10-19-2014, 07:56 PM
"Er... hi..." Ash was dumbstruck still when Loran extended his hand, unable to look away from his face. A strange feeling spread through Ash's body when their hands met, his whole body charging with an incredible energy for a split second. The sensation he had seen this other boy before. It was gone as soon as it'd come, but it'd left a durable impression Ash wouldn't soon forget.
"I'm Ash. Nice to meet you." Ash stood up, realizing how tall Loran was. He was barely past the other's shoulder. ""You're new? Really? We haven't met before?"
"I'm Ash. Nice to meet you." Ash stood up, realizing how tall Loran was. He was barely past the other's shoulder. ""You're new? Really? We haven't met before?"