Alien Neighbour (closed)

"Alright," she says, patting his arm reassuringly. "No more nausea, huh?" she said, picking up his empty plate.

Ryne shook his head. "All gone. All I have now is two big babies in my tummy." He cooed.

"You feeling ok? You look pretty tired." She looked at his glass. "You need to drink, dehydration makes labor harder."

Ryne nodded as he started to drink some water. He leaned back and rubbed his belly affectionately.

"Do you want to go lay down for a bit?" she suggests. "Let Dr. Anderson measure you again before you fall asleep," she instructed him, helping him stand up from his chair.

Ryne nodded as he lifted his shirt to allow himself to be measured.

Dr. Anderson measured. "5 months. Averaging a month an hour," to Amanda. She looked at the clock; "Full term about 11:30 then. Ryne, you need to get some rest, this may be a long night."

Ryne nodded as he went to bed and decided to fall asleep. He moaned as his belly grew during the night.

About 9:30, Amanda goes in to check on him. She gently measures his belly trying not to wake him

Ryne snored lightly, enjoying his sleep. He moaned as his belly shifted and move because of the twins.

Amanda reports to Dr. Anderson. "7 months, right on track. I want him to sleep as much as possible. Try and get a nap yourself, I'll wake you up if something changes." He nods and falls asleep on the couch, while Amanda begins getting things together for his labor.

Ryne moaned again as his belly grew larger and larger until his belly looked the size of full term quadruplets.

It's just past 10:30, and Amanda hears Ryne moan. She enters quietly, to check on him. Seeing him still asleep, she gently rubs his back to comfort him.

Ryne cooed in delight. He managed to turn in his sleep, making his massive belly show through the covers.

Amanda jumps up and gets Dr. Anderson. He looks him over and they quietly conference in the doorway, trying not to wake him. "I felt three when I palpated just now, and he has a lot of amniotic fluid." Amanda steps out and returns, handing a doppler to Dr. Anderson. He moves over to the bed, trying to distinguish the multiple heartbeats without waking Ryne.

Ryne moaned in his sleep as he felt something brush against his round and tender belly.

(Btw, which method of birth do you prefer? I'm good with anal or penile.)


"Shhh, shh, shh," Amanda gently rubbed his back, trying to keep him asleep.

Ryne fell back asleep as he nuzzled against Amanda's hand.

Dr. Anderson sits at the desk in the corner, writing in the chart. Amanda continues rubbing his back. She looks at her watch, 11:45. "Anytime now," she says to herself.

Ryne slept soundly before he moaned loudly. He woke up and felt his belly shift and move strangely. "Ohhh....I think its time! Why is my belly so big?!" He asked.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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