A joke gone bad (w/ dots)

They had a large crew of workers helping them, and in fact the majroity of stuff was moved in already - a lot of the furnitures were brought new, so there was no need to move the large cabinets or beds or furnitures like those to the new place. However, James had to move some smaller items, boxes of their belongings and to move them to their designated places. In order for them to start really "living" in the new place, he had also helped unpacked several of the boxes - the utensils and gears in the kitchen, the things in the children's room, the baby stuff, and also clothes and all the itesm in the bathroom. He hadn't felt as exhausted for a long time, not even when he had spent hours in the gym.

Flinching at the wet towel, james sighed in relief and pulled Horu to his lap. "thanks my love... i really need that. it's been so tiring. i guess i am too ambitious, maybe i should have waited to unpack some boxes tomorrow..." he said with his eyes still closed. his hold on Horu wasn't as tight as usual with how tired he was. "Thanks baby.... i will really need your massaging tonight." he said with his puppy eyes. "let's have dinner now. I'm also starving... are you too, babies?" he smiled stroking Horu's belly, and otgether they headed to the dining room that was now a lot larger than the one they had in their old place - James was very prepared that their family would grow further, so naturally they would need a large dining table.

(wow that's a great owner! and he had done such a good job - cats with sickness aren't that easy to make them thrive and look as healthy and energetic as they were seen in the pictures! i admire them a lot for the love and care they put into their pets...)

They walked just slowly to the dining room with Horu was big already and James was so tired. "Hmm, I haven't seen you put yourself too hard for a long time. I can guess that this may be tiring than spending hours in the gym." He joked, smiling softly. Horu helped James to get in his seat before getting his husband another wet towel. "Take this. I'll make some tea for you, James. The scent of the tea can be helpful for the relaxation. Hmm, If you wanna wait for me, just have that rice snack. It gives you enough energy to not pass out." He teased, smiling widely. Horu had cooked more than usual today, and he had also prepared some snacks for his husband. Nothing could be better than getting some small reward from the long exhausting day.

Horu had prepared some lavender tea and added some sugar there. He knew that James usually drank coffee without sugar, but having tea was good for relaxation and the sugar was good for instantly giving his husband energy. Horu smiled widely when James didn't even listen to him, but already got behind him and hugged his little wife tightly. He could feel how tired James was from how he was putting more weight on him, but it wasn't too much at all. "Hmm, You're so bad, James. What if you pass out on me?" He said, joking and knowing that it would never happen. Horu could head James heavy breathing. His husband was really tired already, but this might be another way for the relaxation for him. Horu always loved this moment as much as James loved. He would never get enough tough of his bigger man. His warmth was too good for both his wife and little babies, and this was the best for Horu.

(Yeah, agree, they're so cute though. The back and white one is the type that I love. )

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James accepted Horu's help. whatever Horu suggested - tea, rice snacks, everything - was attractive, but nothing is more attractive than Horu himself. James did stay there on the chair - he was so sore on his arms and thighs, they were shaking slightly with him being exhausted - but the good husband still yanked himself up from the chair to join his wife. "hmm what husband would I be if i'm leaving my pregnant wife to do all the work without appreicating him? thanks so much Horu... you are such an angel. you always know how to take care of me." James cupped Horu's belly from behind, he always remembered how to relief some tension on Horu's back by lifting his bump up very slightly, and rested his head on Horu's shoulder. "you are my savior." he muttered and sighed.

"hmm lavendar. that's smelling very good. Though i don't need that and already i'm feeling like i could sleep anytime now." James had his eyes closed. "All i need is my wife to be beside me, and I could sleep like a baby." he chuckled and opened his eyes, taking over the cup. "Should we have an early dinner? i told my parents we may or may not take the kids back for tonight - i just asssumed we might not have everythign cleaned up. you know how sensitive Johan is... he might keep sneezing if i don't do proper vacuuming aorund . however, i'm really too tired tonight for that. so let's have an early dinner, and we can have that massage... then tomorrow i'll have to start working again." James shrugged, sighing and rested his head down on Horu's shoulder again.

"You're my savior too. No one can take care of me like you." He whispered, smiling with how James exactly knew how to relieve the tension on his back. "Yeah, we can have early dinner today. I'll use some citrus oil for the massaging since it was nice and refreshing. We can spend some time together before going to bed. You know, we hardly have this private time." Horu mentioned, smiling as James put another kiss on his neck. "Just stay like this for a bit, huh? I love your smell." Horu whispered, standing there and let James rest on his for a bit more. It felt really nice to fell a bit of James' weight on him. It made him realize how they really wanted each other in every moment of their life.

Horu barely moved for the moment. He just prepared another cup of tea from himself and just had it with his husband. It was simple but best at the same time. He just left like he could stay like this forever. "Your warmth, James. I love it, our little ones love it." He whispered. Horu didn't know why but the babies inside his belly seemed to be very calm when their daddy was close. James didn't even need to touch his belly to calm the babies down, however, the touch from daddy was the best. The babies just slightly responded to their daddy. They gave the gently kicks from time to time. "They really love you, James. just like their mommy." horu teased, smiling.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James' only too happy to spend more time alone with Horu. He smiled and hummed when Horu prepared the other cup of tea for himself, nodding at his suggestion of the massage oil flavor and came back to take a nice seat with him, closing his eyes while sipping on his cup of tea. "hmm this is just living in heaven. I know i 'm selfish to say so, but sometimes i feel like THIS is missing - the time we have alone, just wiht each other. without babies that can talk constantly." he chuckled adding, remembering they are with 2 babies right here, the difference was these 2 babies are unable to talk yet.

"I want to spedn the rest of my life, every day, like this with you." James opened his eyes and took Horu's hand to place it together on his bump. "of course, this is even more perfect when the babies are behaving themselves like now.." he chuckled and gave Horu a sweet kiss on his lips. "you're loving me like the babies love me? i guess they must have inherited that from you then... " he smiled happily. Horu was so sweet and pliant tonight, James was feeling very loved and his heart warmed up so much.

they will enjoy their little time together. James will play with Horu's hand a little, just sweet talking to each other and in general - take their time and enjoy this rare moment of peace. Eventually James' sotmahc growled and Horu got up to prepare their meal. James was just a step beside him, helping out when he could. "i am your assistant in this kitchen now..." he chuckled and handed some garlic for Horu to chop, finishing the last dish with the final bit of seasonin.

Horu had cooked a lot tonight, including their favorite food. They helped each other to set the table before starting the dinner together. "Hm, I think, I cook too much." He said, smiling, looking down at the table. They could keep the remaining food in the fridge since all these food was also Henry's and Johan's favorite, but it was better to let James eat as much as he wanted. Horu knew that his husband would eat more food when he was tired, and that was the reason why he cooked a lot today.

Horu just sat there, looking at his husband when James had the first bite. He loved that big smile from this big man, ad it was one of the best things for him. "Hmm, you're just Henry in the big body. I can clearly see him inside you." Horu teased, smiling. Both James and Henry would be a bit childish when they had had a good food, and Horu loved it. He didn't even realize how he was just watching his husband and didn't even start eating until James got him a bite of meat, Horu favorite food. "Yeah, I should start eating now. Shouldn't let these little ones hungry." He added, having a bite before feeding his husband bac as well.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"of course Henry's like me. I'm his proud daddy! he got everything from me." James was proud of his first born - although he indulged in his younger son. He loved Hnery in somewhat a different way than with Johan. "and our son's a good one... he will grow up to protect his little brother. I think these little ones will do too, they will grow up to be strong and protective brothers of Johan." he smiled at Horu and offered him the meat. "yes you should. Don't forget what the doctor said, he said you should strengthen yourself and make sure you ahve lots of reserve energy to handle the birth." he said waving his fork in midair.

James looked at how Horu ate, and eventually he reached across the table to cut the steak for Horu. "Let me do that for you... you're too slow." he teased and cut the steak into small pieces so Horu could easily eat. "and eat more vegetable as well, it will be good for the babies." he said, like that was a spell to urge Horu to really eat - it was effective as well. When i tconcerned the babies' wellbeing, usually Horu would be very obedient, no matter how much he disliked the food, he would force himself to eat it.

It was a fulfilling meal, and James ate as much as he could - but still when he finished wiht a full stomach, there was still almost 1/3 of food left. "phew... i guess Henry and Johan would be happy we have kept so much food for them - we don't have to tell them it's just what's leftover." he chuckled and stood up to take the dishes, holding Horu back. "no, let me do that. You shoudl rest your legs after cooking." he smiled and kissed Horu.

"Hmm, you're too protective, James. It's so early to talk about the birth, but yeah, we should plan for that after everything is done here." He said, looking back at James who was ready carrying the plats to the sink. They had talked about the birth before, and both of them agreed that water birth could be really good for twins since it was less painful and made it more comfortable for Horu. He just sat there, rubbing his big belly while James was washing the plates and everything. "Hmm, at least, I can put all this food in the plastic boxes, so we can keep in in the fridge. I can imagine Henry's face already when he see this pasta with meatball, and maybe I can bake the cookie for Johan. You know he loves it, hmm I also have all ingredients ready." Horu said and didn't even realize how he talked too much about their children. He couldn't help but loved his little angels so much.

He smiled when James finally finished everything after a while. His husband wasn't good with it at all, but Horu still loved to see James in the kitchen. It felt like his husband never let him alone here. "Time for the massaging, huh? I'm excited to touch this body with lots of muscle." He teased, smiling as James pressed a soft kiss as the response. "Remember to not carry me this time. You always did that." He mentioned how James always carried him around, especially after Horu stood and walked for so long. "I love that, but not this time, okay?"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Sometime James got jealous over how Horu placed so much attention to their children. He sometimes felt neglected, but he knew deep down how stupid that idea was -his Horu loved their children and himself in different ways. James was always grateful how lovign his wife was towards the entire family. "Ok ok, i will not carry you this time." James chuckled and pulled the chair out for Horu so he could get up easier.

As usualy though, James didn't let Horu go alone, he kept his hand on his waist to steady him. The belly had been a heavy burden for Horu, so the good husband helped cupped his bump to relieve some tension. "i am looking forward to the massage as well - just promise me don't make yourself too tired." James smiled gently at Horu and led him to the bedroom upstairs,taking his arm while they took th stairs together.

Once in their bedroom, James released Horu and stretched, a few of his joints popped and James rubbed his shoulders himsefl. "gosh this is so sore.... i really have been pushing myself too hard." he sighed and collapsed on the bed, face down. "Horu.. please work your magic on me....make me feel better please, love?" he looked at Horu wtih large begging eyes.

"You're so naughty, James. Let's start with your back head first then. Come, rest on my laps." He said, calling his lover to rest on his laps. "Let's start with this first, and then your back, and maybe your front. I can't reach that from the behind with this belly in the middle, and indeed, I don't wanna miss touching that abs." He joked, smiling widely as he was sitting on the bed. Hor had the oil ready for the massage, and maybe he could use the peppermint oil for the head massage since it was better for the refreshing. "Hey, hey, don't move. You know what it feels to have this peppermint oil near your eyes." He said as James was moving his head, trying to kiss his belly. There was not much space on Horu's pals now since his belly took half of the place there, and James' head was really close to his belly. "Just look up, James, look at me." He whispered with the deeper voice, trying to make it more relaxing. Horu gently started with placing his hand gently on both sides of James' head. "You can choose if you wanna close your eyes, or just look at me." He teased a bit more, smiling at his lover. James looked like a little child now. He was so relaxed, but this might be a bad idea to start with the head massage since James could easily fall asleep. "Don't fall asleep if you don't wanna miss mack massage." He reminded his husband, continuing doing his job with James's head.

(I was trying to describe the position of both of them but I failed. I wanted it to be like this pic haha)
[Image: head-massage-in-spa-X8J03N.jpg]

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(oh haha yea with that picture i could understand.. i think hte top of James' head would be brushing against Horu's belly now!)

"Hmm but i want to kiss your belly..." James settled down from his squirm when his wife warned him over the peppermint oil getting into his eyes. He sighed and relaxed, staying still on Horu's lap. He could feel the warmth of Horu's belly from the crown of his head,so it was always tempting to just move up a bit so he could touch it wiht his head.

he sighed in relief when Horu's hands reached his temples. It was so nice, he sometimes had a headache with stress, and the soft but firm fingers of Horu's pressing on his temples were relieving it greatly. At first James was looking at Horu, then he found himself relaxing so much, he had his eyes closed before he noticed it. "hmm? i will try staying awake.. this is too good, Horu, i feel like i could slip into a sleep anytime now.." james sadi with a smile. perhaps he woudln't fall asleep, but definitely he was dropping into a hazy state of mind that's between awake and asleep.

He groaned when the massage went on to his shoulderss .they were tight and stiff. horu's small hands could barely grab it. "i'm sorry Horu... can you be a bit stronger?" James felt Horu's hands pressing into him, and because it was so comfortale, James coudln't ressit asking him to put a bit more force onto it - he hoped his wife didn't mind.

(Yeah, hehe, and the babies might give their daddy slight kicks sometimes.)

"Jeez, This is really tense and stiff. You have worked really hard today," Horu said, putting more force on James' shoulders. He knew that James' muscle was normally stiff from how often he had gone to the gym but this was another level. "I might need to massage it again with the sitting position. That can be better." Horu explained how he couldn't reach the entire shoulders with this position. It might be a bit harder for him since he was shorter than James in the sitting position but he could do that for his husband.

Horu smiled hearing the hisses from his lover when he pressed hard on his muscle. It might be hurt at the beginning but it would be better soon. He moved his hands lower, reaching James' chest. Horu was always surprised how his husband could keep this beautiful muscle after year and year for working hard. He just moved as the circular motion around James' shoulders down to the chest. Horu was really happy to hear James' breath was slower and more relaxing. He didn't say anything just continued doing this for his beloved husband. "I won't reach it too low now, so the oil won't get to your shirt but you will need to take it off soon." He said. Horu smiled widely when their eyes met each other while he was bending and reaching James; chest and his husband had opened his eyes. His belly was also pressing slightly against James' head and his husband could feel the babies' kicks sometimes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"thanks so much Horu... this is feeling so good...." James sighed relaxing further into Horu's lap, opening his eyes, he saw the smile on Horu's face and that made him relax more mentally. "this is new reason for me to be so deeply in love with you... i never know you're so good at giving massages!" James smiled , reaching up to cup Horu's face. "ok... let me enjoy this a little while longer, then i will sit up to remove my shirt...." James sighed, once again allowing himself to enjoy the full extend of Horu's lovely massage on his chest. today he had moved so much furntiure and done so much unpacking, it felt 10 times more tiring than him spending hours in the gym.

He sighed and smirked when he felt Horu's smaller hands running circles around his chest - that's usually what James did to Horu when he teased him. He felt Horu's rubs becoming a bit light, his wife was probably starting to get a bit tired pressing so hard into his hard muscles, so he opened his eyes again and took Horu's hand out to kiss them at the back. "Thanks Horu... I will now it up and change position." he said, allowing his wife a short break while he sat up and removed his shirt, showing his gorgeous figure to Horu.

turning back, James smiled at Horu and bend forward to kiss Horu's belly. "you naught little ones... daddy could feel your kicks while laying on mommy's lap! you are jjealous of daddy right? enjoying the worldclass massage from mommy?" he smiled talking to the belly.

"Just like daddy, huh?" Horu teased, smiling widely as James instantly held him and placed more kisses on his wife. "Hmm, I think, I can stop now, you're fine now."He continued teasing, laughing hard as James pouted like a child. "Okay, okay, daddy, come. Let your wife admire and touch your perfect build." Horu was still teasing his lover. He couldn't deny that James had a perfect build, but it wasn't important at all since he just loved his husband from his soul. Horu asked James to sit on the front of him, so he could massage his back properly. Horu might need to move up and down a lot since he was shorted that his husband, but he was really happy to do that.

"I'll start from your sides and bring it together in the middle of your back. Just relax James. You have done this for me a lot, it's time for me to pay you back." He whispered, pouring the citrus oil on his hand. It wasn't too sticky, so it was really good for massaging. Horu pressed his hands on each side of his lover, and he could hear some hissing already. He knew that the waist was one of the tensest and stiff muscles from turning and moving around, so he had started there. He couldn't reach James's front side with his big belly in the middle, so James might need to turn after this, but for now, Horu wanted to do his best. He was pressing hard, trying to relieve some stress in the muscle there, but it was a bit harder since James was so strong and he had such the strong muscles. "Hmm, the babies seem to listen to you, James. They are calming down now, giving mommy such a good time to please their daddy." Horu's belly wasn't pressing against James back now, so he couldn't feel it yet, but he could when Horu needed to move up for reaching his shoulders.

(Have you seen the new arts from our fav on pixiv? It's really good, and I hope, I can read it. She is also opening for the support. I want to but I can't read anything lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(oh yea sweet little pieces of different couples together! i can barely read about the fan box - is it some feature within pixiv or is it an entirely different site? - i guess she's saying tath from now on her works would be first posted in the fan box, then after a few days she will post themm on pixiv - so people who're following her fan box would have a sneak peek. lOL that's how i interpreted it...)

"Hour you can't stop now!" James pouted when Horu teased him tellin ghi mthe massage had ended. he simled so birhgt when his wife told him to turn around.

His back was quite sore with him moving so many boxes, bending over and walking up and down, but now with Horu's small hands on him, he felt like half of his exhaustion was already gone .he sighed and leaned back slightly so Horu could work on his mucsles better. "hmmm i loe you so much Horu... and i like this oil. feels so good..." he sighed and closed his eyes, his upper body swaying lightly following Horu's rubs on his back. "hmm good babies... so nice to mommy and daddy..." James smiled even though Horu couldn't see it.

When Horu pressed down, he could feel Horu's breathing going a bit harsher. "horu..." James turned around sensing his wife's exhaustion. "how about I lay down on my face entirely. You can sit on me when you massage my back - it will be easier for you. And don't worry, i can take your weight - it's nothing. you just sit on my bottom will be good." James offered, moving to lay on bed, his front pressing against the mattress. "come, you can use the mattress as leverage." James said, holding his head on his arms, his entire back exposed to Horu.

"Hmm, how about I start with this side and then you can lay on your side for me to reach your another side? I think it's better that way." Horu said, trying to explained how he wanted to do that. It was better for both of them since James didn't need to bear his weight and Horu didn't need to bend too much. He didn't really wait for the answer when Horu started applying more oil on his hands and massaging James for more. He could focus on each side now, and it was so much better. He was pressing hard on James' body, so it could help with the stress in the muscle. "Hmm, don't move this much tomorrow. You know we can do this again. Henry and Johan will be really sad if we don't pick him here tomorrow, and I guess you don't wanna see crying Johan, do you?" He joked, smiling widely. Horu knew hos James couldn't see crying Johan since it was just like little Horu was crying in front of him. Horu didn't really try to talk with James now because he just wanted his husband to relax as much as he could. He knew how James worked really hard for their family and it was just same with their promise. No one would think that a young couple in that day would come this fas together.

(Hmm, I think James is too protective in your last reply, and sitting on him is even worse since Horu need to bend a lot to reach James' back.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(too protective as in... too much? haha alright, this will work as well)

James smiled and agreed with what suggestion Horu made. He turned t ohis side so Horu could rub his back, his face facing away from Horu. when his wife rub, this time he sometimes could feel his belly brushing against his back. it was nice and he sighed, relaxing further witht he cirtus smell from the oil filling his nostrils. "alright... i promise i wouldn't try too hard tomorrow I cannot wait to see our kids as well..." he smiled at Horu mentioning Johan crying. "i think Johan will soon realise I couldn't stand seeing him cry.. let's hope our lovely son know not to exploit that, or he would surely e getting every single toy that he wanted - all he had to do was cry, and I would buy whatever he watned." it was so amazing how Johan looked exactly like Horu, and James same as Henry.

"hmmm this feels so good... " James muttered when Horu finished on one side and took a break in between so james could turn. "i can fall asleep like this very easily..." he sighed, his eyes still closed, and this time he turned to face Horu.

(Yeah, haha, sometimes, Horu isn't that fragile, and he can do lots of things himself ;))

"And you will love him more than me? I'm really sad now." Horu pretended to be really said, but he was totally bad with lying and he smiled widely as James just slightly squeezed his nose, telling his wife that his perfect husband knew everything about him. Horu was glad that James' eyes were still closed during this massaging. It was more relaxing this way, and it was what Horu wanted the most. James had worked really hard for them and also taken care of their family so well, so Horu just wanted him to feel special sometimes.

"You can just fall asleep like this or you can take a bath for cleaning the oil" Horu took a bit time thing something before he continued. "and may we can have a bath. Isn't that sound good?" He said, smiling softly. He knew what James could answer and he would love to take a bath with his dearest lover. Their main bathroom was really big and the tub could even fit four pregnant Horu. "But, we don't need to be hurry now. You know that. Just relax!" He said as James seemed to be obviously happy with it. He didn't forget to press hard all the time, so James could have a really good massaging this night.

(They can take a bath together, but no sex, maybe? James is so tired already.)
(and about the artist, I forgot to say in last reply. I really want to support her but even I can translate that page, the process can be hard. I know the website that does almost the same it calls patreon which is the first website that let people support their fav artists with monthly paid. I'm also paying for 2 mpreg artists there 7 dollars for one and 5 dollars for one. I can just unsub one of them and support our fav on pixiv but it the process seems to be hard - -")

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(HAHA ok! you know James... he's always overprotective of his wife. Especially after the mistake he made int he last pregnancy!)

James smiled with his eyes closed. "you're making me very relaxed... i doubt if i could move to the bath myself. Aww Horu, do you think you could carry me there when we're done?" He whined and asked, whining like little Johan. "you know i always carried you..." he added, gigglign himself. He was joking and he smiled at how bad that was.

James hummed and relaxed further when his wife continued with teh massaging. "hmm this feels so good..." he said, his voice trailing off as he truly let all his worries go. He was in a hynotized stage, half conscious only, he could feel adn enjoy every touch of Horu's hands on him. He moved with his motions, letting Horu sink his fingers deeper into him. It was blissfully comfortable. James couldn't express how thankful he was of this treatment,all his fatigued muscles were pampered and revigorated. He was sure he would be so refreshed waking up the next morning, thanks to horu.

they relaxed adn enjoyed it together, until finally Horu was finished. James moaned and stretched on the bed. "hmm this is so good... horu... i would definitely ask for this service once th e babies are here." James opened his eyes and smiled at Horu. As usual, JAmes was afraid he would tire out Horu so he would refuse to ask Horu for a massage when he's still carryign their twins.

"Ok! so a bath...." just to tease Horu, James eyed Horu's body suggestively, smirking like those bad guys in movies about to take advantage of the girl. "you are suggesitng a bath....ohh i don't know what could happen in the bath.." James chuckled seeing Horu blushed and pouted, even throwing a pillow at him for being naughty again. "alright alright.. nope i'm not gonna do anything. too tried even if i want to try..." James dodged the pillow. Raising his hands up in the air, he surrendered and escaped to the bathroom to fill the tub.

(ohh you are such a supportive one! you got me curious - would I know which artist you are supporting? is it that without pyaing, i couldn't see the artwork of those artists on patreon? yeaaa but even i coudn't read japanesse that well, so to make a supporting donation to our fav artist would be very difficult...)

(depends on the artists. Someone shows their work only for the patreons(what we call ourself who support the artist.) Most of the artist shows some of their work, but only patreons will see the special edition like NSFW version, etc. It depends of the rate you paid too. I've heard that the famous one even show the vod or the step for getting the work to people who paid high enough. It's not just only for drawing, I've seen lots of youtube channels do it too. Some of them even got more money than they get from youtube itself lol)

Horu was stretching his back as James walked back from the bathroom. He could guess what his husband would react to it when James instantly got behind him and pressed his big hand on Horu's back. "Hey, I'm fine. Just sitting for too long without changing position, but it's totally worth for making you relax." Horu said, trying to say that he was fine, but he couldn't stop himself leaning against his husband in this position. It was so good to have that big body behind him and supported all his weight with the strong muscles. "I'm thinking if we should lit the aroma candle tonight. It will make you have a really good sleep." He said, smiling gently. Horu had prepared many things for his husband, but it couldn't even compare with what James did for him.

Horu smiled widely as James slowly moved his little's body up and he finally put Horu on his laps. "Aren't you tired? How can you have this much energy, James?" He teased, smiling softly. He leaned against James again as his husband put his head on Horu's shoulders. Horu slowly moved his hand behind and gently rubbed James' hair slowly. "Love you, James. We have some time before the water fill the bath. Can we just stay like this?" He asked James who was still closing his eyes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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