My husband: Father and Doctor (Closed RP with GENT)

James nodded and stopped. "'re going to be alright", he said and kept stroking him. "And......and if you can't do it then......then we can do it medically", he explained.

James nodded. "Okay....relax, Liam", he whispered and slowly started to slide into his lover.

James nodded and smiled, while reaching forward with one of his hands to gently wipe away the sweat of Liam's forehead. "I don't know how you do it, but you always do it", James whispered and smiled before bending forward and starting to kiss his husband. At the same time he very carefully began to move his hips forward and backward a bit.

James started to grin and kissed him with even more passion. "Okay.....", he said and started to move his hips with more tension and power, slowly grabbing Liam's knees to raise his legs a bit and keep them up in the air.

"I almost forgot how good it feels to be that close with you", he almost panted and moaned in pleasure, bending down and starting to kiss Liam's chest again. He loved every single centimeter of him.....from his hair to his toes.....
Liam was just so perfect and gave him everything his rational heart needed......

James nodded. "I'll try.....but there are so many couples, who have the same dream as we do and.....and I just can't leave them alone. I am the only specialist in the hospital at the moment and male pregnancy is quite in fashion", he explained and moaned as he felt a rush of pleasure shooting through his body. "But.....oh.....I'll try my best...I promise", he added.

"Okay.....", James whispered and increased his speed a bit. "I am close.....sorry for that but......but I am.....oh.....damn close", he whispered and kissed Liam again, while taking his penis into his strong right hand to stimulate it.

James panted and nodded and increased the speed and the energy he put into his thrusts even more. "Oh......fuck......are.....are you ready ??, he whispered.

James nodded. "In my bag.......oh.....yeah....", he sighed. "I'll get it after......oh.....shhhhh.......oh fuck I'm going to cum !!", he panted, feeling his muscles starting to tense.

James worked harder and harder and tried to get as deep as possible. "Fuck........oh.......YEAAAAAH !!", he sighed with a lot of power behind his voice, feeling his penis contracting and pumping his semen into his husband.

James almost fell forward onto the chest of his husband and panted, yet being in him to help the semen staying inside. "Thank were amazingly brave......I was just moving forward and backwards", he joked and kissed him.

James nodded. "Okay...", he said and gently pulled his penis out again. "Keep your bottom a bit in the air.....and don't push or anything else", he said, got of the bed and left the room to get the injection out of his bag, which he had left in the living room.

After about 40 seconds James entered the room again with the injection in his hand. He approached the bed and sat down next to Liam. "Okay. Now please give me your arm and make a fist with your hand", he said and took off the cap of the injection needle.

"The chance is about 90%", he said. "No, just let them up for some moments......I want to be absolutely sure that everything is going well..........just a little sting and we are done", he said and gently pushed the needle into Liam's veins on the other side of his ellbow.

James gently pulled out the needle after he had inserted the entire serum. He smiled and looked into the eyes of his husband. "Thank You for being ready to become pregnant and wanting to have a child with such a difficult guy like me", he smiled, bent down and kissed him.

James started to laugh. "Well,'re gonna see me quite often now. I am going to make sure that you and our Baby are alright", he said and smiled as he threw away the needle into the paper basket next to the bed. Then he gently grabbed Liam's knees and pushed against them to make him lower his legs again. "That should be alright we have to wait for about one week until we can do a pregnancy test", he explained.

James got to Liam under the blanket and smiled. "Don't always be so impatient, Baby", he joked, stretched out his strong arm and let Liam lay his head onto his strong biceps. "I can assure you, that you are going to be pregnant......even without "Concivium" there is a 70% chance........with the injection it should be about 95%", he explained.

" haven't conceived before, because we seem to always have hit the other 30%.........", the doctor explained and gently stroke Liam's hair, while moving his legs under the blanket towards Liam to press his feet against his husband's. "Yeah I know.....but you will have to be.......a pregnancy takes 9 months", he teased him.

James shook his head. "We weren't unlucky....those men very often had less testosterone in their blood as they conceived. This can be caused by various circumstances and happens quite often if you are not living that healthy.......but Liam you are living damn healthy. The guy I told you before who had to work hard for about 4 hours to help his son into the world was an athlete !! This guy had a wonderful muscular body and you saw that those muscles came from real training not just pumping them up in a gym as most of the guys do. This guy was very strong.....mentally and physically.......and he lives very healthy.......however we needed about 6 tries to get him pregnant. Of course it was harder as he is straight and his girlfriend couldn't really help him with that naturally.......but it was however a long process. And coming back to the birth: I thought this guy who is so strong would need 10 good pushes and the baby is there.......he didn't......he needed a lot more, because there was probably yet so much testosterone in his blood that made the whole process slower.
And maybe it's the same case with you......maybe you always had so much testosterone in your blood that it didn't work.....", the doctor explained.

James started to laugh. "I wouldn't mind trying over and over again either.........but to your question: the high level of testosterone will surely influence your pregnancy. But that thing with the influence already starts with you being a man and not being constructed to carry a pregnancy pains will be a subject as your body already starts to change everything in your stomach from the beginning of the second month, no matter how high or low your testosterone level is.......those pains will be like little cramps, which are sometimes less and sometimes more painful........if the birth will also be as difficult as the one of the athlete is not sure and......and I can't make any promises concerning that........but as I will be there with you, there shouldn't be any problems and furthermore you're quite a hard guy as well", he explained and gently kissed him.

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