if the last two are larger? Like when the head comes out, Aki sees how large the pup head is and is forced to get them out.)
"I am afraid not. Sometimes in my clan there are a few extra pups born." Aki explained to his beloved Jack.

He felt badly about his lover being in pain but remained brave for him through the process known as birth. He was proud of his lover once more, even when he was struggling to push the two extra remaining pups into the world. He was eager to get the two pups out of his beloved Jack before they began to move around too much. Without a moment of hesitation he got ton his knees  in between his lover's open legs as he kneeled on the bed, gently rubbing one of his knees with a strong but gentle hand, both Jack's were propped up and slightly bent in stirrups that were stolen from an old, abandoned hospital. He made sure that he was comfortable. He was gentle and caring with his beloved husband as well as comforting to him as well. He was truly happy to be able to share such a wonderful and beautiful moment with his beloved husband who was laboring in birth. He felt badly for his husband but knew that he was tough as nails when it came to getting through difficult situations and this was one of these such problems.

(That sounds fine with me. The more difficult the better.:D)
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Jack felt relief at his lovers touch and knowing he was there ready to catch their pup when it came out. For an hour, Jack pushed on and off finding this pup a little stubborn of wanting to come out. He could feel the pups head crowning but it took a while just to get it that far. "Nnnnnghhhh!!!!" Jack bared down pushing hard as he could trying to get the head of the pup just to come out. Feeling he needed to change positions, Jack got onto his hands and knees baring down with the gravity. "Aahhhhh!!!" Jack screamed as he pushed feeling the pups head finally pop free of him. Taking a break, Jack caught his breath before trying to push to get the rest of the pup out but realize it wasn't coming. Reaching back, Jack felt the pups head coming out of him, almost twice as big as the other two.

"Love...I can't get it....nnnnghhh!!!" Jack bared down hard as he could but the pup wasn't coming out causing Jack worry.

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