Closed Candy store (closed w/Klayko
David pulled into his driveway and quickly got out of the car and fumbled in his now tight pants pocket to grab his keys. Trying to move as quickly as he could to his door unlocking it and getting inside as he did the pressure in his midsection was getting stronger he had to get his pants off they were getting too tight. He then collapsed on his living room sofa. David pulled up his shirt looking down out his belly. He couldn't believe his eyes his belly was inflating slowly getting rounder and bigger almost like one of the bubbles he was just blowing. " What is happening Cody this don't make any sense!?" David yelled as his belly slowly inflated some more.
As the car parked, panic partially flooded Cody’s heart and mind for David. That was until he eased out the vehicle himself and the feel and sound of his own pants ripping were heard. Right down the middle and up to his rear. He tried to examine himself, but turning made it worse as his button finally popped forth like a wine cap and the zipper rolled down, his partially hairy belly revealing itself at last.

It was still swelling, evident by what he saw with David and from what he was seeing with himself. Even his chest was beginning to feel the pressure.

“I don’t know,” Cody said to David in fright as he slammed the door behind him, locking it tight. One thing was for certain; They needed to ditch their tarnished clothes because they were getting too small for their expanding body. He just hoped they didn’t burst like a balloon at this point.
Watching Cody swell up like he was put David in a panic. He had no idea what was happening to them. David put both his hands under his now basketball size belly got up from the sofa and walked the best he could to the bathroom down the hall. Finally as he reached the sink he noticed the pressure around his belly slowed up. Waiting a few minutes David stared at himself in the mirror. Moving his hands around his belly noticing how much he looked like his pregnant sister. "I think it stopped... It don't hurt anymore." David yelled out to Cody. " I looked really fat though I'm not sure what that was about." David looking down at his now rounded belly he noticed he couldn't see his own feet.
The swelling continued. Cody’s belly continued to expand out in a round and firm form, never becoming flabby in nature as if he just had a roid gut or beer belly. He watched as whatever abs he had pushed out and away for a more swollen form before it subsided. By then, he was well out of his pants and resting on the couch in just his boxer briefs and shirt, which rode well over his new physical form.

He was still panicking. While it subsided and while David believed his own condition eased well within his bathroom, Cody was still chewing the gum in an anxious state. He slowly eased off the couch, which was easier said than done as the moment he stood up, the weight of his belly caused him to stagger and waddle forward before he found support in gripping the wall to balance himself. His spine was definitely taking a pull from this.

“I think mine stopped as well,” he said in relief.
Feeling the full weight of his new belly David slowly moved back out to the living room. "We need to find out what happened.". David said as he sat in his chair with his underwear and loose fit shirt. David was looking at him and Cody noticing how perfectly round his and Cody's bellies were and he once again thought of his sister. "It's funny how we look like my pregnant sister she is five months along now ". David still couldn't believe this was happening he never in his life was out of shape. Now its hard for him to walk with this new weight of his belly pulling down on his back.
Cody rested a hand on his belly. Just to get a feel of it, if anything. The first time, he practically jumped out of fear feeling it the first time. It felt firm and certainly off. At least, that’s how he could phrase it as there felt like a mass resting in between the walls of his belly and where his actual spine and other organs were at. Even running his hand over it, he felt something else protruding in a large display that prompted him to look down; His belly button was poking out.

David was more or less in the same situation as him: Waddling and — Cody chuckled. He chuckled at David’s phrasing of it all.

“Yea,” he said. “You’re parading around here like you’ve got two in the oven…”

But that was a joke, right? Cody felt like those words were stinging him about as bad as his chest was by this point, his hands running across them over his shirt. “It’s just weird that it’s the belly that’s grown, really.”

And none of their body elsewhere swelled, mostly.
David knew what Cody was saying it is weird it's just there bellies that have grown. David sat down at his kitchen table watching Cody out in the living room play with his popped out belly button. Thinking David blew another bubble realizing he was still chewing the gum. As the bubble popped David felt a slight shove and gurgle from his belly. Almost as if a few pounds were added to it. David soon realized just how hungry he was. "Man I'm craving some chocolate and honey dipped pickles for some reason." David said looking around his kitchen wishing he had some money to fill his cupboards with actual food.
There was no way that was the case. Just even hearing himself say it out loud made Cody realize just how preposterous it was. He blew a few bubbles before easing down onto the couch once more, his stomach gurgling in response, but he mistook it as being hungry. He heard David mention a bizarre food craving, but it didn’t really phase him as it normally should.

“I mean, we do have a trunk and backseat full of chocolate out there,” he said. “We just need to brave going out there to get them.”

He wasn’t sure if there were pickles or not, but there had to be candy out there with honey, at least. He personally felt like he could go for something sweet and bitter like hummus and a large Snickers as the stick.
David thought for a moment. He couldn't risk going out there and having his neighbors see his now massive belly. That's the last thing they need right now is attention especially after robbing a candy store. Then another gurgle from his belly hit him. " I'm going to risk it... These hunger pain are too strong ". David told Cody. David looked for one of his winter coats he could put on to hide his bump. After searching in his closet he found it a put it on with great struggle. David couldn't zip it because his belly stuck out too far but he could button at least the first four buttons and they would have to do. David slowly cracked the front door and stuck his head out to make sure the coast was clear. Then David waddled as fast as his new gut would let him. After popping the trunk he grabbed the first two boxes of chocolate he saw and waddled quickly back inside. He knew he had to look stupid waddling outside in a winter coat in august but he was too hungry. " I don't think anyone saw me, except maybe the old lady across the street but she is half blind. " David explained to Cody. " Would you like some? " David asked Cody holding out a chocolate bar as he took out his gum and shoved a chocolate bar in his mouth.
Of course it was risky, naturally. Neither of them were exactly fit for the job, figuratively and literally. But, as a guest in the apartment, Cody didn’t exactly have a whole wardrobe of clothes he could briefly slap on. His ripped jeans were a testament to that and David was a little smaller then him to fit anything else. So, it was David who had to shamefully venture out.

It was crazy. They thought about selling the candy for profit, but as David entered, all Cody could think about past his gurgling belly was having something to satiate their bizarre cravings and appetite.

“Well, let’s just chalk it up to Dear Ol’ Judy not being able to see correctly then,” he chuckled. He looked over all the Candy before nodding. “Of course. I forgot gum burns calories.”

Pair it with the anxiousness of the robbery down to their bizarre belly growth, he could eat. Even if it was candy. He removed his own gum before looking over the products.
After chowing down on some chocolate and mustard he had in his fridge David wiped his mouth and hands off of all the chocolate. Rubbing his rounded belly he took a seat next to Cody. David still had his gum he put in a napkin while he ate his food. David strangely wanted to chew it some more. It almost felt like a compulsion. After David popped it back in his mouth a second time and began chewing amazingly it never lost its flavor which was oddly like steak. Suddenly David felt that pressure in his midsection again. His belly started pushing out once more. David put both hand just over belly button trying to keep it from growing somehow. All of a sudden a pop sounded and the buttons on his coat snapped off and David's belly button popped out. " What is happening man I'm getting huge!" After nearly two minutes of moaning and stretching from David the swelling in his belly finally stopped once again. David couldn't believe it his belly nearly doubled in size. He was a huge orb like belly now with legs. "What is causing this?" David asked Cody as he tried to get up but the weight of his belly was just too much right now.
Cody wanted to at least think there was some normalcy in just eating the candy. Probably not the healthiest of choices, but they were broke and there weren’t a lot of options. What was troubling to him all the while he found himself mixing various candies together to satisfy a hidden urge, the aroma of the gum filled his nose as it did when David first opened the pack at the store. It was compelling, even as it sat in a cup of water that he placed it in just to save it over. Why didn’t he throw it away? Even now was he finished the candy, why did he drink the water down and place the gum back into his mouth?

David was the first to find himself in a whole new ordeal. The clothing he could barely fit tore loose as his belly grew further, jutting forth with a rapid spurt as his belly button was now proudly poking out. Cody panicked, practically jumping from the couch as he witnessed David swelling further and further, but mentally, he was trying to think of the cause and effect.

It all came back to the gum. They didn’t have issues before they chewed on it and after they put it back in, their problems worsened before. Cody wanted to spit it out. He tried to, even. There was just a mental block that kept him from doing just that and compelling him to blow another bubble. Much like David, his condition worsened as his shirt rode over further and began to rip while his once loose underwear worse themselves as briefs. Because he was standing, he was struggling to keep himself balanced, his arms gripping the wall for support.

“The gum,” he stammered. “It’s the gum. We’ve gotta get it our mouths.”

But how, when he was nearing no good of a condition to move and David was certainly in a tough spot on the couch alone.

(Slightly lengthy post. Sorry about that XD)
David after seeing Cody swell up like he did spit out the gum onto the floor. "The gum makes you blow up like a balloon?". David asked Cody ". Who would make something like that?". David tried to get to his feet but his massive belly weighed down on him so much. Grabbing the side table next to him and pushing up with that David finally got to his feet. Putting both his hands on his back to relieve some of the back pain David looked to Cody. " What are we going to do? I'm too big to fit into any clothes, we ate most of what we stole, and we still don't have no money.". David was officially out of ideas he had no idea what to do or where to go. On top of that he never had to deal with being fat or as poor as he was now especially with the threat of going to jail on top of it all.
Once everything fully eased, Cody found himself taking deep breaths. To calm himself down, if anything. He looked around. Candy wrappers, David and the couch and the fact they both were still chewing the gum amid their panic and fears.

“I don’t know,” he said in confusion. “There has to be something more. There has to…”

He had not quite noticed it at first, but he felt it whenever he turned; something cold and wet across his chest. His blue eyes glanced down, seeing the wet liquid that wasn’t sweat protrude from swollen nipples proudly poking through the now tight and tearing shirt he was wearing.

“I don’t think we’re just blowing up like balloons,” he said with worry, recalling that even now, it was just their bellies that were the large part of the problem on their body. Nothing else. To top it off, their belly buttons were poked out. They weren’t getting fat.
David had to sit for the weight of his now massive frame was getting to him. Resting his hands on the top of his belly David took a couple deep breaths to calm himself. Just then he felt something push against his belly poking his hands. " What was that?" David jumped with surprise. It almost felt like a kick. "Wait a second.... I think there is something In there." David said to Cody. Suddenly the huge belly, cravings, and kicks in his belly was starting to make sense.
Cody had noticed it from the distance. He thought his blue eyes were just playing tricks on him and that they were simply just moving from the recent weight gain. But, sure enough, David’s belly moved to the side as if something was there. David confirmed it himself when he said it aloud. Cody didn’t know a thing or two about pregnancies, but from the way his chest was secreting a substance, they way their bellies were shaped with the bellybuttons poked out and swollen and the sudden movement in David’s body, he already blurted it forth “We’re pregnant!”

It wasn’t a positive revelation. It was more of a freaked out concern.
"pregnant!" David shouted out. " What do you mean we're pregnant we are men!". David shouted at Cody. Another kick hit David's belly. David sat back down on his chair rubbing his orb like belly. How could this happen there wasn't even sex involved they were just suddenly pregnant or at least show signs of being. David couldn't figure out what was happening both he and Cody were so enormous now and they had no way of getting big enough clothes so they didn't get noticed. Attention was the last thing they needed. Unless David just remembered he had a nephew that lived near by maybe he could get some clothes for the two of them so they could figure out what's wrong with them. "I may have an idea.". David said to Cody as he continued to rub his belly.
“I don’t know,” Cody said confused. “There’s no other…”

He stopped in his tracks as he glanced down. Much like he did when he saw David, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him until he saw his own belly move. It moved several times and then, there was a hit elsewhere that made him wince a little.

“There’s no other explanation,” he continued. “There’s something definitely in us and it’s happening fast.”

David had an idea and so did Cody. The person they owed debt to sent them on this bizarre robbery. Maybe they knew something the two thieves didn’t know.

“What’s your idea,” he said, his eyes glancing over at his torn pants. Cody was a stubborn man, slowly inching towards them in an effort to reach his phone. “Maybe I can try to call our client, too.”
David picked up the phone and dialed up his nephew after nearly twenty minutes of trying to explain to his nephew why he need two pairs of 5x shirts and two 50 inch waist jeans David finally hung up the phone. "I got my nephew bringing us some bigger clothes he should be here soon, afterwards we need to go visit our source and figure out why we are suddenly pregnant.". David explained to Cody. David had to sit again it felt like there were multiple lickings in his belly at the same time. Being this big was going to be a struggle concealing and getting around. David runs out of breath now just walking from room to room.
Cody had to mentally admit, hearing David ask for bigger clothing sort of made him feel self conscience. But, he wasn’t content to just wait around in this shape, either.

“Alright,” he said. By now, slowly and surely, he made his way over to his pants to reach for his own phone. It was a struggle at first, but he managed to get them from the floor after spacing his legs apart and bending down, slowly, to bring them up.

“We should have our source’s location in the texts.”

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