True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(I  agree. Nick and Aki are such an adorable couple. And as for us and our relationship with one another I also agree with how pure and strong it is. :))


Aki continued to smile, feeling how true and strong their relationship has been. As the two twins hair was ruffled they did nothing but continue to feed from their mother's breasts. They did not want to slow down from swallowing down milk until they were truly done. He simply stared down at the two twins and was comfortable now that the twins were feeding slowly. He was eager to be the strongest mother like the father that Nick was. He was also eager to let both Hercules and Angel grow and thrive in the world. It had been the second day. He hummed gently, feeling as if he had been able to comfort them but they had seemed to not focus on anything but just filling their stomachs with warm and nourishing milk. Aki sighed as he felt as though he could be comfortable even with the hard pace of what was of feeding.

"That sounds like a beautiful proposal. My mother and father can be invited. How about you?" He answered. "I cannot wait until we have the wedding. The mansion will be home again." He smiled wide again, raising his eyes and gazing up into his lover's eyes. "Life is worth living that we have a family to raise, love and protect." He lowered his head and gently placed a few soft kisses upon Hercules and Angel's cheeks. "Now we own the mansion. Christopher is now where he belongs." His smile turned to a smirk, wanting to always be a true mother to the twins Hercules and Angel.

He sighed happily, feeling as if he was finally able to relax now that his swollen breasts were both being drained of milk. He made sure that the two twins were able to fall back asleep after such a wonderful meal. Life was so much like a miracle and he was blessed to be in such a wonderful family. He was also proud of what life had to offer. He sighed softly and happily, closing his eyes, breathing softly while letting the twins finish their delicious liquid meal. He hummed softly, the gentle noise making the two twins bodies relax against their mother's chest.

"I would like to wear black, I want to step out of traditional which brides normally wear white." He said, a smile forming on his face once more. "How about you?"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(yes agreed. We have been correspondence for long enough i feel like I know you quite intimately in many aspects, even though we wouldn't recognise each other in rea life, nor would I know the basics of you! in fact, it's been a running joke around that friends met through the Internet was the "most familiar stranger", where they wouldn't even know the dominant hand of each other ;))


The babies were sloppy but eager in their feeding. Angel has a bigger appetite and in her hurry to get more milk from her mommy, some milk spilled from the corner of her cute little mouth. Nick reached out to wipe away that small trail of sweet milk - then licked it away from his finger smiling meaningful at Aki. He smiled at the harmonious picture formed by his true love and their babies. This was as perfect as things could go.

He nodded and slumped forward, over the arm chair, his face just next to Aki's head. "I'll where black matching yours then." he smiled kissing Aki's cheek, his gaze now fixated on the ring indicating his ownership over Aki. "you are going to be my lovely husband in.. let's say, 3 months? think that's enough for you to pick up your new role as mommy, and to prepare for the wedding? you woudln't have to arrange for anything other than looking great for the occasion. think 3 months' enough?" he chuckled pressing his face into AKi's.

"We'd be in matching suits... unless you'd want to try wearing something more gender-fluid." he shrugged, by that time AKi's breasts would probably still be swollen, but otherwise he was confident his fiance would be shedding most of the baby weight wtih how tiring taking care of 2 newborns could be.

(Even though we do not know of each other by appearance I still know that you are kind, protective, gentlemanly and sweet. :))


Aki felt each tug and warm moist embrace of the two twins mouths. He felt Angel draining his breast faster than her sibling Hercules did. He was becoming used to the rough feedings as time passed on by like many many years. He hummed softly, it was a habit and he did not think that it was a problem. It was just a positive way to calm both himself and the two fussy, hungry twins as well.

He let forth air from his lungs in the form of a soft sigh as his breasts were being drained, feeling as if he was able to have time to relax for a while. As they were fed from he simply stayed quiet, looking down at the twins. He smiled down at them, his proud motherly smile widening as he had saw Angel yawn softly and then her sibling Hercules after.  He loved the special way that Nick tasted his natural breast milk, never wanting to ever stop expressing milk from them. He felt lucky to have a man who always wanted to make like worth living. If he had to spare each and every last drop of his milk to the twins he would because that was what a true mother would be willing to do to keep their children calm, soothed and serene. He also would spare much to his beloved Nick if he had a need for some as well.

He did not know why he always blushed whenever he felt Nick's soft sweet lips exploring upon  the flesh of his cheeks or lips but he loved the feeling. He smiled as well, always wanting to be with Nick and their two precious children. He would fight to the death to keep his family safe and secure. He loved his Nick and felt as though he would always be with his forever and ever. "We can wait for that long. I cannot contain my excitement of being married to you after the 3 months. And I would love to be in a dress." He replied, the corners of his already beaming smile widened and lengthened till it could no further. "We will look so sharp in our matching outfits." He was not aware that after the wedding and the lovemaking would end up with him becoming pregnant once again. He was more than the word eager to be married.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(well you are also a sweet soul, patient and kind. You have tolerated me so much that I'm sometimes feeling ashamed of myself for not responding you more frequently!)


The babies were burped and tugged away. With just the two of them left, Nick smiled at the blush still lingering on Aki's cheeks. His face was fuller now, the babies not only softening him literally through his physique, they also gave him this motherly glow that highlighted his features. "you're so beautiful Aki.... " he sighed hovering over Aki. "And alright, a dress. You'll be stunning in it. Would you want to be addressed as Mrs Aki." he smiled. He had fully exploited this feminized version of Aki, but he would give Aki the freedom to decide on his addressing. He woudln't mind with Aki becoming entirely feminine, but at the same time he wanted AKi at his best and most comfortable, not being forced by him into something.

"And... I'll choose the best dress for you. Something that would accentuate his post-baby body, to celebrate his motherhood and other features that Nick was proud of, and make sure Aki felt flattered and confident walking down the aisle. It'd be the perfect day in their lives. Even better than when Angel and Hercules arrived.

(forgive me for taking the liberty to skip ahead of time? i can't quite wait for the wedding and for when Aki was to be swelling with child(ren) again!)

Aki had recovered slowly, but steadily. After an entire week of Nick taking care of him, he was able to walk, his swollen lips began to return to its normal state. Needless to say, Nick had enjoyed thoroughly this period where Aki entirely depended on him. the once large and strong man was now this timid and sensitive little mommy, not only was he soft in all aspects, he was also needy. Nick would have spent every waking hour with him, not even spending much time in office, to get to Aki's needs, spoiling him, indulging in his every need so that those blue eyes of Aki would have only him and the babies.

On the other hand, Nick had been preparing busily for the wedding. He'd arranged things to perfection, inviting Aki's parents who had also come to visit their grandchildren. No one ohter than the couple knew of the real parentage of the twins. But everyone was very accepting the pair gettin gmarried so soon after the passing of Christopher.

And finally, it was 2 days before the wedding. Aki was going for his fitting. this would be the first time he saw his wedding dress, and Nick was excited to see how he would react to it. 

(Aw, thank you. And we can skip to the wedding day. You need not to be ashamed, I know that you have a real life and a job so things get hectic sometimes. I am happy with what you post. I am a patient man and you do not have to be perfect. I am not perfect either. We are humans. :))


Aki covered his chest with his shirt once again after the twins were finished with their meal. He was proud of himself for feeding them, laying down and resting for a while or so to regain more milk into his breasts. He was weary but he did not complain like most women did whenever they were in pain or was weary from feeding their child or child(ren). He was a true soldier who would never regret having the twins along with the help of his beloved Nick. He loved his beloved more than anything in the whole entire world, never wanting to ever be away from him for even a single minute. No matter how short or long it was. Each time Nick left he became nervous that he would be gone forever and ever but he kept those such frightening and nervous thoughts to no one but himself.

He wanted to always be with Nick. "I cannot wait until I put on the dress and walk down the aisle with you by my side." He smiled, gazing up into Nick's eyes with such an endless and unconditional love. Life was about living it to the fullest and always being positive about how a person saw the world. He who was the mother of the two twins Hercules and Angel had made sure to keep them secure and full of milk.

"Alright, my love. I am positive that any dress that you choose for me will be beautiful." He said happily.

(After 3 months.)

He was in the dressing room, humming as he slipped into his dress. He was smiling, excited to be able to wear something so small. He was able to wear it because of healing and exercising and he was proud. It was a long dark black dress which looked stunning on him now that he was at a slim size along with a matching black veil. He was overcome with emotion, turning around to face Nick as he walked into the room.

"Thank you Nick! .. I love it!" He spoke excitedly while he smiled wide, running over to Nick. He wrapped his arms around his neck and placed loving kisses upon his lips.

(After 2 days.)

After 3 long unbearable months of what was waiting he had been in the dressing room of the church, slipping into the dress and found that it had fit snugly. He was much more smaller and his once swollen belly was now flat but was still soft like a feather. He could not help but admire himself in the large mirror that he stared at his reflection. "Do I look alright? .. God I am so nervous." He said softly to the only maid in the room with him.

"You look beautiful Mrs Aki, there is no need to worry or be nervous." The maid said with a warm smile.

"Thank you." He said happily to the maid.

Soon before he knew it he was walking down the seemingly endless aisle with his tall father, smiles on both of their faces. A gentle sound of wedding melody was skillfully played as the ceremony began. He knew that Nick was also proud of this momentous day and soon they would show each other just how loving this day would be with just the two of them

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(love thanks for being so understanding. I'm so grateful that you're so accommodating - you're so lovely and I'm so happy to be with you!)


The wedding dress hugged Aki's frame perfectly. The man who used to be muscular and bulky was now leaner and almost effeminine, but still retained his intersexual features. Nick chuckled and opened his arms to hug Aki - over the last 3 months, from taking care of their babies, Nick had also became a little more built. to lift theri babies so many times throughout the day proved to be effective weightlifting in itself, and Nick was rather surprised when his slacks were slightly short because of him again growing a little in height after the iniital measurements.

Now 20, Nick was the proud father of 2, the effective owner of the business his father left behind, and also , on this day, become the husband of his greatest love in life. He waited at the altar, in the tailored suit that showed off his physique, his hair nicely done, he looked gorgeous cleanly shaven and literally glowing with happiness.

It wasn't a big ceremony. only the closest friends were invited. The only little trouble Nick encountered was to ask for Aki's hand from his father: Aki's father might be in his 60s, but he was still an intimidating man. Nick had to prove himself to the old man so that he would again agree to marry Aki into this family. He succeeded with persistence, and maybe a bruise to his sides when the old man angrily punched him once recalling the cruel treatment Nick's father had inflicted on his son.

Well, Aki didn't need to know any of that. What he need to know was Nick maanged to get his father's blessings.

Nick beamed at his husband making an appearance. In his dress, his hourglass body was clear for everybody to see. he was at his prime... and the maid who'd carried his bouquet for him was also looking with admiration at the perfect couple. Angel and Hercules were each wrapped in lovely silk, soundly asleep in their respective cradles.

Nick nodded at Aki's father, solemnly taking over Aki's hand. There was warning in Aki's father's eyes, which Nick held it bravely and nodded. "Your son's in good hands." he whispered, and together the pair turned to the priest, their hands interlaced.

The priest might have had spoken a lot of things, but Nick was oblivious to that. He looked at Aki and whispered. "You look gorgeous, my love." he said, even his eyes were smiling at his soon-to-be husband. 

(You are welcome, my sweet. And I know that I keep mentioning this but waiting has it's rewards. I adore being with you as well! It is fun and interesting to read each post you write in our roleplay. By the way my birthday is in two days! :D)


Aki smiled at the masculine sound that was Nick's chuckle, wrapping his own arms around him. He then left to clothe himself in his silk soft dress for the wedding that day. He hummed softly, slipping into it without a single problem. He felt blessed to have a husband like Nick and was so good to be true. Life was sweet like a slice of cake and he loved it.

The dark, slender black dress that Aki was now wearing showed his now pleasing curves ever so beautifully. He held his head high, walking down the aisle with soft steps in matching black heels that went with the dress perfectly. He flashed a smile at the many members of the audience who were happy to express one back at him. When he saw his beloved partner Nick his breath went away. Nick looked so handsomely dashing in his black suit, wanting to never ever forget this moment. Nick always looked handsome but right now it was much more of something special that he wanted to explore when he was to do when they went back to the bedroom to spend quality time together.

He was shorter but was still able to reach Nick's lips, never wanting to forget the soft flesh of them upon his once they would share a gentle but loving kiss. Life was like a parade and he wanted to ride all of the rides forever and ever without a single moment of stopping. He soon felt a switching of hands from his overprotective father and to his beloved husband Nick and then turned to face the pastor with focused eyes. As the pastor began he tried to listen as much as he could but was distracted by his lover's but it was in a positive way.

He was happy that he had a golden opportunity to be with Nick, his love and had eyes for his. "You are so sweet, Nick. You look handsome in that suit." He said happily and at the same whisper to avoid anyone else listening.

The elderly man who was Aki's father simply nodded to Nick once with a silent, grumpy expression on his wrinkle covered face, sitting down by his own husband with a cane held between his weak, skinny legs in case he had to stand.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh is it! wow so you're an aries? 3 April? awwww happy birthday in advance ;) )

THey were the perfect pair: there was love clearly written in their eyes, they longed for each other as they locked their gazes the moment Aki started walking down the aisle. Nick had not been too sure about the heels, but Aki nailed it. His lovely lover could do everything... until that last tiny step forward which had seen Aki tripping a slight bit but Nick managed to hold him steady, holding his elbow.

"You're beautiful, Aki." he sighed, appreciating the sight that his husband gave. "You've managed to captivate my soul all over again, just by looking as lovely." he smiled.

Taking over Aki's hand, they were almost the same height with Aki's shoes raising him up, but Nick was still that bit taller and it made them quite perfect. Nick smiled at Aki, their eyes never leaving each other as the pastor started his speech. His thumb caressed gently on Aki's hand, holding the bouquet together. Nick was a little nervous, but now that he could see Aki's lovely face, his lovely stance, his gorgeous body, there was no traces of it left. This was their happiest occasion, they need not be worried over anything as long as they are together.

".... Nick, will you have Aki to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, to honor, and to cherish?" Nick, for the first time turning to look at the pastor, nodded solemnly. "I do."

"... Aki, will you have Nick to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, to honor and to cherish?" he asked the man in black.


(Yes, and I am an Aries which makes me a Ram. My birthday is April 4th. And thank you! :D)


Aki was pleased and blessed to be with Nick and him only. The twins were still sleeping so the wedding went along smoothly without a single moment of trouble. He gazed up into Nick's eyes, never looking away for even a single moment because of fearfully missing a few special somethings that would probably happen. Life was so much like a roller coaster and now the two lovers had a chance to truly ride upon it with each and every single waking day or sleepless night. He hummed in his mind along to the harmonious sounds of the piano playing the special traditional wedding song.

He blushed as he almost fell to the floor of the church but he was saved by his beloved. "Thank you." He said softly, breathlessly to him as he recovered, softly clearing his voice as if nothing like that ever seemed to happen like tripping. He made sure that it was like he was reaching down to hold up the front of his dress a bit to walk forward the last few steps instead of tripping slightly and it made the crowd think that he was just reaching down.  He stood back up, smiling as if Nick was someone to depend on when it came to him and him alone. He made it seem as if he was graceful.

"I love you Nick, you are my reason for living and so are our two twins, our son Hercules and daughter Angel are perfect and now we have a true family to raise." He smiled up at Nick, never ever wanting  nor having to regret having a family that he and Nick could raise together. "You have my soul to hold in your hands and my heart to unlock as you alone have the key to it." He sighed happily, feeling as if he was to cry because of an emotional ceremony that was his and his beloved's wedding day. God made sure that Nick and Aki had a wonderful day without any rain downpour or storms.

He was also a bit nervous but he was overcome with happiness that it did not bother him. He kept himself focused only on Nick and him alone on this special day. "Yes, I do." He was eager to be with his beloved Nick. He was easy to give his trust into a person who was much more like a man than Christopher ever was. He did not ever think of Christopher, never ever. Not even for a single moment in life. Nick was his one and only thought and he always would be. Each time he saw Nick his heart raced a thousand miles a minute, never stopping fore even a single minute.

"Our love is an unfinished poem written day by day." He said simply, smiling blissfully. "You are a true man and I am blessed to be with you, my sweet." He said, feeling his eyes water with positive  emotion.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh you know traditionally we treat 4 April as Children's day... ;) and let's see, if we're going smooth enough on this, I think Aki might discover about the pregnancy on your birthday xD let's see~~ )


The sincere words and the degree of trust Aki placed in him was touching. Nick felt his eyes stung as well, tears welling up a little. He hadn't felt as surrounded by love ever since his mother passed away. This was the day that he was reborn into his better self, another chapter in his life, the best of it all which would lead to no ending... He clutched Aki's hand and devoured the sight of his beloved greedily. This was such a perfect moment....

"And I am also so blessed with you... you're the best muse to me in this poetic creation, and I am rather sure I am the muse for you as well." he smiled echoing Aki's thoughts, and then, under the blessing of the pastor, he took the ring offered by the altar boy and slipped it on the ring finger of Aki's left hand.

"With this I bound your soul to mine, forever and always." he smiled, stretching out his left hand for Aki to do the same for him.

"And now I pronounce you husband and husband. Nick, you could kiss your bride now." The pastor smiled and the small group of guests applauded at the obvious love this pair of newly weds showed to each other.

Nick smiled at Aki and lifted his veil. It was so symbolic, as if Aki had finally came out from mourning his life before with CHristopher, which had been a mistake from the very beginning, to embrace the lovely future they would create together. He smiled, cupping Aki's face in his, he pressed his lips onto Aki's soft ones, devouring, nibbling, prying his way into the deepest of Aki's, making the young girls among the guests blush with how passionate they were.

Foreseeing how much of an effect he could have on Aki, Nick placed a precautionary hand on Aki's waist so that if Aki's knees went weak with the passionate kiss, no one would see that. They would only see Aki melting himself onto Nick, in such sweetness that was drowning both.

(I am glad that my birthday will be celebrated as a special day. And I cannot wait to make Aki surprised when he is pregnant once again with more children, how many do we want Aki to have? Life as Aki in the roleplay is awesome and Nick is the perfect husband! :D)


Aki made sure that his words told just how much he loved his beloved Nick and so much more. He felt his own tears as they flowed down his face like an endless river. He was embarrassed by just how vulnerable he was bit at the same time he did not care. He wanted Nick to know the amount of love and admiration he had for him and so much more. He loved the moments that he and Nick had spent together and this was a special day, also a special day he felt when he was giving birth to their twins. He smiled, gazing up into Nick's eyes for as long as life would allow for him to be alive and breathing.

He was always blessed to be with his beloved Nick, life was like Heaven and he wanted to be with him. After his hand was gifted with a special ring he stared down at it, soon coming back to reality after a few minutes or so. He did the same with Nick, gently placing the ring on his left hand and never looking away. He was happy to be in Nick's amazing presence, never wanting to ever hide or be sent away from his beloved for a single minute, hours or days. He smiled from ear to ear, making each passing minute mean so much more to him. He wanted to always be by Nick's side whether it be in bed or standing beside him like a towering manly protector. He wanted living to be simple and that was what it was like with Nick.

He smirked and winked at the girls who were watching, not being jealous or angry because they were staring as if they were not blinking. He only had eyes for his beloved and him only. He joined the pace of Nick's adorable and passionate lip lock, never wanting to ever stop. Not even for a single minute. Just like the forseen future of the kiss Aki's knees went weak like jelly. Life was so much like Christmas each and every single day and night with Nick. He wished to have a lover who would lay down his life for him and seriously Christopher was not the one. He had that such lover and he was Nick. Nick was like a new taste or an undiscovered present who was priceless. He loved his beloved with all of his heart, soul and mind. He wanted to always be with Nick and only him.

He did not ever want a single moment to himself like a lonely man, he wanted to be around Nick for as long as time woulo allow. He loved the way that Nick had treated him. He also loved the way that their twins had cried for either him or Nick. He loved the ways that Nick had spoken to him whether it be passionate or gentle. He sighed happily, following beside Nick as they left the church. They drove back down to the mansion, both lovers kissing upon eachother as if they were about to rip eachother's clothing off like two eager, sex crazed predators.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha we can have a singlet this time... or, twins again? I'm fine with both~ and happy birthday babe ;) i wish you a very happy one, with lots of happiness waiting for you ahead! may all your wishes come true, and may you get the most out of life ;))

(oh and I have added some small detail towards the end of the wedding... hope you don't mind?)


Nick smiled seeing the rose gold and platinum blended ring adorned on his ring finger. Their rings were identical, with 2 different types of precious metal blended together. It was subtle and for every day use, but he had been the one designing it... he will tell Aki of that later, when they went ahead for their honeymoons, and would have some privacy.

Among the applause and cheers of the crowd, Nick waved at their loved ones, thanking them for their good wishes and blessings. He nodded at them, leading the way down the aisle. "Oh, Aki, the bouquet..." he smiled at his husband, letting him do that among the cheers of the blushing girls. Nick looked at the happy blush on Aki and again pulled him closer to press another kiss on him.

"Now, my friends and family, thank you for coming today... please proceed to the small reception at the back.Aki and I won't stay for long." he winked at everyone, telling them subtly they had somewhere ELSE to go. "but please, enjoy your time here. " Yes, they would start their honeymoon soon after - and Aki had no idea about that. They would be bringing their nanny and the twins, in a private jet that Nick reserved for the purpose. he couldn't wait to devour his husband now.

The newly weds led the way to the small reception, with drinks and snacks served buffet style. Everything was meticulously planned and Nick was quite proud of seeing everyone smiling and enjoying. "AKi... come." he smiled at his husband and swept him off his feet. "Let's go.... " he pressed a kiss on him and took him all the way towards the waiting limousine, kissing all the way back to their mansion with their twins still sleeping soundly at the basket beside them.

Nick smiled - little did AKi knew, they were not heading back to the mansion but heading for the private jet. Their luggages had been packed at the backseat and now he just have to kiss Aki to oblivion so that he won't be able to process what was going on during their drive to the airport.


(Just so you know, they would be heading to a private island ~ they would have the place all by themselves, and the twins taken care of!)

(Thank you! And it is alright to have detail with your post of the Wedding's end. It is also fine with me that they are taking flight off to their private island. :))


Aki smiled as well up at his beloved Nick, loving each and every single moment that they were together. He was in love with the rings that Nick had eagerly picked. He was ever so eager, never wanting the time to pass by without his beloved's presence. He was anticipating about the time that was of the Wedding night on their own privately reserved island. He never flew on a plane in his whole entire life but now here he was, soaring through the light, weightless clouds on one. He wanted to reveal to Nick just how much he meant to him and soon that realization would be unleashed in the form of sexual activity with him. He stood close beside Nick and simply enjoyed his company and warmth that he was able to simply delve in. The Wedding day was magical and when time would pass on by and wait for no man he was fine with that as long as Nick was there.

He smiled up to his beloved Nick and then over to the loudly cheering crowd, also waving to them as well like his lover had did. He felt as if though life was truly worth living. He turned around so that his back was to the crowd of women, throwing the bouquet over to them without a single word. He smirked once again, loving the comical way that they reached up and tried to catch the such beautiful flowers. Life was now bliss. He loved each moment that he was with his beloved. He heard the sound of wedding bells as the two lovers had made the best of what was their momentous day.

When he was lured in for another fiercely lustful kiss he allowed himself to be pulled in, placing a seemingly endless kiss upon Nick's lips as well with the same passionate contact. He felt loved by a true man and only him. He never felt abandoned, starved or unloved. He was blissful to be with his beloved even after being embraced by Nick and only him. "Thank you for being here for us, our dearest friends and family." He wished for a positive life and just like that he was presented with a true man. That such man's name was Nick. He hummed in his head like many times before and found that his heart was swiftly racing out of his chest. He felt like he was running a race that he wanted to never ever end.

"Life is bliss now that I have you. You have made me whole once more." He smiled, never walking without Nick beside him. He was more than eager to make such passionate love with Nick and explore just how long they could last.  Soon Nick, Aki the nanny and the twins were riding as passengers in the limousine and then on the private jet off to an even more private island. He wanted nothing more than to always be with his beloved and only him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hey sorry for the delay, babe... was a bit busy the past few days. and wow, a new profile picture ;) you look adorable... haha almost cute with you sorta looking down at the phone?)


Nick had kept it all a secret from Aki that he had their honeymoon planned. He smiled at the man that was his husband now, and clutched his hand when they arrived at the airport. Getting down, he led the way to the ascending stairs with the nanny following them closely, taking with her the twins. "surprise, Aki?" he smiled, climbing the stairs with him as if they were famous movie stars.

The plane departed and the twins had slept through it, Aki, however, was another story. Nick found that his new husband was stunned. he did not expect Aki to have never taken a flight before, but he noticed he was being curious of everything. Ranging from the chairs to the view outside, to the overboard cabinet and also the flight attendant. Nick smiled and relaxed into his seat. "Stop getting so nervous, Aki. sit back and relax.... we're heading to this private island for our honeymoon only." he smiled as if that was nothing out of the ordinary, when it was a huge surprise for Aki.

He smiled seeing the shocked look on his new husband and reached over to clutch his hand. "With me, you have nothing to worry about. I will be leading you to only safety and happiness. You can rely yourself entirely on me... just as in our wedding vow. I will take care of you and love you, from now till ever." he said pulling Aki up from his seat to put him on his lap. "Now, will this make you feel better?" he smiled, liking how Aki snuggled close immediately, still in his wedding dress.

(It is alright, my dear and thank you for commenting on my avatar. I do not normally take pictures because of low self esteem but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and took the such picture on my birthday. Yes you were right, I was looking down at my phone while taking the picture. Sorry about how small it is, I wish the picture was larger though. :))


Aki was so much more than the word "eager" to be a witness to explore the massive island that was reserved by just him and his beloved. When he was smiled down at by his beloved Nick he was more than pleased to return one of his own at him, letting him know just how much he adored him beyond what was of simple words. Silently he walked in perfect sync beside his beloved and just him. He loved it when he was with his beloved, always needing to be with just him and only him alone.  He was always at ease whenever his beloved showered him with what was of pure passion, love and adoration.

With each step he felt as though they were closer and closer to their serene honeymoon, away from the annoying nosey maids or family. He loved being with his beloved each day but he was not aware that soon he would be struck with pregnancy once more. He felt as though his excitement would never ever end and to be honest he never ever wanted it to.  He and Nick would make the most of it.

"I never flew on a plane before. I am glad that I am with you. It makes me feel less scared and more at peace while on it." He said, a light pink blush lightening up his cheeks as he seemed to do when expressing positive emotion. "I cannot wait until we have time to ourselves on the honeymoon. on our private island." He smirked lustfully, feeling turned on by Nick like always, no matter what they were doing. He tried his hardest to stay calm, managing to focus on Nick's voice soothing him. He never wished to ever be out of his handsome, delicious please. Life was such bliss and so much more than that.

He loved it when his husband wrapped his strong,  muscular arms around him, never ever wanting to leave him. He sighed happily, nuzzling Nick's chest and feeling like a tiny, defenseless puppy seeking the area of where it was to be soothed by it's mother's natural body warmth. Life was so much beyond the realization of living and existing, it was truly about living each day to the very fullest.  

"Yes, it will." He said softly, closing his eyes and listened to Nick's heartbeat. He focused only on his lover's breathing and how gently he held him him. He was eager to feel his lover close as possible to him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha so a new avatar to commemorate a very important day? ;) it's lovely, i think you looking down at your phone is very cute, so dont worry about it. =) )


Nick loved how pliant and soft Aki was. He stroked his back idly luring him to sleep after the long preparation for the wedding. He knew his love must have not gotten much sleep last night - they had slept in separate rooms following tradition. It was the first night they had ever slept on different beds in a very long time, and he missed AKi dearly. Certainly that would be felt as well by his husband...

Interlacing their fingers, Nick smiled seeing the ring on Aki. Yes, he had bonded with this lovely man forever now... He smiled and pulled him closer. HIs gaze laid on Aki's lovely face for some time, before lingering further down his toned body, fixated next on his middle. There... it should be swelled up. It had been empty for too long and he knew Aki's ripe womb was eager to be housing another child again - child or two, he did not know. Let's see what he could do about it during this honeymoon.

Aki had slept through the landing, which could be the scariest part with the change in air pressure and speed. He smiled and thanked the pilots and all before lifting Aki up in his arms. Amidst the air crew's claps, Aki's slowly pulled from his slumber. "Aki, love... wake up. We've arrived." he smiled at Aki, and then the groom carried his most loved bride over the threshold, stepping out to the staircases that would lead them straight to the beach. The white cottage that they would be staying was just a short distance up, looking pretty and elegant.

"Welcome to the Casablanca, love." he smiled, carrying Aki all the way to the little white house, crossing every threshold possible to complete the ritual while making their way up to the house.

(Yes, I wanted to take a good picture for my special day. And aw, thank you, sweetie. I am glad that my picture is pleasing to you. Blush )


Aki had adored how gentle but strong Nick was. He sighed softly in delight as his back was rubbed by him. He slipped away as he closed his eyes, falling into what was a serene slumber after a long, wonderful day. He slumbered for a while and then was soon restless as he had a nightmare of being away from Nick and had wanted Nick in the same bed with him. He tossed and turned, getting up to his feet and lightly began wandering the halls of his mind but saw Nick nowhere. He awoke roughly with a sharp gasp, eyes wide with unbearable fear as he mentally hummed in his head to calm and distract his mind, wanting to always be by his lover's side. He whimpered softly like a puppy, wanting to feel Nick's warmth beside him. 

He felt his body's muscles become slowly untense as he yawned and awoke from sleep, noticing that he was in Nick's arms. Somewhere where he hoped to be. He was relieved that he was still with him, sighing with relief. He had a terrible nightmare. Life was so much like a trouble whenever he had a nightmare which was the first time while they were both on the plane with their two still slumbering twins who was the daughter Angel and the son Hercules. He was indeed eager to carry about the presence of more children. He smiled up at Nick, never ever wanting to ever be away from him.

He fell back asleep once more for a while longer as slumber beckoned him. He awoke with a fluttering and opening of his eyelids, stretching his arms and legs for a short while. He wanted nothing more than to please his lover and only him for the nightfall that was soon taking it's place above the lands. He smiled at the two air crew's kindhearted applauding. He was glad that both him and his beloved were at an unknown land known as Casablanca and he was breathless as what he had seen on the beautiful island. "Oh my! .. Casablanca is such a beautiful island, Nick!" He was proud, letting his husband carry him as the ceremony had demanded that. He was fine to walk but he did not want to break not even one of the rules. He was more than prepared to show his husband his urges.

He was eager to be with Nick that night, wanting to be held down and dominated by him. He knew that soon they would be sharing a bed together and that was what he could not wait for. When they were in the house Aki got up from Nick's arms, decided to make the first move by placing a gentle but passionate kiss upon Nick's waiting lips. He was not dominant but he wanted his beloved to know just how eager he was to be filled up with his lover's creamy seed and be stuffed like a Turkey with his thick, long cock.

He laid down on the bedroom's bed, keeping on kissing Nick as he wrapped his arms around his neck and held him close, body to body till there was no space between both of them.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(you're welcome babe ;) I think you are cute both in real life and as the Aki that is in our rp! and what did you get for your birthday other than this picture?)


Nick did not realise Aki had had a nightmare, soundly asleep when his beloved was startled awake from that horrible dream. if he had known, however, he would take pride in the fact that Aki managed to find peace simply by feeling his presence. that was how strong their love was. They could comfort each other, without the use of words , because that was how deep theri attachment was to one another.

With Aki safely brought into the house, Nick saw witht he corner of his eyes their nanny was smart enough to have disappeared to the guestbedroom/nursery downstairs. he smiled and welcomed the kiss his husband offered, wrapping his arm around Aki's waist and stroked his lovely dress with his thumb. He moaned and frisked along his body, pulling the dress up. In no time, he peeled the dress away from Aki.

"Aki...." he smiled. The sun had barely set, but Nick could wait no more for his love. "I am going to claim you, on this very bed, and to pump my seeds into you hard enough, i know we're leaving this place with a new life in you again...." he said huskily, looming over Aki, he ripped his shirt away to show his toned and muscular body. Kicking away his dress pants, his huge cock was standing high and proudin the air, ready to claim its prize.

(You are so sweet, my love. And I got a little bit of money from my friends, a few cards and a Vanilla cake. I also drove around with my father and spent time with him half of the day. I had a fun day all and all. I also went out with my sister and niece and had ate till I could no more. By the way, I am typing this while listening to a song and was thinking about you. :D)


Aki could not keep back his own urges any longer. He smirked at Nick's words of passion, gazing up into his eyes with an expression that was easy to read, that such one was lust. He licked his own lips with his tongue, eager to have Nick's cock inside of him. He was glad that he did not have parents who were judgmental of his relationship that both he and Nick shared. He was more than urgent for Nick's touch and his hips thrusting against his eager to be filled rear.  Love without words was very powerful. It showed that the two lovers needed no explanation or to speak their urges and emotions to one another.

He was more than impatient as the barrier of their clothing was in their way. He wanted to be pinned down and fucked to no possible end. He felt his body quivering in response to Nick speaking the one word that had him turned on like a wild fire. That such word was his own name. He had felt as though this situation was surreal and it seemed too good to be true. He was blessed to be with Nick and him only.

He loved each moment that God had let him be alive with Nick. "Nick .." He moaned Nick's name gently and breathlessly, his breathing making his chest rise and fall heavily as his inner primal instincts drove him to react instead of thinking beforehand. "Fuck me hard .. do not hold back." He spoke further, his voice becoming a cat like purr of a moan. Like always he had been reduced to a panting, moaning mess of a man as his clothing was being stripped from him and left him naked and bare as if the day he was born into the world as. Each breath was worthwhile when with his beloved Nick.

When Nick's cock was revealed to him his eyes became fixated on it, wanting it to be inside of him till it impaled him and stretched his narrow insides without mercy. He found himself licking his lips, his mouth drooling to be able to taste it till Nick was moaning out his name. "Can I taste your cock, Nick?" He said breathlessly once more, never looking away from it. "It looks delicious like always."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Oh wow you are surrounded by lovely people who also love you a great deal ;) and oh you got a little niece! so you have some experience with apregnant lady huh? and aww you are so sweet ;) what song is that that would remind you of me?)


Nick chuckled at the hungry way Aki was looking at his manhood. THey had both been starved of this for some time now: since the birth of the twins, AKi had needed the time to recover, then Nick himself was busy with picking up his father's company and to arrange for the wedding. It had left little time for them and Aki was also spending a lot of time with the babies. This starvation from intimacy had fueled his desire further, and Nick's cock throbbed seeing his husband's lovely body.

"You are so perfect, you know that?" he smiled looking at Aki's naked torso with such intense gaze, he could see his husband's face slowly heated up. Finally, he nodded and sat down."Go ahead, take me cock like a lollipop...." he said spreading his legs, his shaft looking almost intimidating as it stood with veins popped along the sides. "come here, I want to eat you out as well... better prepare you for what would come next." he smirked, patting on Aki's still widened hips so they would be in 69.

The big butt of Aki had shrunken a little, but it was still quite lovely and Nick playfully bit on his buttock, leaving a teet~hmark and a whimper from Aki. He traced hte bitemark and moaned when Aki swallowed his length, taking it nice and good - but only to half way. He was too long for AKi to take in one go.

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