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Zach smiled back at him, resting a hand on his slightly rounded belly. He was nervous, but only because he wanted to know how the baby was doing. Once the morning sickness passed, the pregnancy had been going really well. He had managed to get through the filming without any incident, turning over all the stunts to his stuntman instead of doing most of them himself. They were going to do an interview with Sam once they knew how the baby was because Zach wasn't going to hide this pregnancy.
"A little," Zach admitted. "I want to know how the baby is doing. See them, you know?"
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Caleb nodded and smiled, setting his own hand on Zach's stomach and rubbing in gentle circles "It has been a hard two and a half months, not seeing our baby..." Caleb said quietly as he laid his head on Zach's shoulder "I sometimes wish we hadn't made the decision to not know, but... I think it was also for the best, not knowing all of the information while you were filming... You'd have been more distracted with all of that knowledge swimming around in your head."
Dr. Evans came out of the reception doorway, smiling in Zach and Caleb's direction "Well, there's my favorite celebrity couple!" she announced happily -- it wasn't uncommon, as Dr. Evans only dealt with celebrities and their spouses, so she was able to announce them like that "Come on back, I hear we have some exciting news to explore!"
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Zach got up, lacing their fingers together as they followed Dr. Evans back into the office. She greeted them both happily, asking after Noah and looking at a few pictures of him.
"So," Zach said after handing over his records. "It's pretty obvious that Caleb is not the pregnant one this time." He pointed down at his own stomach. "Surprise. Say hello to baby."
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Dr. Evans looked at the couple in shock, but it only lasted for a few seconds before a wide smile graced her features "Oh you guys! This is such wonderful news!" she enthused, reaching out to hug both of them at the same time. She placed a gentle kiss on each man's cheeks before pulling back and looking at them again "Okay, so lets get you set up and on the table! We'll see how the new addition is doing!"
Dr. Evans started flipping through Zach's medical records while Caleb and Zach got themselves into position. "This is so weird, being the one standing next to you... and not laying down." Caleb said quietly, resting his forehead on their clasped hands.
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Zach laughed and kissed Caleb's forehead. "Better get used to it. We've got a few more of these visits before baby comes."
"Not as many as I'd expect," Dr. Evans said as she put the chart down. "Five months already. You're hiding it well. I better not hear that you've been neglecting your health for a film though."
"Caleb hasn't let me," Zach assured her. "As soon as we found out I was pregnant, I went to a doctor and Caleb started feeding me properly. I had pretty bad morning sickness for the first few months, but once it wore off my appetite has been fine. I'm just carrying small according to the doctor we saw in Spain."
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Caleb scowled and poked Zach in the forehead with his free hand's index finger "Lucky bastard, that's what he is, Dr. Evans. He's lucky!." Caleb said with a snort as he turned to look back at Dr. Evans.
Dr. Evans giggled and moved closer to Zach and Caleb at the exam table "Well, if he's carrying your child, Caleb... It's no wonder that he's carrying so small, the baby is probably just as small." She didn't mean to say it *like that* but she didn't know that Caleb's small size was really that much of a problem for him.
Caleb nodded and looked away from Dr. Evans "Yeah... probably." he said quietly, blinking his eyes to clear the tears that had sprung up - despite Zach being the pregnant one, Caleb felt like he was the one getting all of Zach's mood swings.
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Zach heart clenched as Caleb turned away and he squeezed his hand tightly. "Perfect sized baby, just like you."
Dr. Evans pushed his shirt up, looking at the small bump Zach was sporting. She moved her hands around, feeling all over. "Baby is sitting high, feels good where they're at. Plenty of room. Are you feeling movement?"
Zach nodded. "Yeah, Caleb can't feel anything yet, but I'm feeling them move."
"Good," she nodded. "Caleb should be able to feel soon. Are we finding out what you're having or do you know that already?"
"We don't know. We didn't have any ultrasounds," Zach looked over at Caleb, biting his lip. "I kind of want to be surprised. Would you be okay with that this time?"
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Caleb nodded and smiled tentatively, he still had tears in his eyes and some tracking down his cheeks. He hated being so emotional and high-strung, didn't know why Zach always put up with his over-active emotions, but he loved Zach for it... and hoped that it wouldn't change anytime soon "Yeah, I'm okay with that..." he said quietly, almost only so Zach could hear, if that. "I still hope its a girl, though... Me and Jen both want a girl.. so we can dress her up in pretty pink dresses and have another girl to hang out with on Girl's day's out."
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Zach laughed at that. "Girls Day Out sounds so fun. Maybe Noah and I should tag along one of these times."
Dr. Evans set up the ultrasound machine and warmed up the jelly before she squirted some on Zach's belly. "Sorry Zach, but I'm pretty sure you and Noah don't count for Girls Day Out." She moved the wand around, checking out Zach's uterus and the placenta before landing on the baby. "Oh look at you."
Zach looked at the screen, at the perfectly formed little baby there. "Oh." He felt his face grow warm and his eyes started to blur with tears. "That's ... oh."
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Caleb smiled tenderly and reached up with his free hand to stroke Zach's head lightly "The baby is so small..." he said quietly, a mixture of awe and concern in his voice "I... Is it healthy? Like one-hundred percent healthy? Because Noah was so much bigger than this one at this stage of pregnancy..."
Caleb bit his lip and looked down at Zach's stomach "I... I mean, I guess I understand it - all pregnancies and bodies are different, but..." Caleb shrugged and looked down at his and Zach's joined hands "I just don't know if that is a healthy weight for the growing baby..."
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Dr. Evans looked at the baby's measurements, marking them down. "They seem to be fine. Perfectly formed, just a little on the small size. Not unusually small. I think Zach is just carrying small. I expect he'll pop soon enough."
Zach smiled and looked at the screen, watching the baby move. "So the baby looks healthy and everything looks fine?"
"I would say that you look fine, baby looks fine. I'd like to repeat your blood work, but I would say that yes, everything looks fine. I think you're doing great," said Dr. Evans. "So far it seems like it's been a good pregnancy."
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Caleb kissed Zach's temple and smiled against his head "You better pop soon, or I really will be jealous about your size... I looked like I was already seven months pregnant at this point of my pregnancy!" Caleb said, his tone edging on slightly teasing as he squeezed Zach's hand lightly.
Dr. Evans took Zach's blood while they got to play with the ultrasound machine. Caleb moved it around on Zach's stomach, and since neither of them were experts at reading an Ultrasound image, it was totally safe for them to do this without them ruining the surprise of what they were having "If it's a girl... I kind of hope she looks like me, but if it's a boy... I want him to look like you. This way we have a mini-twin each." Caleb said with a smile as he kissed Zach lightly on the lips.
Caleb couldn't help but feel a bit more masculine in this moment, knowing that he had gotten Zach pregnant, that albeit small, their baby was growing healthily and happily inside of Zach's body. Dr. Evans had left to take the blood to the lab, and they were left alone in the room "So, all this time, you knew you could get pregnant... and you never told me... why is that? Don't you think it should have been something kind of important to tell me?"
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Zach sighed a little and pressed a kiss to Caleb's knuckles. "Truthfully, I didn't think I would get pregnant even though I knew I was capable of it. You're not the first person to have come inside of me. It never happened before so I figured it wouldn't happen this time. I did a lot of stupid things when I was younger."
Zach sat up on the table, sitting with his elbows on his knees. "I guess I didn't think you'd ever actually want to ... you know. Fuck me."
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Caleb sat down on the doctor's stool and scooted his way between Zach's knees, laying his head on his husband's thigh and wrapping his hands around is calves, lightly rubbing up and down "I didn't want too, at first... I was so afraid that I'd hurt you, or do something wrong... I may not have had a lot of experience as a bottom, when we met, but I sure as hell had no experience as a top..." Caleb chuckled softly, turning his head to kiss Zach's clothed leg.
"You encouraged me to step out of my comfort zones, to be a little more explorative... I know I may not be the best at it, and I may not do it right any time that we do it... But, because it's you Zach, I will do it whenever you want me too... but don't you dare think I'm gonna want to completely switch roles in the bedroom now that you're the pregnant one." Caleb scowled playfully and reached up, squeezing Zach's junk "I still want this, every single chance I can get... especially when you hit that stage of your pregnancy when you're just so damn horny you can no longer take it... *That* is when I really want you." Caleb said with a grin as he pushed himself up a little and kissed Zach lovingly on the lips.
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Zach kissed him back just as lovingly, cupping the back of Caleb's neck. "I have a feeling that's going to be sooner rather than later. I definitely have been in the mood lately. And you have no idea how good you are at it. Seriously. Blows my mind every single time you do it."
Dr. Evans came back into the room. "Caleb, are you taking my place?" She grinned at him teasingly. "I think as long as everything continues to be fine, once a month until your eighth month is fine. I would like to see you put on a little more weight. Eat like you're eating for two."
Zach grinned at that. "Oh sure. I can definitely do that."
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Caleb shook his head and stood up from the doctor's stool, setting his hand on Zach's leg and squeezing lightly "More shopping for us... He already eats like he's starving to death." Caleb said, furrowing his brows together "He eats, and it just goes *nowhere*." he pouted at this and looked at Zach.
Aside from his husband's stomach being rounder, there seemed to be absolutely no sign of pregnancy anywhere else. He still had a trim waist, literally no butt to be seen, his hips were still intact. Caleb was still jealous of his husband's perfect body - meanwhile, Caleb still had wider hips, a bigger butt than what he had before, and his stomach was still a little puffy around his belly button, weight he had never been able to get rid of, no matter how much he ran or swam or worked-out.
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Zach shrugged a little. "I've always had a high metabolism. I guess it's still running high even though I'm pregnant now. I'll do my best to eat more and try and put on more weight."
Dr. Evans nodded and handed them a few pictures. "Good luck. If anything comes up before I see you next, you know where to find me."
Zach hopped off the table and shook her hand. "Thanks. We're glad you're our doctor again."
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Later that night;
Caleb sighed as he came out of Noah's bedroom and shook his head. He went down the hall and back into the living room "It's getting harder and harder to put him down at bed time... I think we need to think about getting him enrolled in a day care or something, so he can work out some of that excess energy he has."
Caleb sat down on the couch next to Zach and pulled the paperwork he had been filling out into his lap again - He was working on an international nursing license, since they never knew what country they would be in at any given moment. And not only that, but he had also been offered a position at a hospital here in LA that would work around his schedule, whenever he wasn't in LA.
"Not only that, but with me going back to work, and you likely stopping work until after the baby is born... You won't want to be chasing a toddler around, especially if Dr. Evans is right about you eventually popping out like a watermelon... All that bending and twisting and turning..." Caleb shook his head and put the end of the pen in his mouth, tongue twisting around the cap as he tried reading over the information on the page.
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Zach frowned a little, putting down the book he was reading. "I was kind of looking forward to spending time with him. What if I found him something part time to do? I agree that he needs to do something a little more structured and with more kids, get him used to them. But I do want to spend more time with him myself."
Zach looked over at Caleb, smiling at him. "We have the interview next week now that we know everything is good. At this rate, I won't even look that pregnant for the pictures they're going to take."
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Caleb nodded and continued chewing and sucking on the end of his pen - Zach had learned it was just a subconscious thing that Caleb did, and wasn't in any way a tease; even though it may have *felt* that way. "Day care has part-time service... We'll find a place that he would enjoy, and I'll drop him off in the mornings before work, and you can either pick him up or treat him like all the other rich kids in Los Angeles and have a driver pick him up." Caleb said with a slight smile.
He looked at Zach with a raised eyebrow "The interview with Sam? You realize he's probably going to want baby bump pictures, too... Just to complete the article that he'll write. And don't say you won't *look* that pregnant... Your body could change over night and suddenly you'll actually *look* five months pregnant, and wish you hadn't jinxed yourself..."
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