The Soldier and The Governor ((With bhdire8 and Lovebite))

He panted, biting his lip and relaxing as he sank down into the water more, moaning as he wrapped his arms around the other and kissed him once again slow and deep. Though it was sloppy, he didn't care, he had missed him so much and now he was getting filled with him again. His throat felt tight and he bit his lip as he arched his back and did his best to relax for him, he whined as his ass widened around his shaft now that the tip had pushed in. His body quivered at the slap and he gripped at the hair at the base of his lovers neck,"Turn me over..." He panted, his huge belly squished between them.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

It's indeed inconvenient. Caesar wasnt getting the angle he wanted, and wirh Victor's belly so.big and rhe babies so close to due already, he was also concerned if he pressed too hard, he would trigger his labor. He thrusted deep into Victor and held him down. "Flip you over right?" He chuckled pressing as forward as he dared, and started turning him while his.cock was still buried deep in him.

The turn wasnt that easy. Their.limbs got.into each other's way, and the belly served to another obstacle. They were both eager to continue, but still it's no.small feast to move Victor, especially with his cock nudging all the sensitive spots in Victor.

Victor whined as he was pushed into, the cock pressing against him hard and the sound dying in his throat, the largely pregnant man let his legs fall open as he gave himself to Caesar. His husband, his back arched and he moaned as he was dragged along the others length, turned over onto his stomach so his knees held him up. He folded his arms atop the rim of the tub and rocked back into the cock that filled his ass, panting and biting his lip briefly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The watwr served as rhe best cushion there could be for th3 belly. Caesar held Victor's dangling belly more for leverage than for protection, and really started rhrustint into Victor's eager pushes back onto him. He was getting the hang of it. His hand did serve to balance and prevent the triplet-filled belly from rocked too hard, while he had gained himself a lovely angle. His huge mushroomhead would knock into Victor's sensitive and eager canal while not putting too much stimulation onto his delicate and thinning cervix.

He panted with each thrust, his eyes rolling back as he was rocked into so forcefully, grunts escaping his mouth while his belly was rubbed as it was held and his prostate was crushed with each clash of their hips. In sync with one another, his hands gripped the rim of the tub and arched his back as he was fucked, groaning then as his cock pressed up against the tub wall and his own belly. It hadn't lasted long, and yet he was moaning and his body shuddered before he released his pent up seed, he had missed Caesar, he did. He didn't know why he did, but he couldn't stop himself from wanting him. A cry escaped him when he came and he bucked back against the other man.

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The orgasm of Victor's had come way earlier than Caesar had expected. His husband wasn't this quick - though that could be from how much energy he had pented up, and also from how sensitive he was from being this late into pregnancy. Caesar wasn't too satisfied, but he was concerned of his husband's condition as well. He moaned and took the large man, pausing his thrusts and instead, focused on how the canal felt twitching around his cock.

There was a cloud of murky water underneath. Caesar chcukled..."Looks like I am not the only one frustrated in this aspect... i love you so much Victor." He said from his heart while he started little testing thrusts, then picked up the speed for a short while just to chase that last little bit of pleasure, and let himself go as well deep inside Victor.

Victor grinned as he shook his head,"I meant to hold it in a bit longer." He said and laughed at what he said next,"Yeah, I hear you." He murmured and shut his eyes tight as his body rocked with the thrusts he was given so generously, his back arched and he pushed back against the other. Moaning out and panting as he was shoved into once again in rapid succession before his husband was blowing his load next. The large man turned over when they were finished and his belly sagged, his hands holding it as he slipped from the others cock,"You didn't really...uh... I thought that maybe you'd fuck me into labor." He laughed and tilted his head back, sinking into the water more.

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"Are you dissatisfied that I failed to hold it.long enough for that to happen. .?" Caesar chuckled at Victor's thought. "Well i certainly wouldnt mind trying again - int he very near future." He nuzzled close to Victor and rubbed his belly. He rubbed it, teasing on occassion with his fingernails, scratching along the stretchmarks that would probably stay on Victor for quite a long while even after the birth. "You are so close anyway.... the nightmares of these last few nights of me had been you had given birth before we could meet again - so that i would have missed your glorious pregnant self... we are qiuite fortunate, arent we? Did the doctor say anything? You are safe to give birth any" Victor's belly was so big it was hard to determine if it had dropped or not. His cock twitched thinking about how tight his birth canal had been - perhaps they should do it as often as they can, if anything it should make the babies easier to get through. Caesar smieked rhinking about it, and kissed Victor fondly.

"No, it was me that time." He said, his head falling back as he turned over onto his back in the soiled water, relaxing slowly and meeting the other's eyes when they were face to face again,"Possibly." He agreed and his eyes drifted closed as he laid there, almost floating in the water, the hands drifting along his belly felt amazing and he moaned when the nails dragged along his tight itchy skin,"So very close." He nodded in reply, though he snorted when the other mentioned him being glorious, he felt ugly and fat as well as feeling older than he was with the trouble moving and walking. The man sighed,"Fortunate wouldn't be the word I used, but sure." His eyes opened to look at his husband again and he nodded, kissing him in return and murmuring,"Any day now."

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Caesar smiled at Victor. he had craved for such lovely and peaceful moments between them for so long, it still felt unreal they finally reconciled enough to have Victor willingly laying in his arms and relaxing, with the steamy sex being a lovely bonus. "I like you like now the most in fact, i swear. You are so cute." Caesar said, smiling with his canines out, looking incredibly young with his excitement.

The water was cooling soon, and being murky. Caesar decided they had enough, and took a move. "Let's move... I wnat to admire your belly rpoeprly." he said reassuring Victor of how appreciating he was of his current figure, and took Victor's wasit in helping him up. It made the little boy in him thrilled to have Victor almost vulnerable and dependable on him.

He sighed and smiled softly as he laid there in the cooling water and leaned in just a bit to kiss him softly, his hand drifted down his bicep and he nodded,"Alright."He agreed and blushed just a bit as he was lifted up slowly, his large triplet filled belly sagged as he came out of the water,"You can help me apply lotion, it's been hard for me as you can see."He said and started to climb out of the tub carefully, his belly was large and stretchmarks covered him in places. As he wobbled towards the bathroom mirror, grabbing his robe and pulling it around himself.

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Caesar watched Victor head over to grab his robe from behind, still standing beside the tub drying himself. it hit him for the first time how wide Victor's hips had become, in his naked form, that it created an enlarged hourglass on him. his bottom was also bubbly plump. Caesar salivated just by seeing his back, and he had to squeeze his eyes shut in case he devloped another hard on.

Caesar followed Victor out to the bedroom, looking forward to some belly rubs with his pregnant husband. "I think so... you coulnd't quite reach now, could you?" he asked, eagerly stalking Victor to get to the bed, and see him swang his legs up the bed with some difficulty after lowering himself onto it.

Victor didn't know about Caesar's daydreams as he simply tied his robe beneath his belly and sighed lightly, humming as he watched himself in the mirror as he stroked his stomach slowly. Watching the curve of it in the mirror and exhaling as he turned then to look at his husband briefly then leave the bathroom,"Not at all. No matter how hard I try, and even when I try and get someone to help it's still useless." He shook his head, he groaned lightly and sank back as he exhaled,"You've got to get the balm from the dresser first." He said, gesturing to the corner of the room.

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"you are getting someone's help?" Caesar looked at Victor with an incredulous look. "who?" he said as jealousy shoot through him, which he tried hard to keep in track and dismiss the issue. He grabbed the lotion from the dresser and came back to Victor, who had already untied his robe for Caesar.

Caesar held his breath as this time, he was able to properly see Victor's belly for himself. the stretchmarks were deep red, running along his belly like angry vines, clawing their way through his bump,but most of it was under his bellybutton. He caressed each line and looked up at Victor. "does it hurt?" he said, slightly taken aback by how serious this was.

"Yeah. One of the women maids my father keeps around. They're impressed by how big I've gotten, always have tips to tell me too." He sank back against the bed and his robe parted way for the mountain of a belly he appeared on his hips, grimacing lightly as his hips shifted somewhat. "She can never get all of my belly though, I end up falling asleep and she can't move me to rub the lotion in all the way. That's how I got these..." His fingers drifted over the underside of his belly and he sighed, humming lightly and tilting his head back as he relaxed,"" He hummes and watched the other,"I'm just so full..." He sighed.

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"you are.... wouldn't be long thouhg. and then we could think of other ways to get rid of them - or not. they could stay to remind me and the children how much it takes to bring them into the world." Caesar ran his finger along the lines and pressed a kiss on his bump. "Thanks Victor. i owe you that... and i love you." he pressed another kiss on his popped bellybutton and then started rubbign lotions onto him.

Victor's belly was so vast, caesar understood why he always fell asleep through it. it took much time just to get lotion onto it, and then the rubbing apparently is smoothing snce the flutering within slowed down, even teh babies looked like they were enjoying it so much they stopped fighting against each other.

Victor nodded and smiled softly as he laid back, humming and running his fingers through the others hair as he stroked his belly, kissing it softly. His children stirred beneath his lips and he grinned as he looked down at him though couldn't see him past his belly. He exhaled,"I think I love you too." He replied and sighed as his stomach was stroked, relaxing as he was lathered.

As his belly was rubbed, once again he fell asleep, his eyes closed and the children within settled. He rested his head on his arm behind him as he laid on the pillows of his childhood bed, it was almost too small to hold the both of them. But it did it's job, creaking beneath their weight as he was coated in lotion.

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Those little words, though still not entirely sure from Victor, made Caesar's day as he adamantly continued with lotioning up Victor, spreading layer after layer onto his belly until he was sure it was all absorbed.

By then Victor was soundly asleep, his breathing evened out and Caesar climbed to the head fo the bed, just admiring Victor's sleeping face while he took in the dark circles and teh lines around his eyes. His husband was so tired, these last weeks of pregnancy was harsh on him. Caesar placed a gentle kisson his knitted brows and snuggled closer to him, holdng him while they napped together.

(hmm so next is tthe birth? any ideas?)

His red, aching skin struggling to contain the weight of their children, he yawned softly and hummed as he laid there more comfortable than he had ever been. He had been pregnant for so long, birth would be relief and yet he fell asleep for another night after a big dinner, a long bath, sex, and now a belly rub.

Victor slept well afterward, he leaned into the warmth of the other man as he climbed up against his reclining form. He slept for hours, well into the next morning, though as he stirred he barely took any time to sit up, the need to relieve himself almost overwhelming.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(hey welcome back! it's been awhile :))

With the bed they were sharing so small, Caesar had been clasping close to Victor through the night, so when the pregnant man sat up, Caesar was roused as well. He wasn't as alert though, sleep still muddling his mind, he yawned and rubbed his eyes. "vic...?" he muttered with his eyes just half opened, but he followed his husband slowly as well, sitting up on their bed.

"what is it...." he didn't manage to finish his question when Victor struggled - this time with less success - to his feet. He was awkward tryign to heave his heavy body up after throwign his feet onto the floor. Caesar knelt up in the bed and gave Victor a hand, giving him the momentum to "take off" and climbed down himself to hold steady the heavily pregnant man. "you ok? where..." Victor again acted before Caesar could ask, waddling hurriedly over to the bathroom. Caesar, worried about the state his husband was in, followed closely, catching up with him and held his arm while they went to teh toilet together.

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