True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

Aki smiled softly up at his beloved Nick, never wanting to ever look away. He giggled softly as the tip of his nose was being touched by his lover's warm, soothing lips. He sighed with pleasure as his lover cleansed all forms of filth from his flesh. Soon he was clean as a whistle, gently scrubbing Nick's God like body. He wanted to be the best mother of all to his soon to be born children. He was tired after carrying his massive, round belly.

He hummed softly, helping his beloved from the tub and had dressed in his stylish maternal clothing which was a pair of stretchable pants, a breathable shirt and a bra since his once fit chest was now milk filled breasts. He was also trying not to delve too far in the upcoming future. Life was so much like heaven on Earth with his handsome, kind Nick.

"I am fine, sweetheart." He said softly to his beloved Nick with a bright smile, he may have been tired as a dog but he was much too anxious to simply give into slumber's sweet calls. He was becoming increasingly fearful as to how the birthing would end of becoming when the situation arose. His life was complete when his beloved was by his side.

"I am a little bit scared." He spoke softly, rubbing his beyond massive belly. His back ached and her womb was becoming smaller and more cramped. When his opening let Nick's finger passed through and into the depths of his body he tensed up a bit but did not feel as much pain that he thought.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick nodded agreeing: he knew he was too anxious himself to fall asleep even though he suggested it. Aki was a big, strong man, but so were their babies and there was undoubtedly fear in Nick that his lover would have a hard time birthing them.

He took Aki closer to the bed and peeled the tights away from his bubby butt. His buttocks almost bounced out, jiggling in the air as he checked him. "shh... good job." he cooed over Aki. "you're going to be fine. I'm here with you on every step. Put your fear in me and I promise i will keep you safe." Nick didn't just say it just because, he did enough preparation and had emergency contacts at hand just in case seomthing didn't go as planned. he had this under control: aside from his own emotions.

With all of Aki's insides cleaned, Nick stretched him some more to check his dilation. "hmm, 3 cm. that's alright. You are progressing." Nick gave Aki a fond smile and pulled back up the leggings. "How about we walk around for a little? think you can stomach anything? we can grab some snacks to keep up with your energy."

(hey, welcome back, good to see you around again! ;))

Aki was more than tired but his worries were too much to simply fall asleep that approaching night. He rubbed his weary eyes, tiredness seeping into the marrow of his aching bones. He simply laid down. He sighed softly, simply touching his belly and rubbing the sensitive, tender flesh of it wherever one of the twins had kicked at from the inside of him.

"Our twin babies are very active tonight." He said gently to his beloved Nick. He wanted to be able to relax but the children were making that harder and harder to simply do for a while. He was in his feelings, wanting to be able to birth the two twins naturally instead of being forced to do a dangerous c-section. The thought of probably doing that was a scary realization.

He was more than scared, fearful that either him or their twins would probably have complications. He kept hopeful, finding himself calmed and soothed by Nick's words. He knew that it was all sincere. He nodded in response. He closed his eyes, focusing on breathing as his lover checked him in his slowly stretching opening. He was sore but did not complain.

He slowly raised up to a position of sitting on his side of the bed, nodding as he was asked to walk around for a while. He was thankful that Nick was helping him. He kept a hand on his  low hanging belly to rub to keep the twins calm and safe. He sighed softly, walking slowly to avoid hurting himself with any sharp movements. "Thank you, Nick." He said with a soft smile.


(I am happy to be back and roleplaying again with you, my love. Waiting for internet was so boresome but now I am back. :D)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hey! so sorry for disappearing on you all of a sudden... i got crazy busy at work and... oh babe please don't be mad at me...)

walking around proved to be more of a chore than Nick thought. He was almost beginning to regret this suggesstion when Aki was showing signs of fatigue not halfway through their short walk to the kitchen for some refreshment. He helped as much as he could, carrying most of Aki's weight as they edged towards their destination.

It was difficult, with Aki's belly further dropped with the building contractions, Nick had to keep a gentle hold under his belly to help him maintain balance. He finally settled Aki on the chair and headed to fetch some food and water for his love.

"Drink up love." he pecked Aki's cheek as they settled together. He also offered snacks for Aki. "Do try to eat little by little. You will need lots of energy to help our babies out." he smiled, keeping himself optimistic. "we are soon going to be parents." he pressed another kiss on Aki's lovely lips.

(It is alright, love. I understand that real life comes first. And there is no need to apologize. I am a very patient man.)


Aki felt like a burden, trying to speed up his penguin like walk but it seemed impossible. What was once easy to do was now an impossible feat. He sighed silently in his cluttered mind, finding an act of what was easy now sadly uneasy.

No matter how hard the situation was now he did not ever complain. He was glad to have his beloved, flawlessly handsome stepson in his life. He was more than proud of him, loving and savoring everything they shared together.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I appreciate you helping me." He said softly, making sure not to put too much weight on Nick. He felt like the twins would never come and feared they would become too big to deliver naturally but kept those thoughts to himself. The moments that he and his beloved Nick had shared kissing and touches were bittersweet.

When he was placed in a chair he sighed with relief, rubbing his belly with gentle circles. He waited for his lover to return and did as he was told by his dominant lover, drinking down fresh, refreshing, bonechiling, ice cold water. The water soothed his parched thtoat. He ate a few soft bannannas and a few juicy apple slices till he was eventually full.

He did not want junk food, he loved fruits. He savored each juicy bite of grapes, sweet apples and soft bannannas. "I know. I am both proud and excited at the same time! Our twins have grown so big!" He said with a proud smile.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww babe you're too sweet for me. and btw, i do intend for Aki to be in labor right now HAHA just a slow building up of contraction. I hope i didn't convey the wrong message through the slow burn of it.)

Nick couldn't show Aki enough love. Watching his lover taking everything that he gave him was satisfying. he liked seeing Aki so trustingly ate from his hand. He could almost feel the tip of his tongue, and sometimes his lips, when he fed him the apple slices. He watched him ate the banana and needed to adjust slightly on his chair when the image translated to something way more intimate in his mind. He told himself he would have to wait. Aki was in labor already....

He watched Aki ate the grape from his hand and finally removed himself from his chair. He knelt down in front of Aki, whose belly was large enough it appeared to almost reach Aki's knees on his lap. Nick smiled and stroked his bump. "yea, surely they are big. That's because you are a born-to-be mommy. So fertile and nurturing." he smiled looking up at Aki, gently placing his chin on his belly. Which was when Nick felt the onset of a contraction again.... the shower had slowed down the contractions somewhat, but now it was returning with a vengenace.

Under Nikc's chin, he could distinctly feel the hardening of Aki's bump. It started from the lower end of his belly, then it spread outwards and eventually Aki's belly looked a size smaller with the vice grip on his womb. Nick looked up with worry, watching intently at how Aki was coping.

(Thank you sweetheart, I love that we get to roleplay again. Waiting for internet was hard but now it was worth it. And I would love to do the labor process.)


Aki was more than the word "nervous"as each moment passed by. He was relieved that his beloved Nick was  standing by his side. He was blessed that he was able to live with his beloved. He made sure that only him and his lover were the only two who were in his life and the shared room. He was half nude from the waist down, rubbing his belly from time to time to try and calm the violent movements of their two unborn twins.

He was eager to hold one of the twins while Nick held the other. He loved it when Nick would kiss or embrace him, forgetting all about the man known as Christopher. He was probably burning in hell for a million years and to be honest Aki did not ever care about him. Not one single bit. As a strong, violent strike of lightning like labor plagued him he held one of Nick's hands in instinct, resisting a strong urge to scream, groan or complain.

"I am alright, love." He said softly and breathlessly. He gently squeezed Nick's hand, expressing a soft smile at Nick. "Soon we will welcome our twins in the world." He stayed strong, clenching his teeth and panting as if he was running around for a few hours. He was tired but focused.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(absolutely agree with you, to wait fro internet is such a painful process. I do not think i could survive it ... let alone needing to endure a long wait like you! for that alone, I admire you so much ;))

Nick squeezed back lightly the moment Aki took his hand, as a reassurance and go ahead for him to grip his hand ... then relaxed to let Aki do whatever he wanted. He watched anxiously while Aki's belly shifted with the violent contraction.

When the contraction subsided, he placed a gentle kiss on Aki's belly. "You're doing good." he smiled stroking Aki's thick thighs, soothingly rubbed the soft skin. "you're so strong for us." he said with sparkling eyes, admiration clearly in them.

"Shh..... don't fight it babies, go along with the contractions and you will arrive in no time." he said to Aki's belly fondly. He was thinking of ways to alleviate Aki's discomfort... then it occurred to him he forgot to bring the birthing ball that was supposed to be good for laboring people.

"Shit..." he cursed under his breath. the birthing ball woudl massage the laboring man's opening, especially the perineum to help soften his opening. He bit his lower lip thinking desperately for an alternative...

(sorry if i brought the story to a strange place... HAHA i was just thinking if Nick could massage Aki's opening for a little here.... )

(Awww, you are so sweet. I love it that we get to roleplay and talk to each other again. It was worth the wait now that I am around you again. It is alright, I am up for any ideas, I happily have no limitations. I would love your idea if Nick did the massaging for Aki's opening.)


Aki was comforted by Nick's gentle squeeze of his hand. He closed his eyes, trying ever so hard to endure the harsh presence of brutal pains. He opened his eyes, gripping the covers of the bed as he whimpered pitifully. He felt like his body was telling him something and he gave in. Life was so much like a feeling of butterflies fluttering in the depths of his belly and his heart was racing a thousand beats.

He tried to breathe gently through his nose and out through his mouth, wanting to be focused on Nick's words of comfort and their two twins. He wanted to vomit but he kept it down after a few swallows. He cried out in response as he felt the two twins beginning to move as if they were underwater. He was worried as each movement of the twins sent him into a whirlpool of agony, it pulled him beneath their powerful waves.

"Thank you, love." He said softly, expressing his feelings in the form of a bright smile. He never wanted to express his suffering because he did not want Nick to worry about him. "You make me feel more than strong."

He felt relaxed and calm from time to time through the worsening contractions, trying to be in perfect sync with the two twins. He felt as though he was a wide eyed child opening a present on Christmas day. The two lovers were excited and nervous to be with the twins that were soon to be born. He wanted to be helped by Nick and no one else. He felt like the twins were being stubborn but the reason he was in pain was not their fault.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(sorry for the long wait again - and no problem love, you're so sweet and i feel so happy you go along wiht my idea so easily. I know the sweetness of Aki must have come from somewhere.... from you! ;))

Through each contraction, although Aki was trying so hard to mask it, Nick knew the intensity was climbing. Each time Aki's breath would hitch and he would brace himself for longer. the pregnant man's body tensed up, he sometimes held his breath, and his body was in full swing to combat the pain.

"Shh Aki, relax. Relax...." Nick tried to sooth Aki. If he was fighting and trying to mask the pain, it might exhaust him prematurey. "you know you can whimper, you can make sound, you can let it all out. I'm here to shoulder the pain with you, so please don't force those down and hide it from me." he urged caressing Aki's belly.

Since they did not have the birthing balls, Nick had formed an idea. In between 2 contractions, Nick helped Aki up to move towards the living room. On the comfortable couch, he settled Aki down and spread his legs wide, pulling one leg up to plant his feet on the couch and stuffed enough pillows behind his back he could go slightly reclined.

Nick sat down between Aki's legs and gulped down nervously. So he was really doing this.... at Aki's exposed bottom, he pressed his hand onto his perineum, just behind his balls and in front of his opening to warm the sensitive flesh.

(It is alright, I know that real life gets hectic some days. I am truly a patient person, waiting has it's rewards. And you are such a gentleman to me. Men like you are very rare and that is what I love about you. You have variety in our roleplaying, not just sex all the time like most men. :D)


Aki found himself truly weary as time passed on by, wanting to be sure that he was not rushing things. He breathed deeply through his nose and out through his mouth. He was more than the word "fearful" and wanted nothing more than the two rowdy twins to be born quickly and carefully so that the aching in the warm, bright pink depths of his womb to stop. He was so much more glad that his true mate Nick was standing close by his side, something that he cherished more than life itself. Not even the bone chilling hands of death would ever separate them.

He gave into the grip of pain, whimpering as he felt the urges of femininely motherhood instinct he felt. He kept a grip on Nick's strong hand, using his pace of breathing to be gentle between breaks of labor but sometimes it did not allow him to have a slight breath as the twins became restless. He sighed softly from time to time, wanting to make sure that he was focused only on birthing the twins safely.

"Thank you for being with me Nick, I am blessed to have a family with you and our daughter and soon our twins will also join us too." He expressed a smile, gazing up into Nick's handsome eyes. He loved when his beloved Nick would shower him with all forms of the expression of being embraced in his strong arms. "I promise not to hold back any of my outbursts." He said with a hand above where Nick's was on his belly.

He held the bed's covers with his other hand in a strong grip, not daring to let go until the pains had eased down. He did hold his breaths in but he did not mean to, it was just because the presence of trying to control his body was becoming much more harder and hard er to simply control.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww babe, i could only say you deserve being treated nicely. I'm sorry if you've seldom come across people like me and honestly, i think that's how everyone should act... and ha, what's the good from just sex and nothing else! that wouldn't be fun to rp - and also not in real life - isn't it!)

Their twins had grown big, that's for sure. Even with Aki laid down, his belly towered on top of him and the squirming of the babies was clearly visible from the outside. Nick stroked the big dome and smiled. "You're welcome babe... i'm so glad i'm here as well. I'm much priviledged that you're workign so hard in this. Not just for now, but also fro the past months - especially those months when I wasn't here, and you had to struggle along alone. It would never happen again, love. I'll be here always..." he said placing a kiss on the lower part of Aki's big belly.

The whimpers from Aki continued. the intensity of the contractions were climbing and Nick could hear Aki's breath hitched and now he was holding his breath. Nick knew it was a real struggle for his pregnant lover. He pressed harder onto Aki's perineum, massaging now not only his opening, but also his entire bottom part where he knew the pressure was building.

"Shh... I know you're trying, but try harder to keep breathing. Focus on it, release the breath slowly... good job!" he praised Aki. The pregnant man was trembling. Nick squeezed Aki's thighs and continued with the massage, helping Aki over each of the hurdles. 

During a precious break between contractions, Nick slowed the massaging he was working on in Aki's bottom. "Love, I'll check you again. You've been doing so well. Just relax, I'll do it quick." he said aiming at finishing the checking before the next contraction hit. Aki's opening was still a little swollen from their recent sex, but eitherwise soft and opened thanks to his massaging. He slipped a fingertip in and snaked his digit further in, checking his dilation.

"6cm... you're doing very good babe. I'm so proud of you."

(You always know what to say to me, I also love that about you. You are so unique and that is what more men need to be like.)


Aki was glad that the twins would not be still born or underweight. He rubbed the tightly stretched flesh of his massively sized belly, feeling the twins moving around. He knew their children would have time to be born into the unfamiliar world outside of their 9 month wombed home. He sighed in relief whenever pains would disappear for a time, he did not complain even though they got worse.

He felt more than the word "blessed" wanting to always be with his beloved. He always felt that Christopher was his burden but now he was free to share a life with Nick and him alone. In the world only Aki trusted Nick, no one else would be so much more and more than close to him like that. Life was sometimes about striving through pains that would take over many a birthing man but he stayed strong.

Whenever the twins had moved around he expressed a shaky whine of pain. He felt as though he were underwater, gasping and whimpering when the pains became more and more worse. He felt ill and wanted to vomit but he kept it in until he could no longer. It was his first birth but it felt like forever. He placed a hand on the top of his belly, his bellybutton plump and poked out like an expanding balloon.

When the lower space of his swollen belly was being kissed by Nick's warm lips he smiled, making sure not to be nervous. He did not want to cause the twins to be in distress because of it. When he was encouraged and coached through the awful pains of labor he managed to breathe deeply in and out. He closed his eyes focusing only on keep his breathing calm and normal even though he was a nervous wreck.

He did not know a lot about birthing but he was glad that Nick did. He kept his attention on Nick's words, using each one to guide him through it. He wanted to curse till his voice was cracking and his throat was raw but he simply groaned in agony, wanting the pain to fade like thick fog. When the checking of his dilation was being figured out he slightly squirmed but did not shy away from that, simply gripping the covers of the bed till done.

"Our twins are eager to be born." He said softly between panted breaths. "I am glad to be a family with you and them."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww babe, i do not know what to tell you, i only tell from my heart ;) you're a lovely soul, and you're precious in many ways. Don't worry, I'm sure a lot more people see and treasure you the way you are - now and in future! haha altho that'd make me less unique in your eyes, you do deserve a lot of love surounding you.)

"They are eager to see their mommy and daddy." Nick smiled looking back up at Aki. He fetched a cool towel to wipe away the beads of sweat formin gon his forehead. Deep down, though, Nick was thinking they could move faster: the sooner they were born, the closer they were towards the end of Aki's agony. He ran his hands gently along Aki's big dome, just in time when another contraction was building.

Wordlessly, Nick went ahead to fetch a small tube of oil. It was a natural therapy, old midwife's tale that was said to encourage dilation. The twins were big, and Nick wanted to speed things up without further exhausting Aki. So, as an alternative to walking, which might further drain Aki's energy, he decided to try rubbing this oil onto Aki's dilating cervix.

"i'm massaging your cervix as well Aki. Don't be afraid, this won't hurt." he pressed another kiss on Aki's belly, this time right on his popped bellybuttona nd playfully swivelled his tongue over it. He smiled and kept up with the good spirits whiel applying the oil directly onto Aki's innermost part.

If this had been any other time, Nick woudl probably react to the soft spasming of Aki's inner walls... but right now, coupled with the pained and broken moans from Aki, he was very focused on doing whatever he could to relieve the discomfort of his lover.

(Your heart is made of gold. Aw thank you love, I am blessed to have someone like you to talk and roleplay with. I am also glad that we get to express ideas in our excellent roleplay.:))


Aki smiled softly, wanting noone but Nick by his side. He may have been tired and weary with a foggy mind but he stayed focused through it. As time passed he sighed softly, trying nothing more than to squirm and complain but the pains of what was true labor became more and more intense. He tightened his grip upon the bed's covers and did not loosen it.  Not even for a single minute. Life was about things like this

He took in a deep breath, trying his hardest to focus only on breathing instead of holding his breath as if he was submerged under the waves of a wickedly violent attack. He was eager to just focus only on getting the twins to stay calm and moving as that was a sign of being healthy. Soon the genders of the two twins would be underway as they would soon be born and take their very first lungfulls of breaths.

He was also eager to hear the twins ear piercing cries like his beloved did.

He sighed softly in pleasure as he felt his beloved's warm hands exploring his swollen, heavy belly, making sure that he would be able to birth them as time would soon be time to push. He found himself whimpering for a while longer as the strong contractions became more intense as father time would wait for no man, even if he was in a brand new and whole threshold of what was beyond the normal agony.

He sighed once more, feeling as if he could relax as his cervix was being helped by Nick. He wanted to vomit as it climbed up the length of his throat but kept it down. "Thank you, love. You are too good for me. I am glad that we will soon welcome our twins into the world." He smiled softly, staying positive through the intense presence of pain. 'I love you, You are always more of a man than your father ever was."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(yea, dont' be afraid to express yourself. in rps we let go of all usual restrictions and play out the biggest fantasies, don't we?)

Nick could see little beyond the huge dome pressing on Aki. With his attention on his opening, Nick missed how green Aki's face was turning. He also realised belatedly how the weight of hte babies would be putting much pressure on Aki.

Nick's fingertips gently rubbed into Aki's dilating cervix. The fleshy opening inside was slowly blossoming open. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he felt like they were almost there. "About 8cm now Aki." he announced, removing himself from wtihin Aki, only to find his lover's face pale. His breathing was also choked and overall, Aki looked very uncomfortable.

"Babe.... are you ok? oh no, you're again hiding it all from me, aren't you?" Nick sighed moving closer to Aki's face. He realised his mistake of leaving Aki layign flat on the bed.

Nick decided he could be the cushion for Aki. He sat himself cross legged against the headboard, then pulled Aki up, reclining against his chest, he placed Aki's legs wide, outside of his thighs. He reached around his big belly and cupped his spasming opeing. "Soon babe.... soon I'm going to achieve more than what myf ather did - i'd be father to not only 1, but 2 beautiful children." He smiled at Aki, rubbing his opening to encourage the final bit of dilation. "When you are feeling the urge to push, tell me and i'll check you again. We're not wasting energy to push before your body's ready, ok?" he kissed Aki on his forehead, gently guiding his way through the difficult labor.

(Thank you, love. And yes that is true about letting go of restrictions while using imagination in our roleplays. I am usually afraid of what people will say from time to time but I am slowly getting better at it. And I hope I am doing alright in this roleplay. I feel like I am not doing enough for some reason.)


Aki tried to breathe deeply but each time he ended up whimpering when the twins kicked. He wanted to be embraced by his beloved Nick but knew that he was busy. He wanted to look into Nick's handsome, understanding and empathetic eyes but the beyond massive, swollen excuse for a pregnant belly was in the way, cutting off such things he wanted to do. He felt as though he was blessed to have children.

Unlike most women or men he felt happy and eager instead of cursed or ashamed. He was truly eager to hold them when they would be born which was soon. He kept his vomit under control and forced himself to stay that way. He felt embarrassed that it would probably strike back with vengeance. He put all his attention on Nick's words. He gripped the covers of the bed, only letting outbursts like groaning or whimpering when the twins would ravage his belly with powerful and painful kick or stretch like movements.

He closed his eyes and only opened them when Nick would speak to him. "I am alright love, are the twins going to be born soon?" He asked softly, even talking took a lot out of him. "I promise to tell you when I feel the urges to push strike me. I promise." He tried to smile but even that sadly took much more strength to do what was once simple and easy. Sadly it was and so much more.

After a few passing hours Aki gasped as he felt a strong urge to bear down. He did not do such things until he was absolutely sure of what his body was absolutely sure. His skin was covered in droplets of scorching hot sweat but that did not stop him from doing his task of birthing the twins. He spoke to his beloved Nick, resisting pains but was sadly unable to.

"I think that it is time, Nick." He said breathlessly to his beloved as he felt one of the two twins beginning it's journey from the womb and down the presence of his narrow, female like birth canal. It seemed like even waiting was putting an unbearably sad and intense strain on his aching back, his narrow hips and painful cramped womb.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Just be yourself, love. Just remember you cannot please everybody - and your life is your own. sometimes people will say things to hurt you - don't get beaten by it. Trust yourself, persist and endure - and you will blosso into your true self :)

haha no matter what you feel - i can tell you honestly I'm feeling very good abuot this rp. I don't mind taking the lead, and I have no problem with the way you responded. Admittedly, sometimes I'm not sure if I have made Nick too soft/harsh, but judging from how Aki was responding, I'm guessing I'm doing alright to you as well?)

Nick stayed there, cradling AKi on his chest as the labor went on. He would check on Aki's progress from time to time, but most of it he let Aki's body decide its pace. When they entered the 3rd hour of Aki's active labor, he was beginning to worry. Aki wasn't exactly a teenager, and he was starting to worry about the energy of his once stepfather.

He stroked Aki's belly gently, feeling yet another contraction beginning to build up. This time, Aki told him it was time. it was a big relief. This should be time for pushing. Nick pressed a soft kiss on Aki's sweaty cheeks and nodded. "let me check you one last time babe.... just wait for a little bit for that greenlight." he said firmly. It wouldn't do to waste Aki's energy if he wasn't fully dilated.

Nick carefully slipped his finger into Aki's birth canal. it was tight - but significantly soft allowing for easy entry, further proof that Aki's body was ready. He dived his finger deeper into Aki's canal. "You're ready Love, you're fully dilated. On next contraction, I want you to take a deep breath, and then push. I will help you curl forward." Nick said rather excitedly. He couldn't wait for this big moment - the first real push. this would be the beginning of their children's journey to meet the world.

(Thank you for the words of encouragement. It is alright, you are doing just right with Nick in our roleplaying. Nick can be both harsh and soft. I have no limits so anything goes with me. And you are doing excellently in our roleplay as well. I love waking up, reading your posts and replying to our roleplay.:))


Aki breathed between the relief of contractions, putting all his attention on his body's motherly like instincts. He felt as though he could be with Nick forever and ever. He was eager to finally give birth to the two large, restless twins. He and his beloved Nick had both been more than the word "excited" and soon the such twins would enter the massive world of what was affectionately called Earth.

He was comforted by Nick's gentle but firm rubbing, closing his eyes for just a moment. Life was now bittersweet but at the same time he was eager to hear the twins cries. "Thank you for being here, Nick. Your bastard of a father would have rather be out doing better things but now I am blessed to have you in my life." He said softly with a full, big, soft and emotional smile. "He deserved to rot in hell."

He wanted to never ever stop smiling but sadly he did when he felt the pains of agonizing labor hanging on him like the presence of a large, fluffy, grouchy, dark grey cloud.

He asked for Nick's assistance only when the time was absolutely right. He wanted to be with Nick forever and ever and thanked the Gods above for him. He reached up, holding Nick's shoulder and used it for leverage as he was helped by his beloved Nick in the process. He clenched his upper and lower teeth together, lowering his head as he bore down carefully.

He wanted to get up and arise to his once sturdy feet but he was too far gone into the birthing process. He closed his eyes tightly, keeping the first push slow and steady for a minute before collapsing upon his back on the bed for the first push. He knew that he would have to put all his strength in getting the two twins out one by one but knew that he needed time.

He was not ready but he still gave it his all, listening to the silent, intensifying pains from the ruthlessly twins. He did not give up or give into the peer pressuring of the twin's movements.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww you flatter me too well. I think it is a struggle at times for both of us, but i guess we're grasping the rhythm alright now!)

The grunts from Aki was so manly, yet also making him appear so vulnerable. Nick's heart melted seeing the once big and sturdy man reduced to this incredibly feminine body, filled with motherly instinct. He stroked AKi's sides encouraigng him through his first push, murmuring sweet nothings into his ear as his lover tried.

The first push didn't bring to any visible progress, but that was expected. In fact, Nick was prepared this would go on for awhile. The twins were big and Aki was, afterall, a man. The birth would be challenging to him. Their twins had grown so big that Aki's abdominal muscle were stretched thin and weak. Aki was also exhausted physcially even before the birth with the active movement of the babies.

"Good job Aki. You're doing it just right." Nick smiled cupping Aki's face as he crashed back onto the bed. "You just have to keep doing like this. I'll be here to guide you through it." he smiled kissing Aki on his lips and rubbed his belly.

The pushes came and go. Sometimes Aki couldn't hold it for too long, but sometimes he excelled in it and held down for so long, even Nick was impressed. "Good job Aki, we're working on this together. Give me another big push." Nick said after some 30 minutes of pushing, holding Akis' hand. The head of the baby was slowly passing through Aki's cervix to drop squarely into his birth canal. 

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