Sailor and a Selkie ((w/ bhdire8 and Lovebite))
The human grasped his selkie's hand tightly instead and he leaned into him with a groan as he was in the midst of pushing, he panted and fell back again. He felt the first pup but he knew it wasn't crowning yet, he felt it at the start of his birth canal already,"Fuck..." Irvin wasn't one to curse unless there was a good reason and it seemed this was a good enough reason, he was in so much pain he couldn't think clearly. Or even see anything other than white, water, and his boyfriend, his wonderfully strong boyfriend selkie who impregnated him with so many pups. He would have been angry if the excitement and hormones didn't overwhelm him as he collapsed after the first real push, panting.

"I love you, Max... I love you so much." He was in complete agony but he could say that, he looked up at the man beside him and gripped his hand. Closing his eyes as their heads pressed together and he nuzzled him in return as much as he could without moving from his position. The small man screamed when another contraction hit him, they weren't building any more, when he wasn't pushing there was a dull lull of pain even when he wasn't truly contracting. He pushed for the second time and he pushed hard, the week of full labor had definitely helped as it should and his pucker budged with the shape of the head inside of him. Silent as he pushed, turning bright red in the face, he kept pushing even after the pain ebbed. But got no where, as he sank back again.

"They're coming... They're coming, I feel it." He whimpered quietly under his breath and it was more to comfort himself than anyone else.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Max was feeling kind of helpless watching the beetred face of Irvin. He ought to be doing more, his nature was calling him to doing more. He checked the water again, but nothing was changed and he couldn't quite see what was going on down there. He rubbed their heads together as the strangled yelp came again followed by another push.

Irvin only gasped in air quick and resumed his push through the next full minute. At one point Max thought he could pass out with how purplish he looked - and then he sank back. Max nodded and reached out to hold Irvin's shoulder. "yes yes they are coming. Don't worry about it. they will come very quickly." he rubbed Irvin's arm and encouraged him with nods.

"Irvin......!" There was another whimper from Irvin as the human scrunched up his face. Anxiously Max leap straight into the tight fitting tub, hugging Irvin disregarding how his presence overflew the water. "i'm here! i'm here Irvin, i'm gonna help you..." he said not really feeling how he'd made the tub rather crowded.
Irvin was surprised by Max's exclamation as he jumped into the water with him and he cried out in shock end grimaced as he tried moving away from the other man. "Max..." He groaned in complaint and almost fought against how close he was to him, he wanted to be alone in the tub, there was too much touching him. That was why he wanted to be in the water, no matter how cold it was, it felt good just to be floating in the water like he was a seal himself. He moaned at the extra stress and tried pulling away from his lover, he did love him and he did want brief touches, but he didn't want to be in his arms at the moment as he complained.

The human moved to his knees instead and leaned forward, folding his arms as he rested on the tub, panting as his heavy belly rested completely in the water and he cried again. Gripping the edge of the tub and pushing again, bearing down hard on the first child struggling to be born, his ass burning as his entire body contracted, groaning loudly. He rocked forward and back, spreading his legs more and squeezing every part of him to push that form out of him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The struggle from the human was unexpected, and the selkie wasn't sure why he wasn't welcomed. he thought he could help - but despite how small the tub was, Irvin still struggled through his contraction to free himself of his hold. That somehow rang a bell to the selkie and his face fell finally understanding his presence wasn't welcomed.

He opened his mouth, then closed it finding it futile to bargain his way into the tub. If Irvin didn't need him, then maybe he should leave... right now, though, as the human started pushing, he dared not move but tried to squirm away and shrink as small as he could to the corner, watching from the small distance he was from at his love straining to birth the pup.

At this angle he could see what's going on. Irvin's anus flared open at his strong push, opening up the canal where a bulge took form. the bulging grew larger as the pup was pushed lower down, and Irvin's pained whines grew louder. Max shifted, causing a ripple in the water and he was tempted to touch Irvin again - only to have the human hissing when he did come into contact with his thigh.

"i'm sorry!" Max apologized, raising his hands high up in the air with an innocent look.
Irvin wanted Max near him but not as close as he was right now, he whined while sitting on his knees at the other end of the tub and burying his face in his arms. He hated when Max touched him, he didn't want to feel him, not against his skin while he was in the water at least. "Get away, Max... Get away from me." He whimpered as he rocked his hips back and forth and back and forth slowly with the same whine while gripping the edge of the tub.

Screaming as he pushed again, another hard contraction running through him, tightening his belly with the struggle of pushing out their first child. His ass burned as the head pushed his ass open wider and wider, showing its thick head of hair briefly before slipping back inside of him. He panted heavily and whimpered, shaking his head slowly at how hard it was, lifting his head weakly,"Get out, Max... Please... I need the tub to myself." He whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut when he felt another pain.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"ok... ok." Max said with his eyes drooping in guilt and sadness. He pushed himself up from the tub, bringing with him a big wave of water that surged over the tub. he stepped over the rim but watched careflly as Irvin started another round of pushing - how he watned to be there to feel his lover and the emerging pup, but he had witnessed how a mommy seal could be - fierce and uncompromising - with issues concerning their pups.

He came out dripping, and with his leaving, the wtaer level within the tub lowered significantly. Max pulled over the hose to again fill up the tub, looking at Irvin who'd been deep into another push now. He watched from a distance, dare not initiating any touches now and could only look at the human with longing eyes.

Irvin's face was flushed and twisted, Max sneaked his way closer to Irvin, watching his hands gripping the side of the tub. He peeked over the rim of the tub and saw, between Irvin's legs, the water had gone a tiny bit murkier .... the pup must be close to emerging...
Irvin moaned,"I love you, Max... I really do." He buried his face into his balled up fists and his ears turned red from the force of his pushing, gasping for breath once the contraction ebbed. His body felt heavier with the low amount of water now and he shook his head,"Max... More water... Please." He whined and he gripped the tub again as he pushed, not realizing when Max had done as he asked without him even saying it at first.

The human shifted his legs apart more, separating his knees as far as they could go and rushing out their first pup as hard as he could. Bearing down harder and harder with a loud groan that started from the pit of his stomach and now fell from the tip of his tongue, filling the room. As he cried out with the peak of his agony and the contraction barely ended before another was starting again,"It's cominggg...."

Irwin moaned and he sank lower into the water, releasing all the pent up energy from the past week and even the past few months as he pushed as hard as he could. Feeling the burn of the skin stretching around the head of their baby, his skin turning pale as it was brought to its limits, screeching when the head crowned. The biggest thing he's ever had inside of him, he almost growled, animalistic as he rocked back and forth again, humming with the pain and pressing his face into his hands.

He gave another push, bearing down slowly on that form within his ass and reaching down between his legs to feel that bulge stretch even larger as he pushed. Huffing and puffing, never stopping his rocking as he held the crowning head of their first child and the edge of the tub, "Nghh..." He pushed again, wasting no time and he turned almost purple in the face as he forced that form out of him with the help of nature and pure will. As the head crashed forward and slipped out of him with a release of reddish fluids, most likely blood but the normal amount.

"Ah. Fuck... Oh fuck... Fuck..." He had never cursed so much in his life, his head fell back and he panted, hissing at the burn that didn't seem to end, lifting himself up slowly. The human trembled with the exertion it took to lift half his body out of the water and squat, his belly moving with the force of his breathing. He held the tub and moaned, pushing again, his chin pressed into his chest as he bore down with another contraction and the rest of the birth was almost easy.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
At the point when the pup started crowning, Irvin's face was twisted so hard, Max could barely recognise his mate. He wanted to reach out to grab the human's hand but he had instead reached down to hold hte crowning head, empowered by the child finally making an apperance. Max learnt of what was happening underneath purely by the look on the human's face, that intense pain threatening to break Irvinmentally, and with an animalistic scream the head was out, coupled by a red cloud appearing in the tub.

"oh goodness!" Max climbed up to his knees ot peek over the edge fo teh tub, finding the massive sphere lodged between Irvin's legs. "oh god oh god! Irvin you're doing it! i can't believe it... YOU ARE DOING IT!" Max exclaimed through his tears, looking at the human with his double chin, pressing it so tight against his chest to birth what was left of the first pup. the pup slid through the too-tight opening to land int he water, and this time Max HAD to reach in. He stroked and chuckled through the tears at the pup clutching onto his large hand, holding onto him as he needed the help to float out of water, taking the very first breath....

"ANd there you are, little one...." he said at the tiny human in his hand - that was a little smaller than usual human babies, and there were characteristics of a seal - the body was slender and sleek, but the head was undoubtedly a huamn - with some hari on it.

"Irvin." Max lifted teh pup out of water as he started whining. "A boy..." he said hugging Irvin on his shoulders, crying his eyes out.
The human didn't complain when Max cupped the head of their child, he only groaned in response to Max's praise, his hands gripping tightly at the edges of the tub as he squatted. He grit his teeth, shutting his eyes tight again when he pushed hard to bring their first born into the world almost easily. As the entire body of the pup only took four whole pushes, before it slipped out into the water and he felt that relief, sinking forward against the tub with a relieved moan.

Having no idea what was going on beneath him as he laid his head against the cool tub and rocked his hips still slowly. The relief was brief, as he felt another pressure within him once again, but he understood what he had done. He had birthed their first baby, he turned his head just a bit with hope that he would see them as the pup squirmed with life. Their body filling up Max's entire hand, he looked at the grey baby and he watched his mate bring them up out of the water. A shrill cry escaping their lungs- his lungs, as Max proclaimed the gender and he allowed the larger selkie to hug him.

Closing his eyes and pressing himself against Max's warmth more, blinking and looking down at the baby between them. He looked at it, human eyes and features, even its hair was a curly red like his own, pale but red from its birth. The pale skin ended at its armpits and turned into a deep grey like Max's seal form, he couldn't stop staring. Unable to rationalize that he had just given birth to this being and he was a father, technically. It was obvious that he was awkward around it immediately.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Hey there little one... we've been looking forward to your arrival for so long!" Max's eyes were already puffy from the crying. he nuzzled the wet pup against his cheek and presented him again to the human. "Look at him! splitting image as you... but wiht my strong body." the new father spoke with a lot of pride, presenting their first born to his mate.

"look at him! he wanted to cuddle with you...." Max said, entirely oblivious to the awkwardness of Irvin, forcefully he shoved the tiny selkie onto Irvin's chest. The baby was warm and trembling slightly as all new seals were, the screams subsided gently and now sounded more like mewling of a cat. "aww babe... that's your daddy...." he said holding the pup against Irvin's chest. "Irvin? why don't you hold him? it's alright selkie babies are strong, they don't break." Max said confidently, too thick to interpret Irvin's silent stare on the pup.
The ruddy little selkie cried wetly as Max held him in his two hands, the baby barely big enough to fill both of his palms, he wondered how many were left inside of him. As their child was laid against his chest and he brought up his hands to support the weight of the pup, it was so small and warm. Almost cute, he guessed as he tilted his head and looked at it, the half human half seal pup,"Is it supposed to look this way?" He asked, when the pup rooted around for his chest gently and opened his mouth and showed off his pink gums before latching onto Irvin.

The human man panicking when he felt the baby latch on and he mistakenly pushed the pup away in response, the baby making a wet sound and starting to cry again weakly. He had no idea what to do with it, the baby was weird and he didnt know what to do as he looked up at Max for help,"I-I..." He didn't know what to say, he couldn't tell Max that he felt no attachment towards the weird little pup his mate held against his chest,"Take it away, Max. I can't-" He grimaced and shook his head, shifting his weight as his stomach tightened again with a hard contraction. Reminding him that there were plenty others to be born from within him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"yea, he's as good looking as any selkie pup could be." Max beamed with the pride of being a new father. He admired and awed at the tiny pup, stroking his back while the pup got ready to take his first meal - only to be startled by Irvin pushing the pup away. He held the pup's back to hold it, taking his bum and now the 'mother' and pup was no longer touching. "Why is that... oh, is the contractions building up again?" Max looked at Irvin with mild confusion. To him all babies were like that and it never occurred to him there could be difficulty for the human to accept a pup not looking like a human baby. "I'll take him out Irvin... will return to you in a second." Max 'thoughtfully' removed the pup, which was still whimpering hard, and placed him in a small bucket he'd found that would fit the pup but shallow enough it wouldn't drawn the new born.

Sometimes used as an alternative, Max provided the pup with some shells - he'd cracked them open before, the pup would be able to nibble on the soft meat within and seep whatever juice there was.

"Irvin... " with the pup settled, he reutrned to the human and stroked his back. "you holding up alright? Can i feel your belly?" he asked, now cuatious on how to handle the human.
"Yeah." Irvin didn't want to break Max's heart so he just told him what he wanted to hear as he nodded and let the other take the baby away from him. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either, he sank into the cold water more as it cooled his overheated body down. He breathed in and out slow and steady with his hands holding his large, round belly, not caring if Max came back or not now. His mind was on other things, if he would love the pups he would be giving birth to over the night. His hands moved from his heavy belly to the rim of the tub as he tugged himself up slowly onto his knees and groaned, sitting sideways now.

He rocked his hips still slowly, holding onto the metal of the tub and squeezing his eyes shut, his stomach tightened slowly but the baby wasn't coming. Not yet at least, but he felt it, the next one was on its way but a bit slower than the last pup and he hoped to god that it wouldn't take long. He didn't know if he could suffer for this long, he moaned and leaned over against the edge of the tub as he pushed slowly with the first real contraction since their first pups birth.

The human looked up briefly at Max as he came back, he nodded,"I'm okay." He said weakly and he moved a little to expose his belly more,"Yeah... Please." He nodded when his mate asked to touch his belly, he wanted his warm hands against his stomach.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Naive as the selkie was, he didn't sense the subtle dip in Irvin's spirit since the arrival of the pup, the adrenaline was running so high in his system, he became oblivious to anything other than his first born. He could very well spend all his time with the new pup, blinded by the thrill of becoming a parent.

He returned to Irvin watching him swaying his hips, creating small waves in the tiny tub he was in. He stroked the cool water affectionately, liking the feeling of water naturally as a selkie. He grinned enthusiastically, a funny contrast to Irvin's melancholy, to reach in and touch his belly.

It was fulfilling to feel his mate relaxing and sinking his weight more towards him, despite there being the tub in between them. His large, warm palms cupped his belly and the movement of the pups within Irvin transmitted through Irvin's stretched-thin belly to the selkie. Max smiled goofily and took Irvin closer, shifting his hands to the lower part of his bump. "shhhh.... you are the best Irvin." he praised pressing a quick kiss on the human's forehead. "we are gonna be parents... nah, we ARE parents!" pride was still radiating from him. "You stay strong in there Irvin. I'm so proud of you. You can do this." he said feeling another contraction building. He moved a hand towards Irvin's lower back, now that he'd turned sideways, to rub him at the tailbone region and some more on his buttocks. 

"feeling like pushing yet?" he looked at Irvin with his large, wet eyes, looking expectant at the arrival of the 2nd pup.
He nodded at the question, he felt the slowly building urge of a contraction and breathed in and out slowly as he laid his head on Max's shoulder, his hair was wet with sweat as he wrapped his arms around the other with a weak groan. While max stroked the tight skin of his belly that was still underwater, some tears fell from his eyes, the hormones coursing through him was making everything so intense and he gripped Max tight. Sinking down into the water slowly, the kiss from his mate didn't make him feel any better, it made him feel even worse, he sobbed weakly,"I'm going to be a bad dad... I... I'm not the best."

Irwin didn't know what to say about how he felt, he couldn't speak correctly with the pain that was building and so he just went silent as he screamed with the most current contraction. Pushing down on the form inside of him and leaning forward as he sank into the relieving water with a low moan, spreading his legs and bearing down hard to try and birth their second child. It wasn't any harder than before, the pups were small and the next pup crowned slowly, spreading his hole open around the furry head of the child,"I don't want to do this." He sobbed softly against the side of Max's neck,"I don't want to have any more."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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