Pregnant Together (Closed w/birthroleplayer27)

Gabe shuffles around, leaning on the couch and chairs during contractions. Edward changes into more comfortable clothes but he can't be up walking the whole time because he is so pregnant. It's so hard like this.

Edward rubs his back as he sits down next to Gabe the door open and the midwife came in

Gabe is sweating and he feels like he's been doing this for hours already. The contractions have sped up quickly once his water broke and now he's definitely in hard labor.

Edward hold onto Gabe he trys not to groan as his back was hurting him he looks at the midwife

Gabe relax as the contraction ends and he says against the couch. The midwife checks him over and he practically sobs when he tells him he's only at a 4. He's going to be in labor forever.

Edward hummed softly cuddling Gabe trying to calm him down "shh it's okay honey your doing so good

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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