Birth Clinic specialised on Egg-Births

As in modern times men tend more and more to give birth to eggs, instead of babies, because of their individual interests, their voyage in mysterious countries with mysterious magic tricks or their meeting with aliens, the New York Hospital has started to create a special ward for those very special men.

Dr. Sommer is a specialist for Egg-Births and is the chief physician of the ward for Egg-Births in the New York Hospital.
But this station also offers the possibility to give birth to snails, snakes, lizards, etc. (Those mysterious pregnancies are sometimes quite exotic).

Name: Dr. Andreas Sommer
Age: 35
Role: Midwife and Specialist

Please use:

Pregnancy Type (Eggs, Snails, Snakes, Lizards, etc.):
Way of conception (Aliens, Mysterious Stuff, etc.):
Describe the person please :)


Name: Eric
Age: 23
Pregnancy Type: Dragon Eggs.
Way of Conception: He had always loved dragons and made friends with one and they agreed for him to carry his eggs.
Alone but possible accompaniment later.
Eric has thick, short messy brown hair with bright blue eyes, he is shy but really smart and funny once you get to know him but sometimes it takes a bit to get to know him.

Eric stood at the door of the hospital wing, his arms wrapped around his huge stomach as he sighs shakily. "Okay.. Its just a checkup.." He murmurs, many hospitals had turned him away because male pregnancy was still frowned upon by most, Hell, thats why he was kicked out of home. He walks in, getting the forms to fill out.

Dr. Sommer was on the ground floor of the building, just starting his day, knowing, that he would have a lot of patients today. He took the elevator to get up into the 30th floor and greeted Sandy from the reception.

"Hey Sandy", he said and smiled at her. Sandy smiled back. "Good Morning, Dr. Sommer. How are you ??", she asked him. Dr. Sommer smiled. "I'm fine, thank you, and you ??", he asked.
Sandy smiled and nodded. "I'm fine already have got a patient today", she said.
Dr. Sommer raised an eyebrow and took a look onto his watch. "8 am.......well, okay. Is the patient already in the examine room ??", he asked her.
Sandy nodded. "Yes, he is about to fill out all the necessary papers", she answered.

Dr. Sommer nodded. "Alright, then I will have a look at him", he said, went down the corridor and slowly entered the examine room.
"Good Morning, I am Dr. Sommer", he said with a smile and offered his patient his hand.

The clipboard is resting on his stomach as he fills it out, his head snapping up as he shakes his hand shyly, his hand shaking. "I-im Eric." He says trying to keep a steady voice.

Dr. Sommer smiled and nodded. "Hello, Eric. It's nice to meet you. How are you doing today ??", he asked him, went around his desk and sat down slowly.

"Im good.. How are you?" He asks with a small smile.

Dr. Sommer smiled too and nodded. "I am fine, thank you", he answered, before taking a look into his computer. "So you are here for an exam today........for an egg-pregnancy ?? In which month are you ??", he asked and smiled gently.

"5th." He admits shyly, rubbing the back of his neck

Dr. Sommer nodded and started smiling. "Oh wow, then you are already quite far. As far as I know, a dragon-egg-pregnancy just takes 5-5,5 it's good, that you came here for your examination today", he said and slowly stood up.

He sat himself onto the edge of the table next to Eric and looked him into his eyes. "Eric.......without getting to personal, but.......but is there something that bothers you ??", he asked, making reference to Eric's shyness.

He shakes his head. "No, ive always been this shy." He admits quietly. "And well... My parents dont approve of this." He mumbles.

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled, but quickly became more serious. "Eric..........I am sorry for you, that your parents don't like the idea of you being pregnant.........but........but you only have got one life. And during this one life, you have to do whatever feels good for have to do, what makes you strong and gives you the feeling, that you just did right......", he explained and hoped to break the ice between them. He felt very sorry for Eric and just wanted him to be a bit more sure of what he was doing...........

"I know." He sighs softly. "Suppose im also nervous."

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled. "Well, who wouldn't be...........but there is no need to be. Today, we will just do a little check-up and see how your eggs are doing. The assessment consists of two steps. The first one will be a little rectal exam to check the birth channel and how far your body already is, the second one will be an ultrasonic testing. Is that alright ??", he asked and smiled, while he slowly stood up.

He nods. "Of course, perfectly fine.. Im unsure how many im carrying. We think around 7 or 8 as you can tell by my stomach." He smiles a bit.

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled. "Alright, great. Then we will check up on that", he said and offered his hand to help Eric up from the chair, seeing that his belly must have been quite heavy.
He then went over to the other side of the room. At the wall opposite the desk, there was an examination bed.
"Would you be so kind as to sit down at the end of it ??", asked Dr. Sommer with a friendly smile and pointed at the bed.

He does so with a groan of effort. "I also do not wish for painkillers when I birth. One of the reasons I did this was for the experience of birth. Pain and all."

Dr. Sommer nodded. "Okay, we do it as you wish. As we are talking about it right now, we could also check some other things, before beginning the exam", he began. "Do you already now, in which position you would like to give birth, or should I at first list the possibilities and methods we offer ??", he asked him with a gently smile.

"Either hands and knees, laying down, or squatting." He says softly. "But what are the other methods or possibilities?" He asks curiously.

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled. "Those are already quite good choices for the birth. Especially squatting and hands and knees, because they allow gravity to help you", he explained and smiled.
Then he continued: "Furthermore, we offer a tub, lying on your back with legs spread and feet flat on the bed, lying on your back and your legs up in stirrups, lying on your side while someone holds one of your legs and pushes against it and then we got a birth-sling", he answered an smiled.
"As dragon eggs normally do have the size and the form of an American Football, it's quite good to find a position, which allows you to get a lot of strength into your pushing", he explained and smiled gently at the young man.

He nods. "I suppose ill choose more when im in labor." He says settling on the table.

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