True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

Aki smirked as he felt Nick's hips moving slightly in a sexual way. When he was warned by him he removed his hand, frowning and biting his lower lip. He spoke softly in a whisper like voice. "I apologize Nick, I cant stop touching you." He made sure not to talk loud like others did.

He sighed silently in his mind, wanting to be able to touch Nick but understood the warning tone in his voice. "Yes." He smiled, feeling still aroused but he tried his hardest to control his urges. He wanted to be in sexual positions with him but he was not going to embarrass to him.

He got up slowly from the movie chair, being careful not to cause any distress to the twins. He rubbed his belly gently, letting them know that their father was still there with them. He began to know that they both depended on him and Nick to love and nurture them even if not born.

He was helped from the movie theater and to the car. He yawned softly, watching the road until he was in a light slumber. Soon he fell asleep, getting up once he was awakened. He stretched his arms and legs, sighing sadly as he heard words he dreaded and cursed beneath a breath.

Christopher was finally at home. He wanted to curl up next to Nick in the room but he had to try hard not to. "Shit .. why couldn't he be gone for a longer time." He said with a whimper, biting his lower lip like he did whenever he was nervous or aroused but this was nervousness.

He shared a deep kiss with Nick, holding that close to his heart. He felt himself lighter than a butterfly and as if he could walk on water. He got out of the car, sighing heavily and softly while walking up to the door of the mansion. He tried to put on a fake smile, opening the door.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick regretted returning this early while they opened the door. Before they could step through the threshold, Nick pulled on Aki's hand. "please Aki... don't smile at him. i don't want to see you forcing that fake smile... i want you to be cold to him. maybe he would leave you alone then. he hated getting rejected - i know him. he's my father. please, Aki, i beg you. stop trying to make peace with him..." Nick said, gazing deep into Aki's eyes.

that was all he could say. his father's voice could be heard already. he was barking out orders at the maid, making several of them run with the new commands they were given. The entire house was tense. Everyone was nervous around Christopher, and everyone was anxious in following his orders.

Nick and Aki were standing at the door, but Christopher didn't even give them another look. "oh, you've been out? good. i am back for awhile. in fact, i quite like how the bedroom looks a lot larger now without your stuff." He sat down at the sofa and took the cup of tea offered by a maid, drinking. "oh, so you have gottne EVEN fatter... " he rolled his eyes and continued sipping on his tea.

He looked at his son and just snorted. "so you have decided to become a cheffeur..... up to you." he shrugged and sank back on the sofa. "there will be a guest coming over and will spend the night here. do treat her with respect , you little brat." he looked at Nick pointedly. from his tone, Nick could guess this might be a mistress his father hadpicked up through his time abroad.

Aki nodded at Nick's stern command. He walked to the door of the house, not speaking to the maids or butlers.

Hissmile faded completely, leaving a blank emotion. Before entering the mansion he heard Christopher yelling. He felt badly for each of the maids, wanting to help them or wanted to speak up for them but said nothing. Nothing at all.

He walked through the doorway, feeking no need to respond. He simply sighed in his head mentally. He did not want to give Chris the satisfaction. None at all. He walked away with Nick, wanting nothing to do with the man known as Christopher.

He wanted to strike Christopher across the face, his hand shaking at his side but did not dare to do that. He walked to Nick's room still not expressing any emotions. He expressed a sigh once he could no longer see the bastard on the couch.

For once he did not feel the feeling to cry because of being called names from Christopher. He sat on Nick's bed, rubbing his belly to soothe Nick's and his two innocent twin children. He wanted to blurt out the secret but did not dare to do that.

He was emotionless, knowing that only Nick and the two unborn twins only loved him. He got back up to his feet, walking to the kitchen area of the house. He knew that was the job of the maids or the butlers but he wanted to do this by himself.

"Heartless bastard .." He whispered beneath his breath, not knowing anyone was watching. "I hope you and the bitch dies."

He stopped for a minute to catch his breath as one of the twins kicked hard. He held the counter and stayed still as he waded on a boat of nerves that were trying to knock the such boat over.  He was trying to make it to the room.

He leaned forward slightly and gasped for breath, his body quivering as if it had a mind of it's very own.

Softly, he rubbed his aching belly with his dominant right hand. He tried to leave the kitchen and back to Nick's room.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

They had been in their little haven. Nick watched Aki leave, and decided he could get changed first before joining him. After he had discovered what kidn of abuse Christopher was placing on Aki, he didnt wantto leave Aki alone in anywhere. Chesitopher could always pop out, and who knew what kind of damage he could do. His father was really an expert in psychological torture.

He got a quick shower and came down looking for his lover. The maids were still busy walking in and out of the living room, so Nick knew his father must still be inside. Chrsitopher just loved bossing people around, and he felt bad for the maids. For once, he found himself imagining how life would be much better if his father was gone.

He looked for Aki, trying to find him in the garden and the balcony, but he wasnt there. The kitchen was the 3rd spot he searched. "Ah, there you are. Hungry?" Nick smiled easily. He didnt see the hand clutching the corner of the counter. He also didnt see how Aki's hand was clutching his belly. Aki was clutching the counter so hard, his knuckles went white.

Nick came behind Aki and finally, he discovered the situation. "Aki!" He said with concern, holding his waist from behind. "Are yoh ok?" He asked anxiously. Many bad imaginations came to his mind. What if Aki was expereincing premature labor? The twins would be too small... Aki was just entering 7th month. Nick held Aki's belly from below and caressed it gently, seeing Aki trying to breath deep and long.

"Come on babies....behave. you are giving us a big scare now..." nick said with worry, holding Aki close and tight. "Keep breathing Aki... yes, stay calm and keep breathing." Nick suspected this was because of the anxiery brought along by his father's return, making him hate his father even more.

Aki panted heavily, trying his hardest to lower his racing heartbeats. He did what Nick coached him to do and only that alone. He began trying to calm his rushed, harsh breathing. Once slow and at ease he sighed in relief, rubbing his aching belly in small, gentle circles.

Soon, he felt the rough pains of the two twins kicking disappearing slowly, causing him to sigh with relief. He turned around, making sure that none of the maids were watching him and his beloved Nick. Once the coast was clear he gently laid his head on Nick's strong chest.

He felt as if he could relax for a while. Life was about this moment, wrapping his arms around the stronger lover's body. He looked up into Nick's handsome, loving eyes while expressing a warm, affectionate smile. "Thank you, Nick. I needed that." He said to his beloved Nick.

He had a conversation softly with Nick and him alone. He had to avoid being heard by the maids or butlers. He kissed Nick's lips in a gentle way, smiling while he felt calm and at peace. He looked up into Nick's eyes, never wanting to look away. Not now and not ever or ever.

"T .. Thank you for helping me, love." He replied to Nick. "It will be unbearable not to touch you while your father is here." He said softly, looking down at one of Nick's hands upon the lower area of his heavy, round and expanded stomach.

He felt relieved, happy that the distress he felt was now over. He enjoyed the close embrace that he and Nick both shared. He was eager to be with Nick in the bed, not letting anyone else know of that instead of just the both of them and them only.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick's hand went up to hold Aki gently on his shoulder. he rubbed his back gently, letting his lover relax and find his own breath being close to him. "you are welcome, my love." he whispered back, smiling at Aki. "i am so glad the twins behave so nicely now... is it because they love and realise daddy's here again?" i say in an even quieter whisper, just in case others could hear it.

they stayed there a little longer, Nick swaying from side to side with Aki to make sure the last of the pain was going away. he kept his hand at the underbelly of Aki's to make sure the twins continued to feel his presence. "i would miss touching you as well Aki... you are so irresistable..." Nick sighed and pressed a quick kiss on Aki's forehead.

Nick knew what Aki was thinking without him saying it. "i am assuming this is ready? shall we go back up to enjoy that so no one would disturb us?" he smiled at Aki and took the dish. They were going back up, and reluctantly Nick had to release Aki's hand so they wouldn't be caught.

It was so difficult for Nick as they went up the stairs. Aki was struggling, still weak from the previous pain, and taking the stairs up was a huge challenge. Aki's belly had grown so large he could not see his steps, and it was also difficult for him to heave himself up each stair. Nick just stood there, unable to help his beloved with all the scrutiny they were under.

Aki was comforted by Nick's touches, soon breathing easily and calmly. He relaxed indeed, feeling his body relax against his beloved Nick's own strong, muscular one. He relaxed as he sighed softly, looking up and into the depths of Nick's caring, loving, concerned eyes. He smiled for the first time since being in the house, leaving positive emotion for Nick.

"I believe that that reason is because they know you are here with them." The pregnant man smiled once again, feeling the two children stop kicking. "They love and adore you like I do, Nick." He spoke quietly at a level that only Nick heard. He felt at peace, feeling the children moving slightly but not at a pace that was ever painful or uncomfortable.

Not even in the very least.

He laid his head upon Nick's chest once again. He gently moved his hips, feeling the gentle swaying that they were doing. He felt as though they were both were dancing to a silent song that only they and them alone knew the same exact movements. "Maybe when the maids and butlers are asleep we can." He smirked, placing a kiss upon Nick's lips.

"I would love to go back up to spend time with you." He walked from the kitchen with a heavy waddle. When they were ascending the stairs he panted hard, managing each stair at a slow pace. He stopped from time to time to prepare himself for each step that was left for him. He did not want to slow Nick down but this was a very hard pregnancy.

Soon, to his luck it took a hour but he sighed with relief as he had only one step to do. He got up it and praised himself. He waddled to Nick's room, following him into it's warm, comforting depths after closing the door. He sat on the bed, waiting for Nick to join him. He made sure that the door of the room was completely locked, gazing at his Nick.

Life was like an endless miracle and he felt like in heaven on Earth with each moment he spent with his beloved Nick.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick witnessed all the struggle Aki went through on the journey back to their shared room. He was worried - but he was also happy that even if anything was to happen, he would be here for Aki now. He had returned and would stay. He almost wanted to take Aki's hand when he mamaged that last step, trumphant in conquering the endless stairs, but he saw a maid passing by with the corner of his eyes. It was lucky he did not react out of his instinct.

Nick smiled at Aki once they were secured and blocked all disturbance out of their room. "Love you have been so nice... you have made an impressive achievement arrivinghere all by yourself." He congratulated Aki, kissing his still panting lover.

He went to get a wet towel to wipe away the sweat on his lover's forehead. This pregnancy had been hard, and would be even harder witb the 3 months to go. The babies were growing fast. And it would put even more pressure on Aki's body. Counting in his age, it would be a real challenge.

Nick helped Aki cool down from the "exercise" of going upstairs, and sat down to snuggle close to Aki. "I bet you must be starving now..." he smiled and took the dish closer, feeding Aki what he had made in the kitchen while holding him.close. finally he was able to touch him again. Nick felt like he missed Aki's close presence already over the few hours of separation from him.

Aki smiled up at Nick, feeling proud of himself for fully making it up the stairs. He looked up at him, feeling eager to lay with his beloved. He stood up for a moment to stretch his legs, soon sitting back down on the bed that he and Nick shared together each and every single comfortable night. He ate spoonfuls of the meal that Nick was feeding him.

"Thank you dear, I try to be." He smirked proudly, rubbing his own beyond round and swollen, gravid sized belly. He did what a female woman would do, gently stroking Nick's feather soft hair as he was finished with his meal after an hour of what was sensual feeding. He loved it when his beloved would pamper him with each and every minute.

He waited for Nick to return after walking off to retrieve a clean towel that he wet with cold water. He smiled when his beloved left, sighing softly as he was eager to lay down and cuddle. He tried to stay still but he was much too anxious. He managed to stay where he was sitting and remained completely still as if he were a deathly still stone statue.

He looked up and into Nick's deep, depthless eyes never wanting to look away. He was feeling himself becoming aroused. He felt his once upset stomach now at ease now. He kissed his lover's lips, wanting to be with him and only him. He wanted no other man, he only desired Nick. He was happy. He felt as though he could do anything with Nick.

He laid down on his side of the bed, managing to rest on one of his sides to avoid being crushed by the twins. He could not breathe when he laid on his back. He was blessed to have a stepson but it seemed that now their relationship was blossoming more than a mere friendship, it was becoming more than what was meant to be but Aki loved him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick was eager to join his lover in bed as well, though he knew how sticky Aki must felt with the exertion. he used the towel to wipe Aki's face first, then when Aki had laid on his sides, he gently removed his shirt to expose his belly and upper torso so he could wipe his body. it would be refreshing - or at least that's what Nick wanted Aki to feel . nick was trying his hardest to take good care of his love, the mother of their twins and the love of his life.

He had been so gentle and focused on his job, he wasn't aware of the slight squirm of Aki, and neither did he notice how Aki's nipples had stood up slightly. the big belly of Aki's also hid his arousal. Nick would only discover his lover's arousal when he came to his waistline - and finally could see the tent underneath his belly.

Nick chuckled and stroked Aki's now flattened bellybutton. "oh my, the hormones were raging, aren't they?" he smiled. However, his smile soon faded as he remembered who was outside now - a few stairs down, his father had been sitting there.

He was a bit worried - he wanted desperately to make love to Aki, but the noise and the mess that followed could expose them. The last thing he wanted was for his father to discover. who knew what Christopher was capable of doing. he could divorce Aki immediately, and send Nick away, forever separating the two.

Nick was hesitant, and his action was suspicious to Aki. it would appear like Nick stopped because of what he had seen. and right in front of Nick, there was Aki's belly, marred by stretchmarks, exposed and quivering in anticipation.

(i am thinking would Aki be hurt, and perhaps even cried, because he thougth Nick thougth the stretchmarks were ugly?)

Aki was also eager for his lover's presence to be beside him in the bed. He blushed shyly, feeling as if a secret was revealed as his shirt was removed by his beloved Nick. He wanted to hide his belly which was riddled with many unappealing stretch marks upon once flat, flawless skin. He wanted to cry but all he did was try to conceal each.

"I love you so much Nick, and it is like I am aroused each and every single day. You bring out the best in me." He said softly, chuckling happily and blushed crimson. He realized as to what he had said. He knew that he was being honest but he was still a bit shy about simply and openly blurting out his thoughts. He was blessed to have a loving lover.

He sighed in pleasure as Nick placed a towel on his body. He was unknowing of just how beautiful Nick thought of him as. He wanted to smile but the stretchmarks made his thinking more mixed up in a negative way. He loved the twins and their father but at the same time he was uncertain of how the large stretchmarks truly were but they were.

During the pregnancy he noticed many of his features changing. First it was his rear that expanded to a slightly bigger size, then his once flat belly that became much more round and swollen and then last, but not least his chest became more like breasts that were filled with milk and were sensitive and tender. He looked much more fertile and female like. He tried not to be loud, not wanting the maids or butlers to wake up and find out. He hated each of the maids and butlers who were indeed nosy and wanting to hear details.

He noticed Nick had stopped, looking up into his eyes. He followed the direction of his lover's eyes and frowned. He noticed as to why he made no other movements and then realized. He pulled up the covers, covering his belly. He whimpered and tried to express his emotions but all he could do was burst into tears of bitterness, sniffling softly.

It was just one of his many mother like hormones. He felt embarrassed for breaking down so easily but he could not help it. He wiped his tears and tried being a man. He got up, putting back on his shirt. He said inbetween saddened sobs, trying not to make any unnecessary noises. As much as he liked all he could do was sit on the bed and cry.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick was slightly dazed off. He was thinking whether he should jump Aki anyway - his Aki was so curvy and lovely, becoming so feminune from his once macho and musculine looking body - all because of him. That was a proud achiveemrnt of Nick and Nick would always be proud and appreciative of all the chabges that was happening on Aki's body.

When Nick realised what was happening, Aki was already pullling his shirt back on. "Wait... Aki wait. What's wrong?" Nick looked at Aki, confused, he stood up to get closer to Aki, and found that he had been sobbing.

The broken sobs broke Nick's heart as well. "Aki.... i am sorry. Is it something I have done?" Nick had just now been too lost in thoughts. He didnt know what was the reason for Aki's sudden tears. All he knew was he wanted to stop them. Every tear from Aki was like a little dagger plunging into Nick's heart.

Nick gathered Aki intohis arms adn pulled him back down to the bed, holding his shoulders, he kissed away each and every tear. "Aki... babe dont cry." He muttered, patting Aki's back to sooth him.

Aki was self conscious, not wanting to show his unappealing belly. With each feeling he felt more and more feminine with each passing day. He wanted to walk around but he let Nick pull him down onto the bed. He felt his lover do as he wished with his body. He felt a need to be taken by his lover, not wanting to forget his touches. "I am a disgusting mess." He said with a badly shaking voice.

"I love you Nick, it is not your fault at all. I feel like I have so many emotions beating me down all at once." He said softly, looking down at his own stomach which was unfortunately and painfully large..

When he meant that he did not not mean the twins. He frowned sadly, wanting to be with his beloved. With each passing moment he closed his eyes, never wanting this to ever end. Never ever. He was slowly cheering up. He did not want to ever feel bad for himself. He wanted to keep his shirt on but he did let Nick do that if he pleased. He was scared, eager to be taken by his beloved only.

His soul burned for Nick. He felt as though he was a mere ember and his lover was gasoline. Together their love would be explosive. He made the first move, placing gentle kisses upon Nick's lips, making sure to not ruin the lovemaking that they would soon make. He sighed happily, his shirt still on. He was scared about the awful stretch marks covering his large, pregnant stomach area.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick kissed the corner of Aki's eyes. His Aki was so timid and fragile this moment. he loved him - he wanted to cherish this precious little one who had been willingly undergoign these changes because he was bringing their children to the world. "you are fine.... i find you very beautiful and attractive like htis. you aren't a mess.... you are never a mess." he smiled at Aki, his hands running along his curvy belly.

While they shared another passionate kiss, Nick roaming his hands all over Aki, he finally realised how hard Aki was tugging his shirt down. Aki had been pulling on the hem of the shirt, so it wouldn't run up and expose his belly. Nick opened his eyes, and looked at Aki, tilting his face towards him. "aki...? why wouldn't you let go of the shirt and let me see that lovely belly? i miss touching it..." Nick said, clueless of the situation.

As soon as he said those words, Aki's tears welled up in his beautiful eyes and Nick was properly scared. "Aki? no wait... don't cry.... is it because of the stretchmarks?" Nick was piecing the clues together, and finally guessed what was happening. "oh babe... i like it. seriously. i like it... it's a war trophy, so to speak. you have them because of the babies - it only showed how great a mother you are." Nick said, continuing to smother Aki with sweet words. he really wanted Aki to feel loved and cherisehd.

Aki smiled softly, pulling up his shirt as he felt brave. He leaned in, placing gentle, loving kisses upon Nick's delicious lips. He was eager to please his gentlemanly lover, adoring him with all his heart and soul. As he was complimented by him he expressed a pink blush on his two cheeks. He never wanted chance sto end. He felt his tightly stretched belly moving around because of the cramped space of the womb the twins called home, not aware of the realm outside of their mother's belly.

He was excited to feel their unborn twin children moving around. He gently sighed happily, wanting to touch them in a motherly way. He knew the children were not born yet but a new, first time mother could dream, couldn't he. Life was like a true maricle and such a deep blessing. He nuzzled Nick's chest softly, loving each moment they spent only two of them.

He would die a thousand deaths and suffer the harshest torture if they were separated. These feelings that the two of them felt was so much more than simply the word love. "I am? .. thank you, my dearest." He sighed softly, looking into Nick's eyes.

In the relationship that they shared Aki was the woman and Nick was the man. He removed his shirt, biting his lip like he did many times when either shy or in deep thoughts. He laid down on the bed, bringing Nick down with him alone.

"You are so sweet, Nick." He said softly to his beloved lick. "And the stretch marks make me feel ugly. It is nothing that you or our twins did. I feel that way because of my body." He rubbed his belly gently, feeling a feeling of fluttering like butterflies.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"you are not ugly..... i like you as it is. you look so lovely swelled up with our children." Nick smiled, giving Aki the confidence. He stroked Aki's belly gently, dragging his palm over his bump, resting low where the belly bulged out the most - the babies were resting low in Aki, and that had put much pressure on his lowerbelly. He stroked the area, where a dark line stretched along his naval to the patch of hair underneath hiding Aki's manhood.

"Don't you ever feel bad about this... your body's lovely. don't worry about it, at least to me, you are as gorgeous as ever. Isn't that the only thing that mattered?" Nick smiled at Aki, pressing his hips closer to Aki so he would feel his erection. "even my body said so... feel how hard i am just by looking at you?" Nick chuckled and kissed the beautifully blushed face of Aki's. Maybe Aki had lost some muscle and built up fat because of the difficutl pregnancy, but to him Aki was more attractive by the day.

"come, love, i want to show you how much i love you. just be sure don't moan too loud... " Nick whispered scooping up one of Aki's legs, exposing his tight ring of msucle behind. He nibbled Aki's earlobe, proceeding to make his advancement towards the most intimate part of Aki's body. "I want to see you always pregnant - of course i don't want you to suffer, but you are so beautiful, so soft and lovely like this..." he stroked his bump again and teased Aki with his throbbing cockhead, teasing Aki until tears welled up in his eyes again - this time from intense desire than insecurities.

"Thank you, my dearest Nick." Aki blushed once again, feeling blessed to have Nick in his life. At first he thought that his feelings were strange but he was glad to have him. He was more than the word simply "happy", smiling as he gave into his urges like Nick did as well. He laid on his back after propping himself up on a few pillows with assistance from Nick. He was at true, pure peace.

After gathering his courage, he gently and calmly opened the once buttoned up maternity jeans and took them off, all while not moving from the bed. He sighed gently in pleasure. The blissful reason was because his sensitive belly was being stroked and rubbed by Nick and his hands only. He saved his body for Nick and only him without sharing with anyone else. Many older people would probably say that their relationship was unhealthy and embarrassing but he did not care, he loved his sweet Prince of his life and his beloved Nick regardless. Love was true, it was true indeed.

He felt a need to moan, his stomach being tended to by his it in a pure, adoring way. He smiled, looking up into Nick's eyes. "I apologize my love, your kindness is infectious." He smiled, gently kissing his lover's soft, skilled lips and down the length of his perfect, beautiful neck like a graceful swan. He sighed and moaned softly, keeping his voice at a gentle frequency without being loud.

He smirked and smiled, feeling his sensitive body becoming sensitive. He was eager to have Nick inside of him once again.  He loved that feeling, Nick's cock was thick and eager to be dominant and be swallowed by Aki. He closed his eyes, focusing only on Nick and him. Love was more than being just a soul mate, it was about exploring together and praise each other's ups and downs.

He felt loved and adored, causing him to smile and moan. He was so joyful of Nick doing wonderfully with turning him on. He did not ever ask as to if he had a lover before and left it unfinished. He knew that that was not any of his business. Not even when he loved his beloved Nick so much to ask. He knew that his stepson had a silver tongue, his words reducing the bones he had to pure jelly.

He felt as though he would melt like ice cream. That was the positive feeling that he had felt whenever he was with Nick.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Their relationship had started off being bad - at first he didn't want to accept Aki who was replacing the position of his mother, but later he had come to admire the man. Aki had tried so hard to get acquainted and close to Nick, he could feel the attmpet and effort put into it. of course, later things just went spiralling down. his stepfather had gradually not only became a father character - he had become his love. Nick himself couldn't pinpoint at which moment he had started developing feelings for Aki. When he realised that, he was already so deeply in love with Aki it pained him greatly seeiing his father with Aki.

He had escaped and tried to deny himself of hti sfeeling, but eventually Aki had showed response. and that sealed their fate. there was nothing that could stop this 2 forbidden lovers from coming together. Their heart and soul all yearned for each other. Their bonding was stronger than ever now, with 2 new lives built between them, sharing their genes and would be their legacy.

"aki... aki i love you. you are so beautiful." Nick pressed soft kisses on Aki's nick, whispering and repeating his love to his stepfather. in his days of confusion and denial, he had taken other lovers. He had taken quite a lot of them - but with each one, boy or girl, he just felt empty, because none of them was Aki. Through all the lovers he got before, he finally came to realise his feelings fro Aki would never change. Aki was his one, and only one. He nibbled some more on Aki's shoulder, showering him with love and adoration.

"Aki... " He whispered one last time before lifting Aki's leg and spreading it wide. he plunged in deep within Aki, breaching his tight ring of muscle, and made his way through the amazingly wet and hot canal. Aki was so lovely, the pregnancy was making him all curvy and pliant, the perfect body for Nick.

"so tight and so wet... how can you be so nice..." Nick muttered and plunged in deeper, biting down on Aki's shoulder to suppress his own moans.

Aki had never thought that he would fall in love with Nick but fate was always in control. He loved Christopher dearly but now that was nothing more than a distant memory. He was always made fun of by him, being called "fat" and "lazy" he was pregnant and it was not an excuse. The pregnancy was wearing him out and the twins were not done growing yet. He was worried about the twins.

He was always loving of Nick, his heart breaking whenever he saw Nick suffering. He rubbed his stomach, smiling down at it. He sighed softly and happily, honored to be the mother of their children. The twins may have still been growing but he felt so very blessed. Blessed. He hummed soft moans as his neck was being kissed upon by his sensual lover Nick. He licked his lips, biting his lower one.

The such relationship was so much beyond the simple word known as love and affection. It truly was and so much more as well. He was excited whenever he saw the presence of his beloved. "God Nick, I love you too." He said softly, moaning like a quietly purring cat. He adored his beloved with all of his heart, mind and most of all .. his soul. Love was so much more than just a single word.

It was carved in the deepest, dark depths of his mind. He was positive that he would be with Nick forever and ever. Not even death would separate them.

When he felt Nick's teeth upon one of his shoulders he quivered, letting forth a soft sigh that told his lover was pleasured. He did not want anyone to ever hurt Nick or worse. He was eager to be with his beloved and watch life pass on by without a single moment apart from each other. He was proud to carry Nick's children, they were both healthy and strong and Aki was loving them each day.

He was not prepared for the painful pleasure that surged through his muscles. He loved it whenever Nick whispered in one of his ears. He quivered in desire, wanting to be with Nick and have him inside of him. He would never ever tire of his beloved Nick. Each day was a new adventure with him and their two innocent, restless unborn twins. Life was so much like an endless race.

He bit his lip once more to avoid screaming when he was bitten by Nick. He felt as if he was struck by lightning, a million volts of pure, raw adrenaline surged through his system faster than a cheetah strike. He gripped the covers of the bed, holding on for dear life like on a roller coaster.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh your post is duplicated... haha doens't matter, just leave it as it is?)

Nick was finding Aki even tighter than usual. Maybe it was because of the pressure on him to not yell out loud. His aki had been vocal before, under Nick's great encouragement, Aki knew how to moan and whimper loud. Nick always loved to hear those sounds from Aki. it was like a recognition to Nick, to tell the young man he had such great effect on his stepfather.

This time however, Aki was forbidden from releasing his passionate noises. Nick smirked. this created another type of excitement. Aki was trying so hard to hold in his moans, he ended up sounding like a whimpering kitten begging for mercy. Nick thrusted even deeper, making Aki's voice broke with the extreme pleasure.

"babe i am driving you crazy, aren't I?" nick asked, even though he knew the answer already. "i love it... i love how you lose control of your own body." He muttered nibbling Aki's earlobe. "you are my perfect one babe..." his sweet words never ended. he thrusted deep and strong, but his rhythm was maddeningly slow. he would drive Aki to the brink of orgasm, and then slow down so much he would keep Aki at the edge but never quite enough for a full blown orgasm. it would be a sweet torture for them both.

Their dance in passion would last for long - much longer than usual. Usually their lovemaking was like fire, burning out each other quick, but this time it was like water, slow and fluid, unending. As they progressed, Nick reached over Aki's bulge, stroking it gently, and gradually made his way through the swell to reach underneath, taking Aki's throbbing cock in his hands. "Aki... ready?" Nick mumbled, prepared for a release now.

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