Birth Clinic specialised on Egg-Births

Dr. Sommer turned around and went into the bathroom. There he grabbed a towel and held it under cold water, before getting the water out of it again, so that it just remained moist.
He came back with it and folded it, before gently lying it onto Eric's hot forehead. "This will help you a bit......the contractions sometimes create quite a heat", he said and smiled.

"Thank you." Eric murmurs softly. "Is everyone like this in labor?"

Dr. Sommer considered his question. "Well.......just like with the feeling of pain during a birth, the feeling of labor is also quite individual, but labor is in general more dependent from the type of species, that impregnated you. People who give birth to snake-eggs for example make most of the time a progress of 4 centimeters dilation in 2 hours. People who give birth dragon-eggs are much faster there..........your rectum dilated up to about 5 centimeters in a bit more than 20 minutes............but the feeling of enormous heat and indisposition happens most of the time", he explained and smiled.

He nods. "A-ah.." He says sighing shakily.

Dr. Sommer smiled and placed his hand on his patient's shoulder. "Don't worry, Eric. Everything is going to be alright", he said and patted on his shoulder, trying to calm the young father to be, who seemed to be a bit scared.
"You should use the next couple of hours to think about what you would like to wear during the birth and in which position you would like to give birth..........and you should also try to rest as much as possible...........but as I already said, it will only take about 1,5 to 2 hours", he explained and smiled again.

"I think hands and knees, if I get uncomfortable I can always move... Right?" He asks, trying to get settled.

Dr. Sommer nodded with a gentle smile. "Of course you can", he replied. "Do whatever feels good for you", he answered. "Do you feel pain elsewhere, but your belly ??", he asked him, referring to his back.

"My lower back more than normal... And well my stomach." He says before groaning in pain.

When Eric groaned again in pain, Dr. Sommer took a look at his watch and realized, that the contractions were getting closer. The last one faded about 4 minutes ago and there was already the next one. Dr. Sommer knew, that the birth of dragon-eggs almost always creates a very fast labor with a very fast progress, but Eric's progress was extraordinary. The doctor considered this fast progress as a result of the big amount of eggs, which were in his patient's belly.
Most men, who are pregnant with dragon-eggs give birth to about 4 to 5 eggs, in some seldom cases 7 to 8..........but 13 eggs were a very unusual amount and although Dr. Sommer was practicing for many years now and helped many men to deliver their dragon-eggs, he had never had a case like this.
"Take nice deep breaths, Eric and try to stay as relaxed as possible", the doctor said with a gentle voice, patting onto his patient's shoulder and then going down to the end of the bed to raise the blanket and take a look between Eric's legs. He even didn't have to put on gloves or make a touch test........he saw it with his eyes........"Eric, you are making a wonderful are already dilated to 10 centimeters", the doctor said and smiled.

He pants, nodding his head. "S-suppose this is moving pretty fast?" He asks hopeful.

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled. " or two more contractions and we can start", he said and smiled, pulling the blanket back down over his shaking patient.
"I think we could already go into the delivery room. Would that be okay for you, or do you want to wait yet ??", he asked.

"... Lets go.." He says letting out a shaky breath. He was scared to say the least. "Do I walk or...?" He asks. He didnt know if he could walk to the delivery room.

(Long, really painful, and hard time pushing sound good? :) )

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled. "Alright then...........oh no, you don't have to walk. Your bed has wheels, so I will roll you to delivery room", he said and smiled again, being stunned by the coolness of his patient.

(That sounds just PERFECT :D)

He smiles softly. "I don't panic when I'm scared I get calm..." He says sheepishly, he covers himself more with the blanket as Dr. Sommer gets ready to push him down the hall.

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled. "Alright then........let's go to the show", he joked and started to push Eric's bed slowly out of the room and down the corridor. The corridor was empty, only a nurse crossed their way from time to time.
At the end of the corridor, there was a big door, consisting of two doors, and a sign at the wall next to the door, which said: "Delivery Room 1".
Dr. Sommer opened the doors and pushed the bed into the delivery room.
As the hospital and especially this station was quite modern, also the delivery room was by no mean similar to one of those you see very often in movies, with cold white or green walls and lot's of medical stuff inside.
Birth is a psychological process as well and therefore it's absolutely important, that a patient, who is about to deliver, feels as comfortable as possible in the environment in which he should give birth.
Delivery Room 1 was very modern. It had a warm touch, with walls covered with light wood and some paintings of modern painters, big windows to get in as much daylight as possible and lights, which gave the whole room a slight yellow color, very warm and nice.

"Here we are", said Dr. Sommer with a smile and pushed the bed next to the delivery bed, which was situated against one wall of the room, but at the same time very centered.

He smiles a bit, shifting to the delivery bed with a small grunt of effort. "Thanks... Will there be nurses here or just you?" Eric asks, he was curious. He had actually never been there when some one had given birth. All he had saw was in movies which he knew were unreliable.

Dr. Sommer shook his head and pushed the bed against another wall to have enough space. "'s going to be just you and me........maybe we will have one or two nurses here, if we need their help. For example, if we change the position and they are holding up your legs to help you......but to start off, it's just going to be you and me........I know, I am not that pretty, but I can assure you, that I am also that competent", he joked and smiled, while coming back to Eric's side.

He laughs. "Bah. Not to shabby looking." He smiles, he was starting to warm up to the dr. "Just curious. All I've ever seen were movies where a female gives birth." He says softly, his body tensing in pain again.

Dr. Sommer started to laugh and nodded gratefully. "Thank you", he said. "Well, you know......this is the 21st century. People are making more war than ever before and kill themselves for ridiculous what did you expect ??", he joked half serious, as he suddenly saw, that Eric got hit by another contraction. He walked to his side and laid a hand onto his shoulder. "That's it.........keep breathing, you are doing wonderful", he said and smiled, going to the sink for one second and coming back with a cloth, filled with cold water to gently press it against Eric's hot forehead.

"Thank you." He smiles softly, breathing through it like he was told.

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