Closed Beloved teacher (w/lovebite)
"So you don't love me anymore. or maybe i have only been a casual shag turning into your baby's father." Jacques said quietly. He bit his lips hard hearing Frank's insistence of clarifying the pronouns, and abandoned the urge to continue on this topic knowing it would only lead to a huge scene. "What would happen later is my business." He had lost his appetite as well and pushed his plate away, downing the whole cup of chocolate in one go to calm himself. And they said chocolate would make you feel better, Jacques could only laugh at how untrue that was.
"Jacq... I never said that."He said and met his eyes as he shook his head quickly,"I-I do...feel something for you, but I'm not sure that's enough for me to ruin my life over..."He bit his lips again when he regretted the way he said that,"For me to...change over..."He grit his teeth and turned his head away slightly with a heavy sigh,"Don't be like that, Jacq. Don't be so childish, I'm trying to have a conversation with you, a serious conversation about how our lives will be after this... With this... I know you can't process that, but you need to."He frowned at the other now, if this needed to be said the way it was then so be it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"adn that something proved to be not enough." Jacques, if anything, was hurt even worse by Frank's attempt at explaining. "what i am hearing is something exceedingly selfish and I am the one getting acused of being childish. Tell me, Professor, how am I childish wanting to build a future with my lover. Willing to face the challenge together. Want to be a part of my lover's life." He sighed and leaned back into the seat defeatedly. "Forget it. I am the childish one. Alright. you done? Let's go." He said trying not to show too much of his grudge. Waving the waitress over for the bill, he took out some notes and stood up.
Frank wanted to make this better, and yet he continued to sit down in his seat and reck maybe one of the best things that's happened to him. The man nodded when he asked him if he was done and stood up to his feet as well, grabbing Duncan's seat from the booth and heading towards the front door. "Maybe some day this can work, but not today."He said softly in addition, looking up at Jacques and wanting to give him a kiss or a hug or something to make him feel better and yet he didn't. As they continued on their way to his parents house.
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Jacques felt like he would explode. He's with so much anger against his lover, nto to mention they still had Duncan here. He thought back to that morning when he had been very excited to pick the 2 men that he perhaps loved the most in the world, and how he had been so dejected and fuming now. Yet he had no way to fume out hf frustration. Getting to the car, he looked on when Frank naturally occupied every moment of fussing over Duncan and fitted him beside himself. He stood there watching, and didnt understandwhy he wanted to hold onto this last moment of pretense with Frank. What's the point of graspin on the another illusion.
Frank understood Jacq's frustration and anger at the situation but not towards him, or maybe he was hateful towards him now. He pressed his lips together, but didn't say anything at all as he rubbed Duncan's tummy with his free hand and buckled up with the other as he got settled. The man licked his lips and looked out of the window silently as he reclined carefully enough in his seat so the belt wouldn't dig into his wound.
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Jacques huffed out a breath, deteminedto do it. He would t least have a greaf afternoon, a would-be cozy family moment that would mark the end of their relationship, even though the mere thought got his heart ache so much it might be spltting into two. He recollected himself and slipped in tw driver's seat, though he never address Frank anymore.

Soon arrivin his home, he grabbed Duncan while Frank qas struggling to get out of the car without puling on his stitches too much, and grabbed onto to the baby, not backing off for the firt time when dealing with Duncan.
The professor kept himself from complaining about Jacques taking their son, he bit his lip and simply pushed himself out of the other side of the car. He pushed a hand through his hair as he stood up to his feet, grimacing slightly and grabbing the diaper bag,"Are my painkillers in here?"He asked and held his side as he walked up to the houses porch with Jacq, looking up at the quant cottage slightly.
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Jacques waited at the front door and nodded. "Yes they are. And you aren't going to get the pills until an hour later. That's what they have advised and I am not risking you getting too dependent on them." He knew if allowed, Frank would be taking them like candies in order to "look normal" again. "Once i rang the doorbell, we are a loving couple. Please, at least for this 2 hours, 3 maybe, please." Jacques pleaded almost, his eyes going red. He didn't want his elderly parents to have to worry about him and keeping the facade up would relief much of their concern.
Frank pressed his lips together to keep from scowling when Jacques said that,"Well when it fucking feels like my guts are ripping apart, I expect some help in dealing with the pain instead of just suffering."He grimaced slightly and shifted on his feet as he pressed a hand against his hip and curled forwards slightly as not to tug on the stitches,"I'll be loving if you give me my painkillers, right about now I'm a bit aggravated and not loving."He muttered, until the door finally opened and he put on a small smile as he looked up at the old woman who came to the door,"Hello, ma'am."He pressed his lips together once more while smiling and shifted again,"I'm Frank."He held out his hand to her.
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Jacques smiled brightly as he greeted his mother. "Hi mum." He smiled and watched on as his mother hugged Frank tight instead of taking his hand, showing remarkable enthusiasm for a 70-year-old. "Oh finally Frank! I have been hearing so much of you. That's a handsome catch Jacq!" Jacques smiled at this, blushing a little bit as he replied. "Oh yes, I know that. That face is really hard not to fall in love with. Alright mum, you should release Frank now. Rembmer he's just dismissed from teh hospital. and Frank? This is my mother Ashely." He said as he got closer to Frank after his mother released him, holding his hips to give him some support. he raised the bassinet on his other hand gently, offering him to the old lady. "And this little guy here is Duncan. Mum, meet your grandson."
Frank clinched his teeth to keep from cringing as he hugged her back gently, then stood up straight once more as he blushed himself. "I didn't expect such a beautiful woman, Jacq never seems to fail mentioning that you two are older."He nodded his head,"Nice to meet you Ashley."He said and leaned into his partners grasp, watching as he lifted the baby's seat for her to take and moved to stop him. He didn't feel comfortable about it, Jacq was one person but these people he had just met was another,"Give us time to get inside."He joked with Jacq and moved to take Duncan from him now, or at least get him out of his seat.
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Jacq protested hearing Frank's accusation and pouted. "Hey! I didnt' say that! Mum, don't believe him. Have faith in your son I always praise your beauty before mentioning you are a senior citizen." He smiled slyly as he said so and ducked his head to escape from his mother's fist. His face froze for a split second seeing Frank intercepting with his mother's attempt to take the baby, but quickly covered it up mouthing "motherhen" to his mum. "I smell cookie, can we get in now? And where's pa?" He asked as he swept Frank into the house with his mother stepping aside. "And love, do be careful. YOu know how Duncan tend to fidget now, I don't want him to hurt you, his little feet is getting quite close to your stitches."
Ashley nodded her head some at the word and smiled softly at Frank who shuffled in with the baby in his arms, leaving his partner with the diaper bag and the empty seat. "He's in the den watching sports."She laughed at the mention of cookies,"You've foiled my plan to have them as a surprise after dinner."She joked and rose her eyebrows at what her son said,"Stitches? You've had a sesarian?"She asked and Frank looked back to her with a slight nod, not saying much else as he rocked with the baby on his shoulder.
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"Hmm yea. Long story short, it was an emergency cesarean." Jacques supplemented and hussled everyone in. "I knew you would keep them. Frank, my mum's cookies are one of the best delicacies in the world and if we managed to sneak on them, we probably wont have any space left for dinner. That's why she tend to hide them. Now there! I have let you on a family secret!" As they went into the living room, he helped Frank lower himself onto the couch with the baby in his arms, noticing he had been walking with a little difficulty as the painkillers were dying down.
"Oh, you poor soul."Ashley followed them back inside, closing the front door behind them as Frank smiled subtly,"It's fine now."He said simply and glanced to Jacq as he spoke of the cookies,"Oh?"He rose an eyebrow himself,"Should I be worried about Duncan getting a sweet tooth when he stays here?"He joked softly and smiled thankfully through the pain as he looked up at his partner then his mother as she took a seat beside him almost instantly.
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"You bet. You wouldnt believe how i used to be the fattest... the 2nd fattest kid in my class. Oh well but everybody still loved me for I always have the best supply of cookes for them." Jacques smiled, not ashamed of mentioning things from back then. He saw Duncan startes wailig a bit and glanced at the clock to check i it's feeding time yet. "I could never figure out if that's in or out time. Food or poop?" He looked at Frank and asked with a tilted head.
"Oh, really? I'd like to see a picture of that."Frank smiled slightly in reply and patted his partners muscle gut with his free hand until Duncan squirmed. He lifted him gently and cooed at him,"Shush, buddy... You're okay, Papa's got you."He murmured and kissed his head as he patted his bottom to check if he was wet or not,"Well he's just eaten so I'm guessing poop."He replied and looked up at Jacq as he tried settling the baby for a few moments before gently handing him over to his other father,"Go ahead and change him."He smirked a bit, sitting back.
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Jacques pouted, screwing his brows together and complained. "You always leave the dirty work to me! Mum! look how your poor son got bullied!" He nonetheless took over the small baby and bumped him a bit. "At least you could help by frisking a nappy out of that bag." He turned to ask of Frank before shifting on the couch to clear some space so they could put a blanket on it for the changing. "And you could be a little faster, I start smellign something............."
Frank smirked some,"Well, I had him, the least you can do is clean his poop."He reached over to do just as Jacques asked of him, handing him wipes and a diaper while Duncan whined some. Pressing his own small fists into his mouth as if attempting to eat them, he smiled at their son and stroked his hair as his father took care of cleaning him. Then looked up at Ashley when Duncan was finished, almost instantly heading back to sleep as he laid on the couch freshly changed,"Did you want to hold him?"He asked, collecting the child into his arms gently and kissing his head.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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