09-28-2014, 10:28 AM
As the demon appear, lilnarn get down from his throne and stand beside the alter so he take a good look on the boy. God he was beautiful. its a shame to give him to the demon. he was curious how much babies he will provide him.
"My lord Grandor- Zath!" lilnarn shout before the demon who was smoke living creature. "may i have your bless to impregnante this handsome boy?" the priest was shocked. "my lord~"
the demon move and place a smoke hand on the boy's belly. "he is ferutile. he will give you many sons" he growled and spoke to lilnarn. "you have my premission. by the end of his impregnante he will be carry 12 babies, and his pregnancy will take 12 months" he declair. "let me take some of your men instead".
lilnarn nodded and the demon took 2 dark elf and eat them. then he vanished and gone.
lilnarn ordered to bring him the boy.
"My lord Grandor- Zath!" lilnarn shout before the demon who was smoke living creature. "may i have your bless to impregnante this handsome boy?" the priest was shocked. "my lord~"
the demon move and place a smoke hand on the boy's belly. "he is ferutile. he will give you many sons" he growled and spoke to lilnarn. "you have my premission. by the end of his impregnante he will be carry 12 babies, and his pregnancy will take 12 months" he declair. "let me take some of your men instead".
lilnarn nodded and the demon took 2 dark elf and eat them. then he vanished and gone.
lilnarn ordered to bring him the boy.
kik: dolria1
Discord : Dolria3#7259
i do only text rp, i dont do cam rp, nor do i send pics or vids.