Alien Neighbour (closed)

She gently felt his pulse and watched his breathing. She gently slips a blood pressure cuff on his arm. She begind to pump it, trying not to wake him.

Ryne snored lightly as he was too tired from the birth.

Amanda finishes, and leaves to let him rest.

Ryne slept peacefully all night. In the morning, Ryne woke up and looked for the babies. He found his babies in a makeshift nursery. He took Ruby up into his arms as he looked at his sleeping daughter. "You, your sisters and your brother are going to have some new siblings soon."

Amanda comes into the in-progress nursery with four warm bottles. She is surprised to find Ryne up and walking. "Good morning, how are you feeling?"

"A little sore but I wanted to see my babies." Ryne stated.

"You look well," she says, handing him a bottle before placing the others on the changing table. She picks up Jade and begins to feed her. "You're amazing," she smiles at Ryne.

Ryne smiled. "Call it maternal instinct. it paternal?" He asked as he fed Ruby then Adam.

She laughs. "I guess we need to get the stuff from your house and bring it here later," she says, picking up Katrina. "Dr. Anderson will be back to check on you all, especially Adam, this evening."

Ryne nodded. "I think little Adam is doing better. He looks okay." He said as he started to feed Adam.

"His breathing is a lot better," she says factually. She walks over, placing a fingertip in his tiny grasp. "You scared us there, little one," she coos.

Adam giggled and held onto Amanda's finger. "He loves you." Ryne said.

"I love him," she says, gazing into the baby's eyes. "You hungry?" she says, looking to Ryne.

"A little. Let's feed the babies and go get something to eat." Ryne replied.

"I'm done," she says, laying Katrina back in the crib. She collects the empty bottles and takes them to the kitchen sink. "What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know. Surprise me." Ryne stated.

Amanda decides to order some pizza. "What do you like?" she asks, handing him a menu.

"Meat lovers please." Ryne said after looking over the menu.

Amanda orders over the phone. "Less than thirty minutes," she says, flopping down on the couch beside him. "I'm just amazed," she says, looking at him lovingly.

Ryne looked up at Amanda. "What do you mean?" He asked.

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