A joke gone bad (w/ dots)

"i am the most successful student in class because i have you." James sm iled. "you are the one making everythign possible." he whispered rubbing circles on Horu's belly, now focusing on the bottom part of it so he could relax more.

"Oh yes i remember that year... our teacher really knows things. And i am still thankful at the time he didn't think he should separate us. There were always talks around the teacher. And relationship between students were supposed to be forbidden... i am still grateful he didn't separate us even though he must have seen us holding hands. ANd yea, i remember the time when he got very big with his baby... still not as big as you, but at the time we were all so scared of angering him right?" James recalled the days back when they were just a pair of teenage lovers. "And yea, we should invite him over. Horu... i want everyone to know how happy we are with each other. Will you agree if we host a babyshower?" he asked, looking at Horu. "i think we can have one done within the next month... i am sure they will all be very happy to attend."

(yea should we also invite the teacher to their babyshower? maybe.... the teacher will be throwing up in the party and found himself pregnant as well, 15 years after his last child? itw ould be a shock but happy news.)

"Yeah, we can invite him. I think he'll be very happy with us." Horu said, looking down at his husband. "Hmm, why is my husband so cute, huh?" He said, smiling with how James always mentioned that Horu was his support all the way here. Horu rubbed James hair gently, responding a soft kiss s James moved up for a bit while his husband was still moving around his belly. "You're my everything, honey. I remember you protecting me from some boys and girls who wanted you after people knew about our relationship. They just wanted you because you're handsome and famous, but I'm sure that they didn't even know what is the real treasure inside you. You're also my support as well. Without you, I might not be able to start talking with other people, without you, I might be just guy within his world and no one wanted to be friend with him." Horu whispered, rubbing James' face gently. "You didn't tell me this story, James, but I know that once, you had had a quarrel with your teammate when he saw that I wasn't good enough for you. I know that it had lasted for weeks until both of you had cleared everything, but you didn't tell me because you didn't want me to feel bad. Thanks, James"

(Hmm, I like the idea of inviting a teacher to the party and has him talking wth the couple, but I'm not a bit fan of him being pregnant again tho, sorry. I fell bad for usually deny your idea tho, you can tell me if this is getting bored fir you.)
(Have you seen the pic on pixiv with the Japanese-Chinese theme? I was almost creaming when I saw that, and it reminded me of my old rp with Japenese scent on it. We can do that if you want to have another rp. You already have lots tho, I'm fine to not do that too.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(lOL no it's alright. i guess i'm getting used to havng my ideas banned... HAHA joking. it's fine. hmm, i'm feeling alright with this rp, why? you want to start something new? are you getting bored with this?

i went to check that out and wow such a big belly - but yea a loving couple with a beautiful ssetting ;))

"how did you know that?" James asked looking at Horu wiidening his eyes. "i... is it someone tell you that? who betrayed me... must have been Mike. traitor..." James muttered to himself, filtering out who could have told Horu and who could have leaked to him tht news. "it's just my roommate had been a dickhead at the time. He was just .. i dunno. He's just stupid. And well, he wasn't me, otherwise he would come to appreciate you. You're so cute and adorable, if anyone else had discovered your true self, I wouldn't be as easy to have you as my boyfriend at the time." he smiled at Horu.

His belly was large but James managed to cover every bit of it with the soothing lotion. He slid down to take Horu's feet next. he noted they were beginning to swell with the poor circulation and decided he could also rub his feet. "i still didn't understand why people owuld think hurting you could have had any effect on our love. I guess back then we were all a little stupid." he continued. "well... everyone turned out ok. I think now everyone would just laugh off those idiotic things we did back then." he smiled at Horu rubbing against his calf.

(No, I'm still really loving this a lot, but after I saw that. I remind me of the old r that I really want to continue. It's about the samurai with his pregnant mate. We can talk about the details if you wanna do that. )

"No one told me about that in the beginning, but I accidentally heard it from your friend, and yeah, Mike told me, but I wasn't mad at him at all. It even made me realize how precious you are. We can invite him too, I think he'll be very happy with us. Don't you remember him being the first person cheering us?" Horu said, smiling widely as the old memories rn through his head. "Have you heard anything about him? I haven't really talked much with your old friend, maybe I should start it." Horu let out another moan as James pressed the right spot on his feet. It was swollen a little bit now, and he could imagine having a hard time getting his balance soon. "Do you remember the first time you lost the basketball game between schools? I remember you being really sad and frustrated. I'm really grateful, James that I'm the first person you thought of after the game." Horu whispered, looking back at his husband. He could remember James hugging him and staying silent for a very long time after that game. Horu didn't do anything much just hugged him back and gave James some nice words. He has watched the whole game and he knew that his husband did the best.

Horu smiled as James looked up t him again. They barely had the time thinking back to the old day, but it was always really precious for them. Horu couldn't imagine what he would be without James. He might still be an introvert man and lived his life alone by now. "Ohh" He moaned as the blood instantly ran to his feet, making a weird feeling. It felt like lots of needle pitching on his feet, but it was really good after all.

(Ps. tat belly was really big hehe, I love it.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yea Mike's been with a girl now. He was planning for their wedding by the end of this year. I wasn't sure if I would be going...or more like WE woudl be going.... I don't know, the twins would be only 2 months old by taht time, i am not sure if we want to travel already? they are going to have their wedding in Guam." James explained rubbing Horu's feet. "that's why i ddin't mention it to you yet. It would be a nice chance to catchup... but i am not sure how well we would be handling the twins at the time."

"oh yes that defeat... i am still feeling sad about it. It was so close, if i had done that final slamdunk it would have been our victory." James sighed shaking his head. It was almost hte only defeat during his years in the basketball team, and he blamed himself so much for letting his team down. "At that moment i could think of nothing than to hug you. My teammates all told me that was fine... but i know only you can provide me with the comfort i want and I need." James looked at Horu with gratitude in his eyes. "you were my pillar back then, you are still my support now." his smile turned into a chuckle when he realised what his wife was suffering from. "oops i guess i have kept you in the same post for too long," He rubbed along Horu's thighs. his wife struggled even harder because of how that made the needle stings even more, but soon after the sensation passed and James was snuggling close to Horu now. "I love you so much baby... and sometims i also miss the days when we were both students, having fun together. Seeing you on the audience always made me play the sport better, sitting in teh same room for exam , i have a clearer mind. Whenever I go, I know you got my back." he kissed his forehead.

(haha well, i guess? i am not super familiar with samurais but you can maybe brief me on that?

oh yea. probably the artist wanted to draw the man with twins - like Horu ;))

"and yet, I'm still here being your support, and I'll be here for my whole life," Horu whispered, closing his eyes as James kissed his forehead. They started getting very close to each other now and Horu could see some oil from his belly on James' abs now. "Wipe it off for a bit, maybe?" He said, smiling t his husband s James placed a very deep kiss on him. Horu couldn't resist it and he could just wrap his arms tight around James' which build, rubbing through his muscles while his husband was pleasuring him a lot. "Very naughty, huh? I love it, James." Horu didn't even realize when his body started to relax and get ready for something that might follow after this.

"You know? I had watched that game, and you played your best there. I've missed the day when we were students too. Having fun every day, doing something crazy and supporting each other. My world had changed because of you too, James. You stayed with me even in my darkest time, you supported me when I lost my father. That means a lot to me James and it's still the same until now. We're in the different situation now, but my feeling is still the same. You can always make my heartbeat run fast and you can always make me smile even while I'm suffering a lot from pregnancy. I can't imagine my life without you anymore. I love you, James." Horu whispered, looking up at his husband. He didn't even realize how his blood pressure was rising high from the excitement. His hands were starting to betray him now, and it was slowly reaching to every muscle of his husband.

(Yeh hehe, and the carrier may be 9 months already ;) I can tell my idea later, I still don't know how to start it yet, but I want the seeder to be the leader of one of the strongest samurai clans haha. He would be just like your other seeders. Looking and being very harsh and strick with other people, but being really nice and kind with his little carrier. ;))
(DO you mind if we make this turn to be sex scene? Idk, just love it fir now haha, but we cna have some very sweet time before the sex tho)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(yea sure of course we could prepare for sex now ;)

ok, yea tell me about your idea when you got the time to think about it. I don't mind reaching out to some other genres than my usual styles.)

Horu's father passed away in an accident. It was so sudden it had almost destroyed Horu. James could still remember that time when Horu could do nothing but to cry. He couldn't come to school because he had to deal with all the funeral arrangement adn comforting his mother, and after that, he would always cry himself to sleep. James had been there to bring him homework, hug him when he wanted some emotional outlet, and made sure he ate something in school and after, even coming with take away to bring it to Horu and his mother. It was some dark days, but in the end, his strong little boyfriend recovered.

"you are the same to me Horu... every time i see you, how you blushed so beautiful, how you're so sweet to not only me, but also our kids... you just melt my heart and I felt myself falling even deeper in love with you." he smiled stroking his face, taking him into a deep kiss as his hand slowly rubbed the littele bit of oil on his abs from the massage. He cupped his wife's head and deepened the kiss, pressing himself forward, he had Horu on the bed, his touches gradually getting more intimate and exploring his pregnant wife's body.

Pushing himself up from the bed, separating them just a little bit, James asked while patning. "Horu... can I?" he asked, the desire was strong in his voice, even his eyes were burning with love for his wife, but he didn't want to force anything on Horu who would most likely just endure it wordlessly. James didn't want that, he wanted to make sure Horu was also craving for this. 

(oops... i guess ih ave already started on that. feel free to do some more sweet scenes xD i can change the ending a little bit if you want!)

(I already have some idea in my mind, but if you have any suggestion, haha, I mean just regular one)

"Yeah, James, please." He said, looking at his husband. "But I have to say that this may be our last time before the twins are born. I'm sorry that I can't please you as I usually do, honey." He whispered, knowing that it was totally fine for James. Horu could remember telling James to have one night stand if he couldn't control his desire in his previous pregnancy, but James just ended up being mad at him, and it made Horu realize that sex wasn't everything, especially with them who had lived together for so long.

Horu smiled widely when James just jumped to him and hugged him tightly. "I love you, honey." He whispered, responding a deep kiss from his husband. He didn't really skip to the sex part yet but started playing with each other's body first. Horu's hands were totally betraying him when it moved around James' muscles, especially on his broad chest and back. He could still control it by not going lower for too much now but Horu wasn't how long he could hold his desire. Horu could just smile when James out one of his hand under his back, supporting his wife while another hand was playing with his belly. They didn't really care about the oil now since they would need to take a shower anyway. "It's not just you, James, but I'm falling in love deeper and deeper every day. Seein you deal with our kids, your work, making me know how much leadership you have. It was the reason why coach chose you as the leader even when you were the first year on the basketball team. Your heart is also your precious thing. You barely blamed your teammate for the lost of the team. You never hurt people who were trying to bully me although you could do that anytime with your strong muscles, you talked to them for the reasons." He whispered, looking at James with his sweet eyes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha yea just share them with me ;) maybe i wll suggest adding something or maybe not, it's all a negotiation.)

"don't you ever say sorry for not being able to make love ... your body's already under so much stress, i know it's not easy for you.. i'm still glad you are willing to do this with me. i will try to make this as pleasurable as it can." James pressed a finger on Horu's lips, stopping him from blaming himself any further. "Besides.. this is between us. this involves both of us. If you are not enjoying it, there is no poitn for me to do this. so please don't be sorry." James pressed a kiss on Horu, smiling reassuringly at him.

He removed his clohtes. now both of them were naked. James stroked along Horu's belly. Although he had done that just moments before, there was something about his touch this time that made Horu moan. His touch was light and exploring. He cupped Horu's belly, tracing the veins taht was shwoing under his white skin and the darker colored stretchmarks. it was so amazing to be seeing Horu like this.

"You are making me blush with all these praises... i'm not as perfect as you said, Horu. back then i'm very close to hitting your bullies." he smiled at Horu. they had been so reckless. Such a group of idiots who took pleausre from inducing pain from you. I'm still angry at them, and when they made those nasty comments..." James stopped himself from repeating their words. They had insulted Horu in front of him, James was still feeling angry whenever he thought back tto those moments. "i was SO close to hitting them... ut i guess in the end they realised how stupid they had been. I'm glad in the end they said sorry to you." he smiled, pressing a kiss on Horu's cheeks.

"But you didn't. I'm glad that it had become that way, James. I can't imagine having problems at that time when we were so close to the exam. It's how you have become really successful this day, James." Horu whispered, moaning as James rubbed his belly gently. He moaned louder as James moved his lips lower and started teasing Horu's swollen nipples. "Ahh, J...James" Horu moaned, holding his husband tightly. James could even feel something leaking from Horu's nipples as he touched it. It was the milk and it had become the problem for Horu recently. It was really uncomfortable and Horu needed to press it out sometimes.

"Ahh, S..so good, James." The pleasure was so much now and Horu couldn't even say anything. He wrapped his legs around his husband tightly, pulling James closer. Horu's and was holding tightly with James' back while another was teasing his husband's abs, but he didn't go any further. Horu wanted to enjoy this much longer as he could and he didn't want to rush to the sex instantly since he knew that he wouldn't be able to handle it for so long. Hor moned out loud almost screaming as James started suckling his milk. It was the most sensitive spot for Horu during the pregnancy even more than his sweet spot.

He gasped, breathing heavily with lots of pleasure. Horu just loved how James still supported his back with his one hand when another hand was rubbing his big belly. It showed how his husband was knowing about his condition.

(I just relize how we can make sex and milk scene as one scene hehe, what do you think? and yeah, I'll tell you about my idea later, quite busy this week lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"you're too sweet to me Horu..." James smiled. It made his heart swell knowing how highly his wife thought of him. he explored his wife's body. last time he didn't have the chance to feel andtouch Horu like this. He wasn't sure when Horu started lactating last time, so this time he was very curious and he wouldn't miss the opportunity to explore his body. he licked on Horu's nipples and immeidatley his wife was whining so loud.

James was clever and he teased Horu's nipples further, suckling on it when he finally drew a droplet of milk from him. "hmm, this is really good!" he exclaimed, looking up at Horu. "no wonder the babies love it so much..." he smiled and gulped down another mouthful. He rubbed Horus' bellly and back as he did so, supporting him while Horu arched his back forward at the stimulation. "hmmm..so good..." James muffled in his sloppy suckle. Once one side was empty, he moved to the other side. "Oh Horu.. why didn't you telll me earlier." he smiled. it was so sexy to see the droplet of white milk dangling on his red and swollen nipple. James just couldn't let go and lick again, forcing Horu to tremble and moan out loudly.

(oh yes we can combine it! haha so sweet ;) oh yea sure take your time ;))

"I...I don't know." Horu was blushing so hard s James asked that. It was really embarrassing for him and in fact, it was their first time doing this when James didn't really know it in his previous pregnancy. Horu moaned louder while James was teasing his nipples, there wasn't much milk there, but it was enough for James to taste it. "Arhhh, s..slower, James." He moaned, telling his husband to not suck it so fast. It could hurt him when James sucked too fast and there was no milk coming out.

Horu grabbed his husband tightly, pulling James's hair tightly as the pleasure was too much. His cock was also twitching so bad when James started licking his nipples again. Horu couldn't really control himself now. He gasped as James sucked another mouthful of milk, making him scream in a second. He was really sensitive now, and the sex didn't even really started yet. Horu's belly was bouncing up and down while Horu was squirming under James' big body. One of his hand was still teasing James abs, feeling how strong hi husband was. It reminded Horu the first time he saw James' naked body. He was blushing so bad, and Horu didn't even expect his boyfriend back the to have that perfect build.

(We can play a bit more before starting the sex hehe. I mean play nut not tease too much ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha what are you suggesting for 'playing but not teasing'? to me they are almost the same.. sorry, i just love seeing Horu squirm and blush too much ;))

"shhh i'm going very slow. Very gentle." James smiled at Horu when hsi wife whined about him going slow. He licked again on his nipple. A new droplet of milk appeared. And James licked again. He enjoyed it so much and he was going slow for his wife's sake. He could feel how excited Horu already was, his big belly heaving up and down, his breathing heavy. He wanted to capture this moment of Horu forever, in his most beautiful state. The flush on his face was gorgeous, and his body simply perfect, being full with their children. "Horu... i love you so much. I love you to the point that my body ached for you..." he muttered and pressed a hand on Horu's exploring hand on his abs. "These are all for you... this entire body's yours, my entire heart is yours. You own my everything." he muttered, this time suckling hard from the other side of his breast and Horu was screaming.

"And you're also so sensitive as well.... hmm, when you are out. When the shirt brushed against your chest. When you're taking a bath... tell me Horu, did you taste any of your own milk before? will you squeeze them out yourself?" James' mouth went dry imagining how it would be like to have Horu pleasuring himself like that. Just fondling with his own nipples, maybe squeezing that little butt. He woudl be blushing so hard... "you are a naughty boy Horu. You should have told me so i can help.... and also to appreciate the little milk squeezing show." he smirked and kissed Horu deeply on his lips, sharing the taste of his own milk with him. 

"I...I just squeeze it out, never taste it before." He said, looking back at his husband. He responded to the kiss and it was a very long and deep kiss. Horu was breathing heavily when James released him. "I...I love you too." He whispered. Horu knew how James work out really hard to keep his perfect shape, and he asked for the advice sometimes after the pregnancy to at least get his old shape back. Horu wasn't masculine at all, and he body didn't seem to be made for it. He had tried once but it was failed. His body wasn't even in the good condition for pregnancy in the first place. The doctor had warned them to not having a close pregnancy and they had listened to it strictly. it was better now but they couldn't really take any risk.

Horu screamed again when James moved to another nipple and licked it lovingly. it was so much pleasure for his little body. He couldn't also feel how James was also excited. His husband's body was heated now, and his muscles were hardening. Horu really loved when James was excited. His husband was really calmed and nice, and there were not many things could drive him like this. He loved to feel the heat of his husband, and he just loved exploring James's body as same s James loved to do it with him. Their bodies were really close to each other, and Hru could feel James' blood flow was raising now. It had totally change the smell of his husband and he loved it. He loved the smell f James after the workout and this was the same. It could easily drive Horu crazy and his body was reacting to it so bad. He moved his hand further to James' back, pulling him closer and closer. Horu was moving his hips already and James didn't even reach his private zone yet.

(Idk haha, it kinda the same too for me lol, but remember to not do it too much ;))
(Idk if you're okay with this but I just like when each pregnancy isn't that close to each other. Maybe almost 1 year or more. I also not a big fan of pregnancy in older or younger (I'm fine when it happens with people, but maybe, at least not in my rp tho))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Part of what complicated Horu's condition was he was blessed with twins both times. The last time it had been a rather big burden for the small guy already, and this time it was even heavier with both babies big and strong. James knew about the inherent danger for Horu just for carrying them, so he was always careful in taking care of Horu's body. he wanted him to enjoy the pregnancy, keeping his mind relaxed and happy would be benficial to Horu through these months of nurturing babies in him.

James was so proud of his effect on his wife. Whenever he came back from his work outs, if he pressed a kiss on his wife, everytiem Horu would blush so beautifully. He knew his wife loved this sweaty scent of him, so he just pressed closer when he saw Horu's cheeks going rosy. he pressed kisses on his breasts that were slightly puffed up, but overall still flat. He loved his little wife's body so much, just small enough for him to hug nicely. He cradled Horu's belly while he continued pressing kisses on his curvy body. "Horu.." he nibbled on the stretchmarks on his belly, admiring his full pregnnat form. "thank you so much for carrying our babies.. you're really the best." he smiled at Horu, there was pure appreication in his eyes.

Horu's eyes were glassy. His wife was so obviously beginning to be engulfed in desire. He smirked and took his hand, pressed a kiss on their ring that connected and bind them forever, then moved on to fit himself between his legs. He stroke his lowerbelly that was always tighter and more sensitive than otehr parts, then licked his flattened bellybutton. "Horu..." he pressed himself closer to Horu, letting both of their pricks touch, and both moaned out loud at the stimulation.

(since you mentioned about Horu;s body not being ideal for pregnancies... should we do a scene that was a little scary? maybe Hrou was suffering from some pain that morning arleady, but he hid it so they could all have a good time when they did the first picnic together at the back of their garden. then later when the kids were running around, Horu would find the pain intensified? he would get better after some belly rubs from james maybe.? his husband would soon realise he wasn't feeling well and came to hug him while the kids went on to play with each other?)

(yea it's alright if you don't like having older/younger people carry. haha if that's the case, then maybe Horu would only get pregnant one to two more times? lol sorry maybe i am thinking too far into the future, but i just cannot help but want to imagine them having more children after this pair of twins.. maybe another son. Then a daughter... that would mean it's 8-10 years after this one xD)

Horu moaned out loud as James touched his big cock with his smaller one. His cock was twitching already and he could even stop it. "Arhhh, J...ames" He moaned as James put his fingers inside his tight hole. They didn't have sex that often during the pregnancy, so Horu needed to be prepared for this. "I..I need to thank you too. I can't do this without you, James. You choose me even beyond your work." He whispered, moaning in the pleasure. Horu could remember years ago when James got the new work with higher income, but he needed to work in another town for a year, and it was the same time that Horu found out that he was pregnant. Although Horu told that he would be fine and James could just visit him at the weekend, his husband had insisted to stay close to him. He knew that James really wanted to be successful but his husband chose him, and Horu was crying so hard at that time, knowing how he was really important for his husband. He didn't have much money at that time, but at least, they had each other. James had worked even harder at that time and he got promoted just months after that and he got even more money than any work he had done.

Horu gasped, grabbing his husband's shoulders tightly while James was stretching his opening. He responded another deep kiss from James as he bent down for that. The taste of the milk was still there and it drove Horu really crazy combined with James' smell. Horu was panting as James released him and started testing his belly again. He couldn't do anything much but grabbed James' thick body tightly, pitching his nails down on James' back, making his husband even crazier.

(Yeah, we can do that scene, maybe Horu didn't try to hide that hut we’ll tell that he was okay? Then it was getting worse till what le they were sitting in the garden. James may bring Horu to the hospital that night, but the doctor would tell that it was okay, but Hiru needed to be more careful. Maybe James had taken the role of cooking the breakfast after that? So Horu could just rest in the morning and then they could, order food for lunch and dinner. Maybe after baby shower? Horu would be 8 and a half at that moment. I don't want baby shower to be too late, maybe when he was just 8 months?).

(Hmm, I can imagine James and Horu were the late 20s, right? They can have at least 3 more pregnancies, but maybe 3 hehe. Imagine if Horu was 28 and 3 pregnancies ( 2 years and a half - 3 yrs) and each takes 2 years from each other (6 years). Horu would be around 36-37 there. I'm still fine with that, but he would need a loooooooooot more help from James and James needs to take care his wife a loooooooot more as well hehe ;) idk if that makes sence tho since ti means Horu had his first pregnancy when he was around 22-23 yrs, but I think its good enough, espeacilly when we usually mention that they were a young couple hehe.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James smiled at how his wife whined his name. he kissed Horu so passionately. In their first pregnancy he was forced to work in another town. it had been tiring, the travelling was 2 hours per trip, so during the most difficult time, he needed to spend 4 hours on the train every day just to head to work and come back to home. He still insisted on not moving away - his lovely Horu was just pregnnat at the time and he couldn't just leave him behind. He was still proud of that decision even though that meant he was constnatly tired - almost embarrassingly, at that time he almost slept more than Horu did during the weekends. It was all behind them now. With this new set of twins, financially they are much more prepared. James had been working so hard for his family, now he coudl easily support even more children, and also had more time to welcome them into their home.

"Horu..." he stretched Horu's opening further with 2 fingers, then moved to take their lubricant from the front drawers so he wouldn't hurt his pregnant wife when he prepared him further. Horu was always tight. Even though he was usually wet after a bit of foreplay, James would not take any risk and always lubricate Horu profusely so his wife would feel minimal discomfort when he really penetrated him. He shared the taste of the milk, the corner of his mouth shifted upwards when he had, again, successfully reduced his wife to a moaning mess. "Horu i love you so much... hmmm." he hummed feeling Horus' fingers tightened on his back.

James cupped Horu's belly carefully, suppporting it when he finally penetrated Horu. It was always difficult in the beginning. his wife was too eager but his cock too big to fit in easily. He panted and pressed in slow, hoping the slow pace would make it easier for his wife.

(i think Horu could try to hide it in frton of the children, but he would tell James immediately when he felt the unusual pain? if you want them to go to the hospital.. how about we have James helped Horu to the toilet in the middle of the picnic. When Horu came out, he was pale and scared because he found blood on his underwear. He would clutch on James' hand so tight telling him taht, and they woudl rush to the hospital? it was normal for some men to bleed during this later stage of pregnancy, so the doctor just dismissed them and asked them to be careful. Yea, James would take over the job of preparing meals afterwards.

i agree making this happen after the baby shower. yes that would mean he was 8.5 months at the time of the pain thing, and the babyshower was 2 weeks before that.

HAHA i like that we are doing math while rping!! i just want ot make everything clear xDD i thought you want them to be 5-6 years apart so that would make Horu pretty old when they got to the last pregnancy LOL

2.5-3 years between pregnancies would not be too far apart. Consider you had to count in 9 months for the pregnancy itself, it would mean a little bit over 2 years between the time Horu got pregnant? oh i can't wait to have to take care of Horu sooooooo much more when they got to the last one ;) James would be so happy Horu relied on him all the time... it make him so proud when he was taking good care of his wife!)

(Yeah, let's talk that 3 years part including the pregnant period that means 9 years for 3 more pregnancies. Hmm Horu will be around late 30s which I'm fine with that.)

Horu moaned out loud, grabbing his lover tightly as James slowly put his thick cock inside his tight hole. "Arhhh, J...James." He moaned, moving his hips for a little bit, trying to adjust the best position for both of them. He screamed out loud when James started kissing his neck and moved up, giving a gentle bit on his ears. The pleasure was so much and Horu couldn't control himself now. He hugged his husband tightly and wrapped his legs around James' waist, pulling his husband close. His belly was pressing against James' abs, so his husband could feel how the babies were moving inside. Luckily, the babies were so active tonight, so Horu wouldn't have many problems and he could just enjoy this wonderful moment with his lover.

James' hand was still supporting Horu's back while another hand cupped his belly, avoiding Horu's big belly to press too hard again James' strong muscles. He was panting really hard and Horu couldn't even say anything when James started moving his cock inside his tight hole. "Ahhh, I...I love you, James." He whimpered, moaning in the pleasure. James was a lot more sweaty and it drove Horu even crazier. The smell of his husband was too good, and his cock was twitching so hard now.

(Yeah, Horu will try to hide that from the kids, but not James, maybe? and yeah, having the bleeding sounds good to me, but who will take care the kids while they are going to the hospital?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(yea he would be just before 40 for the last pregnancy. makes it adoring.. maybe the other kids are getting more curious, but they are grown up enough to have their own life, that James was really the only one who could help out with his wife)

It's heaven to shove inside of Horu. James groaned at the tigthness around him and patned. It was getting rather so heated up, he can feel sweat dripping down hi forehead. "Horu... you are my everything." he groaned and started moving. he held his big belly carefully, supporiting his waist also, as he started a very slow and gnetle kind of thrust. He had just given Horu a massage, he knew how tired his wife had been so he would keep everything simple.

He continued with the thrusts, or more like it was grinding. he didn't reach into Horu too deep, but his natural length was enough to make Horu scream when his sweetspot was hit. "hrou.. horu, love you so much." James who was getting lost in the pressure can only moan, mutterign sweet words to him while he took Horu thoroughly.

(hmm, i don't know. maybe call a babysitter urgently for the kids while Jame san dHoru head to the hospital quick?)

(Hehe, I can see Henry being really protective like his daddy and trying to steal mommy's love.)

Horu screamed out loud as James hit his sweet spot. He couldn't even control himself now. Hru moved his hips along with his husband, making the same rhythm. as James thrust inside him. He held his husband tightly and it just felt like James was carrying him through this sweet sex. "J....james." The pleasure was so much and he couldn't even talk now. Horu spread his legs a bit wider, giving more space for James, but they were very careful not pushing too hard on Horu's belly.

Horu had lost already and he was just moaning out loud with this wonderful sex. He moved his hips back and forth along with his husband. He could feel James lifted him up a bit and helped him moved, so Horu didn't need to spend too much energy there. He just loved how James didn't go too deep but he could still reach his sweet spot, making him scream. His body was really heavy for sex but James always helped him and they could enjoy this together. Horu pinched his fingers on James' back again as the pleasure was so much and it was making them scream out loud.

(Yeah, babysitter can work there)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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