Closed Friends, lovers, parents. (Closed with Dots)
Name: Theo Gallagher

Age: 25

Appearance: Green eyes, dirty blond. His hair was messy and thick, sometimes making him look younger than he was. He enjoyed sports a lot, but since he started working at an international firm, he had been mostly indoors working out in the gym so he had regained his milky white skin.

He was a handsome man with an easy smile. He broke up with his long time boyfriend of 6 years. His ex claimed he had spent more time with his buddy than with him... that had been devastating, but when Theo asked himself, he found he did sometimes feel more attached to the friend he just made than his boyfriend.... and that led to him getting drunk with that exact friend after the breakup, which ended up bringing them a little surprise....

Theo was still not very used to living with his friend - or should he refer to him now as his boyfriend? - even though it was the 5th night already. He was still nervous facing him, and sometimes he wondered if his friend, who he'd only knew for awhile was angry with him for what he did 4 months ago... he pulled on his hair and decided it was time to return home, and to face the man who he might secretly have a crush on. Yes... when he thought about it,.... perhaps he had always been a coward, too afraid to admit.his feelings.

He typed a quick message at his boyfriend/flatmate/pal, and wrapped things up to head over some takeaways. He hadnt been eating this mexican wrap for awhile. He hoped his baby's mommy will like it as well....Theo didnt notice he was smiling so brightly, but yes, thinking about that concept made him happy.
Name: Adrian Griff (Gallagher, pretty soon ;))

Appearance: Green eyes, brown straight hair completely makes his green eyes look even brighter. white skin (not too white and not pale), quite slender build with some muscles. 

Adrian was a nice look man which not really smile that often with the strangers but when he did, his smile was so bright and lovely. He was kinda introvert, so Vincent didn't have many friends, especially when he was working at home now. Being transcriptionist wasn't something easy but not that hard for him as well when he always had a very good grade and knowledge in various language

He was just living his normal life until 4 months ago when one of his friends called him to the bar and everything just went too deep between both of them. He couldn't really remember that night, but he ended up getting pregnant with one of the hottest guys in the high school. It was quite awkward since that night was just a day after his friend broke up with his boyfriend and Vincent didn't want any people to think that he was the reason for that, however, he had no many choices now. Being pregnant wasn't easy although he was working at home and his friend was nice enough to invite him to stay at his place. He ้had no idea what would happen after this, but at least, he had met someone who didn't abandon him and their baby.

He was having another bad day today with his morning sickness. It was still bothering him from time to time although he was 4 months already. He didn't really have the problem with throwing up but he would instantly lose an appetite. He could barely do his work today and he was also thinking about dinner when Theo sent him the message. It felt a bit strange since they were living just for days, but at least, he didn't need to think about the dinner tonight. He was wearing his loose pants and white shirt as usual, but his little bump was quite obvious now. He was resting on the sofa, trying to regain his energy back as he heard something was opening the door. Someone who he didn't really know what to call the relationship between them, but sometimes that bright smile made him feel better from this tragedy.

(change the name in last second lol may change it again, idk XD)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(haha i quite like how you said he would soon become Gallagher ;) hmm.... so, it's Adrian not Vincent right?)

"I'm back" Theo announced the obvious stepping through the door. He was in his full suit that showed off his height and his build. Theo was an attractive guy, but sometimes he didn't understand fully how attractive he was, usually he was quite oblivious to what an effect he could cause on others - boys and girls alike.

He came into the living room. the moment he saw Adrian, he broke into a large smile. "Hey.... how are you doing?" he asked, putting the bags of take aways on the table. Since Adrian was already sitting on the sofa, he decided maybe tonight they didn't need to eat formally on the dining table. That could give them a bit more chance to chat casually.

He looked up at Adrian once he settled the food... and saw how tired the pregnant man was looking. "Adrian...? are you not feeling well? is it the flu?" he asked, reaching out - without thinking too much - to feel Adrian's temperature by pressing his hand on his forehead. "What's wrong?" he didn't feel his temperature being unusually high, but noted Adrian looked quite pale. "Is it the baby?" he asked, joining Adrian on the sofa and squeezed his arm.... then awkwardly released it when he realised how that was a bit rude for him to be holding Adrian's hand like that.
Adrian didn't realize how his roommate was holding his hands for the second before getting back to the sofa. He nodded as Theo asked that, he just realized that he didn't really have the bad morning sickness like this yet after he moved in here. "Y...Yeah, it happens from time to time, but it'll be fine." He said, looking back to his roommate. "smells good." He said, looking at the food on the table. He wasn't sure if he could finish the dinner but it was better to eat something now. Adrian was trying to getting up by himself until he realized that he was too weak to do that now, and it was also when Theo started helping him.

"Thanks" He whispered while Theo was helping him. They were quite close to each other now, and Adrian could clearly smell his roommate. He didn't really know what it was, but that smell made him feel quite better. It was also not appropriate to say something weird ike that as well, but it could be something that he had read about the smell that could affect a person during the pregnancy.

He was leaning on the sofa, seeing how Theo looked quite worried about him, his eyebrows just tired together now, and it looked really nice with his handsome face. "I will be fine, just need to rest a little more. You may need to prepare the dinner tonight." He said, looking at his roommate again. They didn't really have the dinner together but this could be good moment for them to start talking about anything.

(I've heard some story about smell that can have the effect during the pregnancy, some people can't stand their husband smell and sometimes not even let him stay close, but some people will love their husband small which Adrian will be if you like that idea)

I also find this photo online, the carrier doesn't really look like what I imagine about Adrian, but I love that pic and it instantly reminds me of this rp. I also think that the seeder in this pic looks really hot hehe
[Image: tumblr_pfe52toN891r3cd48_1280.png]
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
From the short moment of him holding Adrian close, Theo could also smell Adrian. the man was shorter than he was, so Theo's nose was almost exactly above Adrian's head - and that faint smell of his shampoo and also something else was very pleasant. He felt Adrian nudging close to him when he attempted to stand, and he also took that time to take a deep breath so he could remember that scent... the smell of Adrian.

It worried Theo a lot seeing Adrian's weak state. "did you have anything at all? the whole day? something to eat and drink?" he asked putting Adrian back down on the sofa and looked at him. "you looked pale.... is it normal for you to be this weak?" he asked further - and guilt was beginning to consume him. Adrian looked like this was no big deal. He looked like he had dealt with this on his own before already. But this shoudln't be, he should have been there with Adrian... Theo had also contributed to the reason for Adrian's weakness. He had the obligation to take care of Adrian when he was feeling unwell because of the pregnancy.

"let's not move to the dining hall. Maybe it would amke you feel better if we have something to eat, to give you energy?" He suggested unwrapping the packaging and handed a roll to Adrian. "This is chicken, i hope you like it?" he told Adrian, really hoping this would be something the other man would enjoy.

(oh yea is it? i heard pregnant people could have heightened senses, so everything became stronge rto them - tastes, smells, touches? maybe that was why... and yea, i find it very sweet for Adrian to fall in love with Theo's scent ;)

haha yea? the seeder looks like the serious type. i would try to make Theo like that... this is a very cool picture indeed. how do you always manage to find something so cute?)
Adrian already st back on the sofa while Theo was unwrapping the food. It was so strange but he felt much better when his roommate was around. It might be because of the smell of Theo or something, but ti was still too weird to sid it out now. H got the roll from his roommate, giving Theo a weak smile. "I had the breakfast but not lunch and yeah this is quite normal during the first single months, but thanks again for getting me the dinner. That's really helpful and yeah, chicken is good when I don't feel want to et anything" He said, looking down to his little bump. The baby might be so strong, so he just drained all energy from his mother, and Adrian wouldn't be surprised if it was true with hos strong the baby's father was.

"I have the bag of tea in the kitchen that I brought here with me. It's on the top shelf. Can you get it for me after dinner? It's so helpful with this morning sickness." He asked while Theo was also unwrapping his own food. He moved a bit when his roommate st next to him on the sofa. Adrian could even feel the warmth of his roommate now and it was different from other guys he had met.

"How's about your day? I guess it should be busy, right? It's almost the end of the year." He asked while having his first bite. They didn't sit and talk like this before since Adrian started living here, and it would be good to start talking with someone he would live with for months during this pregnancy. They didn't really talk about the future yet, but what if this was the man who he would live with for the whole life. His thought was interrupted by Theo handling his the water and Adrian couldn't even get enough of that bright smile.

(I usually got the pics from tumblr but it's changing and nsfw will not be allowed anymore)
(I love seeder to be a bit serious tho, but not too much ;) and I thought the seeder in the pic looks kinda Asian and I like it hehe)
(Ps. I didn't do rp for months, sorry for my poor eng tho)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(LOl sorry didn't rspond earlier... i didn't really checked teh forum last night after i logged out.)

"Yea it's busy at work. But things are beginning to look better. I should be having much more regular hours once I got past this period. And you? is it more jobs finding you now with the end of year? are you able to handle that?" Since them moving in togehter, Theo coudl not find hte courage to start a conversation with Adrian. He knew he ought to, and that they should both work towards building a relationship together if they were to raise a child, but he was so embarrassed. This was the first time they talked properly to each other and Theo was very slowly, beginning to relax enough to chat.

He got Adrian's water. "I will boil some hot water for the tea after this. Is it ok? use the tea to settle your stomach?" he shrugged and smiled - and witnessed how a blush spread across Adrian's cheeks. It was lovely.... many times, Theo had questioned himself why he had had spent the night with Adrian, of all people.... and now, he seemed to understand. Adrian was so cute, Theo was easily attracted by him.

They still needed to warm up to each other. And after the little conversation, they were again quiet. BOth of them looked quite "occupied" eating their dinner, but Theo knew it was because of the embarrassment that was so heavy in the air. He decided to switch on the tv, just to make some sound fill the air.

"Any show you like to watch? any particular genre?" he asked casually over another big bite on his roll - it is beef - leaned back into the sofa to get comfortable. 

(yea it's so sad about the change that is about to come on tumblr.... really sad. i will miss all these years of finding lovely materials on tumblr!)

(LOL and ya it has been awhile...the english will come back sooner if we practise more ;))
(it's okay, just rest after the long day at work I understand that :)

"My job is fine. I'm working for the last work of the year and I'll have some time to rest after that till the new year. Luckily, my boss understands my condition since his boyfriend just gives birth to his second child last year" He said, taking another small bite of his food. His boss was just 5 years older than him and they just had the 30th birthday party for him last month. Adrian was so lucky that his boss understood everything about pregnancy and he also did a very good job lately, resulting in harder works but also more money for him and his upcoming baby.

He also didn't really know how to continue the conversation as well. Normally Adrian was quite shy and introvert that was the reason why he chose to work at home. "Movie, maybe?" He said, looking at his roommate who seemed to be quite awkward with his situation as well. "This one, looking good," He said as Theo changed to the movie channel. It was an adventure movie but the romantic scene between two men was playing on the screen. His face was blushing and Adrian wasn't even brave enough to turn to his roommate.

He took another bite, following with the water, trying to ease all this weird feeling. It felt so strange for him and he had never felt like this before with other men. "I...I know him. He's quite popular" He pointed at the actor in the movie which seemed to be the main actor. That actor was really handsome, but he needed to admit that Theo wasn't that much different from the man in the screen. "Do you like watching the movie?" He asked, trying to continue the conversation although it would sound weird to ask that.

(is this too fast to make them a bit closer? hehe just can't stop myself. I also have something I wanna ask for a long time about this rp but always forgot that they should sleep in the same bed, right?)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"That's great. Good to know your boss understands it. Probably he understands more than me." Theo smiled nodding. It was strange sometimse thinking he would become a father in just a few months - and he felt so unprepared. He didn't know what to do, didn't know what to expect, the worst of all he didn't even know his baby's mommy. He was so clueless and it was all so scary, Theo had to force himself to start doing something. The first step: to get to know the other parent of hsi child first.

The name of the movie was sounding exciting - and then even Theo was shocked to see what was happening. The scene of the 2 men kissing at the end, holding hands, sitting together on a bench looking at the sun setting... Theo blushed as well and quickly turned away. Although he was no longer looking at the tv, he could still hear the moans from teh 2 actors, obviously they were engaged in a deep kiss. Theo groaned to himself. They really didn't need anything more to make the situation even MORE awkward...

Finally they moved on to another scene, and Theo felt safe enough to look at the tv again. He nodded at what Adrian was pointing to him. "yea i think he's quite good at acting." he said, unaware that Adrain was comparing the actor with himself. "yea, movies are great. I like ot watch comedies sometimes when I'm bored." he said - and Theo's ears heated up a little because, as a man like him, he was sometimes embarrassed to admit he liked some romance comedy sometimes when he was feeling stressed.

(no it's quite good, i like them developing in their relationship already. Hmm, maybe not in the same bed yet? let's have Theo's house big enough he had Adrian sleeping in the guest bedroom. Hmm, maybe hv Adrian tripping one night, or maybe he had a nightmare, or maybe his leg cramp - easy for pregnant people to have? - and Theo came in to take care of him? later he decided it might be easier to have them sleeping on thes ame bed so Theo can take care of Adrian ;))
(I kinda like it but I think we've done that before, maybe something else to make them get closer? maybe before the shopping scene?)

"Comedies? sounds good. Romantic comedy isn't something I usually watch, but I do like it. I love fantasy, do you know Harry Potter? Quite old movies but I love them. I also love Marvel movies. They're funny sometimes." He said, smiling weakly. It was the first time they had a proper talk like this, but it wasn't bad at all. The movie started to get excited as the adventure had started. It was a very fun scene and it was clear that they also included abs scene with the naked top of the main characters to attract more viewers. It was quite normal for the movies to have gay Men's Relationships now. He had never seen Leo's naked top before but it didn't look different from the star in the movie under the shirt. He shook his head, trying to stop thinking about it. It was so weird for him to think about something like that of someone who he didn't even know him that well.

"If you wanna watch some movie, we can have the dinner like this sometimes. I....I mean, if you want." He said, realizing that he was asking Theo to have the dinner with him. Adrian was still tired from the morning sickness and sometimes he didn't even realize what he said. He usually cooked the dinner for himself but not Tho, mabybe he could do that sometimes.

"About my work, This is my last work before this little one will be born. It will take a couple months, but I'll have some time to rest near the end of pregnancy." He said, looking down at his little bump. He started rubbing his little belly while another hand was still holding his dinner. This might be the first time Theo had seen the scene like this and he could clearly see how much Adrian love his baby. It was indeed unexpected, but it was still his baby and he loved it with all his heart.

(Hmm, a separate room is good enough, Maybe There are like 3 big rooms at Theo's house? maybe one main bedroom, one guest bedroom, and one spare room which will turn to be the baby room soon? As I said that I love it to be like normal life, not millionaire or someone who had a very big house. I'm also thinking they're living in the medium-large size apartment now, maybe? and then they can have a house when more babies are coming hehe ;))
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(LOL yea, i guess we 'd done a simliar thing to that before. then what about have Adrian being the one who seek out Theo for his help?)

"o-oh.. yea sure." Theo looked at Adrian with surprise. This would be a nice invitation...and it'd be such a lovely one. Theo hadn't been eating homecooked food for awhile, not since he moved out. And the idea of having more time to stay with Adrian was appealing in its own. "but only if you dont find it too troublesome or burdening. You are working in the morning, so fi it's too tiring to cook, we can always buy takeaway or eat out." he added quickly. He didn't want to put pressure on Adrian.

Theo relaxed on the sofa holding his wrap, watching the movie. "yea, Harry Potter and a few Marvels are fine to me. I didn't watcht hem all, but i knew them. what's your favourite Marvel character?' he relaxed and naturally, laid a hand on the back of the sofa, across Adran's back. It made him look like he was hugging the smallerman, but not exactly because his arm wasn't touching Adrian at all.

theri talks were pleasant. As soon as they finished it, Theo kept his promise and went ahead to boil some water after clearing away the rubbish. He waited for the water to be done before getting Adrian the cup of tea he requested.

(LOL ok, not huge house. 3 big rooms only.)
Adrian was still sitting on the coach, trying to get more rest while Theo was preparing the tea for him. His morning sickness was a lot better now after Adrian had had some food and also when Theo was around him. He didn’t even know that the smell of someon would effect him like this.

He was rubbing his little bup with somehow got a little bigger after having the dinner. The baby hadn’t moved yet, but it was inside ther,and Adrian was amazed how he would become a mother soon. He turned to Theo as he could hear him walking but his roomate just stopped and watched him rubbing his little hump. “Yes?” He said, gaving a smile to his toomated who seemed to also amaze how amazing of the pregnancy.

“Thank you” He added as Theo handed him a cup of laverder tea. The mug was warm and it felt so good in his hands. “Hmm, I need to get more of this. It taste good, smell good and has no caffeine” He said, taking a deep breath, smelling the lavender tea before taking a sip. You know? I was not a big fan of tea, in fact I usually drink the coffee, but it’s kinda bad for the little one, so I need to change.” He told Theo while watching down to his belly, “He’s so precious” He said, acting like a proud mother, didnt even realize if Theo would feel the same or not.

(That’s not really different haha, how about Theo seeking to Adrian’s room himself? Maybe he still know nothing about the pregnancy(he’s learning, I know), so he seak in the middle of the night to see if Adrian is fine? I just like the make Theo be the one starting the relationship this time. Also sorry if there are a lot of miss spelling, I’m outside now)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
If Adrian hadn't been rubbing his belly like htat, Theo woudln't notice how much Adrian had been growing. Adiran was almost entering his second trimester - and all of a sudden, it hit Theo that he was very close to becoming a parent. He watched Adrian acting so naturally on the bump. He cradled his belly and stroked it so lovingly. Theo was almost ashamed of how he was underprepared compared with Adrian...

wordlessly, he handed the mug to Adrian. he smiled softly at Adrian's obvious excitement over the lavendar tea. "You have changed so much for the baby already... " he sighed. This was what he thought. What he didn't tell Adrian was, he was beginnign to feel guilty for not taking a bigger part in Adrian's pregnancy. He held half the responsibility for bringing to the world this new life. He should do more while he didn't need to carry it for 9 months.

"Do you have books on pregnancies and births?" he suddenly said. From now on, Theo wanted to become a better man. He would not only support Adrian financially, if he ever needed that, he wanted also to take care of this lovely mother-to-be. He knew as a fact the coming months would only become more challenging for the smaller man. he wanted to at least know how to prepare for, and how to better take care of Adrian's needs.

(LOL...wouldn't it be creepy? Theo would come in while Adrian was half asleep... and ... LOL i thought that would be a violation of privacy on top of scaring Adrian when he found a tall shadow standing at the bottom of his bed. i don't mind Theo starting the relationship - but maybe not in this creepy "night attack" way? any other suggestion?

lol don't be sorry, I hv a lot of spellign mistakes as well LOL)
"I have some but not a lot. I should get some more" He said. Adrian was quite surprised how Theo had mentioned about it. He still have time to learn about the pregnancy, and Adrian wanted to do something for his baby. "I don't even why I've changed this much, but you know, it's different when if know that another person is growing inside your body." He whispered, rubbing his little bump. It was a bit strange when Theo sat back to the sofa but this time he stayed even closer to Adrian. He could even feel the warmth of another person, but it felt different but good.

"I wish he's strong and healthy as you." He said, looking u to the bigger man, and didn't even realize what he was saying, but it was true. He hoped his baby would be strong as his father and don't have some health problem like an allergy as he did. Adrian turned back when he realized what he was saying. He said it like they were a family already but he didn't even know what Theo was thinking about this pregnancy. He was glad that Theo decided to keep the baby and accepted to be the father, but he didn't know if the bigger man would really accept this baby when he was out.

He had continued his tea while watching the movie. It felt so much better when Theo was around but Adrian was still very weak. He wasn't even sure if he could walk to his room with this condition. he tried to stand but ended up falling, luckily Theo was there to catch him. It was the first time that they were this close. He could clearly feel Theo's warmth, body, and muscle.

(May not the middle of the night? maybe another day of morning sickness and Adrial was resting on his bed when Theo get inside with the tray of dinner and food? I like taking care at the bed. Sounds so cute to me. I also love when the daddy is the one buying the finding the pregnancy book himself and secretly learned about it, so I don't make Adrian have a lot of it, so Theo can go buy some more and secretly read it to learn about the pregnancy, maybe?)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(yea sure, that all sounds quite sweet. i think Theo might be memorizing all those books secretly, so when the time came, sometimes, he was even more knowledgeable than Adrian himself ;) and the bringing dinner to Adrian was nice, would work perfectly into our plot.)

Theo nodded and made a mental note to buy some more books - perhaps some books specifically for babyfathers. It would cater for different purposes and what he watned to know the most was how to take care of his pregnant wife...

He was focused on teh tv when Adrian muttered the soft words to him - and he looked right back... that was... suspiciously sounding like a confession of admiration. He looked straight into Adiran's eyes and found that his eyes sparkled under the roomlight. There was real admiration in him... and Theo actually sat up straighter to meet with Adrian's gaze.

"oh... y-you... you are quite strong and healthy yourself." Theo's face slowly started burning up and he scratched his chin. The intense look of the smaller man was flattering, and also making Theo blush. He didn't know Adrian had any allergies right now, but he will surely find out about it soon enough if they continued to warm up to each other like this.

Theo watched Adrian stood up whne the movie ended, then he saw the pregnant man swayed on his legs and appeared to be dizzy... "Adrian!" he quickly came to Adrian's rescue. He cluthced Adrian's waist to hold him steady, then wrapped his hand around his back. "Are you ok?" he frowned finding Adrian's eyes tightly shut, like he was feeling too dizzy to open his eyes. "Come here." he said and swept Adrian off his feet, lifting him up in bridal style, he quickly carried Adrian to the guest bedroom where he was sleeping.
"Y...yeah, I'm fine," He said, looking at his roommate who was already lifting his up and carrying him to the bedroom. It felt strange, but Adrian was too tired to walk by himself now. He closed his eyes, trying to rest for a little bit while Theo was carrying him to the bedroom. It was the strange angel to see Theo like this, but Adrian couldn't deny that his roommate looked quite serious with his condition now. It took just a few minutes for Theo to carry him to the bedroom, but he couldn't even forget this moment.

He smiled at his roommate while The was gently placing him on the bed and brought the blanket up, so Adrian could rest properly. "Thanks, Theo. This can be a lot worse if you weren't there." He said, looking back to the bigger man. Theo had already sat on the bed and placed his hand on Adrian's forehead, finding if he had a cold. Luckily. Adrian's face turned to pick as his roommate did that. It felt good but also confusing t the same time. He didn't know if Theo just did this with everyone he knew in general or this was something special.

"Can you get me that book? It's still a little early for me to sleep" He said, pointing at the book on the desk. It was about the pregnancy and birth which Adrian had mentioned to Theo before. "I also most finish that one and that one. You can take it if you want." He said, pointing at another book on the same desk. He was quite surprised with how excited Theo was with all these books, but it was a good thing to see that, at least the father of his baby was caring about his baby.

(do you want to play this scene a little bit, or skip to another? Next scene should be another morning sickness, right?)
(also sorry for laking details or not ding it good here. Just really good at how to make them slowly become lover not just turn them to be each other's lol )
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Adrian didn't feel like he has a fever, which made Theo relax a little. He naturally sat down beside Adrian , and almost reached out to hold his hand. He felt like he wanted to take care of Adrian, maybe in the same way as his grandpa once took care of him when he was little - he didn't know why, but the more time he spent with Adrian, he fel tlike he wanted to be with the guy more.

Theo nodded and took the book. "You sure you don't wnat to slepe first? you look so tired already." he tugged a strand of loose hair behind Adrian's ear, smiling at him and bit his lower lip finding his act was too intimate - he wasn't sure if Adiran would welcome it and slowly, he pulled himself away from Adrian a little. He was still sitting on the bed, but now he wasn't touching Adrian.

"Let's read for awhile, then you need to go to bed." Theo finallly said - and again blushed at how much he sounded like a fussing mom. "y-you... anyway." he said and hid his embarrassment, opening hte book to start reading it.

(yea let's skip... ? hmm, again after work for Theo?)

It had been a few days and the pair had grown a little closer to each other. Theo had spared the time to go shop for his own books - he needed to know more about the pregnancy from the husband's side. He was now more aware of the symptoms that a pregnancy could do on Adrian's body.

that night he rushed back home as fast as he could. Adrian had told him he would cook dinner that night, he didn't want the pregnant man to wait too long.

Adrian was planning to cook some easy cooking food like pasta and salad, but he picked the wrong day to do that. He started having the morning sickness again after the lunch, and it turned worse. He knew that he couldn't manage himself to stand still for that long to cook the dinner, so he thought to rest and he might regain some energy when it was time to cook, but he was wrong. Adrian had been sleeping for 4 hours and it was 6 p.m. already which Theo could be home soon. He tried to step out of the bed but he was too tired now. He finally gave up and just got back to the bed.

Adrian was about to text Theo to buy the takeaway, but it was too late. The guest bedroom was close to the living room and Adrian could hear someone was walking inside which could only be his roommate. It took some time for Theo until he entered the room. Adrian could guess that his roommate might be looking for him at the kitchen but couldn't find him there.

The smaller man smiled at his roommate as Theo entered the room. He could see Theo's face turned from happy to worried face when he was how tired and pale Adrian was. Theo just rushed to him and again checking if he had a cold, but this time his roommate stayed even closer. "I'm sorry, I can't cook the dinner today." He whispered, giving Theo a weak smile. He could see Theo sighed with how guilty he was, but he couldn't help to think about what he said. "I shouldn't promise you like that." He added and Theo was already shaking his head, telling the smaller man that it was okay. He was surprised when Theo st on his side and held his hand gently. It was strange but made Adrian feel a lot better to know that maybe Theo was thinking of him.

(I hope I don't make them too intimate or close, but just can't wait for it and can't even stop myself hehe)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
It was a big surprise when home appeared to dark. Theo thought he would be greeted by Adrian at the front door. He was also sruprised the kitchen appeared so empty and dark. he wondered if the food was prepared in the fridge already, if Adrian had been feeling tired so he was taking a nap.

he went to his room to get changed first. If Adrian was sleeping, he didn't want to greet him in his dirty work clothes. The door to the guest room wasn't closed, so Theo knocked and went in - and was shocked to find Adrian looking so unwell.

He clutched thepregnant man's hand and checked his temperature, then worriedly shook his head. "Don't apologize Adrian... you shouldn't blame yourself. You are feeling nauseous again? for the whole day?" he asked with concern. Adrian's hands were clammy but cold. he also appeared weak. Theo could guess Adrian must have thrown up several times.

"Don't worry. I'll get something prepared. How about some warm soup? will it make you feel better? with crackers?" he asked,copying ideas from the book he'd read. Some dry and mild food should make the pregnant man feel better. "i might not be good at cooking, but i guess i could make some edible soup." theo said in embarrassment.

(nah i think they're still good? lol Theo's not saying it out loud yet but he's feeling a lot towards Adrian already here.)

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