True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

Aki hummed gently, washing his body till it was clean. When Nick joined him in the shower Aki was truly overjoyed, feeling himself becoming aroused once more but tried to hide such a strong series of urges that were rushing through his veins.  He sighed happily as his body was being cleaned by Nick and him only. He smiled, feeling eager to be fully clean and fresh. When he was kissed he felt shy once again, wanting this moment and many others to last so much more than forever and ever. Not even death would even separate the lovers. He and Nick were true examples of how powerful love was.

He looked down at his incredible belly, gently washing it and his large, round popped out bellybutton. The shower lasted a few hours, the two lover not knowing of just how much time had truly passed. All they cared about was being together. Love was like a merry go round, not ever ending as it would spin round and round. The two lovers were in that type of relationship. Each time he was touched by his beloved protector Nick he felt as if he were in heaven on Earth. Aki, the pregnant one who was always worried about the slowly approaching day of birth tried his very hardest to be calm and collected.

He sighed from time to time, staying in his own thoughts as he and Nick showered. He wanted to talk but did not know exactly what to say but he enjoyed the shower. He was curious as to how the birth would be like but he kept that such thought to just himself and himself alone. When sharp, rough pains sparked inside the depths of his pink, bubblegum colored cramped womb and overfilled belly he gasped, whimpering in pathetic complaint. "Ah! .. ow .. ow! .. owww!..." He cried out to no one but God. He was eager to get the birth over and done with but would miss the pregnancy too as well.

He tried not to crumple to his knees in the massive shower. He held the shower bar tightly in a tight grip. He didn't let go until the pains would stop for a time. He sighed with relief until it would stop for a while. He whimpered, letting his bottled up emotions flow free. He felt as though his body was tearing itself apart. He felt a urge to cry, his emotions coming all at once. He shredded tears as the pain returned, the such emotions of hormones caused it.

"Nick .. I'm scared." He said in a quivering voice. "What if the pregnancy or birth goes wrong with our twins?"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"It wouldnt. I will be here for you love. I will make sure both you and our two little ones are fine." Nick was heartbroken by the cry of help from his stepfather. He had never seen the macho man as helpless and feared. He held Aki's belly and hugged him tihht, only to feel another tightening up of his swollen womb. Aki's contractions were coming erratically and strong, testing the man's threshold of endurance, threatneing to overwhelm him.

Nick decided they had stayed in thr shower long enough, and in fact this wasnt a convenient space to tend to his lover's needs. He half carried him out of the shower, dragged a towel over and dried him while holding him upright. "See? I am gonna be here... to be with you and keep you safe. Just breath and try to relax, I got you." He said drying Aki, letting him.pant against him while he wrapped him up in that towel.

He pressed Aki close as they made tgeir way back out, his bulbous belly pressed againts his side and occasionally he would feel his naval poking at him. He smiled and got him to bed, naked, and kentl down in front of him.

With a hand pressing lightly on his belly, Nick found rhat Aki's feet was beginning to swell . Nick's heart again clecnhed tight - his lover had been bravely enduring all thr discomfort while he wasnt there. He clutched a feet and gently rubbed it. "Feeling better? Anything I cna do to lessen th3 discomfort?" He kissed Aki's belly. "No matter how difficult it might be, i will be here with you." Secretly he hoped he would be there with Aki for the birth with only each other. If they had been in a hospital - his father must be present and he would be unlikely allowed into tge room.

"I love you, Nick. You are more of a man than Christopher." Aki looked into Nick's eyes, never wanting to ever blink. Never ever.

He whimpered in fear, trying to keep each of his mixed feelings and emotions in check and under control. He felt more and more at ease with each moment that he lasted in his lover's strong, warm and inviting arms. As the presence of pain slowly faded from his whole entire body's weariness he sighed in what was pure relief, allowing himself to relax for a while each moment he shared with his lover. He stayed still as he was wiped by a soft, fluffy towel until he was fully clean and warm. He nuzzled his lover's chest with a side of his face, clenching his teeth as he struggled hard not to cry out.

He gasped as the harsh contractions, trying to control his breathing for a while. Soon, he was a whining mess. If he had cried in front of his pathetic, bastard husband Christopher he would have been either pushed away or ignored by him. Over the years he had learned to loathe and hate his poor excuse for a man husband. He loved Nick and just him. He and Nick were both a perfect match but he felt as if he did not deserve him from time to time.

Slowly and carefully he got out of the shower, graciously thanking Nick for helping him. He was naked but he did not care. He laid down, moaning in pleasure as Nick rubbed his sore, swollen and aching feet. He closed his eyes, focusing on Nick's touch and his only. He was happy for Nick to be around him. He was better than any man. He was soon asleep and resting for a while to replenish his mind and aching body. Life was bliss because of Nick.

"Thank you, Nick. You are sweet as sugar to me and you have helped me enough." He said softly with a smile. He was happy that his swollen feet were rubbed by Nick who worked magic on it. He sighed in delight, soon fallingll asleep and stayed that way for a while until he woke back up.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick just looked at Aki and his lovely face. They were both in a blissful state, feeling like the entire universe is as perdext as it could be. "You are my angel babe... i will do anything for you, even catching the stars " nick smiled and kissed Aki's belly, laying a gentle hand on it while he again, lay beside Aki to protect and look after him in his sleep.

Nick woke up at the same time, only though the source of noise wasnt something they welcomed - it was Nick's father coming up. The maids were making a fuss over their master's entrance to the bedroom area, by this time it was way into the afternoon and everyone was awake and working. Nick shot up and the first instinct was to dress Aki. He would hate it if his lover was once again seen naked by his scumbag of a father. He threw clotges onto him as fast as possible, and had no other chance but to hide inside their closet as the footsteps could be heard at the door by the time he finished.

Through the slit on the cupbaord door, he was able to see what's going on in the bedroom. Christopher didnt show that much attention at Aki, other than sneeribg at him as he untied his shirt. "Still sleeping? You lazy git..." he said heading to the toilet to freshen himself up.

Aki smiled, feeling at peace with the world. "My love, you always know what to say to cheer me up. You are so much more of a man than your father."

He smiled up at Nick brightly, falling in love with him like so many times before when he moved into Christopher's massive mansion. He stayed still, staring into his lover's eyes for as long as forever truly was. He felt one of the twins kicked, gently taking hold of one of his lover's hands and placed it on his big belly where the children kicked the most at. He was at ease. He soon awoke to a dreadful sound of footsteps approaching the room that Nick and Aki were once soundly asleep in. He loved this moments they shared together. He wanted the moments that were with just the two of them alone.

He awoke sharply, getting each article of clothes upon himself with help from Nick. Once his uncaring husband enteted the room Aki pretended to have just woken up from a relaxing rest. "I .. am sorry Christopher. I was a bit tired. I am up now, are you hungry? .. you must have had a hard day."

He was scared to death about what Christopher would do to him that morning. He was also scared of his such husband while finding where Nick was. He was eager to move away with Nick to a new home and not having to hide his lover. It broke his heart whenever the times being with abusive, uncaring Christopher would call him names. He would rather be with Nick even when other men would flirt with him. He loved Nick and it was how things would turn out. He had no regrets, none at all to be spoken of. He was amazed at how Nick could hide in the closet without a single sound to be discovered .

He cleared his voice softly, feeling as if he had to be cautious. He was like submissive prey to dominant Christopher and he was terrified.

He faked being nice, hoping that Christopher would leave the bedroom for a while. Soon he got up slowly, asking Christopher for help but was brushed off like an abandoned puppy. He got up without help, walking around the bedroom that they both shared together while holding the bottom of his belly with his hands. He was suffering but tried to be strong like so many times before. He was eager to be with Nick, wanting to be rid of Christopher forever.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Christopher snorted coming out of the bathroom. "If I am hungry I would have asked rhe maid to cook something - just for yout information I have no interest in tatsing your cooking. You might be a decent home cook, but I wouldnt settle for less now that we have a new chef hired." He said pulling.out clothes to change, having no mind at all to his pregnant husband.

He glanced at Aki's waddling form and actually sneered. "I.really dont like you like this... arent losing that weight soon, I am definitely getting a divorce. You look like a pig now. Oh, and by the way pack your things. You are getting up so often at night I really have no chance of sleeping. Be prepared I would visit though." He glanced thoughtfully at Aki, the hint for sex is strong. Christopher was making it clear even if.he didnt want to sleep with Aki anymore, he still would want to "sleep with him" to unleash whatever sadistic.addiction he had towards the pregnant man.

Nick was holding.his breath in the closet, squeezing his fists tight. He was furious. His father was truly abusive towards his precious love, yet he could do nothing about it. He wished so hard to just burst out of the closet abd hit his old man, but he held back for the sake of everybody. At least his father wouldnt be staying in the same bedroom as hearing Christopher mentioning about hiring anew chef, Nick started making his.own plans...

He waited, kedping his fingers crossed his father w9uld have plans so he would have the space to execute his plan and to properly console his.lover from the abusive words. His prayer seemed to be answered, for his father was changing into proper suit, and glancing at the clock even though he showed no intention to tell hisbhusbamd where he was going. Nick was also lucky yo have hidden in Aki's closet, or else Christophe rmight discover him.

Aki was deeply saddened that his husband's cruel words. He frowned, his smile fading from existence.  He wondered as to why he what he was so cruel to him. He looked down at his badly shaking hands, wanting to control his emotions before they came to the surface. "I .. understand." He swallowed in silence, feeling as if he was completely alone whenever Christopher was uncaring to him after rough moments of emotionless sex or whenever they talked. He rubbed his belly, feeling it raise and fall wirh each that each breath his lungs had made in and out of his mouth and past his lips. He felt a strong urge to cry but wiped his tears away. He wanted to argue but he did not want to be with Christopher. Not now, not ever.

He was depressed now, his smile long gone now. He stayed quiet, not knowing exactly why he was not sticking up for himself. He was scared that if if he spoke then he would be either be raped again or beaten severely. He felt sick to his stomach, getting to the trash can and vomiting back up his previously eaten breakfast since the breakfast. He did so for a while knowing that he would be teased at by him, the man that he had once been madly in love with, Christopher. When he was told that he was to be visited later he had thought about keeping the lock on his room sealed so that he would be safe.

He sighed, getting up to his feet, putting all of his clothes in a suitcase. He vomited again after waddling to the tradhcan, crumpling to his knees like a lonely leaf leaving its mother tree after letting go of her many branches just like it's siblings. He was relieved that he would not be sleeping with Christopher. He was tired of being held against his will and broken like glass over and over again. He sat down and sighed softly, he loved Christopher but not as much as he loved Nick. He was shedding tears because of being called names like pig and lazy by Christopher because he wanted to.

He wiped his tears away as fast as he could but they kept coming. He looked down as his stomach, rubbing it gently. He was offended to be called so many many names over the years. He did nothing to him. He wanted to be treated like a true man and not a little boy toy to take sexual frustration out on.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

The moment Aki threw up, Nick almost lost it and barge out, wanting to get to his lover's side to take care of him. through the tiny slit he couldn't see properly, but certainly those retching sound could only be from Aki. he bit his knuckle ot prevent himself from doing anything stupid.

"eww.... did you do that to retaliate?" Christopher pinched his nose, waving his arm in the air. 'that foul taste... get lost now, you are ruining the room.... disappear in 5, and i will call the maid in to do the cleaning. you are really only a troublemaker." he said, barging out of the room to escape from taht sour taste of vomit that's filling the room.

Nick couldn't wait any second longer. He bursted through the doors to get to his lover.' "aki! you alright.... is this normal? are you feeling stomachache?" he asked anxiously, clutching Aki's arm while the pregnnat man was still sitting defeatedly in frotn of the trashbin. "come.. let's get out of here." he said, eager to leave this room.

He carefully lifted Aki onto his feet, feeling bad for his love as he was so weak and exhausted, and tears just kept rolling off his face. "Aki.. don't cry. he dind't deserve any single tear." He said, anger filling his tone. "you deserve so much more... you are th emost gorgeous thing on earth, and i love you as you are, and even more so now that you are pregnnat." he said kissing Aki's tear strekaed face, and gently helped him trhough the room with his bag of clothes, leaving this shared bedroom - hopefuly for good.

Aki sighed heavily, relieved as his nausea had stopped for a time. He looked up at Christopher with tearful eyes, trying to arise back up to his feet but his knees felt like unstable jelly and his feet were clumbsy. He was not able to stand back up alone  because of feeling like the room was spinning like an endless merry go round. He was weary that his body was not able to do things on its own. He relied on Nick to help him, graciously thanking him for helping him through his struggling. He did not care for anything that reminded him of Christopher and was now free of him. Freedom was blissful.

It was so very carefree and wonderful and he would love it. He wiped his mouth with a clean but useless piece of rag, having an expression of disgust of lingering taste of vomit on his tongue's tastebus. He felt unable to do even simple movements by himself alone which had made him feel weak. Through it all he didn't regret the pregnancy or having someone who had truly loved him. His stepson was a rare type if man. He was blessed to have seen him growing up from a wide eyed child and into a breathtakingly handsome, adoring and mature man. He was happy to have no part of Christopher in his life.

He was also cherishing the love that blossomed between him and Nick. He did as he was told like earlier by Christopher, leaving the room after getting his clothes. He decided that he would share Nick's room. He got a few clothes, holding a bag of them and walked close beside Nick. He may have been tired but he had a little bit of remaining strength. Aki laid on Nick's bed, finding it to be much softer and comfortable than Christopher. It truly was like sleeping on a light, weightless cloud. Love was now to be with both Aki and Nick and they could truly be together now.  He was so eager to be with Nick forever, not ever growing tired of him. He was truly blessed and wanted to always be with his beloved. Now was the chance to escape with his Nick.

Each passing day Nick made Aki feel so vibrant and young. He may have been middle aged but he saw the world through a child's eyes. He was not immature but sometimes he liked to be a kid and explore with his beloved stepson. He adored his beloved, always enjoying staying alone with him. It was welcomed that Nick and Aki had strong feelings for eachother. "Thank you, Nick. I felt a little sick for a minute but I am alright now." He said softly.

"Now that your father is divorcing me you and I can finally be together." He said with a weak but still blissful smile. "Would you approve of just the both of us moving away to somewhere where we can be together more often .. somewhere far away and safer to be alone and not having to hide or pretend?"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hmm. in fact... i hope i don't sound too rude. but sometimes i feel like we aren't understanding each other? like.... i didn't mean for christopher to be divorcing Aki just yet. he would just requested Aki to be sleeping in separate rooms. so he could avoid the fuss and distrubance at night - not sleeping together but he would be visiting Aki's bedroom for sex? maybe the problem's on me and i will try to get my thoughts out more clearly next time?

i guess you are hinting towards removing Chistopher for good, and i think maybe he can go on for another business trip, so he can still sporadically pop out to add more tension to their relationship. if you don't want him there, maybe even killing him off is fine. i think from a more realistic point of view it's unlikely to be possible for Nick to get togehter with Aki if ti's just a divorce>)

Nick help Aki up and help him pack his things. it's not that many, but not that little as well. He did notice there were few paternity clothings - he didn't think most of the garments in his closet would fit him at this stage, let alone for the couple of months left. he frowned hard, guessing that it was his father who wanted to downplay his husband's pregnancy. From his harsh words, it was obvious his father didn't like Aki pregnant, even though in his mind Aki was carrying his babies.

Nick helped Aki out, towards his room first. his stepfather was so weak now, Nick had to hold him up. "slowly...there's no hurry." he said. once they were out, even if teh maids saw them togehter, it woulnd't be too surprisng with Aki's obvious weakened state. anyone with eyes could see the pregnnat man needed hlep moving around, and Nick just so happened to be that aide.

Nick sighed deep as he put Aki down on the bed. it's nice and warm,a nd he actually smiled at how Aki looked like he belonged there. he wished he could keep him there as well....

(I am sorry. I was very confused with Christopher saying divorce. I hope that I am doing alright.)


Aki looked up at Nick, feeling at a pure sense of ease. "I would love to have him killed but it may be too messy." He said with a soft chuckle of sadistic amusement.  He did not want to think so darkly but he wanted revenge on him. He sighed, trying to think as to what would happen  if he did in fact plan a such murder. He had waited for the relationship but waiting was very hard. It was so hard and so much more. It was like getting a hard, pitch black as night  lump of coal on Christmas day. He despised Christopher, not knowing that soon he would be a danger, a wolf in sheep's clothing while together.

"I would love to have a business trip for you. " He smiled happily, never wanting this very moment to never end.

He was confused and wanted to get away. He sighed once again, never wanting to see Christopher, not now and not ever. He felt like he was trapped in hell when he was around him. Nick was like the total, complete opposite. He loved Nick more than anything in the whole entire world. He was blessed to have been in his divine, affectionate presence.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i hope that meant no divorce at this stage? i am sorry for making you misunderstand, but i never intend to make Christopher say divorce.)

Nick smiled bitterly. "as much as i hated him.... he's, afterall, my father." he fell silent after that, climbing up the bed behind Aki to spoon him. "you know.. he had never been a kind father. he was ignorant and arrogant, but then he's still my father... i don't think i had it in me to killl him even if i had the opportunity." he said, burying his face into the crook of Aki's neck. "do you understand...?" he asked.

Nick reached low to cup Aki's belly. "little ones... thank god to be alright even with your grandfather's horrible treatment." he said, sighing and sad over the fact that he ahd such a horrible person as a father. "you two are lucky. your daddy's gonna be the most indulging father on earth." he muttered to their children, stroking Aki's bump lovingly.

"i do hope my father would never return... perhaps i could come up with some excuses." Nick said, unsure if he could successfully persaude his father into allowing Aki to go with him.

All their problems resolved though, when Christopher returned much later that day to pack. he left a message to Nick that he had an interview to do overseas and would be flying out directly for a fortnight.

(We can do the no divorce thing. It is interesting to do this roleplay with you. Thank you for being honest about my mistakes. It helps me improve.)


"I understand."  Aki said softly. He felt badly for suggesting murder to his own stepson. He sounded like a sadistic man. He cleared his throat softly, keeping his arms wrapped around his beloved and staying that way for a while. He was at peace with the world, even though sometimes he would have bad run ins with the dreaded Christopher, his husband from complete and total hell on the planet known as Earth. He sighed in relief as Christopher left.

He stayed in Nick's neat, well maintained bedroom, loving each moment they had been alone. He was glad that Christopher would be  away from home. At that moment he heard the sound of Christopher packing up a few items for that remaining evening in a large, wheeled suitcase. He was happy to be able to be in the presence of his beloved Nick. He stayed quiet, hearing Christopher's rushed footsteps fading until he was gone to do important tasks.

A shiny, sleek, pitch black limousine was patiently waiting for him outside of the clean, breathtakingly massive sized mansion. The driver had on a black suit and a black bowtie perfectly tied around his neck, he opened the back door of it and graciously bowing his head to Christopher respectfully after he got in and closed it. After done he got in the driver's seat and drove to arrive at the location. Christopher left, unaware that the  two lover's were relieved.

"I wish that too. Christopher is nothing to me now." He said it to Nick, his beloved. He was once madly in love with Christopher but not anymore. The once strong flames of passionate fire in his eyes had diminished and faded to a weak, single spark. Christopher was once his pride and joy but now regretted each and every single moment that he was in his presence. It made him angry, unloved. Soon as if by luck the two lovers were able to spend a delightful evening together, embraced in eachother's arms. Life was miraculous times without suspicious eyes spying on them. The affair was a secret.

He held Nick close, never wanting to ever let go. He was stuck to his stepson like a strong glue. He wanted to be with Nick forever and ever without an end to the secretive relationship.  He sniled, feeling as if time stopped whenever Nick and Aki kissed. Aki loved it whenever they shared a bed and made such passionate love upon it from time to time. He herd no sound but silence, feeling as if he had a opportunity to stay with Nick in bed for a while.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick's eeling utterly relieved when his father disappeared with the chaffeur. During his father's absence, the pair were as close to each other as possible. in front of the maids, they were courteous but if any of them looked into their faces, they would see immense love and care for each other. as time passed with no sign of Christopher returning, they were clingy and acitng more and more at home. Nick was eager to see what's going on with Aki's pregnancy. he was first to be there to help him up whenever he wanted to get up.

"Aki. do you want to go for a shopping trip?" Nick suggested one afternoon, cuddling in their room behind closed doors, avoiding all maids. "your clothes are all so tight....and we could squeeze it in after your appointment. it's this afternoon right?" he asked, remembering Aki mentioning about it several days ago. He was eager to go to the clinic with Aki, he watned to be part of this, in every aspects possible. He wanted to hear what the doctor asid about his lover and his children's health, evne having a lot of questions himself in how to better take care of Aki.

Through the days without his father, Aki's bruises were healign quick, even his appetite returned and the twins visibly grew more. Nick could swear Aki had grown at least an inch around his waist, making all of his clothes even tighter. He wanted to see if that's normal, and to fill Aki's wardrobe with more fitting clothes so he wouldn't need to worry about hurting his belly whenever he pulled his pants up.

Aki smiled up at Nick, also relieved that they had a golden opportunity to be together for a while. The two handsome lovers had loved being close to eachother, not feeling any urge to have space between eachother. The closer they were the better. Aki sighed happily, letting his face nuzzle upon Nick's strong, well built chest. He changed in sized rom skinny to perfectly, God like muscles. He smirked, feeling hot and heavy for Nick, always taking his breath away from him in a such a very loving and powerful way. He was happy to have such a man like Nick always treating him the way to be treated.

Nick was a rare man. He was so much more than what a man was. He was a God to Aki, he was such a kind hearted person.

He asked Nick to raise up from the bed and to his feet. He was feeling so blessed to have assistance from Nick. He walked around the room with a heavier penguin like waddling, his stomach a size larger than the times before. He felt weary almost instantly but he did not let that ever bother him, it was because the babies were growing to full size each and every single day. He adored the unborn twins that were slumbering and for a time he was able to be calm for a time because of no signs of pain. He rubbed his enormous belly, uneasy and restless but otherwise he was alright for a time or so.

"I would love to go shopping with you, Nick." He said softly to Nick. "It will be good to breathe in fresh air, walking for a while and buying new clothes. I wonder if the maternity clothing are stylish and well fitting. The twins are probably fed up with my tight clothes as well."  He chuckled softly, happily.

He walked to the restroom, taking a warm shower. Soon after a hour or so he got out, dressing in a large hoodie and sweatpants.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"alright. that sets our route. how about i drive you today?' the young man smiled at his lover, dressing in crisp jeans and a shirt. he made the tip of his hair, looking sharp and smart. he took Aki's waist as they made their way down..

Once there were maids, Nick had to reluctantly let go of Aki's waist, keeping a step between them, and took his hand instead in guiding his way to the front door. their mansion was large, relying on flies of staris around, which - normally would appear grand and elegant - but now it was a challenge for Aki.

Nick kept their pace slow and unhurried, letting Aki took his time in feeling for the next step since his belly was obscuring his views. he nodded at their servant who had driven the car near the entrance.

"Careful..." he helped Aki up the landrover, which was higher to make it less difficult for Aki to get in, and hurried to behind the wheels to drive his lover. He turned to Aki and squeezed his hand, proud that he maanged to be the guiding force now. He was grown, and will continue to mature for the sake of his lover and their children. "let's go." he said, showing his confidence that's growing by the day. he wanted to grow up fast, so that he could be the supporitng force behind his Aki, to be a responsible lover that Aki could look up to.

"I am alright with you driving, my love. My stomach is much too large for me to easily maneuver the car now." Aki said with a laugh of harmless humor.

Aki wanted to look professional like Nick was but all of his clothing was much too cramped and small on him. After he waddled to the closet and searched with desperation he sadly settled for two articles of clothing which was of a large black hoodie and matching black sweatpants. He watched his lover dressing in a sexy outfit, a simple shirt and a clean, smooth pair of jeans. He did not want to be a creep but he did not care. He always wanted to see his sexy Nick undressing and redressing. He loved being with him with each truly beautiful day. Nick was the only reason that Aki awoke each day.

He followed beside Nick as they descended many stairs. He did truly rely on Nick, never having wandering eyes like most men. He felt his strength draining from his body but did not complain, not one single bit. He panted heavily but was relieved as they made it from the start of them to finish. He continued to walk outsude where a loyal servant was awaiting for Nick and Aki. The servant reentered the mansion to return back to work like earlier.

He got into the car with help from Nick, smiling at the servant and Nick. He was filthy rich but he did not ever mistreat the maids or other servants like Christopher. He wanted to be treated with dignity and respect like they needed to be. It was such a fact of true karma. He was driven to the hospital.

"Thank you for helping me, Nick. You are so helpful." He said, a beyond happy smile forming on his face.

Soon, the two secretive lovers parked into a large parking lot at the destination. The such destination was a hospital. He grew nervous, fearful of what he was probably going to have to do. LIke sharp needled shots, getting uncomfortableexams and harmless xrays. He was still hopeful but hospitals creeped him out. He was that way. The doctors running them was worse.  He had Nick to comfort and guide him through the process of what he had feared of the safe hospital's noisy, unbearable depths. He took his mind off of his meeting with his doctor by picking a magazine and reading it page by page.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

through their short walk to the main door of the mansion, Nick finally had a chance to see how much of Aki's strenght had waned by the pregnancy. It must be draining on him, for in his imrpession, Aki was never this weak. Nick didn't comment on it though, he just listened to Aki's labored breathing and said to himself he ought to take better care fo the pregnant man who had been so brave and strong in dealing with all the discomfort alone.

" i have to be helpful, since I am really the reason for you to be in such discomfort now." Nick smiled, cruising their car out heading to the hospital. He was feeling a slight bit guilty actually, he had been the one impregnating Aki but so far, he had done little in taking care of Aki. While helpng Aki into the ob-gyn ward, he sensed Aki was tensing up, no longer as at ease. at first he thought it was because of them appearing in public together, but soon he found it might be something more.

Sitting there waiting for Aki's name to be called, Nick sat down beside his pregnnat lover and took his hand gently. "aki... what's wrong? You looked tense." he asked, there wasn't any judgement in his kind eyes, all one could see was the drowning love he felt towards his stepfather. "are you uncomfortable in anywhere? are you nervous?" he asked, prompting. he wondered if Aki was indeed a little afraid of the atmosphere and the awkward taste around. He squeezed his hand to give him mental support.

The nurse called a neighboring lady's name. Nick saw she's alone and got up to help when he saw how the woman's struggling. She was looking quite close to due, and from Aki's angle, they might be appearing a little too close, like Nick was caressing her belly.

(hmm, do you want to make Aki a slight bit jealous here?;))

(I would love that. :))


Aki stayed where he sat, slightly watching Nick getting up to help a heavily pregnant woman struggling. As if from nowhere he got a freezing cold feeling of such jealously. He decided to stay sitting even though he wanted to snatch Nick away from her. He was suddenly angry as a raging fire flickering up to the skies. He sighed softly, controlling his urges to fight the woman but his rage was becoming lethal and eager to be exerted as a fist or a slap to her face. He simply got up, walking with an uncoordinated, trying to be graceful steps. He approached the man known as Nick, holding his arm possessively as if to say he was his one and his only. He was not willing to let his husband help anyone but him. He was being unfair but he was also loving.

He put on fake smiles, trying his hardest not to let his emotions get the best of him. He was eager to get out of the hospital and be able to have Nick touching no one but him. He was happy to have Nick to himself. He could not help himself. He felt as though any man could take him which was scary.

That was only one from a bunch of fears.."I am alright."  He was trying not to show his true colors. He would never share his husband. Never ever. He was only his. He looked up as a nurse called the two lovers into a room. He was soon helped on the examining bed where he would be doing the ultrasound. He knew that it was safe but at the same time he was nervous. He could not help it, hospitals did truly creep Aki out ever since he was little.

"Mr Aki .. Mr Nick. The doctor just arrived. Follow me please." The nurse was kind, softly saying that the doctor would soon be in their room. After a long wait Aki was gently holding Nick's hand gently but firmly, looking around the room to distract his many thoughts and racing heartbeats as he was being searching upon. Life would have been so very unbearable without Nick. He wanted to always be with him, not being out of his sight for even a short time.

When Nick was with him he felt so relaxed. The doctor soon walked in, shaking the two men's hands as he introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Dr. Gage. How are you and what brings you two here today?" He said. He was a friendly man, only doing what a trustworthy doctor was meant to do.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick was surprised at how Aki suddenly came by. The lady seemed to feel what's the gesture of AKi's about and muttered a quick thank you and let go of Nick. Nick looked at the woman disappearing into the room herself. He looked at Aki, whose clutch on his arm almost felt shaky - and somehow he realised something. he smiled indulgently at Aki, his lovely "little" Aki who's so insecured Nick couldn't help but love him even more for being adorable.

They were waiting in the room. Nick stayed close to Aki. He wanted to make his stepfather feel safe again in his close presence. While they were waiting, Nick fondled with Aki's fingers, playing with them. he was about to say something to break the silence when the doctor came in, so he ended up standing up to shake the doctor's hand.

It's Nick's time to feel not as comfortable when it crossed his mind that the doctor would be feeling around Aki's belly, even though it was for the sake of their twins. He tried to hide his unreasonable jealousy, like Aki himself just moments ago, and let the doctor do his work.

"Are they alright?" he asked, looking at the monitor while the doctor was pushing the wand into Aki's round belly. "Aki had been growing fast these past few days.. is it normal?" He added, getting nervous. He stared at the doctor hard when he pressed the wand deep into Aki's underbelly, pushing his sweatpants so low it almost showed his patch of pubic hair. Nick swallowed uneasily and forced himself to look away.

The doctor was oblivious to the emotional turmoil going on in the young man's mind. "hmm, so far so good! Mr aki, you have been listening to my advice then. You should keep up with this good diet. With your large frame, the twins have potential to be big. There's ample room in you for their growth. You have just passed 27 weeks, and it's expected that for the remaining3 months they would be growing some more. Any weight gain within 2 lbs a week would be normal, but anything more than that is undesirable. Mr Nick, please help in ensuring your husband's controlling his weightgain." he said finally, misundersatnding Nick to be Aki's husband, and started wiping away the gel on Aki's belly - Nick needed no time to take over the task. The doctor was slightly taken aback when his hand was swatted away. This wasn't the first time a jealous husabnd shove away his hand, so he just smiled good naturedly.

"Mr Aki, you have to exercise well if you want a smooth birth. We had yet to discuss about birth plans, but you know what's on the table. A natural birth would be achevable, but it all comes down to your decision. For now, let me take some blood for tests and you are free to go. If there's anything, the nurse will give you a call." he said, skipping the internal exam for this time since Nick was here. He wouldn't want this jealous husband to freak out and kick him if he suggested that.

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