Closed Hope(closed with Meadow_of_Ash)
Hakuno is an 18 year old male that's heavily pregnant with twins. Living in a strict household, his parents were dismayed upon learning that he had been knocked up at a frat party. Things only got worse as the months went on and they became more disgusted by his bump. He was eventually kicked out just two weeks to term. With no other options and living in the streets, he found a posting of a nearby midwife that could hopefully provide assistance. He called the number that posted. "Come on....Pick up....!" He muttered to himself and growing uneasy after it rang 4 times.
Bree Weston is 21. She graduated early, having much experience from helping out several neighbors birth their children.

Bree's phone rang, and after realizing the number was new to her, and might be someone in need, she picked it up. "Hello?"
Hakuno was startled when he heard a woman's voice answer. Now he might actually get help. " this Bree?" He asked.
"Yes. And you are?"
"My name is Hakuno. I'm 38 weeks pregnant.....could we meet up somewhere?"
"Of course. Would you like me to meet you at your house or...? We could meet at mine too."
Hakuno scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly "Uhh, let's try yours, please." He answered.
"Of course, do you need a ride? I can come pick you up." Bree responded.
"Yeah, sure." Hakuno told Bree the name if the street he was currently at "I'll be the huge guy sitting on a park bench."
Bree laughed. "Okay. I'll be there in ten."

Ten Minutes Later:

Bree parked her car on the street and walked over to Hakuno. "Hi, I'm Bree. Are you Hakuno?"
Hakuno got up from the bench and shook Bree's hand. "Yep, that's me!"
Bree smiled. "Nice to meet you. My car is right over there and my house is about ten minutes away. Are you good until then? Need anything? Bathroom break? Food? Water?"
Hakuno politely shook his head no. "I should be fine, I can eat later." He said with a small smile.
"Okay, ready to go?" Bree smiled, trying to be a comforting as possible.
"Yeah." Hakuno followed Bree to the car. "Thanks for this, by the way."
"It's my job," Bree laughed. "Literally."

She opened the passenger door for Hakuno. "Here you go."
Hakuno sat down in the passenger seat. He had to move the seat back so that his baby bump would fit in the car.
Bree smiled over at him. "Ready?"
Hakuno nodded and smiled back. "Ready."
Ten Minutes Later:

Zoe parked in the garage of her apartment. She got out of the car and went over Hakuno, opening the door and extending a hand to help him out.

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