Alien Neighbour (closed)

"Good, one more just like that and baby will crown," she says encouragingly.

Ryne panted heavily before he pushed hard. He moaned as the third baby emerged. "Are all my babies okay?" He asked tired.

Amanda dries the third baby and cuts the cord. Dr. Anderson turns to them, "naby's starting to breathe on his own a bit." Amanda places the baby in the cradle with the first. "How you feeling?" she asks, gently palpating his abdonen.

Ryne sighed in relief at the news. "I'm fine. The baby is taking some time. Please, I need you to explain all of this to me." He asked.

"What else do I need to explain?" She wipes the sweat off his face. She brings him some water. "Little sips," she instructs.

"Why you wanted me to carry your babies. And why you are here." Ryne asked as he drank some water.

"My planet is dealing with political uprisings and violent riots. I came her for peace. I really like it, and plan to stay. I picked you mainly fir your kindness. I believed you would understand," she explains.

Ryne was flattered over Amanda's words and nodded. "What about Anderson?" He asked.

"A human," she says. "I met him when I applied at the clinic. Our medicine, except for male pregnancy, is the same as yours. I explained this to him, like I did you, and he was very accepting." She feels his belly again. "Feeling anything?"

"Confusion mostly." Ryne said as he moaned in pleasure by Amanda's belly rub.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I told you sooner." She presses around gently, trying to feel the baby's position.

Ryne moaned. "It's okay. I forgive you. Just please help get the last one out." He said.

"Just push when you're ready," she says, moving back between his legs.

Ryne moaned as he felt the last child begin to come out.

"Come on, you're almost done, Push," she encourages.

Ryne moaned louder as the baby began to crown. Ryne panted as he was too tired.

"Baby's crowning, almost through," she says, patting his inner thigh. "I need you to push."

Rune moaned as he pushed. He felt the begin to emerge before stopping in the middle.

"Kerp pushing, you're almost there," she encourages. The huge head is halfway out.

Ryne moaned louder and louder as he pushed. The baby started to slip out of him.

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