To gain a Wolf's Trust (with gre-y)

Name: Fang

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Looks: He is a average sized male with brown hair and sea blue eyes.
Wolf form looks: average  with brown fur that turns to black on his belly with sea blue eyes 

Other: was abandoned with his older brother by their parents when he was 14 then his brother was killed two years later by humans. Ever since he is afraid to get close to anyone else fearing what will happen to them. And prefers to be in his wolf form.

Fang hated being in heat every alpha in close range would know where he was and he didn't need that drama. He was bringing in the last of a big load of fish he caught this morning so he didn't have to leave his cave until he got out of heat.The cave he found a year ago and fell in love it was far away from humans but close to a river and meat was available . When he got done It was getting dark so he put some brush and bushes at the entrance of the cave to hide it and went to bed on a deer hide and fell asleep . 


Name: Steel
Age: 25
Gender: Male/alpha
Looks: jet black fur and piecing yellow eyes. He is a large wolf and quite strong.
Other/extra: Steel is an alpha male who left his original pack by choice. He wants to create his own pack and family so we wandere from territory to territory in search of a suitable omega.

Steel had just been chased out of a territory. He had entered to ask for an omega, which he has promised to provide for and keep safe in a territory. The alpha of that pack obviously said no. He continued on his journey in search of a mate. He had to ask around the packs because an omega rarely lives alone. Most rogues were betas or alphas.

As he continued trotting along he caught the sent of an omega in heat. He stopped in his tracks, realizing the scent was fresh. In a hurry, he bounced into the river to wash of and freshen up. He quickly groomed himself and fluffed out his luxurious coat of black fur and began tracking the scent.

Fang woke up the next morning and could smell an alpha was very close. "Crap, crap, crap", he said retreating deeper into the cave where an underground spring was and began to roll in the mud hoping to mask his scent. "That alpha has another thing coming if he thinks he can get me pregnant", he said thinking of an exit even deeper in the cave. He already escaped from two alphas that wanted to mate with him but never dealt with one when he was in heat before. "Why can't I be left alone", he said to himself as he smell the alpha come closer to his location

(I want both of our wolves to talk and get to know each other before they mate to calm Fang's fears )

(Yes of course. It would be better for the both of them to get to know each other)

The sent became stronger and stronger as he tracked it. He sniffed with his nose to the ground until he came to a Cave, concealed with bushes. Before entering, He fluffed our his fur and looked over himself. He wanted to look good and make a good first impression on this omega. His tail wagged happily and he sniffed at the enterance of the cave. He clearly sounded excited.
“Hello?” He called our happily, listening for a response. “Little one, I know you’re there. I won’t hurt you or force myself on you.” He said truthfully. He paused. “Can I.. can I come in?”

"Sure you can come in at least your polite", I said and then a black wolf came in. "Ok I will start the introductions, in fang I am 20 well me and my brother was abandoned by our parents when I was 14. They thought we were able to take care of our selves and snuck out one night and left the note. Then two years later my brother was killed by humans and ever since I have been alone. Also I prefer to stay in my human form. Ok what's your life story".

Steel carefully padded in and sat himself across from Fang. The scent of his heat was messing with his head but he did his best to remain calm and professional. He listened carefully. “Oh my.. all of that happened to you?” He looked worried, feeling sad for him.
“Well, I am Steel. I am 25 and I left my pack about a year ago to start my own pack. I travel through territory to territory, following the sun and the stars,” he says. “I’ve been chased out of lots of places but I keep going.” He said

"To be honest Steel I have gained a fear of trusting others in fear of what could happen to them but for some reason I feel I trust you instantly. Sorry that I'm muddy thought you were one of those alphas that just want sex and would abandon the pregnant omega the next day. I've managed to escape from two alphas what wanted to include me in their harems of omegas. If we do mate you will treat me like an equal not mighty alpha and weak omega, equals agree", he said while being impacted from Steel's alpha scent.

Steel nods slowly, curling his tail around his feet.
“There are a lot of bad alphas out there,” he said with a sigh. Then he nods once again. “Of course! I would treat you as a partner- not a pathetic plaything.” He responded. “I’m looking for a good partner to start a pack with.”

Sure you know I will have some fear I bet we can work on tohether", Fang said coming closer and licking Steel's neck

“I would do my best to cause nothing for you to be fearful of,” he promised. He accepted the lick, blushing deeply. The scent of his heat was making his head foggy.
The alpha lifted up a paw, placing it against Fang, almost wrapping it around him. He nibbles at one of his ears.

(Can we skip the mating as pick up the next day)

Yes I’d like to skip
You start?

Fang woke up the next morning right next to Steel and noticed Steel's human form not realizing he was in his human form too. "Man I am so lucky", then he realized he was in his human for for the first time in months and noticed a slight bulge of his belly knowing he is most likely pregnant, "At least I chose a mate that cares about me", he said to himself. He decided to let Steel see his human form and scooted closer to his sleeping body.

Steel was sleeping soundly next to his new mate. They were both in their human forms. Soon enough he woke up and blinked his eyes. “Hmm?” He sat up slightly and stretched out. He had noticed Fang’s human form, and then his eyes dropped down to his belly. Could he already be expecting their first litter?

(I was thinking for their first litter 4 to 6 pups)

Fang woke back up when he felt Steel stirring. "Hey", he said leaning over to kiss Steel. He noticed Steel looking at his belly", Well we will know if we are expecting some pups nowtime for me to change", he changed into his wolf form and offered some fish to Steel. "You eat while I get this mud off of me", I said walking toward the spring to clean off.

(6 sounds good to me! And I’m ready to skip whenever you are btw)

Steel smiled, kissing him back. “Yeah.. I hope we are,” he smiled sweetly. “I’ll chance and wash off with you, and we can eat together.” He changed to his wolf form and lead the way to the river. “I’ll catch us some more fish! You need to keep your strength up if you are pregnant.”

"You do know deeper in the cave is an underground water source that is bigger than a spring but not big enough for a pond but go to the river have fun" he said walking deeper in the cave he hoped he was pregnant and first time since his brother died he felt ggenuinely happy. "I will make sure one of the pups is named after you big bro", he said washing off

“Hm? I’ll have to explore it later. I’ll get ya some food though!” The big wolf bounded away. He washed off and then got to work with fishing. He would stand in the water motionless and snap his jaws at the water once a fish came near. “I got breakfast!” He said happily, trotting back in with his catch.

(We can skip to two months

"Great listen Steel I want to name one of the pups after my brother Wulf if its ok with you", he said then eating his fish.

(Sure let’s skip! How long should werewolf pregnancies be?)

Steel nodded. “Of course! I’d be happy for one of our sons to honor your brother.” He said, nosing most of the fish towards his mate. He ate his own fish.

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