Closed Birthing Ward (closed with BigPreggoDude)
The county is currently in a birthing storm. Due to an accidental dumping of fertility drugs into the states main water supply there is currently an overpopulation of pregnant men and women in various stages of pregnancy thanks to ingesting the fertility meds in their drinking water.

Because of the overcrowding in area hospitals with laboring men and women several hospitals across the state were converted into maternity hospitals and are where everyone in labor is sent. These hospitals were set up with long wards for the laboring patients so less staff would be required for their care.

At the local hospital things were booming. They currently had 14 people in various stages of labor and delivery. Because they were so crowded they had had to open up a secondary ward for those who were still in the earliest stages of labor to hold them until there was space available in the delivery ward.

Dr. Abigail Gerry was in charge of admitting patients today. She had just transferred her last patient from the First Ward to the Delivery Ward. As she watched one of the nurses preparing the space for the next patient she was paged about another patient coming in. Heading into the waiting room she looked around for her next patient, “Gabriel?”
A young looking, long haired boy carefully heaved himself up. He sported only a black shirt, shorts and flip flops in the ward, with barely any of the above fitting properly - moreso his shirt. He lugged around a MASSIVE belly, looking quite overdue at first glance with his shirt on. How it looked bare may have been another story.

He shuffled his way to the doctor, taking his arms as gently as he could. "Thank you, doctor. I'm so glad to be here." he panted, stroking his belly as it contracted.
Dr. Gerry paused as soon as she saw her patient dealing with a contraction, “Just take slow deep breaths until it is over,” she tells him as she motions for an orderly to bring a wheelchair over assuming that it will be easier for the laboring man than trying to carry his very large stomach around by walking.

When the contraction seems to end she helps him sit down in the wheelchair. “I am Dr. Gerry and will be taking care of you until you are moved to the Delivery Ward. How frequent have your contractions been? Have your waters broken yet?” She asks him before turning to the orderly “we are going to First Ward Bed 3” she tells him as they start walking towards the ward.
Gabe sighed as he got placed into the wheelchair. "They're about 5 minutes apart. Waters haven't broken yet." he replied. Once he was carted to the bed, he was fit with a hospital gown and a tag to let the other doctors know he was a full time patient there. With the aid of the orderly to his side, he got lifted into the bed where the mandatory checks would take place.
The Labor and Delivery Wards were large open rooms with 5 beds per ward. Each bed was partitioned with curtains in between the beds so that the patients couldn’t see each other but could be viewed by the rest of the ward so that the staff could see the different patients as they worked.

After helping Gabe into a gown and getting him a hospital bracelet Dr. Gerry helped the orderly get him into the bed. “This is what we call the ‘First Ward’,” she explains to him as she helps him settle on the bed. “This is where you will spend the first part of your labor. Once you reach 6 cms dilation you will be transferred to the Delivery Ward for the remainder of your labor and your delivery. If your waters have not broken by the time that you are to be moved we will go ahead and break them for you as it will help your labor progress once you are moved. You will also be fitted with a catheter when you are transferred because you won’t be aloud out of bed once in the Delivery Ward,” she explains as the other laboring men in the ward can be heard moaning through contractions.

“For now I am going to get you set up with an IV and perform an internal exam to feel how far along you are. After that you can get up and walk around the ward if you would like,” she tells him as she prepares her supplies. “Do you have any questions before we begin?”
Gabe shool his head at the last question. "Not at all, just do what you've gotta." he smiled weakly, lifting the botyom of his gown up to reveal his belly. It looked fairly well kept, minus a few stretch marks and veins here & there. Navel was inverted too, signifying how tight and big it was. His children rolled about visibly too, though struggling to do so by the looks of it.
“Great. If you have any as we go please feel free to ask. I am going to start by feeling your belly to check on the position of the babies. Your file says you are having twins. Do you know the genders? She asks as she begins feeling around his large belly to check the positioning of the babies as a nurse told a metal. Art filled with medical supplies into Gabe’s curtained area before walking away to check on one of the other laboring men.
Gabe groaned as the doctor's dainty fingers dug into his taut skin. "One of each, my doctor said." he replied, clutching onto the bed sheets from the multiple ways of discomfort. "Is everything ok?" he asked as Gerry felt lower and lower down his gut.
“How exciting!” She responds as she finishes her exam and moves to put on a pair of gloves and prepare the materials for the IV. “The first baby feels like it is in the proper head down position,” she tells him as she continues her prep work. “However, I couldn’t feel the second baby very well so we will have to do an ultrasound to check it’s position. For now though I am going to start your IV. Can you hold out your arm for me?”
Gabe nodded and held his right arm out, his hand pointing back and down so the more underside side faced up. He barely even flinched when the drip was inserted, more bothered with his infinitely more painful contractions that were coming more frequently now.
The Doctor got his IV placed into his wrist just as the next contraction hit him. “Remember take slow deep breaths to help you through it,” she tells him as she cleans up her supplies while glancing at the clock and seeing that it had been about 4 and a half minutes since his last contraction. When it is over she gives him a minute to recover, “do they feel like they are gett8ng stronger or staying the same?” She asks as she puts on a new pair of gloves and moves to adjust the controls on the bed to lay him flat. “I need to perform an internal exam now. Can you place your feet flat on the bed and let your knees fall as far apart as you can?”
"Yeah, stronger." Gabe nodded. He did as told and let his legs fall either side of him, keeping his feet as flat on the bed as possible. With his entrance exposed at a decent level, he took a deep breath in anticipation for the doctor's gloved hand.
“That is a good sign,” the doctor says as she puts some lubricant on her gloved fingers. “Okay here we go. Just try and relax,” she warns before reaching over with her left hand to move his balls and penis out of the way before placing the lubcricated fingers of her right hand against his opening. “Take a deep breath and then exhale,” she instructs. She watches as he follows her directions and as he exhales she carefully inserts her fingers into his opening and begins to move them around to perform the exam.
Gabe nodded and took a deep breath as the doctor's fingers slid inside him. Once again in great discomfort, but none compared to his laboring womb. He clutched onto his belly as her fingers wiggled inside him, trying bhis best not to tense back up.
It takes a few minutes but then Dr. Gerry removes her fingers as she finishes her exam. “Al done,” she tells him as she removes her gloves and pulls his gown back down. “It looks like you are only at 4cms so you have a ways to go. You can either stay and rest in bed or you can walk around the ward if it helps, just don’t bother the other patients. I will be back to check you again in an hour.” She tells him before heading off to check another patient.
Gabriel sighed deeply and carefully got out of bed, taking the IV stand with him. He cradled his belly as he walked around the wards, stopping once a contraction hit - of which were getting stronger and more frequent.
For the next hour Dr. Gerry kept an eye on Gabe while she tended to the other patients on the ward, wat hung as he walked back and forth through the ward. When it was time for his next exam she signaled for him to return to his bed as she pulled over a cart carrying a fetal and contraction monitor and ultrasound machine and began setting them up while she waited for him to return and settle into the bed.
Gabe got back as quickly as he could allow himself and got onto the bed, his gown getting taken off by another staff member just before he got on. "What's all this?" he asked, glancing at the machinery Dr. Gerry set up.
“After I check your progress I am going to do a quick ultrasound to check the position of the second baby. I am also going to hook you up to the fetal and contraction monitors for a little while so we can watch your la or a little more closely,” she explains to him as she puts on a pair of gloves and the lubricant while the nurse takes over prepping the machines after helping to remove Gabe’s gown and getting him settled into bed. Can you get into position for the exam please? The same as before.”
After the following contraction, Gabe laid back and spread his legs apart. Even with the explanation, he found everything more vague than a Chinese instruction manual. But he went with it regardless, getting his belly gelled up at the ready by the nurse, wand in hand.

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