Birth Clinic specialised on Egg-Births

Dr. Sommer nodded and looked at his watch to count the time. The contraction already lasted for 60 seconds and he hoped, that it would end soon, so that Eric would get a bit relief.
After another 20 seconds the contraction finally faded and allowed his patient to relax a bit.
"Okay.........that was quite long. I would like to do another check. Would you spread your legs for me ??", he asked and smiled, going to the end of the bed and slowly pulling up the blanket.

He spreads his legs, breathing deeply.

Dr. Sommer nodded and took a look to examine Eric's dilation. He nodded quickly and smiled. "That's just're fully dilated. I think we can start with the next contraction", he said with a friendly and happy voice.

"Should I go ahead and get on my hands and knees?" He asks, his voice nervous.

Dr. Sommer nodded and put on some gloves. "Well, if you want to give birth in that position, then yes", he said with a very friendly voice, trying to calm him a bit, while he slowly pulled away the blanket. "You can prop yourself up on the backrest, that could help", he explained.
"Do you want to take something off, or do you leave your clothes like you are ??", he asked, referring to Eric's shirt and socks.

"Like this for now." He says rolling up on his hands and knees, his hands gripping the backrest. His legs were trembling slightly and his stomach was low and distorted as the eggs move down more.

Dr. Sommer nodded. "Okay, just like that", he said, seeing Eric doing exactly the right thing. "Just let me explain some little things to you, before we start........When the next contraction comes, then please take a deep breath, let your bottom sink a bit and try to push down as well as you can. I would then count and after some time say "breathe" and you just pull your bottom back up and try to relax...........normally we go up to ten. How many seconds do you think, you could manage to push ??", he asked him and smiled.

"I think I can manage ten." He says with a small smile. "I'll try not to curse too much." Eric said half joking.

Dr. Sommer started to laugh. "You can do whatever you want........the delivery room is a safe can cry, curse, whatever......doesn't matter", he said and laid his hands under Eric's entrance. "We just wait for the next contraction and you tell me, when it's there and then you wait for my command, alright ??", he asked.

He nods, within a moment another contraction racks his body.

Dr. Sommer saw his body tensing, approached him a bit more and nodded. "Alright, Eric. Take a nice deep breath, hold it in and push", he said, beginning to slowly count.

He does so, pushing down as he instructed letting out a low, pained moan.

Dr. Sommer nodded. "That's it, Eric. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and breathe", he said with a gentle voice.

He stops, gasping for air. "C-can I take off my shirt?" He asks

Dr. Sommer nodded. "Of course you can", he said and smiled, reaching out his hand to take the shirt from him. "You did great, ready for one more ??", he asked.

He throws the shirt off, he nods. "Y-yeah."

The doctor nodded. "Great. Okay, then take another deep breath, hold it in and push hard, come on Eric", he said a bit more energetically now.

He takes a deep breath, pushing down. "Hhhhnnnnggggg...." He groans, his hole starting to expand.

"Yes, one, two, three, four, five, good Eric, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and breathe", the doctor said, already seeing a bit of the tip of the first egg, but yet in the back of the birth canal.

He pants, cursing under his breath. "Fuck that hurts..." He grunts.

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