Allen's Check Up (Closed)

"Yea, I think going back to the suite is a good idea." Allen agreed. It took him a while to get up, there were even two failed attempts when Verna helped him. Allen hadn't notice how long he'd been sitting until he tried to steady himself to his new center of gravity. It seemed that Verna was correct in her assumption, a show of incredible skill considering Allen was sitting down and squeezed into a snug chair. "You're right, they've definitely dropped. Maybe I will take you up on that back rub. I feel soooo big right now" he said looking like he was about to explode. Allen noticed that he had an erection. It was something he thought was because of all the sitting, until it didn't go away. He tried to conceal it, but his shirt wasn't long enough. Allen's belly was almost impossible for him to control at this point. His waddle was extremely pronounced as he took his first steps. The two weren't even out of the Lounge before Allen started feeling funny. He couldn't put a finger on it other than odd. Allen and Verna weren't even have way when Allen began to struggle keeping up with Verna's already slow pace and needed to take a break. He tried to play it cool, "I never noticed the color of the wallpaper here, It's the perfect shade of green." he commented.

Verna nodded, "Yes," she hummed, stopping. Silveo had come back in with Melanie and wriggled free, wanting to be by his owner's side. Verna picked him up, "I like to keep a natural color scheme," she said, petting Silveo, "In the birthing suites particularly," they were down the hall Allen had first come down. She had picked up on his discomfort, her skills honed to an uncanny level from years of experience. Silveo's ears swiveled to Allen's belly, and he leaned out of her arms to sniff it curiously, "let me know if you start feeling odd at all, alright?" She said when they resumed walking, setting Silveo down. He tagged along next to Allen though, rubbing his leg on occasion.

The two weren't making much progress with Allen slowing down. "Don't worry, I will." he said continuing on towards the birthing suites. He was very quiet as they walked. After another moment, Allen was having trouble walking, mildly struggling to take each step. It didn't take long for Allen's emotions to get the best of him. "I feel funny." he said stopping for a moment. He arched and stretched out his back to counterbalance the immense weight of his belly. "sorry, I just need another breather."

Allen put one hand on his back and another on the wall to steady himself. He was having trouble figuring out what was going on. He pulled his shirt down over his front as it rode up with each step he took. There was no excuse not to think otherwise so he just decided to throw the idea out there, "I think it's time." Allen said quietly to Verna.

Verna smiled a bit and pat his shoulder softly, "I do too," she said, rubbing his back a bit, which did help with some of the tension, "your suite is just a few steps further ahead to the right," she assured. Once they were in the room, Verna brought him over a rocking chair. It was wide enough to fit him comfortably, and even gave him some wiggle room, "the rocking will help the children move lower into your hips," she said from behind him, massaging his lower back, "well, your son anyway, seeings how low he was earlier. You'll go through this stage three times maybe... with four little ones in there, so if you can, nap, because your babies need you to be strong for them alright?"

"I don't know if I can, I'm just so excited, and maybe too uncomfortable to sleep." he sighed. Allen continued to rock in the chair, it seemed to be comfortable for the time being. It was there he had his first contraction. It wasn't anything special, it wasn't that painful, but it was definitely a real contraction. With Verna's help he was easily able to get through it using her unique breathing techniques. Allen and Verna sat together talking for a short while. He was feeling a multitude of sensations, all of which were new to Allen. He took out a name book just for kicks and went over a few Ideas for his newly discovered son, "I'm stuck between Tyler Jackson and Zachary Mich...uh Verna, I need to go to the bathroom." he interrupted himself with a sense of urgency.

"The bathroom is over there," she said, indicating a door in the suite, "all suites have adjoining bathrooms," she informed as she helped him up and guided him over, as his son's head in his hips made walking difficult at best. She waited politely outside the door, petting Silveo.

Allen slowly waddled over to the toilet, a little weary about being in there alone, but didn't want to put Verna in an awkward situation. It took him a moment to untie the drawstring on his sweatpants, something that proved to be very difficult with the fact that he wasn't able to see underneath his belly. After lining himself up with the toilet he lowered his pants and underwear to sit. Allen lowered himself slowly using the aid of the countertop next to him for support. Finally getting on the toilet was a huge relief after this whole ordeal. The only problem was, he wasn't going. Allen sat there for a while just to make sure, but there was nothing. He could have sworn he needed to go. He sat for another new minutes before he got up. He only put his underwear back on to avoid having to deal with the drawstring again. Allen looked at himself in the mirror, with his huge belly and intense erection he looked like a Thanksgiving turkey that was was overdone. He walked back out and looked at Verna. "My stomach hurts."

Verna looked thoughtful and guided him back to the rocking chair, "It happens sometimes," she said, rubbing his belly comfortingly when an unexpected contraction seized him. She breathed with him to help coach him through it, "if your stomach is really bothering you I do have some mint tea in here that helps," she said, continuing to help him walk to the rocking chair, "I'd also suggest giving the swing a try... it'll support your weight, but it lets the babies move lower quicker, plus its not as much of a hassle to get out of," said swing hung from the ceiling on a track, an enormous loop of strong fabric that Allen, upon being first shown the suite, could safely hold over three times his weight. It looked more inviting at the moment, being closer and more accomodating than the rocking chair.

"I can go for some tea, not too hot though." Allen had never heard of the swing, but it definitely sounded like something he would be interested in. "What do you need me to do if I want to use the swing?" he asked, trying unsuccessfully to wrap his arms around his belly. Allen was beginning to feel constipated again, but really wanted to see how this new apparatus worked. He shook off the sensation and walked over to the swing and look to see what it's all about. It was a bit complicated for him to understand. "So what exactly am I looking at here?"

"You wrap it around your arms like this," she said, parting frm him to demonstrate, "And you just lean against it and let it support you," she said, leaning back to show him, "its quite confortable really," she said, standing and then helping him into it. It was far simpler than he'd thought, and she was right, it was more supportive, "Now just let your legs relax and it will take the strain off your lower back a bit," she encouraged, staying by his side until he had got the hang of it, "Now, you may feel a pressure in your hips like constipation or having to go, but that's actually your water preparing to break," she informed, bringing him some warm, but not hot, tea. The way he was in the swing he could drink it without having to let go of the swing or hurting his arms, "Some say it gets unbearable and I have to break their water, others it just ebbs and flows, then breaks," she smiled reassuringly, "Either way, its just a step closer to your babies Allen," she said, rubbing the orb of his belly gently.

"Thanks," Allen said sipping the tea. Once situated in the swing, he started to get see what Verna was talking about. "It feels weird. There's little pressure, not a lot though, not like just before." With everything inside of him hanging low he couldn't help but notice all the weight localizing to directly on top of his prostate. That was the most uncomfortable part of the swing at this point. Verna's touch on his belly was soothing, taking him back to when he found out he was pregnant and couldn't keep his own hands off of his, then, flat belly. "If my waters going to break, shouldn't I go back to sitting on the toilet, I don't want to make a mess." he said.

"Don't worry about that," Verna assured, "I'll clean it up. You just focus on relaxing for now and figuring out a name for your little boy," she smiled, continuing the belly rub, "I think Zachary Michael sounds good," she said. Silveo yipped and sprag up into her arms, "Ah see, even Silvy approves!" She mused. Silvy licked her face, and then hshe put him out.

"I was thinking the same thing. It does have a nice ring to it." he smiled. Allen started to feel uncomfortable again, it wasn't a contraction just yet, but he had a feeling that one was coming. His belly bulged out and a slight sweat started to form on his forehead. "I like the name Zach, it's cute and short; just like this one is going to be when the time comes to meet him." Allen chuckled. Melanie knocked and poked her head into the room "Hi, Dr. Redbane, you two need anything? I was thinking about making some popcorn if anyone wants." she was intrigued by Allen's case and invited herself in. "So is this your first pregnancy? I bet you weren't expecting quads." she laughed and put a hand on his belly pushing and poking around to feel the babies' positions. Allen was a little put off by her forwardness. If there was one thing pregnant people hated it was others thinking that just because you have the belly gives other the right to touch it. Verna was one thing, but Melanie was a bit out of line. "Yes, it's my first pregnancy, and I thought it was triplets until this morning when Verna was able to spot another little boy." he added. "Wow, that's great! We're all so happy for you." she said putting her hands on either side of his belly. "You're so big, it's incredible that there's four little humans in here. I know I shouldn't be telling you this, but you're going to be my first multiple delivery." she said. "Great" Allen responded. sarcastically. Just then, his contraction finally came around. Melanie wrapped her arms around him, rubbing his back "Breathe, I'm're doing so great. Hee Hee Hoooooo." Allen gave Verna a look to take control.

"Melanie," Verna's tone was calm, but stern enough to make Melanie jump back. The look on her face must've been a frightning one to the poor intern, because she bit her lip a bit, "I know you're eager, but you and I discussed the terms of your internship and we agreed you were to leave me to my work when I'm with patients. If Allen wants popcorn I'll make him some myself. If anyone needs me, send in Denise. You won't see a delivery room as a nurse if you keep this up," it was clear frm her tone this was probably not Melanie's first slip up in her practice, but uthe first with her present, "You're dismissed," Melanie nodded meekly, then left. Verna sighed, "I'm sorry about that Allen," she said, "She's my neice, so she thinks she has some special privilage here," she chuckled softly, "she's a good kid, she just needs to be reminded of her place once in a while. I try to enforce a general policy of having my staff ask before they feel a patient like that," she resumed massaging his back gently, which was relaxinng after a contraction.

"It's okay, I probably overreacted a bit. She just happened to catch me at a bad time." he smile as to show no hard feelings. "I think I've had enough of the swing for now. Can we just walk around for a little while. I sitting is sort of uncomfortable right now. Can you help me out of this?" Allen asked. Verna struggled to help Allen out of the swing. With both hands on his waist they were able to hoist his enormous body up enough to unwrap himself from it. Allen was definitely feeling the effect of the swing. He adjusted his underwear (looking like it was at its limits trying to contain his erection) and his shirt back over his belly. Allen waddled over to his bag and got his slippers out. The extra thick wool socks weren't enough to keep his feet cozy against the cold floor.

Verna hummed a bit and noted his belly was sitting much lower now, and after feeling around gently once his slippers were on she seemed pleased, "I must admit, you're handling this better than a lot of my patients," she said as they walked around the room. It was spacious, yet with a cozy feel to it, "Most of my male patients get nervous after the first contraction and work themselves up, many women even," she brought him a robe from a cupboard, specially made for pregnancies with multiples, and offered it to him for some decency. It was a comfortable robe, and probably the only thing capable of fitting Allen at the moment. They walked around the room at a comfortable pace for Allen, and Verna let him lean on her for support when a contraction, a bit stronger and longer than the others, gripped him. She coached him through it and rubbed his belly gently, the skin taunt even when the contraction ebbed away. She chuckled softly when one of the girls kicked her hand, "You'll be out of there soon enough little ones," she chuckled, smiling when she felt a gentler nudge against her hand, "They're already sweethearts," she mused to Allen, "How are you holding up?" She asked, one of her hands pressed supportively to his lower back, which did help some.

"I thought I'd be a wild mess too. I guess these contractions aren't strong enough yet." he said "Well, lets not jinx it." Allen laughed. He grabbed the robe from Verna, but wasn't able to reach around his belly to tie it. After his contraction, he was acting more sluggish that before. Allen stopped when Verna felt around his belly. "Yea, they are. I used to play with them using a flashlight. They would go nuts over that. He opened up a small sliver in the robe so Verna could reach in and get a good feel for his belly. After she removed her hand, she place on on Allen's back to provide a counterpressure. "I'm doing alright, I guess. I really don't know how to gauge it considering it's my first time. But I think I'm okay."

Verna helped him tie the robe and hummed a bit, "Well I've delivered..." she thought about it for a second, "oh it must be around a thousand babies in my time, and I can say you're doing very well, especially for a first pregnancy, let alone multiple," she chuckled a bit, "I've seen a lot in my life... and there are only a few men who've handled it this well... my brother didn't handle it as well as you are, and he only had one," she smiled and looked over when a nurse peeked in after knocking. She was older, with a smile lined face and a few grey hairs.
"Are you needing anything in here Dr. Redbane?" She asked gently, not opening the door fully to give Allen his privacy.
"No, I'll let you know if I need anything Denise," she said, and the door closed. Verna smiled and rubbed his back a bit, "If you want you could rest in the birth pool later," she said, "I think it'd help during the birth mostly though... and maybe the third or fourth specifically," there was thoughtfulness in her eyes, "actually... did you call your mom and sister to let them know? You mentioned they were coming up in a few days... they may be able to pick stuff up fir your little boy here in town,"

"Oh my, I completely forgot!!! Thank you for reminding me!" Verna helped Allen to his bag for his cell phone. He dialed the number and waited for someone to pick up. "Hi Jessica, it's Allen...I'm doing okay, how are you?...Well, that's sort of the reason that I called. It's time, Jess" he smiled "Can you put Mom on the phone...Hi Mom...yep, your grandchildren are on their way...I don't know yet, we haven't gotten to that point yet...Mom, it's still early...Okay, Mom...Mom....I'm...Mom, I'm putting the phone down, I'm about to have a contraction." Before it got the best of him, Allen put his phone down and turned to Verna. She was next to him the entire time they were on the phone just in case this happened. Allen hugged and Leaned into Verna for support While he breathed through the contraction, "Hee Heee Hooooooooo, Heeee heeeee HOOooooooo." Verna's embrace was about the only thing that kept Allen calm during the contraction. Her genuine embrace was exactly what he needed.

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