Two werewolf college roommates (closed with C. Wolf)

In a world where werewolves are accepted as part of society a human with a dormant werewolf gene is starting college and moving in not knowing that his assigned roommate is an alpha wolf. 

Name: Shane Storm Creed
Species: human with a omega werewolf gene from his biological werewolf father
Human Looks: 6 ft 2, farm tan, blue eyes, brown hair, muscular 
Wolf form looks: average wolf sized, brown fur, blue eyes
Other: adopted but doesn't know, grew up on a farm and trying to get a degree in farm management, gay,

Shane couldn't believe he was here in college as he was he was getting his stuff out of his truck and bringing up stairs to his new dormroom. He didn't know anything about his roommate expect for his name. He began plot put his stuff on his side of the room which was closest to the door. He got finished unpacking and was lying on his bed when he heard a key being turned in the door. He knew this must be his roommate as the door opened.

Name: Jaxon Sanders
Age: 21
Species: Werewolf/Alpha
Human looks: He stands at 6'4" with light brown skin, his hair usually cut short with light brown eyes. He sports a muscular physique complete with thick facial hair and slight body hair.
Wolf Form: Stands at close to Eight Feet on hind legs and four when down on all fours. His fur is dark like his hair and his eyes a wolfish hue and glow of his light brown eyes.
Other: Plays sports, Majoring in Business Administration, A part of an Alpha/Omega Fraternity that collectively seek to bring out dormant genes among humans that possess the potential either be an Alpha, Beta or even Omega

Jaxon didn't worry much about arriving to campus on what most considered the time to check in. He was on good word with the RA, who didn't mind filling everything out for him if he came late, but he actually chose to arrive at a more convenient time. Tonight was a full moon and while at this point in his age he had his urges under control, he did like to shift with the rest of his frat out in the middle of the night and go for a run out among some of nearby forests. As he came up the stairs to the third floor of the dorm however, his round nose twitched to a slight aroma that filled his nose beyond the door. He twisted the key around, opening the room door with a perplexed look to his gaze, but naturally came to his senses when seeing his roommate resting on his bed.

"Yo," he casually said with a slight smile. "Name's Jaxon, though you probably already knew that. Shane right?"

Jaxon casually tossed the bags he was carrying on the empty bed while rolling in some of his bags. He still had a few baskets to bring in from his car outside,

"Oh hey Jaxon nice to meet you, yeah I am Shane", he said. "Sorry if you wanted this side bro", he said. Jaxon kelp looking at him with a strange look on his face. "Did I do something to offend him already is it my cologne or the way I am dressed", he thought to himself. "Oh once you bring everything up and unpack, you want to get a bite to eat", he said.

Jaxon didn't think of who took which side.

"That's totally fine," he said. "As I've learned, you actually want to be on the side of the room that doesn't have to be right next to the door."

Jaxon got to be spared of people constantly knocking on the door and the door opening and closing right in his face all the time. The problem he was having presently was the aroma before him. He knew from the start something as just a bit off about Shane, but he wasn't sure what exactly. He tried to shrug the smell off, but given he was a werewolf with heightened senses, that was easier said than done. Maybe if he repressed the part that caused him to smell a bit more, maybe that would help.

"Sure, I don't mind," Jaxon said. "You basically get to see most of the campus on the way to the café anyways. Spares me some trouble on having to hand these out."

He had some flyers talking about a Frat probate and informational taking place a little later on tonight. In this case, it was with the WHA: The Werewolf Human Alliance. Just because of the fact that werewolves and humans were out and accepted, some still felt a little nervous due to all the stories from horror films they grew up watching or reading among books and comics. Some didn't even know they possessed a gene that could make them werewolves, so it was a slight scary thought, but things like this helped make matter a bit better. Jaxon set the flyers down on the bed and walked back out the room. He walked back in minutes later, hefting baskets in his hand with unnatural ease and placing them under his bed.

"I'm ready when you are," he said with a charming wink. "I can get the bed and everything else set up later."

"Oh your on the Werewolf Human Alliance neat", he said. Shane never meet a werewolf before though he did have strange dreams about him as a wolf running in the woods that came every full moon. He even told his parents show told him to ignore them. His parents didn't like anything that retains to werewolves and constantly confiscated any books he brought about true werewolves. "Sure I could help you pass them out don't have anything else to do" he said.

"Yea, I am" he chuckled. "They're having their annual meeting tonight to help try and break some of the ice some freshman may have or feel about their wolvish friends. You're welcome to tag along to that afterwards if you want."

Jaxon didn't let on to him that he himself was a werewolf, but that was probably more so of the fact that he wasn't sure if the male before him, this Shane, was either a full on werewolf or someone with a dormant gene. As a result, he would discreetly bring up the nature while making sure he didn't freak Shane out. Not a lot of people were willing to take such a life altering decision or were just aware after all.

"We're going to pass them out along some of the bulletin boards and student union. The cafeteria is just right next door to the Union after that."

Jaxon stepped out from the dorm, clad in a black V-Neck T-Shirt, Blue Jean shorts that were a bit form fitting and stopped just a little bit above his ankle as a result and red converse sneakers with black socks.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself," he asked, multitasking by walking and looking around as a result. "What are you looking to do here in college?"

"Sure my parents destroyed any material I either brought of the school gave out on werewolves and said to stop being curious about them I'll go sounds like fun", he said grabbing a stack of flyers and walking out of the dorm. He wasn't sure why his parents hated him reading anything that dealt with werewolves they were hiding something but he didn't pay too much attention to it. "Well In here to get a degree in farm management so I can go back and help run the family farm and I'm gay so want to find a boyfriend on campus and have fun" he said while they walked and putting up flyers. "So what are you planning to do on campus Jason", he asked.

"Sorry to hear that," Jaxon said in regards to Shane stating how his parents hated the idea of werewolves. "Most are a bit scared of the idea every once in a while. I'm not exactly sure why, but maybe it's because of the fact that seeing a large wolf late at night tends to freak most out. Hopefully you get to learn more tonight then."

Hearing the male talk about a family farm and well just being out at a farm in general sounded great to hear. Usually, someone like Jaxon, came from the city. The city sounded great and all, but for someone like him, he preferred just getting out somewhere a bit more rural and quiet. The campus offered that, but maybe he could find a job somewhere a bit close here when everything was said and done on graduation.

"That sounds great," he stated. "Managing a farm and being out. I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do for myself though. I'm majoring in Business, management and administration, but asides from planning to design watches, everything isn't exactly written in stone. As for dating someone, I haven't exactly found someone who's struck my interest, but they say college is a great way to find like minded individuals. Maybe someone will turn up for me and maybe I'll be willing to go the extra mile for them as well."

Jaxon never acknowledged whether he was gay or straight or even just in between. For someone like a Werewolf, it really didn't matter after all, so long as mate essentially carried the Omega gene if they were of the same sex. He picked up one of the free tacks on the bulletin board and placed it on a sheet of the blue paper before sticking it to the wall. He did the same at a few other places before heading inside the Student Union.

"If the campus food makes you sick," he teased in reference that everyone complained about the cafeteria food. "The Union usually serves Pizza Hut or Subway here alongside a few other activities. The Informational will be upstairs tonight, even."

It looked like that was everything and as if on cue, Jaxon's stomach grumbled a bit. He chuckled. "Alrighty. Time to eat."

"My parents felt like they were hiding something from me about how much they didn't want me to know and i don't know why", he said. His parents didn't even like the doctor drawing blood from him and wouldn't let him go to school when a werewolf was a guest speaker. They put up a few more flyers in the lobbys of other dorms that were close."Yeah running a farm has its ups and downs besides you will do good in whatever field you go in" he said. He felt like he could trust Jason fully and was going to be a great roommate. "Well honestly I just want a boyfriend that knows we are both equals in the relationship and if you do bring someone up to the room just tell be before hand so I don't walk in on y'all". He tacked a few more flyers on the bulletin boards. "I will eat anything except for chocolate in allergic to it will spend the whole night throwing up" he said as they walked into the student union. "Yeah im hungry too" he said wondering if Jaxon was really a werewolf.

"I've often learned that sometimes the best intentions ends up hurting someone instead than when you just come out with the truth," he stated. "Maybe in due time, they'll tell you why they kept those secrets away from you."

He was more than certain running a farm sounded hectic, but there were plenty of people cut out for it. He casually opened the door to the cafeteria, letting Shane enter before him out of courtesy.

"That sounds great," he continued when the other brought up relationships. "A healthy one is when one realizes you're both equals with strengths and flaws. Hopefully you find the right guy. As for having private moments with a significant other, I haven't really focused finding someone. I guess I always imagined that the right one would practically fall into my proverbial lap and then things could go from there. Until then, maybe I should be concerned about who you're having in the room."

His last remark was a tease of course, Jaxon joking around with Shane. As he walked into the cafeteria itself, he heard Shane mention chocolate, which made Jaxon suspect something even further. "Milk Chocolate irritates my stomach, but I can actually eat Dark Chocolate every once in a while. It helps with the Finals and the stress that comes with them. Maybe there's a certain type you're able to stomach, but any particular food you like?"

Jaxon looked at the various serving lines, from the Entrée down to the dessert. He could be quite the picky eater when the chefs prepared something he just wasn't in the mood for. That usually meant he would get the default: Either the burger and fries or just a salad loaded with various types of meat like ham, pepperoni to even eggs. It was around that time frame he heard some familiar howls, but they weren't from the sounds of actual wolves, well at least not in this instance. They were other males walking in to the cafeteria, naturally Frat members calling out to one another. Like Jaxon had done earlier however, their noses twitched, smelling a faint smell around them that was vaguely familiar but strange at the same time and if Jaxon was being honest, it wasn't just Shane who was giving off the smell. There were tons of others present who had such a repressed scent to them. They would still be able to pick Shane out among the crowd though.

"And speak of wolvish devils," Jaxon stated to the male. "Here are some of them now."

Naturally, Jaxon would have to respond to them. After all, he was in the same frat. That in itself would give Shane all the answers he was seeking as Jaxon began speaking with them. Every once in a while, some of them would turn in Shane's direction when Jaxon casually mentioned his roommate.

"Actually Jaxon all types of chocolate makes me sick, the doctors tried and fail to find a type i wasn't allergic to. As for food steak that is either rare or medium rare can't stand any steak cooked any further. As for other food burgers and fries are good too but prefer deer burgers to beef their is a certain taste in deer that you can't get in beef if you know what I mean. Also pizza must be meat lovers can't stand any veggie toppings on it"he said. He got two cheeseburgers and fries and sat down wwith Jaxon. He noticed as a few guys were giving him strange looks but turned their heads if he looked directly it was making him uncomfortable. "Great people already think im a walking sideshow", he thought to himself. It was bad enough in high school he he only had three friends because everyone else was turned off by his parents. Jaxon was busy talking to his friends and he did noticed they looked at him too if Jaxon mentioned him to them.

Jaxon noticed that Shane was looking. That was only natural: Someone seeing a group of individuals seemingly mention their name and begin garnering if they were talking about them in either a good or bad way. Rest be assured however, they weren't talking about Shane in a bad light.

"Yo, Shane," Jaxon stated. "These are some of my friends. They were just wanting to meet you."

Jaxon knew the obvious at this point. Shane had a dormant gene among him. Judging by the odd scent, one that was seemingly inviting and not one that would warrant possible hostility or neutrality like he would get when being around another Alpha or even a Beta, Shane had to be an Omega. Maybe being around a few other Omegas that already had been claimed by others could help break some of the mold. That, or naturally, Jaxon could just tell him, but that also came with a risk. Omegas were the fertile of the bunch after all and by letting that gene manifest among Shane, it would basically just invite an unclaimed Alpha to come barking up his tree even further.

"I was just telling them about how you might be interested in learning more about werewolves."

He felt better when Jaxon told him they were his friends. He also suspected they were werewolves too and wondered why they were attracted to him like a homing beacon. He wouldn't even be here if he didn't get any scholarship money to attend this college his parents were dead set on him attending a college with a strict no werewolves policy until he got it from anonymous source saying its his if he attends this college. He heard Jason talking to him and said "sure in interested in knowing more".

"Great," one of the males stated. "I'm sure Jaxon wouldn't mind showing you the ropes a bit more."

There was some kind of suggestive hint to their tone as this said male, known as Christian, elbowed Jaxon as if to make a point. Jaxon naturally shrugged it off while the rest gathered around laughed.

"Don't think too much of it," Jaxon said trying to reassure Shane that nothing was wrong, at least nothing overly bad anyways. "Consider it a college age-old hazing ritual where upperclassmen genuinely tease a crab."

And of course by crab, he meant someone they garnered to be fresh from the proverbial sea given that nobody on campus may or may not recognize them. Jaxon held his plate despite all the slight rough antics and went for a drink before sitting down at a table. Naturally, Shane had the choice to sit in front or beside him if he wanted.

"I probably have to be a bit honest with you," he stated being just a bit serious. "I think some of the fellas are a bit attracted to you."

He would leave it at that for now. Perhaps Shane himself could put two and two together on that notion. Maybe Shane's parents didn't want him learning more about werewolves was because Shane had the potential to become one. Not one too many people were comfortable about that. After all, look how long it was still taking for most to accept same sexuality. Perhaps it was moral reasons they wanted to keep and rub off on Shane as a result. What he did know however was that it was probably best to let him know then and now he was already attracting werewolves his way.

"Maybe it's the cologne you're wearing. I noticed that when I first arrived here."

Shane knew they were going to haze him after all its college. He chose to sit down next to Jaxon for the meeting. Shane was shocked that some of the guys thought he was attracted to him. He did want a boyfriend but didn't expect that it may be a werewolf. People where he lived were still getting usameto LGBT people when he came out of the closet. But was shocked at what Jaxon said. "That is the the only cologne I know of that i can wear I'm also allergic to strong scented colognes and this one was developed for people with this allergy Jaxon".

Meanwhile none of them noticed as a man and a few teens were watching them from the building next door. "Soon my pup you will be where you belong with your rightful pack", he man said. So far his plan was working Shane accepted the scholarship money and was here away from the two werewolf hating maggots. "Just because his mother was their friend they think they could have him because he was half human and the laws at that time disadvantaged werewolves" the man said furious. He loved Nicole and was happy he was pregnant then everything fell apart when she died giving birth to their child. He tried everything to see his son booking a guest speaker role in his high school but never showed up thanks to them. But he did see him a few times but from far away when Shane was with his friends hunting.

"Then maybe there's something more to you then," Jaxon stated with a smile. "If the werewolves like you though, maybe that's a good thing."

From what Jaxon could garner with just asking him a few questions, Shane exhibited a lot of werewolf traits: Low to no tolerance to chocolate, cologne bearing an allergy unless of a particular type and liking his meat rare. There were some werewolves who came from parents who naturally didn't exhibit the traits, so maybe Shane's parents had reason for concern in that he may potentially have the gene. Well, they probably were right.

"It happens though," he said when following up what Jaxon said before about the frat of werewolves taking a liking to Shane. "There's quite a few here they're generally drawn to. I'm not sure if it's something in the air this time of month or if they just can tell who has a high potential of becoming a werewolf more."

Again, Jaxon knew, but he didn't want to freak out Shane right away. Eating had come fast for Jaxon though. He finished his food within a few minutes, but he mingled around just to pass some of the time until Shane himself was fully ready to go. Perhaps to some degree, Jaxon just argued with himself mentally that he probably was just looking out for Shane. After all, there were people who could try to take advantage of him in such a state.

"What did you mean their may be something more to me" he said to Jaxon. He began to wonder was he something more that werewolves liked. He ate more of his food until he heard that Jaxon saying they may notice people who their was high potential to become a werewolf. "Hey Jaxon im full im going to check out the library don't wait up for me" he said. He put up his food and left. He got to the library and immediately got to the werewolf section and read a few books and was shocked about what he read. He couldn't believe it he had werewolf genes in him. A mess of thoughts ran through his head like why did his parents lie to him, did they want to turn him. He needed answers and only Jaxon and the others are going to give that to him. He got up and was putting the books back on the rack to be reshelfed when he bumped into a man

Meanwhile back at the building next door the man was angrier as he saw that collegiate WHA members talk to him. "They better shut their holes up if anyone of them ask him does he want be turned I will personally kill that wolf myself" the man said. Another teen entered the room. "Ah Rusty did you succeed in getting into his room son" he alpha said Rusty was two years younger than Shane but was raised his whole life in the pack since he decided to use omegas to carry his children. "Yes alpha you may want to know he has a wolf as his roommate and its an alpha", Rusty said. "This changes things may have to change the plan a little", the man said. "Alpha he is leaving", another of his wolf said. "What Rusty go follow him better let this may be the first time I see him directly so I will boys watch my back if any of those frat wolves get close to my position" the man said Leaving the room. He saw Shane reading in the library and was getting ready to put up his books and realized it was now or never.

"It's my way of subtly saying you may be more close to learning about werewolves than you realize," Jaxon stated, that in itself probably compelling Shane to get up and head for the library as he said he would. "Umm, sure. See you later tonight, then?"

Jaxon smirked a bit, seeing Shane take off in a hurry. Perhaps he partially convinced the male to look into traits or the likes, but what Jaxon did know was that he needed to do away with his plate and head back to the dorm. There was a shower with his name on it on top of needing to change clothes to his frat attire for the night. Things would have worked normally though had his nose not twitched when coming towards his door. There was Jaxon's scent naturally and some of the strong musk emanating from Shane. But then, there was another smell, one that made the male's eyes turn a wolfish yellow as he unlocked his door and walked right in with a sense of urgency. Nobody was there, obviously, but they left a scent and that prompted Jaxon to, of course, begin sniffing it out. Another Omega, if he was right. Nothing was seemingly stolen or touched, but it was just the fact that someone else was in their room without their permission and as a result, Jaxon left in a haste. Out among the large campus, all he really had to do was weed out the smell and luckily for him, he was pointed directly at the library, where Shane no doubt was at.

The male approached the three-story building with caution.

"I'm sorry sir", Shane said picking up the books he dropped. "No its my fault, ah studying up on werewolves I see", the man said. "Yes needed some answers", Shane said. For some weird reason he felt like he could trust the man. Suddenly the man received a phone call and said "I got to take off family emergency hope to see you around campus". The man took off in a hurry. He picked up the rest of his books. and got them on the shelf when Jaxon came in with a worried look on his face.

Meanwhile Rusty was keeping an eye on the on both Shane and his father from an upper floor that had a area that you can see the floor below you. When the lookouts gave both of them calls saying to go the roommate was coming and was most likely entering through the main entrance. He immediately took off his hoodie so that alpha wouldn't follow him and went down a staircase that lead down to an exit most people didn't use. "That was a close one Rusty" the man said a few blocks away. "It felt so good talking to him I wanted to tell him everything", The man said. "Alpha we should move that roommate most likely knows both of your scents and could he coming here", Adam, another of his sons said. Adam was the first he son to be born from the man's omegas and born one year after Shane. "You are right Adam, everyone we are moving out for the night", the man sai. They had a hotel 10 miles away and already had another of his omegas in Shane's farm management class. "Soon my pup you will be where you belong", the man said getting into a van.

Jaxon did not want to walk or bump into Shane. It would come off like he was following him, but the scents were right around him.

“You okay,” he said a bit fiercely and protectively, some of his Alpha senses still flared up from smelling and following that foreign scent, which Shane could now most likely see from Jaxon’s glowing eyes that he wasn’t exactly normal. “Someone else was in our room and I followed their scent here.”

He looked in the direction of the exit, moving in hot pursuit, but as he got outside, the only thing he could see was a van taking off. The male found himself growling lowly when finding his round brown nose filled with various wolf scents. Some were enticing like Shane’s but more prominent. Others were neutral, meaning there had to be an Alpha. Jaxon returned back inside the library, his normal human state returning.

“Whoever it was got away. Looks like you’ve certainly got someone looking for you.”

Jaxon wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.

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