Closed Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog]
Kai looked up at Tobias, his eyes growing wide as he shook his head and whined quietly. He seemed to be doing a lot of that, whining, it was damn irritating if you asked him... but, there was no other way to communicate his distress over the situation.

His green eyes were sad and he covered his nose with his paws, clearly very embarrassed about the predicament he was in.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias looked thoughtful, frowning slightly. "I've never heard of an adult not shifting until adulthood." He sighed. "And....I'm not exactly the best person to show you." He added, giving Kai a sympathetic look.

He sighed and slowly got up, wobbling on his own legs as he moved closer to the large wolf. He sat in front of him and hesitantly reached to cup his face in both hands. He lifted his head so their eyes met. "Just relax. Concentrate on how your human form feels. Dont force it." He said. He wasn't sure if it would work, but he suspected relaxation and concentration were important.
Kai nodded his head minutely, closing his eyes and relaxing into the hands that were holding his head; he nuzzled against Tobias' palms and whined softly -- it was quite literally the most tender touch he had ever felt, even if it were a bit hesitant at first; it was very true that he was starving for attention, and not of the sexual variety - he got plenty of that - it was this... This intimacy and tenderness that had been so sorely lacking from his life, even from his own parents.

Kai took a slow and steady breath through his large wolf nose, and when he let it out, he had two feet once again and a body that was not made of fur. He stumbled as he shifted back to his human form, having never done it before, and sat heavily on his rear end in front of Tobias, taking several pained breathes - his insides felt like they were burning, had felt like every bone in his body had broken and realigned; which was essentially true, since the two forms were vastly different from the other.

Kai opened his eyes and looked at Tobias "I don't know why... It's... I've never had it to happen before, I mean... I have always felt it inside of me, like it was trapped inside of a cage and begging to be released... and nothing seemed to work, until last night... It felt dead, inside of me, until you... You awakened him..." Kai said quietly, he didn't seem upset that he now had this whole new life inside of his body, just confused that it took twenty-seven years for it to finally happen and what it meant for him and Tobias, since obviously he had been the key to unlocking his inner wolf.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias curled his fingers gently when Kai leaned into his hand, running them through his thick fur. He was so warm, so soft. Part of him wanted to bury his face in the thick fur around Kai's neck. He expected more coarse oily fur, but that seemed to be mostly on his back. Kai's coat was much more even than his own.

He watched with wide eyes as Kai shifted forms. It was so much smoother than his own. Even with the pain, it looked so easy. He let the other sit back, watching him curiously. He wasnt expecting what he said, biting his lip and lowering his head slightly. "I've been told a Delta's scent is much stronger than an omega's. Maybe that's what broke the cage." He sighed.

He curled up against the side of the couch, wrapping the blanket around himself more. He knew he was no longer in heat...his worst fears had happened. He was tracked by an alpha and claimed....and now he was probably carrying his pups.
Kai frowned and looked down the length of his body - he was naked as the day he was born, but despite the draftiness of the cabin, he was still very warm which wasn't uncommon, since he had always been on the warmer side, but now it seemed like he was just radiating heat from his body. He scooted closer to Tobias, but didn't reach out to touch him, despite how badly he wanted too.

"You weren't told wrong... Your scent is very strong and intoxicating." Kai said quietly, laying an arm over the back of the couch, close to Tobias' shoulders "And I've tried a few different alcohols as well as drugs... Your scent had me higher and drunker than I have ever felt before in my entire life..." Kai whispered, slightly ashamed about his past use of - at least - the drugs... The alcohol was just an every day ordinary thing and not frowned upon.

Kai set a single hand on Tobias' shoulder, wanting to pull the younger man closer to him "I... I really am sorry about last night. I tried, so hard, to control myself and to stay outdoors like I promised... but..." he lowered his head a bit so he could try and capture Tobias' eyes "I heard you scream... and I... I guess I was worried that you had hurt yourself... I never expected that, and... I've never been... around other wolves before to know what was truly going on... I am ashamed and truly regret that I uh... I took advantage of you in that way." Kai squeezed Tobias' shoulder lightly "I hope you can find it in your heart to possibly forgive me?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

When Kai scooted closer, Tobias could feel the warmth radiating from him...he almost wanted to lean closer, but he felt so awkward. Even with his healing and recent shift, his nethers still felt sore. And he could swear he could feel something seeping out, probably Kai's cum...

As Kai spoke, Tobias' cheeks heated up, embarrassed to hear just what his scent did to the other. He nibbled his lip, looking down at his lap. "I....I dont shift like normal wolves. I shift like a bitten wolf, but I was born like this." He sighed. "It never gets easier." He mumbled, lowering his head.

"I can't really be angry at you. Pretty sure anything near me would've tried..." he said, pulling his blanket closer to himself. "I think...I'm still in heat." He muttered, squirming in place. Kai's seed had found its goal within him, but his cycle hadn't finished. He could already feel it, the ache. And being so close to an alpha just made it worse.
Kai frowned and this time, he did wrap Tobias up in his arms, engulfing the other's shoulders with the pure muscle in his biceps and forearms. He managed to snake a leg behind Tobias' back and pull the younger man closer to him "Perhaps... I mean..." Kai blushed furiously and looked away for a few seconds "Perhaps I could continue helping you through it..." Kai said quietly, biting on his lower lip.

He lowered his voice "Is it only the... other opening that helps you through the heat or... does anal work to get rid of the ache as well? I do not have to... I just... it..." Kai blushed an even darker shade of red "I'm an idiot... I have sex - a lot of it - and I cannot seem to speak about it, with you... It is so strange." Kai said quietly, rubbing up and down Tobias' arm lightly.

"I'm... Does anal help you through the heat? This is all I want to know, at this point in time."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias made a soft noise as Kai pulled him close, but he didnt make any attempt to stop him. In fact, he leaned back against him and sighed. He closed his eyes and relaxed, feeling secure in his arms. He nibbled his lip when he proposed helping him through it, looking down slightly.

He blushed furiously when Kai asked if anal would work, squirming slightly. "I.....I dont" he started, getting more flustered. He lowered his head, his hair hiding his face. "You first...." he mumbled, obviously embarrassed about the fact he was still a virgin....or, at least he was until he last night.
Kai tightened his arms around Tobias' shoulders, kissing the back of the younger man's head lightly "I am so sorry, Tobias... If I had known... I..." Kai sighed and hooked his chin over Tobias' shoulder, looking sideways at Tobias with a frown on his face "I wouldn't have done it... As much as I like virgins - as any sane man would - I would not have taken advantage of you... even if neither one of us were in our right minds." Kai said quietly.

He rubbed his hands down Tobias' arms, interlocking their fingers lightly "I want you to think about it - I will give you the day... If you feel like you need me, tonight... You let me know, okay? I will not force myself upon you anymore. This is your decision, and yours alone - No one, not even a stubborn jackass Alpha like me, should take your choices away like that..."

There was that open, and honest, vulnerability again - the one that was more sincere than pretty much anything Kai had ever said; his eyes were bright, and he looked like he would cry; he felt ashamed, embarrassed -- he had definitely done wrong by Tobias in their first few hours, and he hoped he could somehow make it up to him, by being a true man, and not an animal.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias made a small noise when Kai held him tighter, leaning his head back when the man rested his chin on his shoulder. He was quiet for a few minutes, just listening to Kai and thinking. A small shudder ran through him when Kai rand his hands down his arms, making a thoughtful noise, opening his eyes and looking at him. "I don't really put any stock into virginity..." He mumbled, looking up at the ceiling. "I guess I would've preferred it to happen some other way...." He sighed, closing his eyes and resting for a moment.

"You didn't force yourself on me...I asked for it...well, part of me did." He said, reaching one hand up to run his fingers along the scars on his face. "Last time this happened, I defended myself. Almost lost an eye, but the alpha who was trying to claim me almost died." He said, sounding a bit regretful. "So, if I didn't want it, I would've defended myself." He nodded, falling quiet again as he just rested against the alpha, feeling safe in his arms.
Kai nodded and kissed the side of Tobias' head lightly, resting their temples together. He felt no need to speak anymore, he just wanted to hold this man in his arms, warm him from the inside and out. But, of course, his big mouth had to open up anyway "So, does this... this mean we're mated now?" Kai asked quietly, a little hesitantly. "I've never... done this sort of thing before. I really don't know the first thing about being a wolf... My father..."

Kai shook his head and glanced out the window "My father would never explain the ins and outs of pack life, because I was essentially an outcast... I have... had? whatever... no place with the pack because of my latency in shifting forms..."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias seemed to doze off slightly as he rested against Kai, breathing evening out slightly as he relaxed more. But then Kai had to go and say something. His eyes snapped open as he stared at the ceiling. "I...umm...I don't know." He said, looking at Kai and nibbling his lip. "I didn't grow up with other wolves either." He sighed, shaking his head.

He let his head lean back again, closing his eyes. He just wanted to rest. Shifting forms took so much energy, and even with all the meat he ate, he was exhausted. But, of course his body would protest, reminding him why he woke up in the first place. He groaned and untangled himself from the alpha, mumbling something about needing to piss before leaving the blanket draped over him to walk down the hall butt naked. From behind, Tobias could almost be mistaken for a very fit woman...if it wasn't for his broader shoulders. But he did have somewhat defined hips.

He spent a few minutes in the bathroom before wandering back out in a robe with a second in hand. "Dunno if this'll fit you...but, if you want it." He said, offering it to Kai. The robe wouldn't close fully over his chest, but would at least close at the waist...if he wanted some modesty.
Kai smiled and stood up, taking the robe from Tobias' hand. He pulled it on and tied the rope around his waist, he then looked down at himself and almost laughed - it barely covered him from mid-thigh "Right... You know what... I hate being tall sometimes... Must be the wolf thing in us, since we're both pretty tall..." Kai said, scratching the exposed part of his chest.

A loud yawn escaped Kai and he sighed "I think last night wore us both out... You got anywhere besides hardwood floors and a small ass couch to sleep on?" Kai asked, looking around the small cabin curiously, his eyebrow raised up as he took in the sparsely furnished room that they were standing in - either time he had been in the house yesterday, he hardly had time to check out the digs in which Tobias lived, and now, well it definitely looked barely lived in, new and mostly untouched furniture, except the couch.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias chuckled when he saw Kai put the robe on, sticking his hands in the pockets of his own. The one he had on was much longer, though it still ended about mid-calf. "That's my summer robe." He said, giving a small shrug. "If you'd rather shorts, I might have a pair of basketball shorts that would fit." He said, giving a shrug. "But you're right...finding clothes is a pain. I guess its a different kind of pain for you...My problem is being so slim." He said, tilting his head.

"I have a bedroom. I just prefer not to be in there on nights like that. That's why the floor in that room is concrete...can't ruin it." He sighed. His stomach growled, making him pause. He wanted to go back to sleep, but at the same time he was starving..."You hungry?" He asked, deciding if he was going to make any food, he might as well feed both of them.
Kai shrugged his shoulders - the robe raising up and not at all being subtle about what it wanted to show off - Kai growled and tugged it back down "Shorts may be necessary if that is going to keep happening." Kai said as he scowled down at the robe he was wearing

"Food does sound good though... I ah... I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday..." Kai said sheepishly.

Kai rubbed the back of his neck and looked around the cabin again "So, how long have you lived here, exactly?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias held back a laugh as Kai struggled to keep himself covered. "Alright, lemme see what I've got." He nodded, heading back to his room. After a few minutes of rummaging, he returned with a pair of new-looking basketball shorts. "Grabbed these by accident and never bothered to return them." He said, handing them to Kai.

He shook his head when Kai said he hadn't eaten in over a day, "well, I'll make a couple of omelets." He nodded, motioning for Kai to follow him to the kitchen.

"Not long. I bought it from an old guy who used it as a hunting lodge before fixing it up as a full time home. He was going to move with his family, and didnt want to abandon this place. I bought it outright, so I own the cabin and a pretty big patch of forest." He said, talking as he went about starting breakfast.
Kai nodded his thanks and quickly slipped on the basketball shorts, he tossed the robe over the back of the couch; now that his more private areas were covered, it didn't matter if he had a shirt or not - he liked showing off his chest and stomach anyway, and who could blame him? He looked like one of those fitness magazine cover boys that they so often used for picture purposes only - the ones with strong chests and abdomens, sweaty looking bodies... If he were ever offered a chance at it, well, he wouldn't say no.

Kai followed Tobias into the kitchen and smiled "Omelet's sound pretty good right about now... Actually anything does... I'd probably just eat toast if that was all you had." Kai scooted on top of one of the kitchen counters, away from the stove and prep area that Tobias was starting to utilize, he kicked his feet back and forth lightly as he watched the other man work.

"Big patches of forest come in handy... Especially if you just want to run around outside..." Kai said quietly, he still had no idea what it really meant to be a wolf, he just figured that running outside was one thing they could do -- It wouldn't be uncommon to see a wolf running about in these parts, it was more uncommon not to than anything. "Now that we've uh..." he waved his hand vaguely between their two bodies "Done things... I'm not sure how many other of our kind would be that interested in your unique scent... It's uh... different this morning, your scent..."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias had to admit, he was a little jealous of Kai's body. He had always been a skinny boy, even more so when he was a teen. All arms and legs, some kids called him a scarecrow, especially when his long hair hung into his face so that his prominent nose was the only visible thing. He had hoped he would mature into a more broad-shoulderd man, but it never happened. Having hormones from both sexes, he was lucky he just looked rather androgynous...

Tearing his thoughts away from that, he moved around the kitchen to gather things as he cooked. "I like the privacy and quiet. Only thing out there is nature. But, I suppose I'll have to mark my territory to keep other wolves out." He said, giving a small smirk.

But when Kai mentioned his scent change, he froze. His scent was no longer the intense aroma of fertility, begging to be mated... something had taken, there was no doubt about that. But he was still in heat. It encouraged multiple matings to ensure fertilization...

He let out a slow breath, bracing his hands on the counter with his back to Kai. He was having a small panic attack. "I.....I'm pregnant...." he said, his voice small and frightened. He had spent so many years avoiding was hard to take in.
Kai nearly choked on his own saliva when Tobias said that, his eyes bulging comically -- They likely would be rolling on the floor had they not been attached. He swallowed heavily and gripped the counter top that he was perched upon "Wh... What do... How... I... I mean... I know how but... How... How could you know? so soon?"

Kai's mind was swirling with thoughts already - One time, they have had sex a total of one time, last night - LAST NIGHT - and Tobias was already pregnant? It couldn't be possible, could it? Kai rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache come on quickly and harshly. He looked at the skinnier man and furrowed his brows together slightly... If... If this was really happening...

Kai sighed as he slid off of the counter and came to stand behind Tobias, setting both of his hands on the other man's shoulders and squeezing gently "We'll handle it together. It's us against... Well, I would say the world - but I don't think the world much cares for us... but it's us against this community... at least." Kai pressed a small kiss to the back of Tobias' neck "I'm not going to leave you dangling in the wind, if what you think is true - We'll do everything we have to, together."

It was a big step, even - no, especially - for Kai. He had never been the responsible type, not a single day in his life had he taken responsibility for the actions he's committed over the years and now... The deepest shit he has ever jumped into... He decided it was time to step up and be a man - be someone his parents would be proud of - even if they knew nothing about it - because he sure as shit wasn't telling them; they'd... He shook his head mentally, he didn't want to think or know what they would do if they found out about this.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias took slow shaky breaths, trying to keep it together. This was the one thing he never wanted to happen....well, one of the things...the other things were biting a human, and killing someone he cared about. But he had struggled all his life with his unique condition, hating the wolf that caused it....not because of his own struggle, but for what his mother went through.

He whimpered at Kai's words, shaking his head. "The scent change.....something must've changed inside...I'm not sure what, but.....its probably that." He said, his voice quiet. He was afraid, so many worst case scenarios came to mind...then there was the responsibility of a new life...a whole new person created in a moment of animalistic lust. He didnt even realize that wolves often carried multiples.

When Kai moved behind him and held him, he whimpered again, taking slow breaths. "Th-thank you. I'm glad nobody else followed my scent. I....I cant imagine doing this alone." He said, voice cracking as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. His mother had raised him alone, he could never do that.

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