A joke gone bad (w/ dots)

"you are teasing me again, aren't you? oh please Horu... it was just that ONE time i hurt myself... and i swear that time it was because Johan suddenly appeared behind me. I was startled, that's why i burnt my palm accidentally pressing my hand onto the boiler..." James whined. "i can boil water alright..." he pouted pouring water into it. It had been a stupid accident, and that time he had shocked Horu with how seriously he had burnt hish palm, he had to struggle to type for a week with one hand only becuse he coudln't use his injured hand for work.

James joined his wife, hugging him from behind while he chopped. "hmm yes, this is a great piece of oragne. very fresh." he hummed tasting it. "And it's even sweeter because it came from your hand." he smiled and bit playfully on Horu's earlobe. James reached up to reach the teabags. with him reaching up, his shirt was tugged up showing some of his back.

They worked on preparing the drink. James would come to help Horu with some little things, minimizing the tasks his wife had to handle - he also tried to keep Horu seated as much as he could.

(I've just noticed that you stayed very late recently ;))

The drinks were done just minutes before the food had arrived. "Hmm, How about we eat the dinner in the living room? I'll bring the tea there, and we could watch some tv shows or movies." Horu suggested. They usually ate at the dining room when their children were there since their children could spill the food and it would be their work to clean it, but this time was different. Horu smiled as James nodded and kissed him. His husband even tried to help before Horu had stopped it. "Hey, just two glasses of tea, I can handle that." He teased, smiling softly. "You can come and get the plate of the fruit, but just go get the food now. You know these little ones can't wait for too long." Horu said, rubbing his belly as James left the room for the food. He walked slowly to the living room with the glasses in both hands. It was a bit hard for Horu to walk properly within one hand supporting his back, but he could do that.

He had prepared everything ready there. The tea had been out on the table and the scented candle had been lit for even better atmosphere. He smiled at his husband as James walked inside with lots of food in his hands. Horu had also ordered the spare food in case that James wanted more. His husband always concerned about what he ate to keep his gorgeous shape, James did eat a lot but only something healthy. Sometimes Horu just wanted James to enjoy the food and he would always love his husband no matter what shape he was. He also ordered the food for their children that would be served for their little angels tomorrow.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha in fact i didn't plan to stay so late... but then i feel guilty for not replying you, so i squeezed in one more before i really pass out on bed....)

James didn't tak epart in the ordering so he was a bit surprised with how many bags and boxes the delivery man was handing him. he smiled at himself, knowing what his wife must be thinking. his wfe was always concerned that James wasn't having enough, and he would plan for the next day as well. Looking into the bags, he coudl guess some of them were for the kids, so he placed those bags at the counter in the kitchen. they would put it in the fridge once they cooled down some more.

He came back and smiled at Horu. "so you have decorated everything... i like it. thanks Horu." he came to his wife with the bags of food, liking how they could enjoy their food in thhe living room for once, and came sit as close to Horu as he could.

they swtiched on the tv. "let me guess... Harry potter?" he James asked before he could see what was playing on the tv.

(Aww, you're so cute ;), but tbh just reply it when you can. Don't force yourself. Sometimes, I can't reply too when I'm too tired or sleepy)

Horu smiled widely as James said that. "Hmm, you know me too well, but not this time." He teased, smiling. "It's Avenger infinity war. We have watched it once with our kids and they seemed to enjoy it so much, just like me. Do you remember how both Henry and Johan were crying when he knew who had died in the movie?" Horu said, turning to volume up for a bit, so they could hear the movie. He could see James frowned at how he was wrong this time and it was so cute. "Just come and sit here, daddy. They're hungry now." Horu said, rubbing his belly. They both could see the babies were moving inside there and Horu's belly wasn't round anymore. It felt strange but it didn't hurt at all, or at least for now.

Horu's stomach was growling as James opened the box of the curry. It smelt really good and he couldn't wait to try it. "Hmm, this smell so good." He said, getting the box from James. He didn't wait to have his face bite and Horu even purred softly when he had had his favorite dish for the dinner.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha i try to keep at least reply once per day! id on't like to disappear on you... )

"are you sure it's only Henry and Johan crying at the time?" James recovered quick from his shock of guessing it wrong, and started teasing Horu in no time. "i remember there's another person who'd also been crying - he'd wiped away his tears very quickly, but i can still see how bloodshot those beautiful eyes were at the time..." he continued to describe, looking at Horu with a meaningful smile.

He chuckled at how eager Horu was at the curry. "don't have to eat so fast horu.. the entire box is yours." james smiled and opened his own box. they shared some of the meat - James had chosen fried pork chop for himself, and they both ate while watching the movie, getting quite immersed in it.

James finished his share quick, and came to hug Horu. He stroked his belly, noting how it was changing shape drastically. the babies, like their mother and their older siblings, seemed to like th emovie very much, and they were moving along with the excited fighting scenes as shown on screen.

The babies were excited, but they didn't hurt their mommy at all, in fact, they were giving Horu the strong kicks, but not too strong and not when they would hurt their mommy. "Hmm, Just so active like their daddy, but don't wanna hurt mommy as well. So cute, just like daddy." Horu teased, having another bite of his curry. He had eaten a lot slower during the late stage of pregnancy since it would be really bad if he got a hiccup.

Horu leaned on his husband while they were watching the movie, so he could rest for a bit and James could give him a nice and smooth belly rub. "This movie is really fun, but I still think that we should still read Harry Potter as the first bedtime story for these little ones as we did with Henry and Johan. You know how good it is. I saw you teach our children to be brave as Herry and also always study as Hermione. That's cute" Horu said, smiling. He had sneaked behind the kids' bedroom door sometimes to hear what James had thought their children from Harry Potter, and his husband did the best thing.

They were having a very simple but really nice moment together. It was half of the movie when Horu had finally finished his curry and he couldn't wait for the dessert. "I have ordered the matcha mochis too. let's have that together. You can have just one if it's too much, but believe me. It's one of the best desserts." He said, pointing at a small box. Horu wasn't sure if James would eat the dessert after the dinner, but it might not affect that much with his build, and he really wanted them to enjoy this moment together.

(Haha, that's fine ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"hmm, i believe i'm cuter than them." James said, pretending to really think and compare them. Then the couple chuckled and laughed at each other. "you know they gotta be cute, since they had the best genes in us. i just wish sometimes they will be smaller and quieter like you, so that you woudln't have to sometimes suffer from their kicks. Especially when they kick on your ribs.." James said giving Horu some soothing belly rubs while he slowly ate his meal. it was nice and he loved Horu being big, but soemtimes he would wish for the opposite so his wife woudln't have to endure so much in the pregnancy.

"You listened!!" james exclaimed. "oh baby, you should have joined in! they will have a nice time listening to you telling them about Ron. And ask them not to be like him when they gre wup." he smiled. "And you are so sneaky... hearing behind our backs huh! next time you should read them harry potter so they will know the story from the best fans in the world." James teased, buring his face in Horu's neck and tickled him.

"you've ordered dessert... very prepared for a movie night, aren't you? when we watch a movie we must have something to eat..." James smiled reachign forward to get the box for Horu. His belly was a bit too big for his wife to easiy lean forward for the dessert. "if i say i want to eat two, would it drive you crazy?" he smiled, asking and testing Horu. there's only 3 cute spherical mochis inside the box, if he ate two, it would leave only 1 for Horu, and he was quite sure Horu wouldn't be too happy with that.

"I don't think, I will mind that after finishing this box of curry, but I don't think you will eat two of it too. How about we have one and a half? Good?" Horu suggested, knowing that James was just teasing him that he wanted two pieces of mochi. "Let's have the first one first. Hmm, this smell so good. I always love the red bean on the inside." Horu said, grabbing the mochi before having his first bite. It was really nice and went together really good with the tea. Horu smiled as James put his face lower, asking him to feed the dessert. "You're so naughty, James," He said before feeding James his first bite. He could understand why James didn't want to have it by himself since the power on the outside could be messy and James wouldn't be able to rub Horu's belly anymore if there was the powder on his hand.

They had had a really nice time together and James finally had the mochi by himself after Horu had pointed at the wet wipes on the table. The babies also seemed to be a bit sleepy after this large meal. They didn't kick that much anymore, but still gave their parents the small movement from time to time. The movie had ended with Horu that almost fell asleep in James embrace, but he knew that it was really bad to sleep now. The chest burn could be a lot worse during pregnancy and he needed to stay awake at least an hour now. "Why don't you pick what you wanna watch next? I can watch anything whenever it's not the football game" Horu suggested.

(I made Horu like me again lol. I"m totally not into whenever it's not the football game though haha. I can watch tenis or golf for hours but not whenever it's not 90 mins of football game XD)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha how about the mochi part! i like that texture as well in fact HAHA ohh you are a fan of tennis? i am too. It's the French open now, did you watch it? and oh yea, i'm also not a fan of football. too much pointless kicking LOL )

James took his bit of mochi and hummed at the taste. maybe he wasn't too much of a dessert fan, but he knew desserts always tasted better when they are shared, so he pretended he watned to fight over the mochi with Horu. He rubbed Horu's belly looking at his happy face eating the dessert, feeling like he was as happy as he could be.

James smiled at how sleepy Horu was getting. his wife seemed even more tired than last time, maybe because he was carrying a big set of twins this time. He stroked his back gently and took over the remote control. "let's see what's on sports channel... i hope that would't maek you even sleepier." he chuckled. James chose some tennis and started watching, but he kept up with his lazy strokes on Horu's belly. it seemed like his touch was too soothing, since Horu was again dozing off when there was cheers from the tv startling Horu awake.

(Haha no, I haven't watched it lol. Mostly spend my time playing games or watching something funny)

The belly rub was so good and it was even better when the babies had already fallen asleep, so Horu didn't have that kicks to bother him. He didn't even realize when his head just fell down on James' arms, resting on it during watching the Tenis. "Hmm, how about watching some comedy? I've seen some of the advertisements days ago." He suggested, knowing that he couldn't stay awake for a long time with just watching the sport. It was just one of a few things that Horu wasn't interested as James did. He was really bad at the sport when he was in the high school when James was like a superstar in the basketball team. Horu could remember lots of girls watching for his husband and watching he played at the basketball court, and all of them seemed to be shocked when the superstar just walked to a smaller man after the game and gave his little lover the sweetest smile ever.

Horu shook his head, trying to not go too far with his thought. It always made him even sleepier since everything was like a dream for him. He smiled when James grabbed the remote and tried to find something to watch with all of those comedy channels. "That one!" Horu said, pointing at the man in the T.V. He could remember that man and he was one of the most popular comedy starts of this ages.

(I'm not sure if you make James play basketball or football but from what you reply previously. basketball seems to be better hehe)
(Have you seen the recent pic on the pixiv? The very pale man with big belly and hardened nipples. I feel like he's totally Horu hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha well when i'm feeling like i want to watch something more relaxed, i would watch those puppy /cat videos on youtube, especially those reunions with their owners after a long time those xD always make me smile...)

Horu yawned so cutely when he realised he was dozing off, James found it extra adorable. His wife was looking almost glowing under the room light, his skin fiar and smooth, flawless in fact. Horu was never an outdoor person and he didn't like sport that much, partly because of how he was small and skinny. James was therefore always touched to see his boyfriend willing to stand the heat and the sun to watch him compete - everytime when he finished his match, he coudln't wait to join his boyfriend partly to steal a kiss from him, partly to enjoy the lovely wiping of sweat from his boyfriend, then most of all he was eager to bring Horu away from the heat so his delicate skin woudln't be hurt by the ruthless sun.

he nodded and switched the channels, smiling and stop at the channel Horu asked for. They started watching the comedy and it was really funny - James was more focused on how Horu's belly jiggle with his laugh. He wasn't really aware of what was on tv, more than happy to sacrifice the show for observing Horu. He smiled and rubbed along the swell of his belly, enjoying the time as they snuggled close together. they didn't have to speak to each other to enjoy ttheir time together.

(oh i hadn't seen it yet, let me find it now ;))

(I'm thinking to make it as my profile pic though lol)

They spent almost 2 hours watching the t.v. shows. Horu knew what James was doing and he was fine with just letting his husband do what he wanted. He also didn't tell himself to not laugh too hard. It wasn't that bad, but Horu didn't want to have more back problem with his belly jiggling too much. Horu was yawning as James out his hand in front of him and tried to cover his mouth. "It's time for bed, maybe," He said, leaning back against his lover. They took a bit more time watching tv until Horu almost felt asleep that James finally get up and slowly lifted his wife. "Hmm, this is so comfy" He murmured, snuggling his face to James's broad chest. Horu was so cute when he was sleepy and sometimes he just looked like Johan in the bigger body. "You're so warm, let's cuddle tonight." He was a bit unconscious and didn't even realize what he had said but this had revealed his naughty side. "sweet" He continued, being naughty a James placed a soft kiss on his lips while he was carrying his wife to the bedroom. this night might not end up with a sexy moment but it was enough to make them feel fresh again. They both knew that being together for too long sometimes resulted in less sweet and romantic moment. It didn't mean they loved each other less, but having something like this night made them know that they always wanted each other.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(are you referring to the one from a chinese artist? do you know what the artist right beside the pregnant man on the artwork? *smirk*)

James smiled at Horu who's yawning cutely cradling his belly. his wife was sleepy easily, his body needing omre energy to nurture the 2 big babies. James didn't mind carrying his wife, especialy when he's so cute, to bed. He loved it and his smile widened when Horu snugglec loser to him once he was up on his arms, moving and pressing himself closer to JAmes while they made their way to the bedroom. "you're so cute baby...." he smiled kissing Horu.

it was a nice night togheter, james spooning Horu from behind like usual, taking him and his belly, he drifted off to sleep. they had less and less chances of doing this like this, and it would only be even more difficult to find time for each other after the 2 new babies are born, so James cherished every moment of romantic little things they do together.

the next day they were joined by Johan and Henry, who were very curious to see how the nursery was decorated. then the 2 children showed their parent the drawings they did while at grandpa and grandma's place.

(Huh? which one? and yeah, the art name 内陷乳头了解一下)

The arts were so cute, and they could clearly see the difference. Johan clearly had a better art and Horu could understand that since their little child loved staying inside and spending his time drawing and playing the puzzle games, Henry was on the other hand. This oldest child seemed to be a lot more energetic and loved going outside like his father. Horu was surprised to see this difference in this such a young age, but he would support his children whatever they loved and what made them happy.

Henry was yelling already while Johan was just smiling when Horu and James had decided to put both pictures in the nursery. "Stay with daddy, okay? Mommy will prepare the lunch for us. We have korokke and gyudon today. Is that sound good?" Horu said, knowing how Henry would just instantly jumping as he heard that. "Mommy, love both of you so much, but now just wait here," Horu said, placing a soft kiss on both Henry and Johan's cheek. he smiled widely as James was trying to send the signal that he wanted that kiss too, and Horu just left with their kids him as the teasing from his wife.

(Do you wanna skip to the zoo scene after their lunch? I'm thinking if we wanna play the old idea or just make them travel to the zo by themselves. It's up to you ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(oh yea that artwork ;) it said on the caption that the first suckle of milk should be reserved for the father ;) is it last tim eit's not the case, the first milk of Horu wasn't given to james.. maybe this time it would be ;))

Henry had noticed how different his artwork looked compared with Johan's , so when his parents were saying that they would hang them up in the nursery, Henry became a bit embarrassed but he was still excited. he was running around and jumping, wanting to be the one hanging them up.

James took the little hand of each of his sons, nodding to agree with Horu's words. "yes, stay with daddy for now." james smiled looking at Horu bending down to kiss his children, then with a bit of worry see him heaving himself up again. James coudln't help him this time because Johan and Henry were holding his hand. he looked at Horu longingly prepared to offer his own cheek for a kiss, only to see Horu leaving already. He pouted to himself and huffed out a sigh loud enoughfor Horu to hear. His wife would pay for this omission later.

The three of them hung the drawings, James lifted Henry up first to hang his, then he lifted Johan up as well to let his little son do what his brother had done. Lunch was ready quickly, and with al the things that the children love, they couldn't wait to rush out to be seated on the table. While eating, James hummed and said. "i remember it's the school's picnic next week right? which day is it?" he asked, remembering he had an important meeting next week, he hoped the 2 days will not overlap so he could join in the picnic, especially the part where the families were allowed their own free time around the zoo in the afternoon.

(let's stick with the idea? they will travel to the zoo assuming James coudn't join, then he suddenly appeared as a very nice surprise to the children and Horu?)

(Yeah ;), I've translated that with Google and it gives me a decent translation from the Chinses, not like Japanese tho lol. Hehe, We can do that, but not make it so naughty, maybe? I like when Horu was having the problem when it was so uncomfortable having so much milk inside his breast and let's make James just trying to help, and not teasing his little wife too much. Is that okay?)

Horu had almost forgotten tel tell his husband about it too if James didn't ask. Both Johan and Henry were so excited about this trip. They usually brought their kids to the park or museum but not a zoo, and this was their first time. Henry seemed to be really excited and he started talking about it non stop days ago. "It's on Friday. Mommy is planning for the munch now. Any ideas?" Horu said, looking at both Henry and Johan. He had planned to cook their favorite food, but it was better to hear what their little angels actually wanted. Henry had instantly suggested meatball pasta while Johan was still quite as he always did in the situation like this. Horu knew that and he moved closer to whispered something. "You can tell mommy, later. Mommy wants you to be happy too." Horu whispered, trying to make it as quiet as possible and it seemed to work since Henry and James had had the curious faces, but he knew that this could keep the secret. "Can you also join us, James?" He asked his husband, knowing that James was busy this week. They had shared a lot of their personal information after the big fight in the previous pregnancy and Horu briefly knew every James's schedule as the same that his husband also knew almost everything about him.

(yeah, the kids wil be excited, but maybe not Horu, however, he would be really happy to have the full family there hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(It would be a torture for James if he couldnt tease his wife a bit! Maybe just a little bit? Just to make Horu blush because he noticed how this was arousing James? Then maybe they would just go with the idea very innocently, James heloing Horu clear his heavy breasts to ease his discomfort?)

James' froze knowing it was on friday. The meeting was also on Friday. The kids were distracted thinking what lunch they wanted for that day, so they didnt see how James looked uneasy at the mentioning of the day. To the 2 little kid, they had already presumed their whole family will join on that day. They were very used to having their mommy and daddy to appear at the same time for events from school. James felt so bad how disappointed they would be.

However, work was work. If james had anyway to change the date of themeeting, he would. But this was important and he knew he couldnt. He shook his head in great disappointment, and the kids' faces fell. Maybe Horu waa also a bit disappointed, but as good a mother as he was, he hid it very well. "I'm sorry, Henry, Johan. Daddy couldnt join in the zoo picnic. Daddy has a very important work that day..." he said, reaching forward to ruffle the hair of both kids. "I'm sorry babies... you will have fun with mommy I am sure." He added looking at Horu.

(Yes the kids will be excited, they would forget about thr disappointment of not having their daddy very soon, but Horu will be more sad because 1. He had to take care of the 2 kids while so heavily pregnant, and 2. All the other parents appeared in pairs, only he was alone?)

(Haha, it's fine, maybe not too much? Maybe, James starts teasing his wife at the beginning, and then he turned out to be a bit serious when he could he now comfortable Horu was? Another reason when I love that pic is the breast size! I've talked with an artist who also draws mpreg and he said that even in woman, it's not like the breast will grow from cup A to D during the pregnancy, so that's why I love just little swollen nipples, not big breast. As you may know that even I love calling my carrier "mommy" or "wife" I don't like any feminine looking at all.)

Horu was a bit sad as he heard that but he knew that there were two people which were a lot worse than him. He instantly put his hands on both Henry and Johanns's head, rubbing his babies' hair gently, trying to sooth them. "It's, okay, love, you can have fun with mommy as well. Maybe we can ask daddy to bring us there again or anywhere you want." Horu tried his best to calm the babies down. Henry was usually strong, but surprisingly, when it came with this situation when was the one feeling the worst. Horu could see Henry started sobbing when Johan had to give their parents a pair of red eyes. "Shh, It's okay, Henry. Daddy doesn't go anywhere. We can a the funnier trip later. We promise, right?" Horu said, looking at James, waiting for his support. He didn't forget to look at Johan and he was ready to do the same thing if his little son started sobbing like his big brother. "You're strong, Henry. You even tell mommy that you'll take care us all, even your upcoming brothers when you grow up." Horu said, pointing at his big belly. He would never say that crying was only for the weak, and everyone always had a reason to cry. Everything was slowly getting better. Henry had stopped crying but he barely ate his food. It needed another round of cheering for both of their children.

(Horu would understand, and I think should be the one feeling bad and guilty. Maybe we can play the night after with Horu having a bad back pain (really focus on back rub this time.) We can also play the scene you want about the milk after that too ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(yes i agree. that would be what I aim for, just a bit teasing, maybe James would let Horu touch his hard cock when he was suckling milk from Horu, then later he would just focus on it. Horu would moan painfully maybe. the first milk would be difficult to come out and Horu's breasts were very sensitive so late into pregnancy.

ah yes, i like the size of the breasts as well. I don't really need breast growth, and you don't need big breasts to produce milk LOL personally I don't really like those very big breasts - they just appear a bit fake and clumsy when they became so big? )

James felt so bad when he saw Henry crying, and Johan was looking equally sad with his red eyes. He lifted Henry up after Horu had stroked his hair and bumped him on his lap. "i'm sorry buddy, I know I have said we could feed the animals together, and daddy would tell you all about the animals in the zoo, but i couldn't be there... baby don't cry. Daddy promise you we would go to the zoo again. an entire day, and this time Daddy would rely on you to introduce me around hte area ok? you need to be the guide to me." James cooed over Henry, taking the time to interact with his son who'd usually the more outgoing one.

He looked at Johan and reachd out. "Johan you too, you have to tell me after the trip which animal you like the best, ok? that's a little promise with daddy?" he asked, pointing his pinky finger to make a promise with Johan.

It took some time but eventually the 2 kids calmed down enough. They still didn't have much appetite, and that made James felt even guiltier, but that was what it was. he couldn't change anything. And that night both kids became even more clingy with him, they wouldn't let him go evne when they were in their little beds, ready to sleep. He stayed long in their room to comfort them.

(so the back pain thing happened after the zoo? ah yes, because Horu had to take care of the kids on his own that morning. that would bring very much pressure on his back.

hmm, i still like to have Horu perhaps showing James how sad he was he couldn't accompany them. i like that sadness that Horu tried to hide, so when James appeared as a surrpise, it would bring a big contrast to his originally sad mood. like a complete "hurt and comfort" thing. i just want to see Horu pouting the previous night before the zoo, when they were alone in the bedroom, so that Horu didnt have to act mature.)

(Thoucihg his hard cock? Hmm not sure if that's just teasing hehe. Maybe Horu just got angry then James knew that it wasn't time to play now.)
(The sad scene, maybe this night? Maybe Horu wasn't pouting but he would be almost crying and James could see that. Just can't wait for the sweet zoon scene hehe.)

Horu was looking outside the window, waiting for his husband to get back from the kids' room. Horu could notice how James stayed so long then and he could guess that Henry and Johan might be not feeling good yet. He could understand his husband, but Horu couldn't handle seeing both of his children cried that much because of this father. He was rubbing his belly, looking outside when the tears leaked out from his eyes. He wasn't crying that hard, but James would notice t if he didn't stop it now. He knew that it wasn't James' fault and his husband couldn't control that, but it was still very sad. He quickly wiped away his tears as James walked inside. He could know even from his husband' sound that James wasn't feeling good too. His husband sighed all the way to the bed and James seemed to be a bit surprised that Horu was still awake.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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